28 research outputs found

    Štetne grinje gajenih biljaka - aktuelni problemi, inovativni pristupi proučavanju i mogućnosti suzbijanja

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    In the middle of the last century, mites moved into the focus of attention as pests relevant to agriculture, forestry and landscape horticulture, presumably in direct reaction to the 'green revolution' that involved plant cultivation in large-plot monocropping systems, improved methods of cultivation, selection of high-yielding cultivars and intensified use of pesticides and mineral fertilizers. Agroecosystems in which phytophagous mites have become harmful organisms are primarily orchards, vineyards, greenhouses, urban greeneries, plant nurseries and stored plant products, as well as annual field crops to a somewhat lesser degree. Phytophagous mite species belong to a variety of spider mites (Tetranychidae), false spider mites (Tenuipalpidae), gall and rust mites (Eriophyoidae), tarsonemid mites (Tarsonemidae) and acarid mites (Acaridae). Most of these harmful species are widespread, some of them having more economic impact than others and being more detrimental as depending on various specificities of each outdoor agroecosystem in any particular climatic region. The first segment of this overview focuses on the most significant mite pests of agroecosystems and urban horticultural areas in European countries, our own region and in Serbia today, primarily on species that have caused problems in recent years regarding plant production, and it also discusses various molecular methods available for investigating different aspects of the biology of phytophagous mites. Also, acaricides are discussed as a method of controlling mite pests in the light of the current situation and trends on pesticide markets in Serbia and the European Union member-countries.Značaj grinja kao štetočina u poljoprivredi, šumarstvu i pejzažnoj hortikulturi uočen je sredinom prošlog veka i smatra se direktnom posledicom 'zelene revolucije', odnosno gajenja biljaka u monokulturi na velikim površinama, poboljšanih metoda uzgoja, selekcije visokorodnih sorti, intenzivne primene pesticida i mineralnih đubriva. Agroekosistemi u kojima su fitofagne grinje postale štetne su pre svega voćnjaci, vinogradi, zaštićen prostor (staklenici i plastenici), urbano zelenilo, rasadnici i uskladišteni proizvodi, a u nešto manjoj meri i jednogodišnji njivski usevi. Fitofagne grinje sreću se među paučinarima (Tetranychidae), pljosnatim grinjama (Tenuipalpidae), galiformnim i rđastim grinjama (Eriophyoidae), tarzonemidama (Tarsonemidae) i akaridama (Acaridae). Većina štetnih vrsta je široko rasprostranjena, ali neke su ekonomski značajnije od ostalih i ispoljavaju različitu štetnost u zavisnosti od specifičnosti agroekosistema u različitim klimatskim područjima, kada su u pitanju biljne vrste gajene u otvorenom polju. U prvom delu rada obrađene su najznačajnije štetne vrste grinja u agroekosistemima i urbanoj hortikulturi u evropskim zemljama, zemljama u okruženju i u Srbiji danas, pre svega vrste koje su u poslednje vreme postale problem u biljnoj proizvodnji, uz osvrt na primenu molekularnih metoda u proučavanju različitih aspekata biologije fitofagnih grinja. Takođe, ukazano je na mogućnosti suzbijanja štetnih grinja akaricidima, imajući u vidu stanje i perspektive tržišta pesticida u Srbiji i zemljama članicama Evropske unije

    Pesticides and Arthropods: Sublethal Effects and Demographic Toxicology

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    Insecticides and acaricides designed to control primary harmful insects and mites may also variously affect some other arthopods present in an (agro)ecosystem (e.g. secondary pests, predators, parasitoids, saprophytes, bioindicators, pollinators). Apart from insecticides and acaricides, arthropods may also be affected by the activity of other pesticides (fungicides, herbicides, etc.). Regardless of whether they are deemed desirable or not, the effects that pesticides have on arthopods need to be quantified as closely as possible through appropriate experimental procedures. Data acquired in tests designed to determined LD50/LC50 values are inadequate for evaluation of pesticide effectiveness in the field as pesticidesalso cause various sublethal effects, generally disregarded in such investigations. The sublethal effects of pesticides refer to any altered behaviour and/or physiology of individuals that have survived exposure to pesticides at doses/concentrations that can be lethal(within range causing mortality in an experimental population that exceeds mortality in an untreated population) or sublethal (below that range). Pesticides affect locomotion and mobility, stimulate dispersion of arthropods from treated areas, complicate or prevent their navigation, orientation and ability to locate hosts, and cause changes in their feeding, mating and egg-laying patterns. Sublethal pesticide effects on arthropod physiology reflect on the life span, rate of development, fecundity and/or fertility, sex ratio and immunity of surviving individuals. Different parameters are being used in arthropod bioassays to determine sublethal effects (ED50/EC50, LOEC, NOEC, total effect index). Compared to acute toxicity tests, these parameters improve the quality of evaluation and create a more accurate view of the effects of a pesticide. However, such approach covers mainly fecundity/fertility alone, while all other sublethal effects remain unaccounted for. Besides, it refers to an evaluation of individuals, rather than populations, and it is the latter that are required for a more reliable evaluation of effectiveness of pesticides in real life. A demographic-toxicologicalapproach has been proposed therefore as a way of integrating the effects that a toxicant may cause at population level, which includes the construction of life tables and computation of population growth parameters, including intrinsic rate of increase (rm) as a crucialparameter. Compared to other laboratory toxicity tests, the demographic-toxicological bioassay has been found superior in terms of a capacity to evaluate overall effects of pesticides, and such approach in evaluating pesticide effects is crucial for environmentally-based programmes of integrated plant protection and a competent evaluation of ecotoxicological risks of pesticide applications

    Sublethal Effects of Spirodiclofen on Tetranychus urticae Koch_Pre-Ovipositional Females After Different Exposure Times

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    Sublethal effect of spirodiclofen on Tetranychus urticae females that survived different exposure times in the pre-ovipositional period was evaluated calculating two parameters - instantaneous rate of increase and net fertility - after six days of reproduction. The females were exposed to four concentrations/doses of the acaricide: 96 mg /L (0.24 ÎĽg/cm2), 48 mg/L(0.12 ÎĽg/cm2), 24 mg/L (0.06 ÎĽg/cm2) and 12 mg./L (0.03 ÎĽg/cm2) for 2, 6 and 24h in a leaf disc bioassay. After 24h exposure to 12 mg/L, instantaneous rate of increase was significantlyreduced (0.545; 0.634 in control), while significant reduction in net fertility (20.61; 28.57 in the control) was recorded even after 2h exposure to the same concentration. The effect of all tested concentrations of spirodiclofen on both parameters increased with exposure time. The lowest values of instantaneous rate of increase (0.268) and net fertility (2.58) were recorded after 24h exposure to 96 mg/L. After 24h exposure, the concentration increase from 12 to 24 mg/L significantly reduced both parameters, while a further increase from 24 to 96 mg/L significantly reduced instantaneous rate of increase, but not net-fertility. The results regarding T. urticae population management are discussed

    The Effects of Spirodiclofen on Reproduction of Two-spotted Spider Mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch)

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    Laboratory bioassay was conducted to evaluate the effects of spirodiclofen on the survival, fecundity and fertility of two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) females treated as 3-days old adults with a series of acaricide concentrations starting with the concentration discriminative for eggs and immatures. After a 24 h exposure, the proportion of females that survived treatment was 0.86 (6 mg/L), 0.71 (12 mg/L), 0.54 (24 mg/L), 0.50 (48 mg/L) and 0.44 (96 mg/L). Over the following five days, the survival rates of females treated with 6 mg/L and 12 mg/L were considerably below the survival rate of untreated females, but they still remained above the survival rates of females treated with other concentrations.Total fecundity/fertility significantly decreased as concentrations of spirodiclofen increased. The highest concentration, 96 mg/L, completely terminated egg-laying, while only two and three females of those surviving the respective concentrations of 48 mg/L and 24 mg/Llaid viable eggs. On the other hand, 60% and 84% of female survivors of treatments with the respective concentrations of 12 mg/L and 6 mg/L laid viable eggs; total fertility of these females was reduced by 58.6 and 45.2%, respectively. On the first day after treatment, thefemales treated with 24 mg/L, 12 mg/L and 6 mg/L laid eggs; viable eggs were laid only by the latter group and the percentage of hatching was barely 3.1% (89% in control). On the second day, the females treated with 48 mg/L also began to lay eggs, but viable eggs were laid only by females treated with 12 mg/L and 6 mg/L (the respective percentages of hatching were 28.5% and 65.3%; 93.9% in control). From the third day onward, viable eggs were laid also by females treated with 48 mg/L, and the difference in hatchability was considerably smaller or disappeared completely. Compared to control, gross fecundity was significantly reduced by all concentrations on the first day only, and gross fertility on the first two days of trial. No significant difference in gross fecundity/fertility was observed further on until the end of the trial between untreated females and those treated with 6 mg/L and 12 mg/L. However, all concentrations significantly reduced net fecundity/fertility throughout the trial, which indicates a considerable impact of the decreased female survival rate on overall reduction in net fertility, especially from the third day onward. Sublethal effects ofspirodiclofen and its impact on T. urticae management are discussed

    Mite Pests in Plant Crops – Current Issues, Inovative Approaches and Possibilities for Controlling Them (1)

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    In the middle of the last century, mites moved into the focus of attention as pests relevantto agriculture, forestry and landscape horticulture, presumably in direct reactionto the “green revolution” that involved plant cultivation in large-plot monocropping systems,improved methods of cultivation, selection of high-yielding cultivars and intensifieduse of pesticides and mineral fertilizers. Agroecosystems in which phytophagous miteshave become harmful organisms are primarily orchards, vineyards, greenhouses, urbangreeneries, plant nurseries and stored plant products, as well as annual field crops to asomewhat lesser degree. Phytophagous mite species belong to a variety of spider mites(Tetranychidae), false spider mites (Tenuipalpidae), gall and rust mites (Eriophyoidae), tarsonemidmites (Tarsonemidae) and acarid mites (Acaridae). Most of these harmful speciesare widespread, some of them having more economic impact than others and being moredetrimental as depending on various specificities of each outdoor agroecosystem in anyparticular climatic region.The first segment of this overview focuses on the most significant mite pests ofagroecosystemsand urban horticultural areas in European countries, our own region andin Serbia today, primarily on species that have caused problems in recent years regardingplant production, and it also discusses various molecular methods available for investigatingdifferent aspects of the biology of phytophagous mites. Also, acaricides are discussedas a method of controlling mite pests in the light of the current situation and trends on pesticidemarkets in Serbia and the European Union member-countrie

    Effects of Insecticides on Strawberry Aphid Chaetosiphon fragaefolii (Cockerell) on Resistant and Susceptible Strawberry Genotypes

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    Strawberry aphid, Chaetosiphon fragaefolii (Cockerell), is the most important vector ofstrawberry virus. Breeding of genotypes resistant to this pest is an important preventivecontrol measure, which can be compatible with rational insecticide application. The aimof the paper was to determine effects of dimethoate and deltamethrin on C. fragaefoliipopulations reared on two strawberry genotypes different in susceptibility: susceptiblestrawberry cultivar ÄŚaÄŤanska rana and medium resistant hybrid, zf/1/94/96 (Senga Fructarinax Del Norte). Lower toxicity of deltamethrin was observed (laboratory assay) as well aslower biological efficacy of dimethoate at lower concentrations (field trial) for specimensfrom C. fragaefolii population reared on susceptible strawberry cultivar ÄŚaÄŤanska rana

    Tetranychus evansi Baker & Pritchard 1960

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    <i>Tetranychus evansi</i> Baker & Pritchard, 1960 <p> <b>Origin of the specimens examined</b> — Area F: Šabac-Debrc (44°37’44”N, 19°54’11”E), on <i>Solanum lycopersicum</i> (Solanaceae), 3♀ and 2♂, 22/08/2013.</p> <p> <b>Remarks</b> — This species has been found in 42 countries from various regions on 136 host plants from 36 families, with a preference for Solanaceae (Migeon and Dorkeld, 2017). The species is native to South America and currently an invasive pest species in Europe, found in Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Greece and Turkey (Boubou <i>et al.</i>, 2011; Kazak <i>et al.</i>, 2017). According to the modeling distribution of <i>T. evansi</i>, as a tropical nondiapausing species (Migeon <i>et al.</i>, 2009), its northward outdoor establishment in Eurasia appears to be mainly limited by cold stress. In this area, Mediterranean Basin corresponds to climatic borders for this mite where quite mild winters can explain its establishment, but this species could be able to survive in protected environments. In Serbia, this species was found on tomato grown in two greenhouses near Belgrade. Its possible introduction with infested plant materials would explain why this species is present in a country where the climatic conditions should not allow to this species to survive and settle.</p>Published as part of <i>Marić, Ivana, MarÄŤić, Dejan, Petanović, Radmila & Auger, Philippe, 2018, Biodiversity of spider mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) in Serbia: a review, new records and key to all known species, pp. 3-14 in Acarologia 58 (1)</i> on page 10, DOI: 10.24349/acarologia/20184223, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/4502252">http://zenodo.org/record/4502252</a&gt

    Bryobia praetiosa Koch 1836

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    Bryobia praetiosa Koch, 1836 Origin of the specimens examined — Area I: Valjevo-Jovanje (44°15’39”N, 19°49’10”E), on Atriplex patula (Amaranthaceae), 7♀, 23/05/2013; Area Q: Trstenik-Počekovina (43°35’23”N, 21°05’35”E), on Apium graveolens (Apiaceae), 12♀, 27/06/2015; Area D: Bavanište (44°49’44”N, 20°53’06”E), on Ambrosia artemisifolia (Asteraceae), 6♀, Taraxacum officinale (Asteraceae), 2♀, 04/09/2013; Area B: Lukićevo (45°20’20”N, 20°29’56”E), on Artemisia vulgaris (Asteraceae), 7♀, 26/07/2015; Area W: Prokuplje, Rastovnica (43°12’03”N, 21°35’38”E), on Euphorbia cyparissias (Euphorbiaceae), 6♀, 12/08/2010; Area K: Kučevo-Rabrovo (44°33’37”N, 21°31’52”E), on Hordeum murinum (Poaceae), 2♀, Ranunculus aconitifolius (Ranunculaceae), 12♀, 21/08/2015; Area O: Tara-Kaluđerske Bare (43°52’22”N, 19°24’41”E), on Malus pumilla (Rosaceae), 21♀, 19/05/2013, Zlatibor-Dobroselica, on Fragaria vesca (Rosaceae), 3♀, 23/07/2014; Area S: Nova Varoš-Draglica (43°34’45”N, 19°46’56”E), on Pyrus communis (Rosaceae), 3♀, 28/09/2015; Area P: Čačak-Riđage (43°53’52”N, 20°16’18”E), on Rubus fruticosus (Rosaceae), 4♀, 31/08/2015. Remarks — This species was found on 12 host plants from seven families, with nine plant species as its new hosts in the world A (. patula, E. cyparissias and R. aconitifolius are new hosts for spider mites). It is a worldwide distributed species of some economic importance, found on 269 host plants from 70 families. In Palearctic region it was recorded in 29 countries, including Greece and Romania in the Balkans (Vacante, 2016; Migeon and Dorkeld, 2017).Published as part of Marić, Ivana, MarÄŤić, Dejan, Petanović, Radmila & Auger, Philippe, 2018, Biodiversity of spider mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) in Serbia: a review, new records and key to all known species, pp. 3-14 in Acarologia 58 (1) on pages 8-9, DOI: 10.24349/acarologia/20184223, http://zenodo.org/record/450225


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    Tetranychinae 11. Empodium claw-like, small; duplex setae not closely associated, dorsohysterosomal setae nearly as long as intervals between them.......................................... E. buxi — Empodium claw-like or spit distally, 2 pairs of duplexes present on tarsus I, f 1 setae in normal position..................................................................... 12 12. 2 pairs of ventrocaudal (para-anal) setae........................................... 13 — 1 pair of ventrocaudal setae....................................................... 31 13. Empodium claw-like............................................................ 14 — Empodium split into up to 3 pairs of hairs.......................................... 18 14. Empodium a single claw-like structure, with proximoventral hairs....................15 — Empodium split into 2 claw-like structures..........................................16 15. f 2 and h 1 setae similar in length............................................... P. citri — f 2 setae about 1.5 longer than h 1 setae.......................................... P. ulmi 16. Dorsocentral hysterosomal setae far longer than intervals between two consecutive rows, reaching past second seta caudad......................................... S... parasemus — Dorsocentral hysterosomal setae about as long or slightly longer than intervals between two consecutive setae................................................................... 17 17. Male aedeagus without knob, needle like, sinuous, tapering distally......... S... garmani — Male aedeagus up turned, knob with both projection acute, posterior one well developed, elongate, tapering, forming an angle about 45° with the shaft axis............. S... schizopus 18. Empodium split distally, dorsal body setae set on strong tubercles.................... 19 — Empodium split near the middle................................................... 20 19. Palptibial claw longer than palptarsus, stylophore rounded anteriorly............ N.. rubi — Palptibial claw shorter than palptarsus, stylophore notched anteriorly......... N.. rubicola 20. Male aedeagus obviously downcurved posteriorly.................................. 21 — Male aedeagus long, tapering, straight or sinuous....................................24 21. Aedeageal knob present, anterior and posterior projections acute, male spinneret tiny..... .......................................................................... E. rubiphilus — Aedeagus sigmoid, without knob.................................................. 22 22. Aedeagus tip upturned, not tapering........................................ E.. fraxini — Aedeagus tip not upturned and acute............................................... 23 23. Peritreme straight distally, male spinneret tiny.............................. E. deflexus — Peritreme hooked distally, male spinneret well developed..................... E... clitus 24. Distal end of peritreme branched or anastomosing........................... E.. populi — Peritremal end straight or bent..................................................... 25 25. Peritreme straight, bulbous distally........................................ E.. carpini — Peritreme bent distally or U-shaped................................................ 26 26. Aedeagus long, slender, nearly straight.................................. E... tiliarium — Aedeagus sinuous................................................................ 27 27. Aedeagus slightly sinuous, stout, tapering gradually to tube-like tip, down directed distally E. weldoni — Aedeagus long, slender, obvious undulation present................................. 28 28. Distal part of peritreme strongly hooked with several compartments, female spinneret about 2.5 as long as wide........................................................... E. uncatus — Distal part of peritreme bent posteriorly............................................ 29 29. Aedeagus with last straight portion equal to 0.3 time the total length............ E.. pruni — Aedeagus with last straight portion more than 0.4 time the total length.................30 30. Female palptarsal terminal sensillum less than 3 times as long as broad.......... E. aceri — Female palptarsal terminal sensillum 3 times or more as long as broad........... E. coryli 31. Empodium claw like with proximoventral hairs, dorsal setae longer than intervals, 7 and 5 tactile setae present on tarsi I and II, respectively, live females dark red to reddish-brown in color; male aedeagus bent ventrad at a right angle tapering gradually to a slender tip................................................................................... O. ununguis * — Empodium split distally...........................................................32 32. Peritreme bent distally, hook-like................................................. 33 — Peritremal distal enlargement anastomosed............................... A.. viennensis 33. Female tarsus I with proximal pair of duplex setae in line with all 4 proximal tactile setae; knob of male aedeagus with both projections acute, anterior projection small, posterior one well developed, dorsocaudally directed, acute, deflexed distally................ T.... evansi. — Female tarsus I with proximal pair of duplex setae distad the four proximal tactile setae... ....................................................................................34 34. Dorsal margin of the knob angulate, knob large.......................... T... turkestani — Dorsal margin of the knob rounded, knob small............................. T... urticae * Oligonychus brevipodus was not included in the key because there is no reliable data available to separate this species from other members belonging to the genus Oligonychus. As proposed by Pritchard & Baker (1955) topotype material should be collected to redescribe this species.Published as part of Marić, Ivana, Marčić, Dejan, Petanović, Radmila & Auger, Philippe, 2018, Biodiversity of spider mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) in Serbia: a review, new records and key to all known species, pp. 3-14 in Acarologia 58 (1) on pages 11-13, DOI: 10.24349/acarologia/20184223, http://zenodo.org/record/450225