41 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la técnica de tomografía eléctrica para la estimación de propiedades fisioquímicas de residuos mineros

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    El objetivo principal del trabajo es estudiar la idoneidad de la técnica de “tomografía eléctrica” como herramienta de evaluación de las propiedades fisicoquímicas de residuos mineros. Desde el punto de vista práctico se trata de averiguar si existe o no influencia entre dichas propiedades y la resistividad eléctrica en este tipo de residuos. Para ello será necesario llevar a cabo la caracterización geoquímica del depósito minero, a través de análisis de laboratorio de las muestras de residuo tomadas. Esto permitirá, a su vez, establecer el grado de contaminación del depósito. Debemos evaluar también el efecto de la humedad en la resolución de la tomografía eléctrica (en adelante, TE) y, por último, estudiar la correlación entre las variables geoquímicas y geofísicas.Escuela de Ingeniería de Caminos y MinasUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Assessment of metals behaviour in industrial soil using sequential extraction, multivariable analysis and a geostatistical approach

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    The main objectives of this studywere to evaluate the degree of Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Cr and Ni pollution using pollution indexes and geostatistical approach, and to assess metals dynamic using sequential extraction procedure and multivariable statistical analysis in surface soils and soil profiles froman industrial complex as a base for a correct management in order to avoid health and environmental problems. Results showed that the industrial activity increases both Pb (103 mgkg−1), Zn (526 mgkg−1) and Cu (39 mgkg−1) concentrations and salinity in soil. Pollution indexes showed that industrial soils were moderately contaminated by Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr and Ni as well as a moderate ecological risk was reported. Two main areas were identified: southeast area with the highest metal concentrations, and northwest areawith the lowest levels. Chemical speciation of metals showed that the residual phase was the dominant phase for all metals. However, Pb and Zn were highly associated to the reducible phase (25–30% and 35–40% respectively) and a significant concentration was associated to carbonates (5% for both metals). In contrast, Cu, Cr and Ni were mainly bound to the residual phase (N80% for all metals) with low concentrations retained to reducible phase, and very low concentrations bound to the most labile phases. Cd was the most mobile metal with high concentration associated to exchangeable (5%) and carbonates (15–20%) phases. Therefore, Pb, Zn and Cd represent the greatest risk for human health and the environment

    Use of multivariable and redundancy analysis to assess the behavior of metals and arsenic in urban soil and road dust affected by metallic mining as a base for risk assessment

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    The vicinity of abandoned mining ponds to populated areas may suppose a high environmental and health risk being necessary evaluate unreclaimend ponds as source of metal(loid)s. In order to evaluate the behaviour of metals and arsenic from tailing ponds and their effects in urban areas, 10 mine wastes samples, 10 urban soil and 10 urban road dust samples were collected from two mining districts (La Unión and Mazarrón, SE Spain). Physicochemical properties and total, available and water-soluble concentration of metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Mn, Pb, Zn) and As were analyzed. Results suggest enrichment in Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn of urban soil and road dust in both studied towns. Multivariable analysis indicated that Cd, Mn, Pb and Zn in La Unión urban soil, and As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in soil and Fe in road dust of Mazarrón come from mining districts. In addition, redundancy analysis showed that mobility of metal(loid)s related to mining sources were more influenced by their total concentration, while metals with a lithogeny origin were more affected by physicochemical properties.The financial support to conduct this study was provided by the Fundación Séneca of 235 Comunidad Autónoma de Murcia-Spain (15380/PI/10)

    Importance of the methodology nurse in the improvement of the quality of care in patients with severe head trauma

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    Los traumatismos craneoencefálicos (TCE) constituyen un importante problema de salud pública en los países occidentales, por el elevado índice de mortalidad, discapacidad y la prolongada hospitalización que conllevan. Son la primera causa de muerte e incapacidad en la población menor de 45 años y una causa importante de pérdida prematura de vida productiva, de altos costes de atención médica y de pérdidas socioeconómicas grandes para la sociedad. El objetivo del estudio es revisar la literatura actual relacionada con los cuidados de Enfermería aplicados a los pacientes con TCE grave, así como la influencia de los mismos en la mejora de la práctica asistencial y en la calidad de vida de los pacientes y sus familias. Para la realización del trabajo se lleva a cabo una revisión narrativa de la literatura relacionada sobre los aspectos más importantes que influyen en la atención y cuidados de los pacientes con TCE grave. Se revisan las bases de datos MEDLINE, CUIDEN, BDIE, INDEX, CINAHL, LILACS y revisiones sistemáticas de la COCHRANE. La aplicación de la metodología enfermera favorece el cuidado integral al paciente y familia, ayuda a prevenir complicaciones que puedan empeorar la recuperación del paciente disminuyendo las secuelas a largo plazo, y favorece la calidad de vida de estos pacientes además de contribuir en la mejora de la calidad asistencial.The traumatic brain injury (TBI) constitutes a major public health problem in the Western countries, by the high rate of mortality, disability and prolonged hospital stay involving. They are the leading cause of death and disability in the population under 45 years and a major cause of premature loss of productive life, high costs of medical care and of large socio-economic loss to society. The objective of this study is to review the current literature related to nursing care applied to patients with severe TBI, as well as the influence of the same in the improvement of the health care practice and the quality of life of patients and their families. To carry out the work is performed a narrative review of the literature on the most important aspects that influence the attention and care of patients with severe TBI. We review the databases MEDLINE, CUIDEN, BDIE, INDEX, CINAHL, LILACS and the Cochrane systematic reviews. Applying nursing methodology integral care helps the patient and family, helps to prevent complications that can worsen the patient’s recovery by reducing long-term sequelae, and enhances the quality of life of these patients as well as contributes to the improvement of the quality of care

    Perinatal mortality in the European Union. What influences whether birth is hospital or at home? Literature review

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    OBJETIVOS: - Describir el modelo de control de la gestación y asistencia al parto domiciliario tomando como referencia Países Bajos. - Comparar la Tasa de Mortalidad Perinatal (TMP) de los países europeos donde sea usual el parto domiciliario con los que la mayoría de sus partos sean atendidos en el hospital. - Mostrar los datos de Tasa de Mortalidad en Países Europeos. - Abrir nuevas vías de investigación respecto al tema. MÉTODOS: Revisión bibliográfica mediante búsqueda en bases de datos y buscadores genéricos de Internet. RESULTADOS: Según un estudio holandés donde comparan tipo de parto y resultados obstétricos, no hay diferencias. Estudios PERISTAT I y II: después de Francia, Países Bajos tuvieron la mayor tasa de mortalidad fetal y la mayor tasa de mortalidad neonatal precoz. Estudio de Erasmus MC: en países similares a Países Bajos la TMP puede ser un 30% menos. Meta-análisis en American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology: los nacimientos planificados en casa de madres sanas y bajo riesgo duplicaba el riesgo de mortalidad neonatal. TMP según Comisión Europea: España de las más bajas (TMP=4,9), mucho más que Países Bajos (TMP=6,6). Sube en Reino Unido (TMP= 8,1) o Francia con una TMP de las más altas de Europa (TMP=11,1). CONCLUSIONES: Extrapolar el sistema Holandés a nuestro país sería difícil porque: - Es imprescindible ir al hospital para analgesia farmacológica (muy demandada en España). - El parto hospitalario en España es gratuito (no en Holanda). - Lejanía de algunos domicilios a los hospitales.OBJECTIVES: - Explain the control model of pregnancy and birthing house Netherlands by reference. - Compare the perinatal mortality rate (TMP) of the European countries where home birth is usual with most of their births are attended in the hospital. - Show data-mortality rate in European countries. - Open new avenues of research on the subject. METHODS: Literature review by searching databases and general Internet search engines. RESULTS: According to a Dutch study which compared mode of delivery and obstetric outcomes, no differences. PERISTAT Studies I and II: After France, the Netherlands had the highest fetal mortality rate and the highest rate of early neonatal mortality. Erasmus MC Study: in countries like the Netherlands TMP can be 30% less. Meta-analysis in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology: planned home births for low risk healthy mothers and doubled the risk of neonatal mortality. TMP as European Commission: the lowest Spain (TMP = 4.9), much more than Netherlands (TMP = 6.6). Add in the UK (TMP = 8.1) or France with a TMP of the highest in Europe (TMP = 11.1). CONCLUSIONS: Extrapolate the Dutch system in our country would be difficult because: - It is essential to go to hospital for pharmacological analgesia (high demand in Spain). - The hospital birth in Spain is free (not in Holland). - Remoteness of some homes to hospitals

    Change in metals and arsenic distribution in soil and their bioavailability beside old tailing ponds

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    The objectives of this study were to determine the metals and arsenic transfer from mining ponds to agricultural and forest soils, and identify the dynamic of metal(loid)s in the soil-plant system for a native plant species (Ballota hirsuta) in two old mining districts: La Unión and Mazarrón (Spain). Soils and plants from mining ponds and natural and agricultural areas were collected and analysed for soil properties, and chemical partitioning of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn and As. Results showed that mine, forest and agricultural soils were contaminated by As, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn. Chemical partitioning revealed higher mobility of metals in mining ponds than natural and agricultural soils except for Fe and As which were mostly bound to soil matrix due to the mineralogical compositions of soils. The accumulation of metal(loid)s in B. hirsuta in La Unión decreased as Fe>As>Cr>Ni>Cu>Zn>Cd>Mn>Co>Pb while in Mazarrón was As>Fe>Cr>Pb>Cu>Ni>Co>Mn>Zn>Cd, showing that B. hirsuta has high ability to bio-accumulate Fe, As, Cr, Cu and Ni; and Pb (in Mazarrón), transferring a significant concentration of theses metal(loid)s, except Pb, to edible parts without exceeding the toxicity limits for animals. Therefore, B. hirsuta could be useful as phytoextractor species for Cr, Cu, As and Ni, while it can be used as phytostabilizer species for Zn, Co, Pb and Cd.The financial support to conduct this study was provided by the Fundación Séneca of Comunidad Autónoma de Murcia-Spain (15380/PI/10), and European Commission project SOIL PRECAIRE (SOE1/P4/F0023

    Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and geochemical analysis dataset to delimit subsurface affected areas by livestock pig slurry ponds

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    The electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) technique was employed with the support of geochemical analyses to delimit the affected surface area by slurry pig ponds. Data were taken in three selected slurry ponds located in Fuente Álamo municipality, Murcia region (SE Spain), to obtain electrical resistivity value-based 2D sections and 3D blocks. All ERT-based survey data were obtained in September 2020 using a SuperSting R8 resistivity meter from Advanced Geosciences Inc. and using the dipole-dipole array consisting of a total of twenty-eight electrodes. The soil samples were taken from drilling core sampling by boreholes at each slurry pond, and physical-chemical analyses of soil samples were obtained using standard laboratory testing methods. Electrical resistivity values and physical-chemical analysis data obtained from soil samples were contrasted, whose comparison showed a correlation between profiles-based electrical resistivity, laboratory-based electrical conductivity (EC) data, and nitrate (N-NO3-) content from soil samples. The statistical analysis was run by SPSS Statistics v.23 software (IBM, Neconductivity York, NY, USA) to establish the non-parametric Spearman correlation. The dataset establishes a reliable methodology and provides insight and information to delimit the affected subsurface area by pig slurry. Data contained within this publication are presented concurrently with Capa-Camacho et al. 2022 [1].This work was supported by the research grant 21583/FPI/21. Fundación Séneca. Región de Murcia (Spain), and the Sustainable Use, Management, and Reclamation of Soil and Water research group

    Environmental impact assessment of industrial activities on heavy metals distribution in street dust and soil

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    Street dust and soil are important materials for evaluating the contaminants level in industrial areas. Detailed size-resolved distribution of metal(loid)s in street dusts and soils influenced by industrial activities has rarely been investigated. This study was carried out to understand how industrialization might affect the size distribution of metal(loid)s concentration and contamination level in the street dust and soil from Murcia, southern Spain. An industrial and a natural areas were selected and surface soil and street dust samples were taken. They were fractionated into eleven size classes and total concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, Ni, As and Fe were determined in both the bulk samples and their fractions. Enrichment factor, geoaccumulation index, and mass loading of different heavy metal(loids) were calculated. The results indicated that the street dust from natural and industrial areas had almost the same particle size distribution, both containing higher percentage of coarse-sized particles than the soil. Industrialization seems to have only slightly affected the concentration of most elements studied in the soil. In contrast, the concentrations of the heavy elements in bulk industrial dust samples and all their size fractions were extremely higher than those from the natural area. This means that the industrial activities only affected the size dependency of the concentration (contamination level) of certain elements (Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, and Cr) in the street dust, but not in the soil.Este artículo fue financiado por las universidades Isfahan University of Technology y Shahrood University of Technology (Irán) a través de las estancias de los profesores Khademi y Abbaspour, así como por la Fundación Séneca de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia, con el proyecto de referencia 15380/PI/10

    Provenance and environmental risk of windblown materials from mine tailing ponds, Murcia, Spain

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    Atmospheric particulates play a vital role in the transport of potentially toxic metals, being an important exposure pathways of people to toxic elements, which is faster and can occur in a much larger scale than water, soil and biota transport. Windblown materials in abandoned tailing ponds have not been well examined. The objectives of this investigation were: to study the major physical and geochemical properties of the materials eroded by wind inside the tailing ponds, and to understand the relative contribution of different sources to its heavy metals concentration. Study area is located in Cartagena-La Union mining district (SE Spain), where metallic mining of Fe, Pb and Zn has been developed for more than 2500 years. Wind-eroded particulates were monthly collected at 3 different heights (20, 50, and 80 cm) from the ground for a period of a full year using 4 dust collectors. Four tailing samples and 4 surface soil samples from the surrounding hills were also taken. Dust, soil, and tailing samples were examined for pH, particle size distribution, electrical conductivity, calcium carbonate content, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Mn, Co, Ni, Ti and Zr concentrations. The results indicated that very coarse textured, slightly saline, and almost neutral wind-eroded deposits were generated with a very high temporal variability throughout the year. They also showed that the concentration of Cd, Mn, Pb and Zn, in the dust samples is extraordinarily high (18, 1254, 1831, and 5747 mg kg-1 respectively), whereas Co, Ni, and Cu had concentrations into the range of background concentrations found in the Earth’s crust (3.8, 12, and 60 mg kg-1 respectively). Besides, the concentration of both categories of heavy metals in the dust samples was higher than that in tailing and less than that of the soils. The barren surfaces of tailing ponds and also the surface soils of the surrounding area seem to be the major contributors to the dust collected. Therefore, abandoned mines as well as their tailing ponds should be rehabilitated by proper technologies and then well stabilized and /or covered by appropriate plant vegetation to control the transfer, particularly by air, of environmentally hazardous materials to other areas.Este artículo fue financiado por las universidades Isfahan University of Technology y Shahrood University of Technology (Irán) a través de las estancias de los profesores Khademi y Abbaspour, así como por la empresa propietaria de los terrenos donde se realizó el estudio. Este artículo se desarrolló en la zona de estudio del proyecto CP-IP 213968-2 IRIS, financiado por la European Union FP7, y la Dirección General de Industria, Energía y Minas de la Región de Murcia

    Effect of land use and soil properties in the feasibility of two sequential extraction procedures for metals fractionation

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    Several sequential extraction procedures are widely applied for metals chemical fractionation in the literature. However, their limitations to be used in different soils and metals have not been discussed in detail. This study compares two of the most commonly used extraction methods for metals chemical fractionation: Tessier and BCR. The objectives were to i) assess the differences between concentrations of metals extracted in each fraction by both Tessier and BCR procedures; ii) elucidate if soil properties affected the extraction ability of each fraction from both procedures; and iii) evaluate how land use contributes to different chemical metal distribution. Results indicated that both methods provide similar results when were applied to the same soil, since non-significant differences were found in metal concentrations between both methods at each fraction. Conversely, when we compared among land uses, significant differences were found in the metal concentration between both methods, especially between agricultural/urban/industrial against forest soil. Redundancy analysis showed that in carbonate- rich soils, BCR extraction method could cover up the real concentration of exchangeable metals with those bound to the carbonate phase, being the Tessier method the most suitable one for this kind of soils. Therefore, although sequential extraction is a useful tool to understand the distribution of metals in soil, the method used must be selected according to the land use and specific soil characteristics, taking into account at least, soil carbonate content