1,123 research outputs found

    Analisis Antrean Dalam USAha Meningkatan Pelayanan Pada Credit Union Khatulistiwa Bakti Di Pontianak

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    Credit Union Khatulistiwa Bakti Di Pontianak is a credit union, is currently popular and veryinterested in the community. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the queuesystem in service on Credit Union Equatorial Consecrated in Pontianak. This study usesdeskripti. Data collection was performed using the method of observation, and interviews.Data were analyzed using the queue method calculation formula. From the results of thisstudy concluded that the policy of the Credit Union Khatulistiwa Bakti Di Pontianak able togive satisfaction to the members who make transactions, both deposits and transactionsecurity be at the service credit. Credit Union Khatulistiwa Bakti Di Pontianak should putfour cashiers during peak hours such as 10:00 to 11:00 pm at utilizing other employees in thefinance department

    Cygnus A at 99 GHz: Observations of the three principal components and interpretation of the central source

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    The three principal emission components of Cygnus A were observed at 99 GHz, the highest frequency at which radio measurements of this source have been accomplished. The observations show no definite indication of a high-frequency cutoff in the spectrum of the compact central component, which perhaps may be attributed to an optically thin synchrotron source that peaks at a frequency of several hundred GHz

    Syntax through the looking glass: A review on two-word linguistic processing across behavioral, neuroimaging and neurostimulation studies

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    In recent years a growing number of studies on syntactic processing has employed basic two-word constructions (e.g., “the tree”) to characterize the fundamental aspects of linguistic composition. This large body of evidence allows, for the first time, to closely examine which cognitive processes and neural substrates support the combination of two syntactic units into a more complex one, mirroring the nature of combinatory operations described in theoretical linguistics. The present review comprehensively examines behavioural, neuroimaging and neurostimulation studies investigating basic syntactic composition, covering more than forty years of psycho- and neuro-linguistic research. Across several paradigms, four key features of syntactic composition have emerged: (1) the rule-based and (2) automatic nature of the combinatorial process, (3) a central role of Broca’s area and the posterior temporal lobe in representing and combining syntactic features, and (4) the reliance on efficient bottom-up integration rather than top-down prediction

    Syntax through the looking glass: A review on two-word linguistic processing across behavioral, neuroimaging and neurostimulation studies

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    In recent years a growing number of studies on syntactic processing has employed basic two-word constructions (e.g., “the tree”) to characterize the fundamental aspects of linguistic composition. This large body of evidence allows, for the first time, to closely examine which cognitive processes and neural substrates support the combination of two syntactic units into a more complex one, mirroring the nature of combinatory operations described in theoretical linguistics. The present review comprehensively examines behavioural, neuroimaging and neurostimulation studies investigating basic syntactic composition, covering more than 40 years of psycho- and neuro-linguistic research. Across several paradigms, four key features of syntactic composition have emerged: (1) the rule-based and (2) automatic nature of the combinatorial process, (3) a central role of Broca’s area and the posterior temporal lobe in representing and combining syntactic features, and (4) the reliance on efficient bottom-up integration rather than top-down prediction

    Preliminary report on IUE spectra of the Crab Nebula

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    The Crab Nebula is marginally observable with the IUE. Observations of the optically brightest filamentary regions, made with IUE in August 1979, show the C IV lambda 1549, He II lambda 1640, and C III lambda 1909 emission lines. The intensities of these lines were compared with the visual wavelength data. It appears that carbon is not overabundant in the Crab; carbon/oxygen is approximately normal and oxygen is slightly scarcer than normal as a fraction of the total mass