18 research outputs found

    Gestión del proceso de innovación de las prácticas de enseñanza en instituciones educativas. Un estudio prospectivo a diez años

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    Fil: Ferreyra, Horacio Ademar. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Educación; ArgentinaFil: Maine, Claudia Amelia. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Educación; ArgentinaFil: Abram, Liliana Alejandra. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Educación; ArgentinaFil: Barrionuevo Vidal, María Belén. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Educación; ArgentinaFil: Etchegorry, Mariana. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Educación; ArgentinaFil: Perfumo, María Soledad. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Educación; Argentin

    Impact of the chemical composition of Pinus radiata wood on its physical and mechanical properties following thermo-hygromechanical densification

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    The thermo-hygromechanical densification process changes the chemical composition and the physical and mechanical properties of wood. The aim of this work was to study the impact of the chemical composition of Pinus radiata wood on its physical and mechanical properties following the thermo-hygromechanical densification process. The samples were initially segregated by lignin content. Density, hardness, modulus of elasticity (MOE), and modulus of rupture (MOR), in addition to lignin, α-cellulose, hemicellulose, and extractive contents, were determined before and after the densification process. The results indicated that densified wood with high initial lignin content had greater rate of increases in density and MOE than wood with lower initial lignin content. Additionally, densified wood with lower initial lignin content had greater rate of increases in hardness. The rate of increase of MOR did not show significant differences within both groups. Carbohydrates present in the control and the densified wood played an important role in the mechanical strength of the final product

    Structural features of dioxane lignin from Eucalyptus globulus and their relationship with the pulp yield of contrasting genotypes

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    The chemical structure of dioxane lignins isolated from two groups of Eucalyptus globulus genotypes with contrasting pulpwood characteristics were evaluated. Six genotypes were selected and separated in two groups(G1 and G2) based on differences in wood density, pulp yield and chemical characteristics. Lignin was isolated from both milled wood and kraft pulps produced at kappa number 16, and were characterized by differenttechniques such as FTIR, elemental analysis, molar mass distribution and 31P NMR spectroscopy. From the different characteristics evaluated, some were determined as more relevant, such as syringyl (S) and guaiacyl(G) amounts, S/G ratio and condensed biphenyl units, were correlated with the pulp yield. High correlations were found between pulp yield and syringyl units (R2 = 0,69), and pulp yield and syringyl/guaicyl ratio (R2 = 0,88). The condensed 5-5 biphenyl units presented a negative correlation with pulp yield (R2 = 0,76). The information obtained explained part of the difference in pulpability of the contrasting genotypes and can be used for the selection and improvement of the species for the pulp and paper industry

    Chemical characteristics and Kraft pulping of tension wood from Eucalyptus globulus labill Características químicas e polpação Kraft de madeira de tração de Eucalyptus globulus labill

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    Tension (TW) and opposite wood (OW) of Eucalyptus globulus trees were analyzed for its chemical characteristics and Kraft pulp production. Lignin content was 16% lower and contained 32% more syringyl units in TW than in OW. The increase in syringyl units favoured the formation of &#946;-O-4 bonds that was also higher in TW than in OW (84% vs. 64%, respectively). The effect of these wood features was evaluated in the production of Kraft pulps from both types of wood. At kappa number 16, Kraft pulps obtained from TW demanded less active alkali in delignification and presented slightly higher or similar pulp yield than pulps made with OW. Fiber length, coarseness and intrinsic viscosity were also higher in tension than in opposite pulps. When pulps where refined to 30°SR, TW pulps needed 18% more revolutions in the PFI mill to achieve the same beating degree than OW pulps. Strength properties (tensile, tear and burst indexes) were slightly higher or similar in tension as compared with opposite wood pulps. After an OD0(EO)D1 bleaching sequence, both pulps achieved up to 89% ISO brightness. Bleached pulps from TW presented higher viscosity and low amount of hexenuronic acids than pulps from OW. Results showed that TW presented high xylans and low lignin content that caused a decrease in alkali consumption, increase pulp strength properties and similar bleaching performance as compared with pulps from OW.<br>Madeira de tração e oposta de árvores de Eucalyptus globulus foram analisadas quanto a suas características químicas e produção de polpa Kraft. A caracterização química da madeira de tração (TW) de Eucalyptus globulus Labill. mostrou um conteúdo similar de celulose, alto conteúdo de xilanas e baixo conteúdo de lignina quando comparada com a madeira oposta (OW) de uma mesma árvore. O conteúdo de lignina foi 16% menor e contém 32% mais unidades siringila em TW que em OW. O aumento das unidades siringila favoreceu a formação de ligações &#946;-O-4 que também foram mais altas em TW que em OW (84% vs. 64%, respectivamente). O efeito destas características foi avaliado na produção de polpas Kraft de ambos tipos de madeira. A um número kappa de 16, as polpas Kraft obtidas de TW demandaram menos álcali ativo na deslignificação e apresentaram rendimento de polpa levemente maior ou similar que as polpas obtidas com OW. O comprimento das fibras, o coarseness e a viscosidade também foram maiores em polpas de madeira de tração que oposta. Quando as polpas foram refinadas a 30°SR, as polpas TW necessitaram 18% mais revoluções no refinador PFI para atingir o mesmo grau de refino que as polpas OW. As propriedades de resistência mecânica (índices de tração, rasgo e estouro) foram levemente maiores ou similares em polpas de madeira de tração quando comparadas com polpas de madeira oposta. Depois de uma sequência de branqueamento OD0(EO)D1, ambas polpas alcançaram até 89% de alvura ISO. As polpas branqueadas de TW apresentaram viscosidade mais alta e menor conteúdo de ácidos hexenurônicos que as polpas de OW. Os resultados mostraram que TW apresenta alto teor de xilanas e menor teor de lignina que ocasionam uma diminuição no consumo de álcali, aumento das propriedades de resistência mecânica e comportamento similar no branqueamento em comparação com polpas de OW

    Chemical characteristics and Kraft pulping of tension wood from Eucalyptus globulus labill

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    Tension (TW) and opposite wood (OW) of Eucalyptus globulus trees were analyzed for its chemical characteristics and Kraft pulp production. Lignin content was 16% lower and contained 32% more syringyl units in TW than in OW. The increase in syringyl units favoured the formation of β-O-4 bonds that was also higher in TW than in OW (84% vs. 64%, respectively). The effect of these wood features was evaluated in the production of Kraft pulps from both types of wood. At kappa number 16, Kraft pulps obtained from TW demanded less active alkali in delignification and presented slightly higher or similar pulp yield than pulps made with OW. Fiber length, coarseness and intrinsic viscosity were also higher in tension than in opposite pulps. When pulps where refined to 30°SR, TW pulps needed 18% more revolutions in the PFI mill to achieve the same beating degree than OW pulps. Strength properties (tensile, tear and burst indexes) were slightly higher or similar in tension as compared with opposite wood pulps. After an OD0(EO)D1 bleaching sequence, both pulps achieved up to 89% ISO brightness. Bleached pulps from TW presented higher viscosity and low amount of hexenuronic acids than pulps from OW. Results showed that TW presented high xylans and low lignin content that caused a decrease in alkali consumption, increase pulp strength properties and similar bleaching performance as compared with pulps from OW

    Relationship between structural characteristics of cellulose nanocrystals obtained from kraft pulp

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    Kraft pulp cellulose was hydrolyzed using sulfuric acid, under different thermophysical conditions of temperature, time, pulp concentration, and sonication time. The experimental design revealed the effect of these conditions and their interaction on the hydrolysis yield obtained. In addition, the top five cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) yields from this experiment design were analyzed. The results obtained indicated that CNCs possess a morphology that can be described as individualized rod particles, with average diameters less than 50 nm and different size distribution. In the analysis of CNCs features, significant Pearson correlations were established between the crystallinity of the CNC, CNC yield, and interplanar crystallites distance (∆d/d). The thermogravimetric (DTG) profiles exhibited two CNCs degradation stages, where the second stage CNCs degradation showed a significative correlation with CNC sulfur content. In our analysis, the crystallographic parameters exhibited a correlation with the mechanicalbehavior of the CNC, since the potential variation between the distances of the crystalline planes is related to the stress and deformation present in the crystallites of CNCs. This study provides new knowledge regarding CNCs, further enhancing information for CNC-based industries and the processability of CNCs for the development of new materials.Peer reviewe

    Extração e caracterização de hemiceluloses de Pinus radiata e sua viabilidade para a produção de bioetanol Extraction and characterization of hemicelluloses from Pinus radiata and its feasibility for bioethanol production

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    As galactoglucomananas são as principais frações de hemiceluloses presentes nas madeiras moles e contêm, principalmente, as hexoses galactose, glicose e manose. O isolamento eficiente e seletivo dessas hemiceluloses é um obstáculo crítico a superar para sua utilização. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram extrair e caracterizar soluções aquosas ácidas e neutras de hemiceluloses de cavacos de madeira de Pinus radiata, bem como avaliar sua viabilidade para a produção de bioetanol. As hemiceluloses em P. radiata representam 26 g/100 g de madeira (base seca), e as hexoses são responsáveis por aproximadamente 64% dessa quantidade. De acordo com as diferentes condições de extração, cerca de 50% da fração hemicelulósica foi solubilizada e recuperada depois de uma precipitação com etanol. As frações recuperadas de hemiceluloses estavam na forma de oligômeros com peso molecular médio (Mw) variando entre 4x10³ e 4x10(5) g/mol. Os oligômeros hemicelulósicos foram hidrolisados com ácido sulfúrico diluído e os hidrolisados concentrados até aproximadamente 70 g/L hexosas e fermentados pela levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Os resultados de fermentação indicaram que os açúcares obtidos dos extratos ácidos e neutros foram fermentados com rendimentos máximos de etanol de 63% e 54% (22 g/L e 19 g/L), respectivamente. A conversão de hemiceluloses da madeira em etanol é viável, porém seu baixo rendimento faz que o processo não seja economicamente atrativo, razão por que melhorias no processo ou usos alternativos das hemiceluloses devem ser avaliados.<br>Galactoglucomannans are the major hemicellulosic fraction present in softwoods, and is mainly composed by the hexoses: galactose, glucose and mannose. The efficient and selective isolation of these hemicelluloses is regarded as one of the most critical obstacles to overcome for their utilization. The objective of the current work was to extract and characterize acidic and neutral aqueous solutions of hemicelluloses from Pinus radiata wood chips and investigate their feasibility for bioethanol production. Hemicelluloses in P. radiata represented 26 g/100 g wood (o.d.w.) and hexoses are responsible for approximately 64% of this amount. According to the different extraction conditions, approximately 50% of the hemicellulosic fraction was solubilized and recovered after precipitation with ethanol. The recovered hemicellulosic fractions were in the form of oligomers with weight-average molecular weigth (Mw) varying from 4x10³ to 4x10(5) g/mol. Hemicellulosic oligomers were hydrolyzed with dilute sulfuric acid and the hydrolysates concentrated until approximately 70 g/L of hexoses and fermented by Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast. Fermentation results showed that sugar obtained from acid and neutral extractions were fermented to ethanol with maximum yields of 63% and 54% (22 g/ L and 19 g/L), respectively. The conversion of wood hemicellulosic substrates to ethanol is feasible but the low ethanol yields obtained make the process not economically attractive and optimization of the process or alternatives uses for hemicelluloses should be evaluated

    Extração e caracterização de hemiceluloses de Pinus radiata e sua viabilidade para a produção de bioetanol

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    As galactoglucomananas são as principais frações de hemiceluloses presentes nas madeiras moles e contêm, principalmente, as hexoses galactose, glicose e manose. O isolamento eficiente e seletivo dessas hemiceluloses é um obstáculo crítico a superar para sua utilização. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram extrair e caracterizar soluções aquosas ácidas e neutras de hemiceluloses de cavacos de madeira de Pinus radiata, bem como avaliar sua viabilidade para a produção de bioetanol. As hemiceluloses em P. radiata representam 26 g/100 g de madeira (base seca), e as hexoses são responsáveis por aproximadamente 64% dessa quantidade. De acordo com as diferentes condições de extração, cerca de 50% da fração hemicelulósica foi solubilizada e recuperada depois de uma precipitação com etanol. As frações recuperadas de hemiceluloses estavam na forma de oligômeros com peso molecular médio (Mw) variando entre 4x10³ e 4x10(5) g/mol. Os oligômeros hemicelulósicos foram hidrolisados com ácido sulfúrico diluído e os hidrolisados concentrados até aproximadamente 70 g/L hexosas e fermentados pela levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Os resultados de fermentação indicaram que os açúcares obtidos dos extratos ácidos e neutros foram fermentados com rendimentos máximos de etanol de 63% e 54% (22 g/L e 19 g/L), respectivamente. A conversão de hemiceluloses da madeira em etanol é viável, porém seu baixo rendimento faz que o processo não seja economicamente atrativo, razão por que melhorias no processo ou usos alternativos das hemiceluloses devem ser avaliados