180 research outputs found

    Study of scenarios and technical requirements of a social assistive robot for Alzheimer's disease patients and their caregivers

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    Robots have begun to assist elders and patients suffering dementia. In particular, recent studies have shown how robots can benefit Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. This is a novel area with a promising future but lot of researching needs to be done. The RobAlz project is aimed to assist AD patients and their caregivers by social robots. This project is divided in three phases: the definition of the requirements and scenarios, the development of a new robotic platform, and the evaluation. This work presents the results obtained in the first phase, in which several meetings were conducted with a set of subject-matter experts in the areas of Alzheimer's Disease and social robotics. The meetings were classified according to the application areas they covered: general aspects, safety, entertainment, personal assistance, and stimulation. The meetings ended up with a repertory of scenarios where robots can be applied to Alzheimer's patients and their caregivers at their home or in longterm care facilities. These scenarios present different psychological, social and technical concerns that must be addressed for the design of the robot. In this work we perform an analysis on the scenarios and present the technical requirements for the development of a first robotic prototype. This prototype will be constructed and tested in real environments in the subsequent phases of the RobAlz project.The authors gratefully acknowledge the collaboration of the Spanish Alzheimer Foundation (FAE) and the funds provided by the Spanish Government through the project Aplicaciones de los robots sociales DPI2011-26980, from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

    Cell viability assay in corneal endothelium

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    Resumen del póster publicado en el II Annual Meeting CINBIO abstracts book [Internet], p. 65[Abstract] Introduction: Endothelium is the inner layer of the cornea, which must be viable for transplanting. The limited availability of corneas makes necessary the developing of preservation techniques that allow a long storage without losing endothelial viability.Objectives: Optimization of a cell viability assay in preserved corneas.Methods: One half of an endothelium from a cornea that was storage in hypothermic conditions and an endothelium of a cryopreserved cornea were stained with LIVE/DEAD imaging kit and Hoechst. The other half of endothelium was the negative control. Corneal endothelia were imaged using a fluorescence microscope.Results: Four sort of cells were visualized on both endothelia: viable cells with high esterase activity, intermediate cells with low esterase activity, non-viable cells without esterase activity, and cells only stained by Hoechst. Conclusions: Triple stain is effectiveto detect different sort of cells in endothelium of preserved corneas, included viable cells, depending on their esterase enzymatic activity and on cell and nuclear membrane damage

    Analysis of Cryopreservation Protocols and Their Harmful Effects on the Endothelial Integrity of Human Corneas

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    [Abstract] Corneal cryopreservation can partially solve the worldwide concern regarding donor cornea shortage for keratoplasties. In this study, human corneas were cryopreserved using two standard cryopreservation protocols that are employed in the Tissue Bank of the Teresa Herrera Hospital (Spain) to store corneas for tectonic keratoplasties (TK protocol) and aortic valves (AV protocol), and two vitrification protocols, VS55 and DP6. Endothelial viability and general corneal state were evaluated to determine the protocol that provides the best results. The potential corneal cryopreservation protocol was studied in detail taking into consideration some cryopreservation-related variables and the endothelial integrity and stroma arrangement of the resulting cryopreserved corneas. TK corneas showed mostly viable endothelial cells, while the others showed few (AV) or none (DP6 and VS55). The corneal structure was well maintained in TK and AV corneas. TK corneas showed endothelial acellular areas surrounded by injured cells and a normal-like stromal fiber arrangement. Cryoprotectant solutions of the TK protocol presented an increasing osmolality and a physiological pH value. Cooling temperature rate of TK protocol was of 1 °C/min to −40 °C and 3 °C/min to −120 °C, and almost all of dimethyl sulfoxide left the tissue after washing. Future studies should be done changing cryopreservation-related variables of the TK protocol to store corneas of optical grade.This research was funded by Xunta de Galicia (grant no. ED431B 2020/55), by Xunta de Galicia and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund; grant nos. ED481A-2019/206 and ED481A-2017/280), and by INDITEX and the University of A Coruña (grant no. 2019)Xunta de Galicia; ED431B 2020/55Xunta de Galicia; ED481A-2019/206Xunta de Galicia; ED481A-2017/28

    Intrapericardial Administration of Secretomes from Menstrual Blood-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells: Effects on Immune-Related Genes in a Porcine Model of Myocardial Infarction.

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    Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is a manifestation of ischemic heart disease where the immune system plays an important role in the re-establishment of homeostasis. We hypothesize that the anti-inflammatory activity of secretomes from menstrual blood-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (S-MenSCs) and IFNγ/TNFα-primed MenSCs (S-MenSCs*) may be considered a therapeutic option for the treatment of AMI. To assess this hypothesis, we have evaluated the effect of S-MenSCs and S-MenSCs* on cardiac function parameters and the involvement of immune-related genes using a porcine model of AMI. Twelve pigs were randomly divided into three biogroups: AMI/Placebo, AMI/S-MenSCs, and AMI/S-MenSCs*. AMI models were generated using a closed chest coronary occlusion-reperfusion procedure and, after 72 h, the different treatments were intrapericardially administered. Cardiac function parameters were monitored by magnetic resonance imaging before and 7 days post-therapy. Transcriptomic analyses in the infarcted tissue identified 571 transcripts associated with the Gene Ontology term Immune response, of which 57 were differentially expressed when different biogroups were compared. Moreover, a prediction of the interactions between differentially expressed genes (DEGs) and miRNAs from secretomes revealed that some DEGs in the infarction area, such as STAT3, IGFR1, or BCL6 could be targeted by previously identified miRNAs in secretomes from MenSCs. In conclusion, the intrapericardial administration of secretome early after infarction has a significant impact on the expression of immune-related genes in the infarcted myocardium. This confirms the immunomodulatory potential of intrapericardially delivered secretomes and opens new therapeutic perspectives in myocardial infarction treatment.This study was supported by competitive grants, such as: “PFIS” contract (FI19/00041) from the National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII, 2019 Call Strategic Action in Health 2019) to M.Á.d.P.; Santander Bank “Convenio de colaboración empresarial en actividades de interés general” to F.M.; “Sara Borrell” grant (CD19/00048) from ISCIII to E.L.; grant “TE-0001-19” from Consejería de Educación y Empleo (co-funded by European Social Fund -ESF- “Investing in your future”), ayuda para el fomento de la contratación de personal de apoyo a la investigación en la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura to M.P. Costs for experimental development were funded by grant “CB16/11/00494” from CIBER-CV ISCIII, RD21/0017/0014 from ISCIII (co-funded by NextGenerationEU. Plan de Recuperación Transformación y Resiliencia) and Ayuda Grupos catalogados de la Junta de Extremadura (GR21201) from Junta de Extremadura, Consejería de Economía, Ciencia y Agenda Digital (co-funded by European Regional Development Fund—ERDF) to F.M.S.-M.; J.G.C. received fundings from the ISCIII through a “Miguel Servet I” grant (MS17/00021) co-funded by ERDF/ESF “A way to make Europe” “Investing in your future”, funding from the projects “CP17/00021” and “PI18/0911” (co-funded by ERDF/ESF), and by Junta de Extremadura. V.C. received fundings from ISCIII (grant number “PI16/01172” and “PI20/00247”). E.L. received fundings from Junta de Extremadura through a “IB20184” grant (co-funded by ERDF/ESF). The funders had no role in study designs, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.S

    Hemocultivos…, ¿Qué te han contado y qué haces?.

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    Aims:Main aim: To ascertain differences in nurses at the Hospital General Nuestra Señora del Prado, in blood extraction and blood culture techniques.Specific aims: To determine the asepsis/sterility conditions of the technique; to establish the use (disinfection, filling order, volume, needle change) of the blood culture vials.Method:Transversal descriptive study made at the Hospital General Nuestra Señora del Prado. A self-completion questionnaire including quantitative and qualitative variants was delivered to nursing professionals.Results:52.9% of the questionnaires were collected from the 363 DUE´s at the hospital. Mena working experience was 12.9 years [DE±7,9]. 57,8% believe sterile technique for the procedure was not necessary. 94.7% use a single antiseptic. 78.6% stated that they discard the first 10 cc extracted from the central vein.Conclusions:We consider that the response is high, with over 40% of the questionnaires being completed. We observed that most DUE´s use aseptic techniques and in the protocols studied there was no consensus about the use of sterilization and septic techniques. The study reveals that the majority of the DUE´s use a single antiseptic, even though most protocols recommend the use of alcohol, followed by povidone.iodine to disinfect the skin.Objetivo:Objetivo principal: Conocer la variabilidad práctica de los enfermeros/as (DUE´s) del Hospital General Nuestra Señora del Prado, sobre la técnica para la extracción de hemocultivo.Objetivos específicos: Determinar las condiciones de asepsia/ esterilidad de la técnica. Establecer la utilización (desinfección, orden de llenado, volumen, cambio de aguja) de los frascos de hemocultivos.Método: Estudio descriptivo transversal realizado en el Hospital General Nuestra Señora del Prado. Ha consistido en la entrega de un cuestionario para autocumplimentación a los profesionales de enfermería, donde se han incluido variantes tanto cuantitativas como cualitativas.Resultados: Se ha recogido 52,9% encuestas de los 363 DUE´s del centro hospitalario, con una experiencia profesional media de 12,9 años [DE±7,9]. El 57,8% cree que no es necesario técnica estéril para el procedimiento. 94,7% utiliza un único antiséptico. 78,6% afirman que en la extracción de acceso venoso central desecha los primeros 10cc que extrae.Conclusiones: Consideramos un alto índice de respuesta,  ya que es superior al 40% para cuestionarios autocumplimentados. Hemos observado que la mayoría de DUE´s utilizan técnica aséptica y en los protocolos estudiados no existe un consenso entre la utilización de técnica estéril y aséptica. Este estudio nos revela que la mayoría de los DUE´s utilizan un único antiséptico, sin embargo la mayoría de los protocolos recomiendan la utilización primero de alcohol y luego povidona yodada para la desinfección de la piel

    Mini: A New Social Robot for the Elderly

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    The unceasing aging of the population is leading to new problems in developed countries. Robots represent an opportunity to extend the period of independent living of the elderly as well as to ameliorate their economic burden and social problems. We present a new social robot, Mini, specifically designed to assist and accompany the elderly in their daily life either at home or in a nursing facility. Based on the results of several meetings with experts in this field, we have built a robot able to provide services in the areas of safety, entertainment, personal assistance and stimulation. Mini supports elders and caregivers in cognitive and mental tasks. We present the robot platform and describe the software architecture, particularly focussing on the human–robot interaction. We give in detail how the robot operates and the interrelation of the different modules of the robot in a real use case. In the last part of the paper, we evaluated how users perceive the robot. Participants reported interesting results in terms of usability, appearance, and satisfaction. This paper describes all aspects of the design and development of a new social robot that can be used by other researchers who face the multiple challenges of creating a new robotic platform for older people.The research leading to these results has received funding from the projects: Development of social robots to help seniors with cognitive impairment (ROBSEN), funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; and Robots Sociales para Estimulación Física, Cognitiva y Afectiva de Mayores (ROSES), funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.Publicad