21 research outputs found

    AHP for indicators of sustainable forestry under Mediterranean conditions

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    [EN] Aim of study: To verify and prioritise a set of sustainable forestry indicators using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Area of study: Participants were Spanish; indicators were meant to be applied in forest management units (FMUs) under Mediterranean conditions. Material and methods: An AHP questionnaire was developed and sent to experts. Main results: the set of indicators aimed to be comprehensive. Indicators were ranked and the ranking allows ascertaining what aspects are more relevant in relation to Mediterranean sustainable forestry. Issues like regeneration or habitats conservation got high values, whereas others like hunting activity were not seen as important by most experts. Research highlights: - Sustainable forest management (SFM) considerations for Mediterranean forests. - Indicators adapt to ecosystem services.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project ECO2011-27369); the Regional Council of Education, Culture and Sports (Valencia, Spain) financed a PhD fellowship to PVD (Ref. ACIF/2010/248).Valls Donderis, P.; Vallés-Planells, M.; Galiana, F. (2017). AHP for indicators of sustainable forestry under Mediterranean conditions. Forest Systems. 26(2):1-5. doi:10.5424/fs/2017262-10075S15262AENOR, 2007. Gestión forestal sostenible. Criterios e indicadores. Parte 1: Genéricos para la unidad de gestión. Norma UNE162002-1. Asociación Espa-ola de Normalización y Certificación, Madrid, Spain.Barbati, A., Corona, P., & Marchetti, M. (2007). A forest typology for monitoring sustainable forest management: The case of European Forest Types. Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology, 141(1), 93-103. doi:10.1080/11263500601153842Bernard HR, 2000. Social research methods. Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Sage Publications, Inc. Thousand Oaks.Casta-eda F, 2000. Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management: international processes, current status and the way ahead. Unasylva 203 (51): 34-40.GTC-FSC, 2012. Estándares espa-oles de gestión forestal para la certificación FSC. Grupo de trabajo espa-ol para la certificación FSC, Madrid, Spain. FSC-STD-ESP-01-2006 Espa-a (V2-0) ES.Macharis, C., Springael, J., De Brucker, K., & Verbeke, A. (2004). PROMETHEE and AHP: The design of operational synergies in multicriteria analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, 153(2), 307-317. doi:10.1016/s0377-2217(03)00153-xMARM, 2008. Forest fires in Spain. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino, Gobierno de Espa-a.Maroto Álvarez, C., Segura, M., Ginestar, C., Uriol, J., & Segura, B. (2013). Sustainable Forest Management in a Mediterranean region: Social preferences. Forest Systems, 22(3), 546. doi:10.5424/fs/2013223-04135Mendoza, G. A., & Prabhu, R. (2000). Multiple criteria decision making approaches to assessing forest sustainability using criteria and indicators: a case study. Forest Ecology and Management, 131(1-3), 107-126. doi:10.1016/s0378-1127(99)00204-2Osem Y, Ginsberg P, Tauber I, Atzmon N, Perevolotsky A, 2008. Sustainable management of Mediterranean planted coniferous forests: An Israeli definition. J Forest 106 (1): 38-46.Saaty TL, 1980. The analytic hierarchy process. McGraw-Hill, NY.Saaty TL, 2006. Fundamentals of decision making and priority theory with the analytic hierarchy process. RWS Publ, Pittsburgh, USA.Valls-Donderis, P., Vallés, M. C., & Galiana, F. (2015). Criteria and indicators for sustainable forestry under Mediterranean conditions applicable in Spain at the forest management unit scale. Forest Systems, 24(1), 004. doi:10.5424/fs/2015241-05542Wijewardana, D. (2008). Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management: The road travelled and the way ahead. Ecological Indicators, 8(2), 115-122. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2006.11.00

    Urban green indicators: a tool to estimate the sustainability of our cities

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    [EN] In Europe, more than 70% of the population lives in an urban area. All the challenges related to land use conflicts, demographic changes, climate resilience and human well-being are concentrated inside the cities, since the population is already living in urban areas, which are more and more compact and dependent on grey infrastructure. In this context, urban green infrastructure represents a sustainable solution to maintain the benefits and services provided by urban ecosystems and an efficient urban planning tool to face the urban challenges. The sustainability of our cities can be reached adopting an innovative vision using the concept of ecosystem services of the urban green infrastructure. Different initiatives to assess the benefits provided by green infrastructure have emerged in the last decade. However, very few take into account the whole range of services provided by urban green infrastructure. The present article provides a systematic search and synthesis of the most important literature to review indicators of urban green infrastructure. The main goal is to give an insight of how urban green infrastructure is measured in practice. Results show the set of ecosystem services that are being considered when assessing sustainability of green infrastructure and identify the most recurrent indicators at the different scales. This work is expected to contribute to the improvement of the evaluation of green infrastructure effectiveness for providing benefits for urban dwellers.This work was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the project Green Cities For Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments with reference 730283.Tudorie, CM.; Gielen, E.; Vallés-Planells, M.; Galiana, F. (2019). Urban green indicators: a tool to estimate the sustainability of our cities. International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics. 14(1):19-29. https://doi.org/10.2495/DNE-V14-N1-19-29S192914

    The economic value of landscape aesthetics in Albufera natural park through the analytic multicriteria valuation method

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    [EN] The effective definition of public intervention goals and resource allocation for natural resource management requires decision makers to understand the monetary values of the full range of goods and services provided by landscapes, in other words, their Total Economic Value (TEV). Aesthetic enjoyment (AE) can be considered as part of such TEV of landscapes. For the estimation of the economic value of AE in Albufera Natural Park (Valencia, Spain), this paper applies the Analytic Multicriteria Valuation Method (AMUVAM). It is a combination of two established techniques: analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and discount cash flow (DCF). The economic value of non-market benefits under AMUVAM is obtained indirectly, by comparing the relative degrees of importance attached to the different components of TEV. In this way, not only does it estimate a monetary value of AE but also its importance relative to TEV. Results express that AE represents 7% of the TEV in Albufera Natural Park and 24% of the EV in Albufera Natural Park ( 176 million). Results reveal distinct patterns in the valuation of TEV and existence value (EV). In this way, together with the average, a range of values which show the different sensitivities of society is provided. The comparison of the TEV obtained for Albufera Natural Park with previous studies conducted on wetlands suggests its similarity in scale.Estruch-Guitart, V.; Vallés-Planells, M. (2017). The economic value of landscape aesthetics in Albufera natural park through the analytic multicriteria valuation method. International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics. 12(3):281-302. doi:10.2495/DNE-V12-N3-281-302S28130212

    Estudio de paisaje en el monte de la Hunde y la Palomera (Ayora,Valencia).Aproximación al valor social del paisaje

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    [ES] La gestión forestal sostenible determina la forma del manejo de las masas forestales bajo criterios paisajísticos. La sociedad busca en los objetivos de gestión forestal la consideración, cada vez más, de los servicios ambientales y confluye, para este caso, con el marco forestal estratégico de la Comunidad Valenciana que se dirige a la valorización de los servicios del monte. La identificación de ciertos servicios, especialmente culturales, requiere el conocimiento específico y participación de la población. El análisis constituye la parte de un estudio de paisaje realizado bajo los principios normativos europeos y de la Comunidad Valenciana, a la escala de monte, y que recoge el proceso participativo de los agentes sociales sobre la preferencia de la calidad visual de las diferentes unidades de paisaje y de los servicios culturales del paisaje del monte. A través de una encuesta de paisaje, donde se combinan el uso de cartografías e imágenes representativas de unidades de paisaje, previamente definidas, se localizan las unidades de mayor preferencia o valor social para la población. La finalidad es establecer el marco apropiado de información básica en materia de paisaje para la ordenación y gestión integral del espacio forestal. Se consiguen, a través del proceso de la participación de la población, resultados de los servicios del monte mediante su percepción y en coherencia con la realidad social actual del monte. Se refleja que el uso del valor social del paisaje, orientando las actuaciones hacia el respeto de los paisajes más valorados por la población, más allá de la calidad visual del paisaje facilitada por la preferencia visual, ofrece una mejor valoración para la gestión futura del monte.Velasco Mengod, P.; Vallés-Planells, M.; Galiana, F. (2016). Estudio de paisaje en el monte de la Hunde y la Palomera (Ayora,Valencia).Aproximación al valor social del paisaje. Cuadernos de la S.E.Ciencias Forestales. 42:533-554. doi:10.31167/csef.v0i42.17509S5335544

    Towards a Greener University: Perceptions of Landscape Services in Campus Open Space

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    [EN] Universities are showing a growing interest in becoming green institutions and improving campus open space management. Well-designed urban landscapes guided by green criteria integrate eco-friendly infrastructure which may be effective in facing urban challenges in the context of climate change. Student preferences and uses of campus outdoor environment should draw the attention of campus landscape planners. This study aims to analyse how the university community perceives landscape services provided by the Spanish Universitat Politecnica de Valencia's campus open space. An online questionnaire was sent to the university community to check its opinions, level of satisfaction, and their demands related to the current situation of the outdoor areas. Campus open spaces with different urban green infrastructure have a high potential to provide cultural, provisioning, and regulation landscape services. Respondents perceive the main benefits provided by campus open spaces to be that they are a place to relax, meet friends, and pass through. Their needs related to the welfare of outdoor areas and their preferences differ according to age, occupation, and time spent at the campus. This paper intends to help the university to meet environmental guidelines and to help other universities in their endeavour to reach sustainability and ensure the university community's well-being.This research was funded by European Commission, European Union's Horizon 2020, Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments; grant number 730283.Tudorie, CA.; Vallés-Planells, M.; Gielen, E.; Arroyo-López, MR.; Galiana, F. (2020). Towards a Greener University: Perceptions of Landscape Services in Campus Open Space. Sustainability. 12(15):1-26. https://doi.org/10.3390/su121560471261215Raising the standard. The Green Flag Award guidance Manual 2016 http://www.greenflagaward.org/Universidad de Navarra https://www.unav.edu/web/horizonte-2020/green-campusCommon International Classification of Ecosystem Services (CICES) V5.1 Guidance on the Application of the Revised Structure, UK https://cices.eu/content/uploads/sites/8/2018/01/Guidance-V51-01012018.pdfSpeake, J., Edmondson, S., & Nawaz, H. (2013). Everyday encounters with nature: students’ perceptions and use of university campus green spaces. HUMAN GEOGRAPHIES – Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geography, 7(1), 21-31. doi:10.5719/hgeo.2013.71.21McFarland, A. L., Waliczek, T. M., & Zajicek, J. M. (2008). The Relationship Between Student Use of Campus Green Spaces and Perceptions of Quality of Life. HortTechnology, 18(2), 232-238. doi:10.21273/horttech.18.2.232Gulwadi, G. B., Mishchenko, E. D., Hallowell, G., Alves, S., & Kennedy, M. (2019). The restorative potential of a university campus: Objective greenness and student perceptions in Turkey and the United States. Landscape and Urban Planning, 187, 36-46. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2019.03.003Abu-Ghazzeh, T. M. (1999). Communicating Behavioral Research to Campus Design. Environment and Behavior, 31(6), 764-804. doi:10.1177/00139169921972344Hanan, H. (2013). Open Space as Meaningful Place for Students in ITB Campus. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 85, 308-317. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.08.361Lau, S. S. Y., Gou, Z., & Liu, Y. (2014). Healthy campus by open space design: Approaches and guidelines. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 3(4), 452-467. doi:10.1016/j.foar.2014.06.006Caselles, V., L�pez Garc�a, M. J., Meli�, J., & P�rez Cueva, A. J. (1991). Analysis of the heat-island effect of the city of Valencia, Spain, through air temperature transects and NOAA satellite data. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 43(4), 195-203. doi:10.1007/bf00867455Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial https://ich.unesco.org/esFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) http://www.fao.org/news/story/en/item/1252906/icode/2029Memoria del Curso Académico 2017–2018 https://www.upv.es/organizacion/la-institucion/memoria-curso-upv-es.htmlVallés-Planells, M., Galiana, F., & Van Eetvelde, V. (2014). A Classification of Landscape Services to Support Local Landscape Planning. Ecology and Society, 19(1). doi:10.5751/es-06251-190144Ibrahim, N., & Fadzil, N. H. (2013). Informal Setting for Learning on Campus: Usage and Preference. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 105, 344-351. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.11.036Schipperijn, J., Stigsdotter, U. K., Randrup, T. B., & Troelsen, J. (2010). Influences on the use of urban green space – A case study in Odense, Denmark. 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Introduction to Environmental Forensics, 129-183. doi:10.1016/b978-012369522-2/50006-3Laake, P., & Fagerland, M. W. (2015). Statistical Inference. Research in Medical and Biological Sciences, 379-430. doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-799943-2.00011-2Armstrong, R. A. (2014). When to use the Bonferroni correction. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 34(5), 502-508. doi:10.1111/opo.12131University Libraries. SPSS Tutorials: Pearson Correlation https://libguides.library.kent.edu/SPSS/PearsonCorrUlrich, R. S., Simons, R. F., Losito, B. D., Fiorito, E., Miles, M. A., & Zelson, M. (1991). Stress recovery during exposure to natural and urban environments. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 11(3), 201-230. doi:10.1016/s0272-4944(05)80184-7Nikolopoulou, M., & Lykoudis, S. (2007). Use of outdoor spaces and microclimate in a Mediterranean urban area. Building and Environment, 42(10), 3691-3707. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2006.09.008Rahnema, S., Sedaghathoor, S., Allahyari, M. S., Damalas, C. A., & Bilali, H. E. (2019). Preferences and emotion perceptions of ornamental plant species for green space designing among urban park users in Iran. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 39, 98-108. doi:10.1016/j.ufug.2018.12.00

    Criteria and indicators for sustainable forestry under Mediterranean conditions applicable in Spain at the forest management unit scale

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    This work has three Supplementary Files[EN] Aim of study: to identify criteria and indicators (C&I) of sustainable forest management (SFM) under Mediterranean conditions. The indicators are meant to monitor changes in the provision of ecosystem services at a local scale (forest management unit, FMU). We support that if a forest provides a bundle of ecosystem services its management can be considered sustainable; thus, we adjust C&I to an ecosystem services classification. Area of study: La Hunde y La Palomera, a public FMU in the region of Valencia (east of Spain), 100km southwest of the city of Valencia. Material and methods: first, a literature review of the following themes took part: SFM, features of Mediterranean forests, ecosystem services and C&I. Some C&I were proposed and, later on, a participatory process in Ayora, the municipality where the mentioned FMU is located, was carried out with different stakeholders (forestry professionals, users for recreation, hunters, environmentalists and professionals of cultural and rural development activities) in order for them to value the C&I proposed according to their management preferences for La Hunde y La Palomera. Research highlights: 15 criteria and 133 indicators were identified: a balance has been achieved among economic, social and ecological concerns. People value the ecological issues associated to forestry on top and the economic ones at the bottom. Results suggest that SFM under Mediterranean conditions is based on more than one product and on the provision of several ecosystem servicesThe Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness supports the project Multicriteria Techniques and Participatory Decision-Making for Sustainable Management (Ref. ECO2011-27369) and the Regional Council of Education, Culture and Sports (Valencia, Spain) finances a research fellowship (Ref. ACIF/2010/248).Valls Donderis, P.; Vallés-Planells, M.; Galiana, F. (2015). Criteria and indicators for sustainable forestry under Mediterranean conditions applicable in Spain at the forest management unit scale. Forest Systems (antes Investigación Agraria. Sistemas y Recursos Forestales). 24(1):1-21. doi:10.5424/fs/2015241-05542S12124

    Assessment of barriers for people with disability to enjoy national parks

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    [EN] There is increasing awareness of the importance of nature-based recreation to human wellbeing. Given its significant benefits, natural-protected area management has not always provided equitable access to all potential users. Limited research till now has been focused on how the outdoor barriers impact the equal enjoyment of people with mobility/motor disabilities (PwMDs) of nature when promoting sustainable nature-based tourism. This study intends to shed light on those aspects which constrain the PwMD¿s enjoyment of the great outdoors at national parks (NPs). The study was carried out in Canada and Spain through an online survey on amenities needed and accessibility barriers for PwMDs in parks. It was analyzed through log linear models for cross-frequency tables, which allow us to estimate the associations between questions/variables and, thus, ultimately, obtain insights into how the needs of amenities and accessibility barriers can affect and limit PwMDs¿ enjoyment of natural parks. The results show a predisposition on the part of participants to enjoy parks more frequently than they usually do, as well as a preference for forests and mountain landscapes. Information and communication technologies are the tools most chosen to prepare for their trip and visit to the park. PwMD finds barriers in NPs as impediments to benefit from nature-based recreation and adding to their wellbeing. NP managers should take into consideration that PwMD¿s visits to parks are related to the main obstacles they perceive such as slopes and pavement and that they require amenities such as recreation and signposting. They would also like to enjoy parks more often, with footpaths suitable for walkability/wheelability, e.g., compact pavement, low inclines, and adequate signposting. In addition to the physical barriers, managers should also consider intrapersonal and interpersonal constraints to provide outdoor activities in parks focused on PwMDs¿ needs.This research received partial support and external funding from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain (grant CD21/00186-Sara Borrell Postdoctoral Fellowship) and was co-funded by the European Union.Aguilar-Carrasco, MJ.; Gielen, E.; Vallés-Planells, M.; Galiana, F.; Riutort-Mayol, G. (2023). Assessment of barriers for people with disability to enjoy national parks. Frontiers in Psychology. 13:1-16. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.10586471161

    App Grow Green: un instrumento para la innovación docente en la formación ambiental

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    [ES] Hoy en día, resulta imposible enseñar y educar como antaño a una nueva generación de estudiantes que vive conectada a la tecnología. Una visión moderna del aprendizaje requiere la adaptación de estrategias y métodos clásicos de enseñanza. Este estudio propone la introducción de una aplicación móvil lúdica como recurso tecnológico de apoyo al aprendizaje, que fomente la educación y la conciencia ambiental en los estudiantes del Campus de Vera de la Universitat Politècnica de València. La aplicación Grow Green es una herramienta innovadora, que tiene el potencial de conseguir objetivos educativos y de sostenibilidad, más allá del mero entretenimiento. Este proyecto de gamificación desea ayudar a los estudiantes a conocer elementos de la biodiversidad local mediante diferentes rutas de flora (árboles y arbustos) y fauna (aves) urbana, experimentar la movilidad sostenible, disfrutar de los beneficios suministrados por elementos de infraestructura verde y descubrir estrategias verdes para la resiliencia urbana. El compromiso ambiental es otro contexto prometedor para la gamificación, facilitando la participación de la comunidad universitaria en censos de aves. La implantación de la aplicación Grow Green fomentará la adquisición de competencias específicas y transversales, que proporcionan un valor añadido a los estudiantes y otorgan un mayor atractivo al currículo docente.[EN] Nowadays, it is impossible to teach and educate a new generation of students who lives connected to technology in the same way it was done before. A modern vision of learning requires the adaptation of classic teaching strategies and methods. This study proposes the introduction of a gamified mobile application as a technological resource to support learning, in order to promote environmental education and awareness among Vera campus students of Universitat Politècnica de València. Grow Green App is an innovative tool, which has the potential to achieve educational and sustainability goals, beyond its mere entertainment. This gamification project aims to help students find out the local biodiversity through different routes of urban flora (trees and shrubs) and fauna (birds), experience the sustainable mobility, enjoy the benefits provided by green infrastructure elements and discover green strategies for urban resilience. Citizen awareness is another promising context for gamification, facilitating the participation of the university community in bird censuses. The implementation of the Grow Green app will promote the acquisition of specific and transversal competences, that will provide an added value to students and will make courses more attractive.Tudorie, CM.; Vallés-Planells, M.; Gielen, E.; Galiana, F. (2020). App Grow Green: un instrumento para la innovación docente en la formación ambiental. En IN-RED 2020: VI Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 581-592. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2020.2020.11963OCS58159

    Sustainability of Mediterranean Spanish forest management through stakeholder views

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    [EN] The management of forests that considers the social and environmental aspects associated to the forest activity is called sustainable forest management (SFM). There is not an agreed definition to be applied worldwide. This study intends to find out the requirements of SFM in the Mediterranean region and takes Spain as a case study. It is also aimed to determine the sustainability of current forest management in Spain, the difficulties to achieve SFM and proposals to do so. An initial diagnosis of the situation in Spain is obtained by means of a SWOT analysis and, then, a questionnaire with forestry experts is carried out to verify and broaden the conclusions of the analysis. Results show that the key aspects of SFM are management planning, the consideration of the natural resources (biodiversity, habitats, soil and water), and the contribution to rural development. Management planning and rural development are scarcely considered currently in forest management (12% of the forest area has a management plan). The main difficulties that explain this situation are the low profitability of Mediterranean forests, the lack of economic compensation for the ecosystem services (ES) provided by forests, and the bad coordination between forestry and land planning. The way to SFM goes through the existence of fair mechanisms that pay forest owners for the ES provided and the market promotion of all forest products. For the previous to succeed, it is relevant to make society aware of the matter. Finally, it is important to increase inventory and data collection on forests to identify priorities of research and management.[ES] Se define la gestión forestal sostenible (GFS) como aquélla que considera los aspectos sociales y ambientales asociados a la actividad forestal. No existe una definición universal del concepto. Este estudio trata de identificar los requerimientos de GFS en la región mediterránea y se centra en España como estudio de caso. Se busca también determinar el nivel de sostenibilidad de la gestión forestal actual en España, las dificultades de su sistema para alcanzar los objetivos de GFS y propuestas para mejorar la gestión. Se realiza un diagnóstico inicial de la situación española por medio de un análisis DAFO (debilidades, amenazas, fortalezas y oportunidades) y posteriormente se lleva a cabo una consulta a expertos a través de un cuestionario para corroborar y ampliar las conclusiones del análisis. Los resultados muestran que los aspectos clave de GFS son la planificación de la gestión, la consideración de los recursos naturales (biodiversidad, hábitats, suelos y agua), y la contribución al desarrollo rural. La gestión forestal presente presta poca atención a la planificación de la gestión y al desarrollo rural (sólo el 12% de la superficie forestal tiene un plan de gestión). Las principales dificultades que explican esta situación son la baja rentabilidad de los bosques mediterráneos, la falta de compensación económica por la provisión de los bosques de servicios ambientales, y la poca coordinación entre la planificación forestal y la territorial. El camino hacia la GFS pasa por la existencia de mecanismos justos de pago a los propietarios forestales por los servicios ambientales provistos y la promoción en los mercados de todos los productos forestales. Finalmente, es importante aumentar y estandarizar la recolección de datos del estado de los bosques para identificar prioridades de investigación y de gestión.This project started with funds of Dirección General del Medio Natural y Política Forestal of Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino (Spanish ministry for the environment), it is supported now by Generalitat Valenciana (government of the region of Valencia) through the training programme VALi+d for new researchers (code ACIF/2010/248), and it is framed in a research funded by Dirección General de Investigación y Gestión del Plan Nacional de I+D+i of Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spanish ministry of science) (reference: ECO2011-27369).The project takes place in Universitat Politècnica de València. Authors would like to thank the four institutions for providing the means and resources for this project.Valls Donderis, P.; Jakešová, L.; Vallés-Planells, M.; Galiana, F. (2012). Sustainability of Mediterranean Spanish forest management through stakeholder views. European Countryside. 4(4):269-282. https://doi.org/10.2478/v10091-012-0028-1S2692824

    Urban morphology and landscape in social housing estates in Valencia: design strategies for the recomposition of public space

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    [ES] Esta comunicación analiza las estrategias de intervención que pueden emplearse para la recomposición del espacio público de los conjuntos de vivienda social pertenecientes a polígonos de promoción pública de la ciudad de Valencia, construidos entre 1952 y 1978. Utilizando una metodología de research by design, se presentan algunas propuestas experimentales para abordar la regeneración urbana de las áreas situadas en lo que se suele denominar como "primera periferia", contemplando simultáneamente la recomposición morfo-tipológica, que requiere una redefinición de las formas del suelo y de las formas construidas, y la recomposición del paisaje urbano, que requiere un diseño del espacio público desde parámetros de sostenibilidad en lo referente a su uso social, a la movilidad y a la integración funcional y visual de los procesos naturales en la ciudad.[EN] This communication analyzes the intervention strategies that can be used for the recomposition of the public space of the social housing estates in the city of Valencia, built between 1952 and 1978. Using a research by design methodology, we present some experimental proposals to approach the urban regeneration of the areas located in what is usually called the "first periphery", simultaneously contemplating the morpho-typological recomposition, which requires a redefinition of the land forms and the built forms, and the recomposition of the urban landscape, which requires a design of the public space from sustainability parameters regarding its social use, mobility and the functional and visual integration of natural processes in the city.Pérez Igualada, J.; Domingo Calabuig, D.; Galiana, F.; Vallés-Planells, M. (2020). Morfología urbana y paisaje en los conjuntos de vivienda social en Valencia: estrategias proyectuales para la recomposición del espacio público. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. 1-15. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/178601S11