32 research outputs found

    Gestión urbanística, financiera y valoraciones

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    Grau en Enginyeria en Edificació. ED0931: Gestió Urbanística i Financera, Valoracions i Taxacion

    Exploring residential urban form patterns: a Spanish case study

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    Rapid urban growth in recent years has increasingly compromised urban environments and made urban sustainability assessment quite challenging. Breaking down the city structure into smaller systems enables its complexity to be simplified. This work provides a methodology for defining the urban taxonomy of cities by characterizing the urban form patterns of its residential building stock into four different scales. The methodology enables the urban morphology of the city to be standardized, overcoming the barrier of building stock heterogeneity posed by cities, and considers a comprehensive review of the historic and urban planning development as starting point. The methodology proposed herein is supported by GIS technology and can be applied to medium-sized cities. It was validated by applying to the city of Castellón de la Plana, a Spanish Mediterranean coastal city. As main outcome of this research, the urban taxonomy has been obtained and building types in an average block have been standardized, allowing the definition of representative urban form patterns. This methodology can be useful for the stakeholders involved in urban decision-making processes when analysing socio-economic aspects, energy issues, the impact of different technological options or the promotion of sustainable urban development initiatives, among others

    Sustainability on the urban scale: proposal of a structure of indicators for the Spanish context

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    Some efforts to assess sustainability on the urban scale have been made and different tools for measuring the impact on and caused by cities have emerged. However, the sustainability concept varies from region to region, and indicators to measure it should be suitable for the context-specific conditions of the region under study. After doing a comprehensive review of the indicators included in 13 tools developed to assess urban sustainability of cities, this article proposes a new structure of indicators adapted to a Mediterranean city in Spain. The proposed structure is based on a two-level scheme that consists in 14 categories and 63 subcategories, which agglutinate urban sustainability indicators according to their purpose. This structure suggests a set of comprehensible qualitative and quantitative indicators that are easily applicable on neighbourhood or city scales. Given the similar features of Mediterranean countries in terms of environmental and socio-economic aspects, the proposed structure could be extrapolated to other countries with climatic and cultural similarities. Otherwise, the system is a useful tool in the decision-making process to help the different stakeholders involved in new urban developments and regeneration projects in existing neighbourhoods, such as developers, urban planners and public administrations


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    El sector de la construcción tiene una gran importancia en el desarrollo sostenible, y la adaptación en España de recientes directivas de la Unión Europea en materia energética, obliga a definir la calificación energética de los edificios, lo cual será un factor importante en la determinación de su valor. A este respecto, la presente Tesis Doctoral analiza la normativa y el software oficial que existe para obtener dicha calificación, en viviendas de nueva construcción y en cada zona climática de España. Partiendo de un proyecto real de viviendas adosadas, se realiza un análisis de los materiales e instalaciones requeridos para cumplir las normativas, así como de los costes de construcción, mantenimiento y consumo energético, y la emisión de CO2, teniendo en cuenta las calificaciones energéticas y las zonas climáticas. Viviendas más sostenibles exigen mayores costes de construcción, que deberían ser compensados con unos menores costes privados de uso. Pero en la práctica esto no ocurre y es necesario definir unos precios del CO2, o tasas medioambientales, para estimar los costes sociales que hagan rentable la elección de viviendas más eficientes energéticamente. La metodología empleada para definir estos precios son el análisis de costes y análisis de inversiones, que integran los costes económicos o privados y los costes sociales o públicos derivados de las emisiones de CO2 durante el uso de la vivienda. Finalmente, se realiza un análisis multicriterio para obtener la composición de viviendas con distintas calificaciones en una promoción inmobiliaria, considerando los objetivos privados y públicos.Ruá Aguilar, MJ. (2011). MÉTODO DE VALORACIÓN DE VIVIENDAS DESDE LA PERSPECTIVA MEDIOAMBIENTAL Y ANÁLISIS DE COSTES [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/11275Palanci

    Modelling energy efficiency performance of residential building stocks based on Bayesian statistical inference

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    This paper provides a model based on Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation to predict the energy performance of existing residential building stocks. The energy demand and the discomfort hours for heating and cooling were taken as response variables and five parameters were considered as potentially significant to assess the building energy performance: urban block pattern, street height-width ratio, building class through the building shape factor, year of construction and solar orientation of the main façade. A total of 240 dynamic energy simulations were run varying these parameters, by using the EnergyPlus software with the Design Builder interface, which allowed the response variables to be determined for a set of sample buildings. Simulation results revealed the most and least significant parameters in the energy performance of the buildings. The model developed is a useful decision-making tool in assisting local authorities during energy refurbishment interventions at the urban scale.Authors would like to thank the Architectural Construction Area of the Universitat Jaume I for providing the DesignBuilder software, which was used to conduct the data set in this research. Authors would also thank the two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments, which contributed to improve this work

    A methodology for predicting the energy performance and indoor thermal comfort of residential stocks on the neighbourhood and city scales. A case study in Spain

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    The aim of the study is to present a developed bottom-up-based methodology for predicting the energy performance of residential stocks on the neighbourhood and city scales. This methodology enables predicting the energy demand and discomfort hours (heating and cooling) taking into account urban and building factors such as urban block type, street height-width ratio and solar orientation of the main façade, and shape factor and year of construction of the building, respectively. For this purpose, a four-staged methodology consisting in (1) urban taxonomy characterisation, (2) energy performance assessment, (3) statistical modelling and (4) stock aggregation is proposed, which combines building physical modelling and statistical inference in a Geographical Information System environment to provide an intuitive visual interface that represents final results on urban energy maps. The methodology was implemented in a medium-sized Spanish Mediterranean city as a case study, which allowed estimating the passive energy performance of a neighbourhood and setting building and urban design strategies. Results allowed concluding that the intrinsic parameters of the urban morphology play an important role on passive energy performance and important energy demand savings can be achieved when considering morphological urban aspects in new planning developments. This methodology is an efficient tool that can help stakeholders and local authorities in decision-making processes that focus both on developments of new urban areas taking into account energy requirements and on identifying and prioritising existing residential stocks in need of rehabilitation in energy terms

    An Inclusive Model for Assessing Age-Friendly Urban Environments in Vulnerable Areas

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    Population aging is becoming a major challenge in many countries. This paper deals with the elderly’s specific needs in the public open space as it can play a significant role in their social inclusion and could be especially relevant in deprived areas. The main goal is to build a model to evaluate the vulnerability of the public space by focusing on the elderly’s needs, using indicators. A previous analysis of the scientific and policy-oriented literature and of the technical standards and regulations linked with accessibility and social aspects that affect the elderly in urban areas was performed to identify the main dimensions for evaluation. The interjudge agreement technique was applied to validate the indicators with a panel of experts in technical and social disciplines. The model was applied to a vulnerable area in Castellón (East Spain), based on indicators adapted to the specific context features. The agreement level reached by experts was used to weight the indicators. The application of the model permitted the vulnerability in the suggested dimensions to be estimated and a global integrated index of vulnerability in the area to be calculated. It could assist in urban planning decision making toward age-friendly and, therefore, inclusive cities

    Aplicación de los SIG para la caracterización del comportamiento energético del parque edificatorio residencial

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    A pesar de los avances legislativos en los últimos años en materia de ahorro energético en la edificación, este sector sigue siendo responsable de un elevado porcentaje del consumo total de energía en la Unión Europea. En el caso concreto de España, esto es debido a que más de la mitad del parque edificatorio residencial se construyó con anterioridad a este nuevo marco normativo, por lo que no reúne las características constructivas necesarias para garantizar unas condiciones óptimas de confort térmico para sus ocupantes. Este trabajo constata la utilidad de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) para el diagnóstico energético de áreas urbanas consolidadas en el marco de la evaluación energética del parque edificatorio residencial. El entorno SIG facilita el tratamiento de la información y proporciona una interfaz visual e intuitiva para presentar los resultados finales en mapas urbanos energéticos. Los resultados del estudio permiten la identificación gráfica de los edificios en función de su comportamiento energético. La metodología propuesta constituye una herramienta para asistir a los agentes intervinientes en procesos de regeneración urbana a la hora de identificar las áreas que presentan mayor vulnerabilidad energética, resultando un instrumento útil para la toma de decisión y priorización de las actuaciones.Despite the recent legislative advances in terms of energy savings in the building sector, it is still responsible for a high percentage of the total energy consumption in the European Union. In the specific case of Spain, this is due to the fact that more than a half of the residential building stock was built be-fore this new regulatory framework. So, they do not meet the necessary constructive requirements to provide the optimal comfort conditions for its occupants from the energy efficien-cy viewpoint. This study aims to demonstrate the utility of the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to perform the energy diagnosis of existing urban areas. To do this, a methodology for the energy assessment of the residential building stock has been developed. The use of GIS enables information proces-sing and provides a visual and intuitive interface to graphically represent the results in urban energy maps. The results of this study allow the graphic identification of buildings according to their energy performance. The proposed methodology is a tool to assist the stakeholders involved in urban regeneration pro-cesses when identifying the areas with greatest energy vulnera-bility. This methodology is a useful tool for decision-making and prioritization of actions

    Contribution of Roof Refurbishment to Urban Sustainability

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    Achieving sustainable urban environments is a challenging goal—especially in existing cities with high percentages of old and obsolete buildings. This work analyzes the contribution of roof refurbishment to sustainability, considering that most roofs are currently underused. Many potential benefits of refurbishment can be achieved, such as the improvement of the energy performance of the buildings and the use of a wasted space for increasing green areas or for social purposes. In order to estimate the degree of the improvement, a vulnerable area in Castellón (east Spain) was selected as a case study. A thorough analysis of the residential building stock was undertaken. Using georeferenced information from the Cadastral Office we classified them according to typology, year of construction and roof type. Some refurbishment solutions were proposed and their applicability to the actual buildings was analyzed under different criteria. The theoretical benefits obtained in the neighborhood such as energy and carbon emissions savings were evaluated, together with the increase of green areas. Moreover, other social uses were suggested for neglected urban spaces in the area. Finally, a more accurate analysis was performed combining different solutions in a specific building, according to its particular characteristics

    Inclusion of Gender Views for the Evaluation and Mitigation of Urban Vulnerability: A Case Study in Castellón

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    The inclusion of gender views in every field and, especially, in urbanism, has become crucial for urban planning. Considering both men’s and women’s interests in an integrated gender equality perspective provides better results that improve the quality of public spaces and engenders a more sustainable society. However, to realize such benefits, efforts are required not only to understand the needs and preferences of urban residents but also to shape policies and develop strategies to mitigate vulnerability with population involvement. In order to help decision makers at the urban level evaluate vulnerability with the inclusion of gender views, this study proposes a model that incorporates the specificities of urban fabric users that face adverse conditions. The model is based on a structured and standardized checklist of key topics that could be applied to any urban development. From this checklist, a list of categories, subcategories, and indicators were proposed and validated using the inter-judge agreement technique. To illustrate this model, this paper presents the case study of Castellón (Spain) in which deprived neighborhoods were analyzed, updating a previous model intended only to detect vulnerability. The results help link policy making to social vulnerability and indicate strategies to reach inclusive neighborhoods via a gender equality approach