3 research outputs found

    Buenas prácticas ganaderas en hatos lecheros de Santa Rosa de Cabal, Risaralda, Colombia

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    The objective of the present study was to analyze the degree of compliance of these practices, by evaluation of 99 variables in 21 productive systems in Santa Rosa de Cabal, Risaralda. Only one of the farms complied with the 48 fundamental criteria required and, the degree of compliance of major and minor criteria was insufficient. Only 8 of the farms are certified as free of brucellosis and tuberculosis. The best performing areas are animal welfare (81%) and those related to the milking routine (79.1%); On the other hand, the most deficient were the control of veterinary drugs and agricultural products (5.8%), as well as the conditions of the cooling tank (32.6%). Through a Multiple Correspondence Analysis, a significant association was found between variables involved with the guarantee in the safety of the milk, regarding the operation, cleaning and disinfection of equipment that guarantee an adequate temperature. There was also an association between variables involved in the milking procedure and hygienic conditions during the milking procedure, involving both the operator and the animal. A lack of training and awareness about the importance of compliance with many of these criteria was found, this is a fundamental tool to obtain a diagnosis of the current sanitary status, and in which it may be necessary to take into account other variables, not included in the current checklist, for a later implementation and follow-up to improvement plans of the productive systems.El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar el grado de cumplimiento de BPG, mediante la evaluación de 99 variables en 21 sistemas productivos del municipio de Santa Rosa de Cabal, Risaralda. Solo uno de los predios cumplió con los 48 criterios fundamentales exigidos y en general, el grado de cumplimiento de criterios mayores y menores fue insuficiente. Solo 8 de los hatos están certificados como libres de brucelosis y tuberculosis. Las áreas de mejor desempeño son el bienestar animal (81%) y las relacionadas con la rutina de ordeño (79,1%); en cambio, las mas deficientes fueron el control de medicamentos veterinarios e insumos agropecuarios (5,8%), así como las condiciones del tanque de enfriamiento (32,6%). Mediante un Análisis de Correspondencia múltiple, se encontró asociación significativa entre variables que tienen que ver con la garantía en la inocuidad de la leche, en lo referente a la operación, limpieza y desinfección de equipos que garanticen una temperatura adecuada. También hubo asociación entre variables que tienen que ver con el procedimiento de ordeño y condiciones de higiene durante la faena, que involucran tanto al operario, como al animal. Se evidencia falta de capacitación y concientización acerca de la importancia del cumplimiento de muchos criterios de BPG, que es una herramienta fundamental para obtener un diagnostico del estado actual del hato, y en la cual posiblemente sea necesario tener en cuenta otras variables, no incluidas en la lista de verificación actual, para una posterior implementación y seguimiento a planes de mejoramiento de los sistemas productivos

    Good livestock practices in dairy farms in Santa Rosa de Cabal, Risaralda, Colombia

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    The objective of the present study was to analyze the degree of compliance of these practices, by evaluation of 99 variables in 21 productive systems in Santa Rosa de Cabal, Risaralda. Only one of the farms complied with the 48 fundamental criteria required and, the degree of compliance of major and minor criteria was insufficient. Only 8 of the farms are certified as free of brucellosis and tuberculosis. The best performing areas are animal welfare (81%) and those related to the milking routine (79.1%); On the other hand, the most deficient were the control of veterinary drugs and agricultural products (5.8%), as well as the conditions of the cooling tank (32.6%). Through a Multiple Correspondence Analysis, a significant association was found between variables involved with the guarantee in the safety of the milk, regarding the operation, cleaning and disinfection of equipment that guarantee an adequate temperature. There was also an association between variables involved in the milking procedure and hygienic conditions during the milking procedure, involving both the operator and the animal. A lack of training and awareness about the importance of compliance with many of these criteria was found, this is a fundamental tool to obtain a diagnosis of the current sanitary status, and in which it may be necessary to take into account other variables, not included in the current checklist, for a later implementation and follow-up to improvement plans of the productive systems

    Venomics of the poorly studied hognosed pitvipers Porthidium arcosae and Porthidium volcanicum

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    We report the first proteomics analyses of the venoms of two poorly studied snakes, the Manabi hognosed pitviper Porthidium arcosae endemic to the western coastal province of Manabí (Ecuador), and the Costa Rican hognosed pitviper P. volcanicum with distribution restricted to South Pacific Costa Rica and western Panamá. These venom proteomes share a conserved compositional pattern reported in four other congeneric species within the clade of South American Porthidium species, P. nasutum, P. lansbergii, P. ophryomegas, and P. porrasi. The paraspecific immunorecognition profile of antivenoms produced in Costa Rica (ICP polyvalent), Perú (Instituto Nacional de Salud) and Brazil (soro antibotrópico pentavalente, SAB, from Instituto Butantan) against the venom of P. arcosae was investigated through a third-generation antivenomics approach. The maximal venom-binding capacities of the investigated antivenoms were 97.1 mg, 21.8 mg, and 25.7 mg of P. arcosae venom proteins per gram of SAB, ICP, and INS-PERU antibody molecules, respectively, which translate into 28.4 mg, 13.1 mg, and 15.2 mg of total venom proteins bound per vial of SAB, ICP, and INS-PERU AV. The antivenomics results suggest that 21.8%, 7.8% and 6.1% of the SAB, ICP, and INS-PERU antibody molecules recognized P. arcosae venom toxins. The SAB antivenom neutralized P. arcosae venom's lethality in mice with an ED50 of 31.3 mgV/g SAB AV. This preclinical neutralization paraspecificity points to Brazilian SAB as a promising candidate for the treatment of envenomings by Ecuadorian P. arcosae.Fundação Rondônia de Amparo ao Desenvolvimento das Ações Científicas e Tecnológicas e à Pesquisa do Estado de Rondônia/[EFP-00021744]/FAPERO/BrasilMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación/[BFU2017-89103-P]//EspañaUniversidad de Costa Rica/[741-C0-071]/UCR/Costa RicaUniversidad de Costa Rica/[ED-3248]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias de la Salud::Instituto Clodomiro Picado (ICP)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Ecología Tropical (CIBET)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Salud::Facultad de Microbiologí