1,279 research outputs found

    Wireless Stress Sensor Based on Magnetic Microwires

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    The development of wireless sensors and biosensors is a topic of great current interest. Amorphous magnetoelastic microwires are perfect candidates to be used as sensing elements based on two important properties, that is, magnetoelastic resonance and high-frequency giant magnetoimpedance. It was observed that such microwires present the key feature of performing magnetoelastic resonance, at the kHz range of frequency, in the absence of applied field. This fact, in addition to their small size, gives the microwires unique advantages over the widespread ribbons, currently in use as magnetoelastic sensors. The frequency, amplitude, and damping of the vibration give information of the sensor environment. On the other side, the microwire reflectivity in the microwave range can be modulated by means of magnetoimpedance effect. The maximum-induced electric current, as well as the maximum ac modulation, occurs for frequencies determined by the microwire length. The modulation also varies as a function of the dc-applied field and applied stress

    Las subvenciones

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    La subvención se considera como la transferencia de recursos hecha por el Estado, Administración Pública, empresa o particular a favor de una empresa. El objetivo del presente artículo se centra en profundizar en el estudio de las subvenciones según las recomendaciones y tratamiento contable del Plan General de contabilidad, sin embargo, es preciso señalar la importancia de los pronunciamientos que sobre la materia aparecen recogidos en los Documentos sobre Principios Contables de la Asociación Española de contabilidad y Administración de Empresas (AECA).The grant is regarded as the transfer of funds made ​​by the State, public administration, company or individual on behalf of a company. The aim of this paper is to deepen the study of subsidies following the recommendations and the accounting treatment of the General Accounting Plan. it should be noted the importance of the statements appearing in the documents collected on Accounting Principles of the Spanish Association of Accounting and Business Administration (AECA)

    Aspectos normativos de los gastos de investigación y desarrollo

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    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el proceso normativo español de la actividad en investigación y desarrollo que llevan a cabo las empresas, teniendo en cuenta la normativa al respecto recogida en el Plan General de contabilidad (P.G.C.), la resolución del ICAC (Instituto de contabilidad y Auditoría de cuentas) de 21 de enero de 1992, por la que se dictan normas de valoración del inmovilizado inmaterial y los principios contables sobre el inmovilizado inmaterial y gastos amortizables recogidos en el documento 3 de AECA (Asociación Española de contabilidad y Administración de Empresas).This article aims to analyze the regulatory process of the spanish activity in research and development carried out by firms, taking into account the rules contained in the General Accounting Plan (P. G. C. ), the resolution of the ICAC (Institute of accounting and auditing of accounts) of January 21 1992, by which promulgates rules of valuation of intangible assets and the accounting principles on the intangible assets and deferred charges contained in the document 3 AECA (Spanish Association of Accounting and Business Administration)

    La mediación en la sucesión de la empresa familiar

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    26 páginas.Trabajo de Curso de Experto Universitario en Mediación Familiar, Asuntos Civiles y Mercantiles (2012/2013). Tutora: Sonia González. Estudio sobre la mediación en la sucesión de la empresa familiar. Ideas generales sobre la mediación y sobre la empresa familiar. Especial consideración a la figura del abogado en la mediación. La mediación en la empresa familiar en general y en los conflictos que pueden surgir en la sucesión de la misma. Futuro de la mediación en esta materia

    On the dynamic adaptation of Computer Assisted Assessment of free-text answers

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11768012_54Proceedings of 4th International Conference, AH 2006, Dublin, Ireland, June 21-23, 2006.To our knowledge, every free-text Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) system automatically scores the students and gives feedback to them according to their responses, but, none of them include yet personalization options. The free-text CAA system Atenea [1] had simple adaptation possibilities by keeping static student profiles [2]. In this paper, we present a new adaptive version called Willow. It is based on Atenea and adds the possibility of dynamically choosing the questions to be asked according to their difficulty level, the students’ profile and previous answers. Both Atenea and Willow have been tested with 32 students that manifested their satisfaction after using them. The results stimulate us to continue exploiting the possibilities of incorporating dynamic adaptation to free-text CAA.This work has been sponsored by Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, project number TIN2004-0314

    ¿Pueden los ordenadores evaluar automáticamente preguntas abiertas?

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    Tradicionalmente la sección de evaluación de la mayoría de los cursos on-line se basaba únicamente en preguntas de elección múltiple. Sin embargo, según la opinión generalizada de muchos investigadores, educadores y psicólogos restringirse exclusivamente a preguntas cerradas no permite evaluar completamente las habilidades cognitivas de los estudiantes. Esto ha tenido como consecuencia la creación del campo conocido como Evaluación Automática de preguntas abiertas. Lo que se plantea en este artículo es si realmente funciona. Esto es, ¿cuán fiable es un ordenador como evaluador automático de respuestas en texto libre escritas por estudiantes? Para dar respuesta a este interrogante hemos revisado la historia de este campo y visto como en los últimos años, estos sistemas han empezado a usarse como comprobadores de las notas puestas por los profesores, para asegurar una correcta evaluación. En todo caso no se puede olvidar que los ordenadores (al menos por ahora) no son más que máquinas sin sentido común ni inteligencia propia, lo que les impide enfrentarse con éxito a respuestas demasiado originales que quizás estén bien pero se salen de lo comúnmente establecido como correcto. El desafío está propuesto y, en nuestra opinión, mantener los objetivos realistas será lo que consiga que este campo avance, con paso firme, despejando cualquier incertidumbre sobre su validezEste trabajo ha sido financiado por el proyecto TIN2004-0314 del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia español

    Adapting an educational tool to be used by non-severe cognitive disabled students

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    Also published online by CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org, ISSN 1613-0073)Proceeding of Towards User Modeling and Adaptive Systems for All (TUMAS-A 2009): Modeling and Evaluation of Accessible Intelligent Learning Systems, In conjunction with the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2009) Brighton, United Kingdom, July 6, 2009.Since 2007, we have been using the Will Tools, a set of Blended Learning applications able to automatically assess students’ free-text answers and provide immediate personalized feedback to each student. In this paper, our hypothesis is that these tools can be easily adapted to be used by students with some type of non-severe cognitive impairment. In order to test this hypothesis, we present a procedure to transform the Will Tools into the Will Tools ALADE (the version of the Will Tools designed for students with cognitive disabilities). Moreover, an experiment in which 13 students, some of them with Down syndrome and others type of non-severe mental disabilities, have successfully used the Will Tools ALADE is describedThis work has been sponsored by Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, project TIN2007-64718

    Incorporating learning styles into the user model

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    In this paper, we show the main definitions of learning styles, and a summary of the opinions about the efficacy of learning styles. In addition, this paper explores the application of the Felder-Silverman learning style model to adaptive training courses delivered via the “World Wide Web”. Due to the newness of the Web, its features, benefits, limitations and requirements as a delivery medium for distance learning are largely unstudied and unverified. This paper presents an attempt to incorporate learning styles in adaptive web-based systems and links it to the larger context of web-based education. In sum, this piece of research offers new ideas concerning an Adaptive We-based Education system, which includes the extraction of student’s learning styles preferences and then modifying the course presentation. We have implemented a prototype that adapts the course structure to the student learning style. We suggest the application of the results of the ILS questionnaire to automatically adapt some dimensions of the Felder-Silverman model to the course content and structure. The underlying idea of adaptive hypermedia based on learning styles is quite simple: adapt the presentation of course material so that it is more conductive to each student learning the course. This tailoring should allow for student learning in the shortest possible period of time. This approach has the effect of removing the impact of the instructor’s learning and eaching style and allowing the student to see the material through the clear lenses of his own perspective and learning style.The Spanish Interdepartmental Commission of Science and Technology (CICYT), project number TIC2001-0685-C02-01, has sponsored this work

    Enhanced magnetic properties of FeCo ribbons nanocrystallized in magnetic field

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    ailoring the structure of nanocrystalline microstructures is an important step toward controlled design of novel nanostructured materials and devices. We demonstrate how the nanocrystalline microstructure of Co-rich ribbons can be tuned by annealing under magnetic field. The intensity of the field allows controlling different degrees of order at annealing temperatures corresponding to the first stages of the nanocrystallization process. The energy barrier for nucleation is directionally affected by the applied field. The influence of grains assembling on exchange coupling between grains has been analyzed by means of magnetic domains observation and magnetic characterization by means of a hysteresis loop

    Considering learning styles in adaptative web-based education

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    This paper shows a way of using some dimensions of learning styles of students in order to improve the efficiency of adaptive learning systems. Firstly, it reviews the literature and previous work related to the taxonomy of learning styles and its application to web-based education. Later, it introduces the Felder-Silverman learning style model and the procedure of extracting information about students’ learning styles from the Felder-Soloman ILS questionnaire. Then, it presents a mechanism of application of these dimensions to content sequencing. The example used to explain the adaptation effects is taken from a course developed with TANGOW, Task-based Adaptive learNer Guidance On the Web.This work has been sponsored by the Spanish Interdepartmental Commission of Science and Technology (CICYT), project numbers TEL1999-0181 and TIC2001-0685-C02-01