16 research outputs found

    Programa de educação continuada em saúde

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    Trabalho apresentado no 31º SEURS - Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 04 a 07 de agosto de 2013 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.Os atendimentos realizados pelos prestadores de serviços de saúde vêm aumentando a cada dia e como consequência, os órgãos fiscalizadores dos serviços de saúde, intensificaram a fiscalização assegurando aos beneficiários do setor saúde, um atendimento de qualidade com o menor risco e afeitos adversos possíveis. Para tanto, recomenda-se a elaboração de um MBP (Manual de Boas Práticas) e PO (Procedimentos Operacionais), que são documentos que descrevem as atividades e os procedimentos que o serviço de saúde adota para garantir segurança e qualidade sanitária aos seus consumidores. O objetivo do Programa de Educação Continuada em Saúde – Udesc é proporcionar aos enfermeiros das ESF no município de Chapeco/SC, atualização acerca do processamento de materiais e auxiliar no desenvolvimento do MBP e PO do Centro de Material e Esterilização, bem como uniformizar ações de limpeza, empacotamento, esterilização e registros no processo de esterilização em serviços ambulatoriais de saúde do trabalhador. A metodologia a ser utilizada será uma metodologia alternativa, adaptando recursos utilizados em grupo focal. Com base no exposto, faz-se necessário vincular o ensino e pesquisa com o retorno à comunidade através da extensão para melhoria da qualidade do processo de esterilização desenvolvido na atenção básica de saúde e na saúde do trabalhador em Chapecó/SC

    Breast Cancer-Initiating Cells: Insights into Novel Treatment Strategies

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    There is accumulating evidence that breast cancer may arise from mutated mammary stem/progenitor cells which have been termed breast cancer-initiating cells (BCIC). BCIC identified in clinical specimens based on membrane phenotype (CD44+/CD24−/low and/or CD133+ expression) or enzymatic activity of aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1+), have been demonstrated to have stem/progenitor cell properties, and are tumorigenic when injected in immunocompromized mice at very low concentrations. BCIC have also been isolated and in vitro propagated as non-adherent spheres of undifferentiated cells, and stem cell patterns have been recognized even in cancer cell lines. Recent findings indicate that aberrant regulation of self renewal is central to cancer stem cell biology. Alterations in genes involved in self-renewal pathways, such as Wnt, Notch, sonic hedgehog, PTEN and BMI, proved to play a role in breast cancer progression. Hence, targeting key elements mediating the self renewal of BCIC represents an attractive option, with a solid rationale, clearly identifiable molecular targets, and adequate knowledge of the involved pathways. Possible concerns are related to the poor knowledge of tolerance and efficacy of inhibiting self-renewal mechanisms, because the latter are key pathways for a variety of biological functions and it is unknown whether their interference would kill BCIC or simply temporarily stop them. Thus, efforts to develop BCIC-targeted therapies should not only be focused on interfering on self-renewal, but could seek to identify additional molecular targets, like those involved in regulating EMT-related pathways, in reversing the MDR phenotype, in inducing differentiation and controlling cell survival pathways

    Estratégias de leitura versus educação básica: possibilidades de interlocução no texto literário

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    Este artigo contempla a importância das estratégias de leitura para potencializar o ato leitor em crianças da educação básica. Contrárias às práticas arcaicas dessa atividade protagonizadas na maioria das salas de aula em nosso território, as estratégias podem dinamizar o processo de leitura e contribuir para a formação de leitores mais ativos e autônomos. As pesquisas e reflexões de Isabel Solé, Cyntia Graziella G. Simões Girotto e Renata Junqueira de Souza foram utilizadas como fonte de estudos e reflexões que inspiram transformações nessa atividade tão imprescindível para efetivar o papel a que a Literatura está vinculada. Como mostra da aplicação das estratégias, utilizou-se o livro A árvore de Beto, de Ruth Rocha, a fim de ilustrar algumas sugestões de atividades como estímulo para uma prática diferenciada. As sistematizações apresentadas servem para propor ao mediador outras formas de ler o texto literário, privilegiando o conhecimento prévio e o uso de inferências.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Leitura. Estratégias de leitura. A árvore de Beto

    Clusters of Survivors of COVID-19 Associated Acute Respiratory Failure According to Response to Exercise

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    COVID-19 survivors are associated with acute respiratory failure (ARF) and show a high prevalence of impairment in physical performance. The present studied aimed to assess whether we may cluster these individuals according to an exercise test. The presented study is a retrospective analysis of 154 survivors who were admitted to two hospitals of Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri network, Italy. Clinical characteristics, walked distance, heart rate (HR), pulse oximetry (SpO2), dyspnoea, and leg fatigue (Borg scale: Borg-D and Borg-F, respectively) while performing the six-minute walking test (6MWT) were entered into unsupervised clustering analysis. Multivariate linear regression identified variables that were informative for the set of variables used for cluster definition. Cluster 1 (C1: 86.4% of participants) and Cluster 2 (C2: 13.6%) were identified. Compared to C1, the individuals in C2 were significantly older, showed significantly higher increase in fatigue and in dyspnoea, greater reduction in SpO2, and a lower HRpeak during the test. The need of walking aids, time from admission to acute care hospitals, age, body mass index, endotracheal intubation, baseline HR and baseline Borg-D, and exercise-induced SpO2 change were significantly associated with the variables that were used for cluster definition. Different characteristics and physiological parameters during the 6MWT characterise survivors of COVID-19-associated ARF. These results may help in the management of the long-term effects of the disease

    Potentiation of paclitaxel-induced apoptosis by the novel cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor NU6140: a possible role for survivin down-regulation

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    Abstract Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK) play a crucial role in the control of the cell cycle. Aberrations in the control of cell cycle progression occur in the majority of human malignancies; hence, CDKs are promising targets for anticancer therapy. Here, we define the cellular effects of the novel CDK inhibitor NU6140, alone or in association with paclitaxel, with respect to inhibition of cell proliferation and cell cycle progression and induction of apoptosis in HeLa cervical carcinoma cells and in comparison with purvalanol A. Both CDK inhibitors induced a concentration-dependent cell cycle arrest at the G 2 -M phase and an increase in the apoptotic rate, with a concomitant down-regulation of the antiapoptotic protein survivin, a member of the inhibitors of apoptosis protein family. Notably, the addition of NU6140 to paclitaxeltreated cells resulted in markedly increased cytotoxic effect and apoptotic response in comparison with the paclitaxel-purvalanol A combination (86 F 11% and 37 F 8%, respectively). Similarly, the extent of caspase-9 and caspase-3 activation in paclitaxel-NU6140 -treated cells was f4-fold higher than after the paclitaxel-purvalanol A combination. Moreover, an almost complete abrogation of the expression of the active, Thr 34 -phosphorylated form of survivin was observed in cells exposed to the paclitaxel-NU6140 combination. A synergistic effect of the paclitaxel-NU6140 combination, as a consequence of survivin inhibition and increased activation of caspase-9 and caspase-3, was also observed in OAW42/e ovarian cancer line but not in the derived OAW42/Surv subline ectopically expressing survivin. Results from this study indicate that NU6140 significantly potentiates the apoptotic effect of paclitaxel, with inhibition of survivin expression/phosphorylation as the potential mechanism