Determine the Role of Customer Engagement on Relationship Quality and Relationship Performance


This conceptual paper aims to investigating the potential effect of relationship market orientation upon buyer-seller relationship with particular emphases on customer engagement, relationship quality, and relationship performance. Engagement is a central concept in the social psychology/exchange literature. Customer engagement explains how social relationships initiate, endure and develop. The literature on buyer-seller relationships has been inspired by social psychology/exchange, adopting concepts such as trust and commitment, but overlooking the concept of customer engagement. In this study we propose a conceptual perspective on customer engagement that is based on the principle of social exchange. We demonstrate the relevance of customer engagement by linking it to relationship quality and relationship performance. More specifically, it is argued that the outcome of relationship quality from a lack of customer engagement by moderating effects of relationship involvement. Purpose of study to provide insight into customer engagement when viewed through perspective of social exchange lens. Objective of study to determine the major customer engagement is really matter in relationship quality and relationship performance. To determine the relationship involvement moderate between customer engagement and relationship quality Key words: Engagement, Relationship Quality, Relationship Involvement, Relationship Performance

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