8 research outputs found


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    Es una experiencia en la Institución educativa Tomas Cipriano de Mosquera con estudiantes del ciclo noveno en una clase de ciencias naturales sobre el sentido de la audición, teniendo en cuenta integrar la biología  y la física  mediante el tema del órgano de la audición con el tema del sonido, en el marco de un enfoque didáctico por resolución de problemas, en el cual la pregunta problema central que se generó a los estudiantes, producto de consultar sus intereses, fue: ¿por qué se produce la sordera? Esta pregunta se realizó al comienzo y al final de la clase, mostrando de esta manera al final buenos resultados de aprendizaje en los estudiantes, ya que fueron construyendo  nociones, ideas y conceptos necesarios sobre el sonido con sus propiedades y cualidades; y la audición con las funciones y partes del oído, para poder resolver la pregunta central gracias a una secuencia didáctica de clase que construimos cuidadosamente en el que incluía experimentos, lecturas, explicaciones, materiales didácticos, entre otros, siendo así una clase muy activa y participativa, ya que el estudiante siempre fue el que llevo el papel principal de la clase.

    Actitud, conocimiento y uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) para la enseñanza de las Ciencias Naturales en las instituciones educativas públicas del municipio de Neiva: un estudio diagnóstico

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    Es conocido por todos que las TIC (Tecnología de la Información y la Comunicación) se han constituido en un apoyo para la construcción de ambientes de aprendizaje de la enseñanza de las Ciencias Naturales como la Biología. El gobierno colombiano ha desarrollado un sin número de programas desde el Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN) concebidos en su Plan Nacional Decenal de Educación 2006 – 2016. Se desconoce las transformaciones generadas por estos programas, en cuanto al conocimiento, actitud y uso de las TIC en profesores de Ciencias Naturales de las 37 Instituciones públicas educativas urbanas y rurales en básica secundaria y media, de Neiva Huila. Para resolver esta situación se hace una investigación mixta con un diseño transeccional descriptivo, un cuestionario de preguntas cerradas denominado Actitud, Conocimiento y Uso de las TIC (ACUTIC) que se aplica a 179 profesores,  entrevistas semiestructuradas y observación de clase. Se pretende tener unestudio diagnóstico, un conocimiento nuevo sobre la realidad del uso, actitud yconocimiento de las TIC en estas instituciones de la ciudad de Neiva

    Inter-Rater Variability in the Evaluation of Lung Ultrasound in Videos Acquired from COVID-19 Patients

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    12 páginas, 7 figuras, 1 tablaLung ultrasound (LUS) allows for the detection of a series of manifestations of COVID-19, such as B-lines and consolidations. The objective of this work was to study the inter-rater reliability (IRR) when detecting signs associated with COVID-19 in the LUS, as well as the performance of the test in a longitudinal or transverse orientation. Thirty-three physicians with advanced experience in LUS independently evaluated ultrasound videos previously acquired using the ULTRACOV system on 20 patients with confirmed COVID-19. For each patient, 24 videos of 3 s were acquired (using 12 positions with the probe in longitudinal and transverse orientations). The physicians had no information about the patients or other previous evaluations. The score assigned to each acquisition followed the convention applied in previous studies. A substantial IRR was found in the cases of normal LUS (κ = 0.74), with only a fair IRR for the presence of individual B-lines (κ = 0.36) and for confluent B-lines occupying 50% (κ = 0.50). No statistically significant differences between the longitudinal and transverse scans were found. The IRR for LUS of COVID-19 patients may benefit from more standardized clinical protocols.This research was partially funded by CDTI (Spanish acronym: Centre for Industrial Tech- nological Development), funding number COI-20201153. Partially supported by the Google Cloud Research Credits program with the funding number GCP19980904, by the project RTI2018-099118- A-I00 founded by MCIU/AEI/FEDER UE and by the European Commission–NextGenerationEU, through CSIC’s Global Health Platform (PTI Salud Global)


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    Es una experiencia en la Institución educativa Tomas Cipriano de Mosquera con estudiantes del ciclo noveno en una clase de ciencias naturales sobre el sentido de la audición, teniendo en cuenta integrar la biología  y la física  mediante el tema del órgano de la audición con el tema del sonido, en el marco de un enfoque didáctico por resolución de problemas, en el cual la pregunta problema central que se generó a los estudiantes, producto de consultar sus intereses, fue: ¿por qué se produce la sordera? Esta pregunta se realizó al comienzo y al final de la clase, mostrando de esta manera al final buenos resultados de aprendizaje en los estudiantes, ya que fueron construyendo  nociones, ideas y conceptos necesarios sobre el sonido con sus propiedades y cualidades; y la audición con las funciones y partes del oído, para poder resolver la pregunta central gracias a una secuencia didáctica de clase que construimos cuidadosamente en el que incluía experimentos, lecturas, explicaciones, materiales didácticos, entre otros, siendo así una clase muy activa y participativa, ya que el estudiante siempre fue el que llevo el papel principal de la clase

    Inter-Rater Variability in the Evaluation of Lung Ultrasound in Videos Acquired from COVID-19 Patients

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    Lung ultrasound (LUS) allows for the detection of a series of manifestations of COVID-19, such as B-lines and consolidations. The objective of this work was to study the inter-rater reliability (IRR) when detecting signs associated with COVID-19 in the LUS, as well as the performance of the test in a longitudinal or transverse orientation. Thirty-three physicians with advanced experience in LUS independently evaluated ultrasound videos previously acquired using the ULTRACOV system on 20 patients with confirmed COVID-19. For each patient, 24 videos of 3 s were acquired (using 12 positions with the probe in longitudinal and transverse orientations). The physicians had no information about the patients or other previous evaluations. The score assigned to each acquisition followed the convention applied in previous studies. A substantial IRR was found in the cases of normal LUS (κ = 0.74), with only a fair IRR for the presence of individual B-lines (κ = 0.36) and for confluent B-lines occupying < 50% (κ = 0.26) and a moderate IRR in consolidations and B-lines > 50% (κ = 0.50). No statistically significant differences between the longitudinal and transverse scans were found. The IRR for LUS of COVID-19 patients may benefit from more standardized clinical protocols

    Diversidad biológica y cultural del sur de la Amazonia colombiana

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    La gran cuenca amazónica compartida por Brasil, Colombia, Perú, Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador y las tres Guyanas, contiene una de las mayores riquezas biológicas y culturales del planeta y es considerada parte de la seguridad ecológica global. Constituye el 45% de los bosques tropicales del mundo, es una de las áreas silvestres más extensas y de mayor reserva de agua dulce del planeta, su sistema hídrico es el mayor tributario de todos los océanos, alberga aún, cerca de 379 grupos étnicos y en cuanto a endemismo, no existe otra región que se le aproxime. En Colombia, la Amazonia a lo largo de la historia ha sufrido distintos procesos de intervención antrópica: la conquista; la colonización; el auge del caucho y la quina; la explotación maderera, petrolera; la implementación de cultivos de uso ilícito y de sistemas productivos no aptos a las condiciones del medio natural; entre otros, son procesos que han socavado tanto los recursos biológicos como los culturales. Conscientes de la problemática actual de la Amazonia así como de la importancia que reviste para el mundo y para el país, la Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Sur de la Amazonia –Corpoamazonia– y el Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt –IAvH-, firmaron en el año 2004 un convenio con el n de aunar esfuerzos para formular el plan de acción en biodiversidad en la región sur de la Amazonia colombiana (departamentos de Caquetá, Putumayo y Amazonas). El plan de acción, busca posicionar la biodiversidad en el desarrollo regional y contribuir a un mayor conocimiento y a unas mejores prácticas de conservación y utilización sostenible de los recursos biológicos y culturales de este importante espacio geográfico. Desarrolla a escala regional, la Política Nacional en Biodiversidad y la Propuesta Técnica de Plan de Acción Nacional en Biodiversidad – Biodiversidad siglo XXI -

    Antimicrobial Lessons From a Large Observational Cohort on Intra-abdominal Infections in Intensive Care Units

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    evere intra-abdominal infection commonly requires intensive care. Mortality is high and is mainly determined by disease-specific characteristics, i.e. setting of infection onset, anatomical barrier disruption, and severity of disease expression. Recent observations revealed that antimicrobial resistance appears equally common in community-acquired and late-onset hospital-acquired infection. This challenges basic principles in anti-infective therapy guidelines, including the paradigm that pathogens involved in community-acquired infection are covered by standard empiric antimicrobial regimens, and second, the concept of nosocomial acquisition as the main driver for resistance involvement. In this study, we report on resistance profiles of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium in distinct European geographic regions based on an observational cohort study on intra-abdominal infections in intensive care unit (ICU) patients. Resistance against aminopenicillins, fluoroquinolones, and third-generation cephalosporins in E. coli, K. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa is problematic, as is carbapenem-resistance in the latter pathogen. For E. coli and K. pneumoniae, resistance is mainly an issue in Central Europe, Eastern and South-East Europe, and Southern Europe, while resistance in P. aeruginosa is additionally problematic in Western Europe. Vancomycin-resistance in E. faecalis is of lesser concern but requires vigilance in E. faecium in Central and Eastern and South-East Europe. In the subcohort of patients with secondary peritonitis presenting with either sepsis or septic shock, the appropriateness of empiric antimicrobial therapy was not associated with mortality. In contrast, failure of source control was strongly associated with mortality. The relevance of these new insights for future recommendations regarding empiric antimicrobial therapy in intra-abdominal infections is discussed.Severe intra-abdominal infection commonly requires intensive care. Mortality is high and is mainly determined by diseasespecific characteristics, i.e. setting of infection onset, anatomical barrier disruption, and severity of disease expression. Recent observations revealed that antimicrobial resistance appears equally common in community-acquired and late-onset hospital-acquired infection. This challenges basic principles in anti-infective therapy guidelines, including the paradigm that pathogens involved in community-acquired infection are covered by standard empiric antimicrobial regimens, and second, the concept of nosocomial acquisition as the main driver for resistance involvement. In this study, we report on resistance profiles of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium in distinct European geographic regions based on an observational cohort study on intra-abdominal infections in intensive care unit (ICU) patients. Resistance against aminopenicillins, fluoroquinolones, and third-generation cephalosporins in E. coli, K. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa is problematic, as is carbapenem-resistance in the latter pathogen. For E. coli and K. pneumoniae, resistance is mainly an issue in Central Europe, Eastern and South-East Europe, and Southern Europe, while resistance in P. aeruginosa is additionally problematic in Western Europe. Vancomycin-resistance in E. faecalis is of lesser concern but requires vigilance in E. faecium in Central and Eastern and South-East Europe. In the subcohort of patients with secondary peritonitis presenting with either sepsis or septic shock, the appropriateness of empiric antimicrobial therapy was not associated with mortality. In contrast, failure of source control was strongly associated with mortality. The relevance of these new insights for future recommendations regarding empiric antimicrobial therapy in intra-abdominal infections is discussed

    Poor timing and failure of source control are risk factors for mortality in critically ill patients with secondary peritonitis

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    Purpose: To describe data on epidemiology, microbiology, clinical characteristics and outcome of adult patients admitted in the intensive care unit (ICU) with secondary peritonitis, with special emphasis on antimicrobial therapy and source control. Methods: Post hoc analysis of a multicenter observational study (Abdominal Sepsis Study, AbSeS) including 2621 adult ICU patients with intra-abdominal infection in 306 ICUs from 42 countries. Time-till-source control intervention was calculated as from time of diagnosis and classified into 'emergency' (< 2 h), 'urgent' (2-6 h), and 'delayed' (> 6 h). Relationships were assessed by logistic regression analysis and reported as odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI). Results: The cohort included 1077 cases of microbiologically confirmed secondary peritonitis. Mortality was 29.7%. The rate of appropriate empiric therapy showed no difference between survivors and non-survivors (66.4% vs. 61.3%, p = 0.1). A stepwise increase in mortality was observed with increasing Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) scores (19.6% for a value ≤ 4-55.4% for a value > 12, p < 0.001). The highest odds of death were associated with septic shock (OR 3.08 [1.42-7.00]), late-onset hospital-acquired peritonitis (OR 1.71 [1.16-2.52]) and failed source control evidenced by persistent inflammation at day 7 (OR 5.71 [3.99-8.18]). Compared with 'emergency' source control intervention (< 2 h of diagnosis), 'urgent' source control was the only modifiable covariate associated with lower odds of mortality (OR 0.50 [0.34-0.73]). Conclusion: 'Urgent' and successful source control was associated with improved odds of survival. Appropriateness of empirical antimicrobial treatment did not significantly affect survival suggesting that source control is more determinative for outcome