157 research outputs found

    Servus hereditarius: civiles adquisitiones alienationesve

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    [spa] El título de nuestro trabajo pretende reflejar el contenido del mismo. En él se analizan las adquisiciones o enajenaciones realizadas por el esclavo que forma parte de una herencia yacente. La estrecha vinculacion existente entre el origen y el mantenimiento de las distintas teorias sobre la "hereditas iacens", y la actividad del esclavo hereditario, manifestada fundamentalmente -según Savigny- en relacion a los actos del "ius civile", motivo que limitaramos nuestra tesis al análisis de dichos actos, intentando destacar, la concreta aplicación práctica que, para cada tipo de actuación, y de cada una de las teorías sobre la herencia yacente, realizaron los juristas romanos. Sin embargo entendimos que para poder realizar afirmaciones al respecto, era necesario acometer un estudio paralelo entre la capacidad de obrar del "servus" y la del "servus hereditarius"; estudio que nos permitiria detectar los problemas de orden práctico-jurídico que planteaba este ultimo, y el método empleado por los jurisprudentes para solucionarlo. La Sistematica Gayana iba a proporcionarnos, ya desde el propio título, la estructura de nuestro trabajo, pues nos permitió vertebrarlo de la siguiente manera: una primera parte -"Servus Hereditarius"- de caracter introductorio y reservada al análisis de aspectos personales, y una segunda parte -"Civiles Adquisitiones Alienationesve"- que vendría a ser eje central de la tesis, en la que examinamos algunos actos del derecho civil realizados por dicho esclavo

    Estudio comparativo de blanqueo de la lana con agentes reductores

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    Dos lanas de blancura muy diferente han sido blanqueadas con bisulfito sódico, hidrosulfito sódico, dióxido de tiourea, hidrosulfito sódico estabilizado como ditionito (Blankit IN) e hidrosulfito sódico estabilizado como sulfoxilato-formaldehído (Blankit D). Los blanqueos se realizaron en presencia y ausencia del tensioactivo laurilsulfato sódico. De las lanas blanqueadas se determinó el grado de blanco, el contenido de cisteína, la solubilidad en álcali, la tenacidad y , en su caso, la retención de tensioactivo.Two types of wool of different shades of white were bleached with sodium bisulphite, sodium hydrosulphite, thiourea dioxide, sodium hydrosulphite stabilized as ditionite (Blankit IN) and sodium hydrosulphite stabilized as sulphoxilate formaldehyde (Blankit D). Bleaching was done with and without sodium lauryl sulphate surfactant. The bleached wool was tested for degree of whiteness, cysteine content, solubility in alkali, tenacity and, when applicable, surfactant retention.Deux laines de blancheur très différente ont été blanchies avec du bisulfite de sodium, hydrosulfite de sodium, dioxyde de thyourée, hydrosulfite de sodium stabilisé comme dithionite (Blankit IN) et hydrosulfite de sodium stabilisé comme sulfoxylate-formaldéhyde ( Blankit D). Les blanchissements se sont effectués en présence et en absence du tensioactif laurylsulfate de sodium. A partir des laines blanchies ont été déterminés le degré de blancheur, le contenu de cystéine en alcali, la ténacité et, suivant le cas, la rétention de tensioactif

    La revolución de la democracia

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    Indagación de la utilidad y fecundidad historiográfica de la noción Revolución Burguesa a partir del trabajo de François Furet Pensar la Revolución Francesa. El centro de la historiografía es la revolución francesa como la primera experiencia de la democracia. Furet propone una historiografía crítica, conceptual, problematizadora, con aliento analítico y político que ponga en el centro algunos problemas contemporáneos

    Evaluación de la Competencia 'aplicar los conocimientos para lograr resultados (nivel I) en el primer curso de grado en derecho'

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    [spa] Uno de los temas que merece ser objeto de reflexión en el nuevo marco docente diseñado en España como consecuencia de la convergencia hacia el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior es el de la evaluación, pues ésta adquiere una nueva dimensión al colocarse el estudiante en el centro del proceso de aprendizaje y al aplicarse un enfoque docente basado en competencias y, por ello, se hace necesario replantearse su naturaleza y el diseño de todos los elementos estructurales que la configuran. El objeto de nuestro trabajo se circunscribe a la evaluación de una competencia determinada en el primer curso de grado en Derecho y a la experiencia adquirida en distintas universidades, públicas y privadas, en los primeros años de su aplicación; centrándonos, en concreto, en el caso práctico semipresencial (trabajo colaborativo) como actividad decisiva para el aprendizaje de la competencia asignada a nuestra disciplina y procedimiento óptimo para evaluar su adquisición. .[eng] One of the themes that deserves being a focus for reflection in the new teaching framework introduced in Spain for the convergence of the European Higher Education Area is evaluation, as it acquires a new dimension by situating the student at the centre of the learning process and applying a skills based teaching focus; the nature of evaluation as well as the design of all the structural elements it consists of demand to be rethought. The aim of our work is to circumscribe the evaluation of a specific skill in the first year of the Bachelor in Law and the experience gained in a number of public and private universities in the first years of its application; concentrating specifically on the practical part classroom based case study (collaborative work) as a decisive activity for learning a skill assigned to our discipline and an optimal procedure to evaluate its acquisition

    Comparative geochemical study on Furongian-earliest Ordovician (Toledanian) and Ordovician (Sardic) felsic magmatic events in south-western Europe: underplating of hot mafic magmas linked to the opening of the Rheic Ocean

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    A geochemical comparison of early Palaeozoic felsic magmatic episodes throughout the south-western European margin of Gondwana is made and includes (i) Furongian-Early Ordovician (Toledanian) activities recorded in the Central Iberian and Galicia-Trás-os-Montes zones of the Iberian Massif, and (ii) Early-Late Ordovician (Sardic) activities in the Eastern Pyrenees, Occitan Domain (Albigeois, Montagne Noire and Mouthoumet massifs) and Sardinia. Both phases are related to uplift and denudation of an inherited palaeorelief, and stratigraphically preserved as distinct angular discordances and paraconformities involving gaps of up to 22 million years. The geochemical features of the predominantly felsic Toledanian and Sardic activities point to a predominance of magmatic byproducts derived from the melting of metasedimentary rocks, rich in SiO2 and K2O and with a peraluminous character. Zr ∕ TiO2, Zr ∕ Nb, Nb ∕ Y and Zr vs. Ga ∕ Al ratios, and rare-earth element (REE) and εNd(t) values suggest the contemporaneity, for both phases, of two geochemical scenarios characterized by arc and extensional features evolving to distinct extensional and rifting conditions associated with the final outpouring of mafic tholeiite-dominant lava flows. The Toledanian and Sardic magmatic phases are linked to neither metamorphism nor penetrative deformation; on the contrary, their unconformities are associated with foliation-free open folds subsequently affected by the Variscan deformation. The geochemical and structural framework precludes subduction-generated melts reaching the crust in a magmatic arc-to-back-arc setting and favours partial melting of sediments and/or granitoids in the lower continental crust triggered by the underplating of hot mafic magmas related to the opening of the Rheic Ocean

    Factores relacionados con la adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico para el VIH/SIDA

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    Objetivo: Establecer la prevalencia de adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico y sus fac- tores relacionados en personas diagnosticadas con VIH/sida en una institución de salud de la ciudad de Cali (Colombia). Método: El estudio fue observacional transversal. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 127 pacientes con VIH/sida, bajo tratamiento antirretroviral, controlados en una institución de salud, seleccionados aleatoriamente. Para la medición de la variable “resultado” (adhe- rencia al tratamiento farmacológico) se utilizó el Cuestionario de adherencia al tratamien- to para el VIH/sida. Para la medición de las variables de exposición (factores personales, de la enfermedad y el tratamiento, sociales-interpersonales y del sistema de salud) se utilizó un cuestionario de autorreporte construido para el estudio y un formato de datos de la historia clínica del paciente. Resultados: La prevalencia de adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico fue de 84 %. El análisis de los factores relacionados con la adherencia muestra que tienen menor oportu- nidad de estar adheridos al tratamiento farmacológico quienes son menores de 40 años, de estrato socioeconómico bajo, perciben barreras para el tratamiento, toman más de 4 pasti- llas diarias y las mujeres con pareja o hijos diagnosticados con VIH/sida. Conclusiones: Los resultados del estudio señalan algunos lineamientos para direccionar las intervenciones que buscan mejorar la adherencia farmacológica con el fin de controlar la infección, promover la calidad de vida de los pacientes, disminuir el impacto social y el costo económico de su manejo y complicaciones

    Direct-acting antiviral therapy improves kidney survival in hepatitis C virus-associated cryoglobulinaemia: the RENALCRYOGLOBULINEMIC study

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    Background: Direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) have shown high rates of sustained virological response in chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. However, the influence of DAAs on the course of kidney involvement in HCV-associated mixed cryoglobulinaemia (HCV-MC) has been little studied. The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of antiviral treatment on kidney prognosis and evolution in patients diagnosed with HCV-MC. Methods: The RENALCRYOGLOBULINEMIC study is an observational multicentre cohort study of 139 patients with HCV-MC from 14 Spanish centres. Clinical and laboratory parameters were measured before and after antiviral treatment. Primary endpoints were kidney survival and mortality after HCV-MC diagnosis. Secondary endpoints were clinical, immunological and virological responses after antiviral treatment. Results: Patients were divided into three groups based on the treatment received: treatment with DAAs (n = 100) treatment with interferon (IFN) and ribavirin (RBV) (n = 24) and no treatment (n = 15). Patients were followed up for a median duration of 138 months (interquartile range 70-251. DAA treatment reduced overall mortality {hazard ratio [HR] 0.12 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.04-0.40]; P < 0.001} and improved kidney survival [HR 0.10 ( 95% CI 0.04-0.33); P < 0.001]. Conclusions: Results from the RENALCRYOGLOBULINEMIC study indicated that DAA treatment in patients with HCV-MC improves kidney survival and reduces mortality

    Growth patterns and breast milk/infant formula energetic efficiency in healthy infants up to 18 months of life: the COGNIS study

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    This project has been funded by Laboratorios Ordesa, S. L. Contract University of Granada General Foundation, No. 3349 and SMARTFOODS (CIEN) Contract University of Granada General Foundation, No. 4003, Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, and partially funded by HORIZON 2020 EU DynaHEALTH Project (GA No.633595). N. S-V. has been granted with a scholarship from Fundaci ' on Carolina, Madrid, Spain.Type of feeding during early life influences growth trajectory and metabolic risk at later ages. Modifications in infant formula composition have led to evaluate their effects on growth and energetic efficiency (EE) compared with breast-feeding. Main goal was to analyse type of feeding potential effects during first months of life, plus its EE, on growth patterns in healthy formula fed (standard infant formula (SF) vs. experimental infant formula enriched with bioactive nutrients (EF)) and breastfed (BF) infants participating in the COGNIS RCT (http://www.ClinicalTrials.gov, Identifier: NCT02094547) up to 18 months of age. Infants follow-up to 18 months of age (n 141) fed with a SF (n 48), EF(n 56), or BF (n 37), were assessed for growth parameters using WHO standards. Growth velocity (GV) and catch-up were calculated to identify growth patterns. EE of breast milk/infant formula was also estimated. Infants' growth at 6 months showed higher length and lower head circumference gains in SF and EF infants than BF infants. Both weight-for-length and weight-for-age catch-up growth showed significant differences in formula fed groups compared with the BF. No significant differences in GV or catch-up were found at 6-12 and 12-18 months. Regarding EE, infant formula groups showed significantly lower weight and length gains/g of milk protein, and higher weight and length gains/g of milk lipids, than the BF infants. GV during first 6 months, which may be influenced by feeding, seems to be the main predictor of subsequent growth trajectory. Breast-feeding may have positive effects on growth programming due to its nutrients' EE.Laboratorios Ordesa, S. L. Contract University of Granada General Foundation 3349SMARTFOODS (CIEN) Contract University of Granada General Foundation 4003Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and CompetitivenessHORIZON 2020 EU DynaHEALTH Project 633595Fundacion Carolina, Madrid, Spai

    Synergistic DNA-damaging effect in multiple myeloma with the combination of zalypsis, bor tezomib and dexamethasone

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    Despite new advances in multiple myeloma treatment and the consequent improvement in overall survival, most patients relapse or become refractory to treatment. This suggests that new molecules and combinations that may further inhibit important survival pathways for these tumor cells are needed. In this context, zalypsis is a novel compound, derived from marine organisms, with a powerful preclinical anti-myeloma effect based on the sensitivity of malignant plasma cells to DNA-damage induction; and it has already been tested in a phase I/II clinical trial in multiple myeloma. We hypothesized that the addition of this compound to the combination of bortezomib plus dexamethasone may improve efficacy with acceptable toxicity. The triple combination demonstrated strong synergy and higher efficacy compared with double combinations; not only in vitro, but also ex vivo and, especially, in in vivo experiments. The triple combination triggers cell death, mainly through a synergistic induction of DNA damage and a decrease in the nuclear localization of nuclear factor kappa B. Our findings support the clinical evaluation of this combination for relapsed and refractory myeloma patients.This work was in part funded by the Spanish ISCIII-FIS (PI 15/0067 and PI15/02156) and FEDER, the Spanish RTICC (RD12/0036/0058), "Asociación Española Contra el Cancer" (AECC, GCB120981SAN), the regional Council from “Castilla y León” (GRS 1175/A/15 and FIC335U14) and a research grant from Pharmamar SAU. MMS were also supported by the Network of Centers for Regenerative Medicine and Cellular Therapy from Castilla y León, Spain. A-A López-Iglesias was supported by a grant from the Spanish Society of Hematology and Hemotherapy.Peer Reviewe