72 research outputs found

    Tourism Distribution System and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Development: comparing Data of 2008 and 2012

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    Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and the development of the online channel have transformed the competitive environment of the tourism industry within a brief span of time. However, our knowledge about the details of the evolving trend of the distribution system is scarce. Considering the prior literature, this research analyzes the evolution of the sector’s structure, the power of tourism operators, the production processes and products of the tourism sector. The work uses primary information which is taken from surveys to experts in the sector, within a European context. The results of the work, based on a comparison between two samples in 2008 and in 2012, underscore the development of the distribution system and the significant changes happened in opinions regarding the relationship between the use of ICTs and value creation, regarding ICTs and product quality, and regarding how ICTs facilitate the adoption of the best practices in the industry. Multiple and exclusively online channel strategies are the most involved

    Prospective Development of the Tourism on line Distribution Channel

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    We know of the development of the online channel in the tourism distribution system, due to the intensive application of ICT. This seems announce like a revolution in the industry, with structural changes in production, and in the behaviour of the involved agents. However, more advances in the literature are needed in order to gain theories to the body of knowledge. With this aim, qualitative research is done through in-depth interviews driven to a selection of experts in the eld; managers of multi-channel distribution systems as well as of online channel in exclusive. Applying the triangulation of data methodology provides results which reveal certain types of changes, derived from the adoption of ICT, that tourism companies adopters consider as signi cant competitive advantages, with capability to affect companies’ results and increase its power within the distribution channel. This offers great potential for the future development of the online channel and for the companies that use it exclusively

    Evaluation of the practicum in postgraduate training in communication studies from a professional and student orientation

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    La investigación evaluativa se erige como una herramienta necesaria para reorientar las propuestas docentes desarrolladas con los estudiantes. A través de este estudio se evalúa la consecución de los objetivos relacionados con las prácticas profesionales de los alumnos del Master Comunicación en Industrias Creativas, durante el curso académico 2011-2012, en la Universidad de Alicante. Los resultados obtenidos permiten establecer una reflexión en torno a la orientación futura que debemos otorgar a este proceso de intervención didáctica, reforzando los objetivos de aprendizaje menos consolidados.Evaluative research stands as a necessary tool to reorient teaching proposals developed with students. Through this study evaluates the achievement of the objectives related to the professional practice of students in the Master of Creative Industries Communication during the 2011-2012 academic year at the University of Alicante. The results obtained allow a reflection on future directions that we give this educational intervention process, reinforcing the learning objectives less consolidated

    Accuracy of Olsen P to assess plant P uptake in relation to soil properties and P forms

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    International audienceAbstractEfficient use of phosphorus (P) by plants in agriculture relies on accurate estimation of the phytoavailable soil P. However, poor relationships are frequently observed between P availability indices, such as Olsen P, and P uptake by plants. We therefore studied which soil properties modify the accuracy of Olsen P as a P availability index. We conducted a soil P depletion experiment in pots with 17 soils. Two samples differing widely in Olsen P were used for each soil and named “low-P” and “high-P.” Soil was mixed with siliceous sand to achieve 1 mg of Olsen P per pot, so that the ratio of non-readily available P, either inorganic P or organic P, to Olsen P in the pot was higher for low-P than for high-P samples. Results show that, in high-P samples, P uptake by cucumber is positively correlated with the affinity of the soil solid phase for P, with R2 of 0.76. In high-P samples, P uptake by cucumber is positively correlated with total P adsorption capacity as estimated by Fe in the form of Fe oxides, with R2 = 0.56. P uptake is positively correlated with the inorganic P released by NaOH and citrate-bicarbonate in low-P samples, with R2 of 0.52. In low-P samples, total organic P and phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere explained 37 % of plant P uptake. In low-P samples, phosphatase activity and pH explained 50 % of plant P uptake. These findings reveal that organic P forms and hydrolytic activity by roots are explaining P availability to plants. Whereas physico-chemical processes controlling inorganic P dynamics play a major role for low organic P/Olsen P ratios

    Soil Nutrients Effects on the Performance of Durum Wheat Inoculated with Entomopathogenic Fungi

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    Entomopathogenic fungi (EFs) are widely used as biological control agents. However, some strains of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium brunneum can also promote plant growth and increase nutrient uptake. We examined the effects of soil properties on the performance of Triticum durum inoculated by seed dressing with these EFs and grown on 12 agricultural soils. The plants were supplied with all nutrients except P and Zn (essential for yield and the grain quality of wheat). Fungal inoculation increased the grain yield and harvest index significantly with B. bassiana (17% and 14%, respectively) but not with M. brunneum (6% and 6%, respectively). The increase in grain yield was positively and moderately correlated with the soil available phosphorus (POlsen) in plants inoculated with B. bassiana and with the soil content in poorly crystalline Fe oxides with M. brunneum. In addition, the increase in aerial dry matter resulting from inoculation with B. bassiana was negatively correlated with soil available Zn. Furthermore, the observed increase in grain yields due to fungal inoculation resulted in P and Zn grain dilution (grain nutrient concentrations decrease). Inoculation with B. bassiana increased grain Zn uptake and the proportion of Zn in grain relative to that in aerial dry matter. Success in the mutualistic relationship between EF and wheat plants depends on the fungal strain and soil properties

    Método para prevenir y corregir la clorosis férrica en plantas

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    Método para prevenir y corregir la clorosis férrica en plantas. La presente invención se refiere a un método para preve nir y corregir la clorosis férrica en plantas, caracterizado porque comprende aplicar una suspensión acuosa de si derita sintética al suelo en el que se cultivan las plantas, preferentemente la suspensión de siderita se aplica a ra zón de entre 0,5 y 1,0 g de siderita por kg de suelo.Españ

    In Vitro Antimicrobial Susceptibilities of Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica Isolates from Tularemia Outbreaks That Occurred from the End of the 20th Century to the 2020s in Spain

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    [EN] A collection of 177 Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica clinical isolates (29 from humans and 148 from animals, mainly hares and voles) was gathered from diverse tularemia outbreaks in the Castilla y León region (northwestern Spain) that occurred from the end of the 20th century to the 2020s. Along with four F. tularensis subsp. holarctica reference strains, all of these clinical isolates were tested using a broth microdilution method to determine their susceptibility to 22 antimicrobial agents, including β-lactams, aminoglycosides and one member each of the tetracycline, glycylcycline, quinolone and sulphonamide classes. Many multi-resistance profiles were found among the tested isolates, but especially among those of human origin (all but two isolates showed resistance to at least 13 of 18 antimicrobial agents). Even so, all human isolates were susceptible to gentamicin and tobramycin, while more than 96% of animal isolates were susceptible to these two aminoglycosides. Ciprofloxacin showed activity against more than 92% of animal and human isolates. However, almost 21% of human isolates were resistant to tetracycline, and more than 65% were resistant to tigecycline. Finally, a quite similar activity to other F. tularensis subsp. holarctica isolates collected 20 years earlier in Spain was observedSIThis study was supported by a contract—project, “Caracterización de posibles resistencias antimicrobianas y estudios de virulencia de las cepas aisladas de Francisella tularensis. Contexto One Health” financed by the Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería y Desarrollo Rural, Junta de Castilla y León. The 181 F. tularensis isolates were owned by the Laboratorio Regional de Sanidad Animal, León, Spain, or by the Hospital Clínico Veterinario, Valladolid, Spai

    Tularemia Outbreaks in Spain from 2007 to 2020 in Humans and Domestic and Wild Animals

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    [EN] In this study, tularemia outbreaks associated with humans and several domestic and wild animals (Iberian hares, wild rabbits, voles, mice, grey shrews, sheep, dogs, foxes, wolves, ticks, and river crayfish) are reported in Spain from 2007 to 2020. Special attention was paid to the outbreaks in humans in 2007-2009 and 2014-2015, when the most important waves occurred. Moreover, positive rates of tularemia in lagomorphs were detected in 2007-2010, followed by negative results in 2011-2013, before again returning to positive rates in 2014 and in 2017 and in 2019-2020. Lagomorphs role in spreading Francisella tularensis in the epidemiological chain could not be discarded. F. tularensis is described for the first time infecting the shrew Crocidura russula worldwide, and it is also reported for the first time infecting wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in Spain. Serological positives higher than 0.4% were seen for sheep only from 2007-2009 and again in 2019, while serological rates greater than 1% were revealed in dogs in 2007-2008 and in wild canids in 2016. F. tularensis were detected in ticks in 2009, 2014-2015, 2017, and 2019. Lastly, negative results were achieved for river crayfish and also in environmental water samples from 2007 to 2020SIThis research received no external funding but was supported by the contract-project called Caracterización molecular de las cepas de Francisella tularensis aisladas en lagomorfos y roedores de Castilla y León, financed by the Dirección General de Producción Agropecuaria e Infraestructuras, Servicio de Sanidad Animal, Consejería de Agricultura y Ganadería de la Junta de Castilla y León. All the isolates are owned by the Junta de Castilla y Leó

    Características del paisaje y su relación con la diversidad y estructura de la vegetación ribereña del sureste de México

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    Background and Aims: Land use change generated by human activities has fragmented riparian corridors causing changes in the diversity and structure of its vegetation. The objective of this study was to compare the diversity, structure and floristic similarity in five sites of the Tacotalpa River, Tabasco, Mexico, related to vegetation variables with landscape metrics.Methods: Sampling was performed at five sites of the Tacotalpa River: Tapijulapa (s1), Arroyo Chispa (s2), Nuevo Madero (s3), Mexiquito (s4) and Oxolotán (s5). At each site, 20 sampling units of 10 × 10 m were established. Trees and shrubs with a DBH ≥1 cm were counted. The diversity and structure were compared with a one-way ANOVA. The floristic similarity between sites was compared with a Bray-Curtis cluster, Pearson correlation and PCA between vegetation variables and landscape metrics, using PAST and SPSS.Key results: There were 2589 individuals in 38 families, 92 genera and 119 species. The diversity 0D of s2 was statistically lower than s1 and s3, while 1D was similar in the five sites. The tree density of s1 was significantly greater than in s2, s3 and s5. The averages of DHB and height of s1 were low, showing significance with s2 (p <0.05). The floristic similarity ranged from 0.41 to 0.58. Order 0D diversity, shrub species and tree density correlated positively with some of the landscape metrics. The 1D diversity and tree species correlated positively with the paved road distance, and height with the dirt road.Conclusions: The differences between the sites suggest that there are different levels of disturbance along the Tacotalpa River. Positive correlations between vegetation variables and landscape metrics indicate that infrastructures near the river modify the diversity and structure of the riparian vegetation.Antecedentes y Objetivos: El cambio de uso del suelo generado por actividades humanas, ha fragmentado los corredores ribereños causando cambios en la diversidad y estructura de su vegetación. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la diversidad, estructura y similitud florística en cinco sitios del río Tacotalpa en Tabasco, México, relacionando las variables de vegetación con métricas del paisaje.Métodos: Se realizó un muestreo en cinco sitios del río Tacotalpa: Tapijulapa (s1), Arroyo Chispa (s2), Nuevo Madero (s3), Mexiquito (s4) y Oxolotán (s5). En cada sitio se establecieron 20 unidades de muestreo de 10 × 10 m. Los árboles y arbustos con un DAP≥1 cm fueron censados. La diversidad y estructura se comparó con un ANOVA de un factor. La similitud florística entre sitios se comparó con un cluster Bray-Curtis correlación de Pearson y ACP entre las variables de vegetación y métricas del paisaje, usando PAST y SPSS.Resultados clave: Se registraron 2589 individuos en 38 familias, 92 géneros y 119 especies. La diversidad 0D del s2 fue estadísticamente menor que en s1 y s3, mientras que 1D fue similar en los cinco sitios. La densidad de árboles del s1 fue significativamente mayor que s2, s3 y s5. Los promedios del DAP y altura del s1 fueron bajos, mostrando significancia con el s2 (p<0.05). La similitud florística osciló entre 0.41 a 0.58. La diversidad orden 0D, las especies arbustivas y la densidad de árboles se correlacionaron positivamente con algunas de las métricas del paisaje. La diversidad 1D y especies arbóreas se correlacionaron positivamente con la distancia de carretera pavimentada, y la altura con la de terracería.Conclusiones: Las diferencias entre los sitios sugieren que existen diferentes niveles de perturbación en el río Tacotalpa. Las correlaciones positivas entre las variables de vegetación y métricas del paisaje indican que las infraestructuras cercanas a la ribera modifican la diversidad y estructura de la vegetación ribereña.