250 research outputs found

    Evolution of Vitamin D Status and Vitamin D Receptor Gene Expression Among Professional Handball Athletes During a Competitive Period. Relationship with Body Composition, Calcium, Magnesium and Phosphorous

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    Introduction: A generalized risk of vitamin D deficiency exists worldwide affecting also professional and elite athletes. This study assesses the evolution of vitamin D status and vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene expression and their relationship with body composition, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and phosphorous (P) among professional handball athletes during a competitive period. Methods: A total of 26 male subjects were recruited: 13 professional handball athletes and 13 non-athlete controls. An observational follow-up study was conducted in 2 time points over a 16-week period. Nutritional intake, body composition, and routinary biochemical parameters were measured via 24-hours recall, bioimpedance and enzyme immunoassay, respectively. Ca and Mg were measured by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry and P was determined with the colorimetric method of Fiske-Subbarow. 25-hydroxyvitamin-D (25(OH)D) levels and its forms (i.e., 25(OH)D3 and 25(OH)D2) were measured by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), whereas VDR gene expression was measured by quantitative real time-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Results: A total of 54% of the athletes showed deficient vitamin D status. Moreover, a prevalence of insufficient vitamin D status in handball players affected 46% at baseline, reaching 61% after 16 weeks. Vitamin D showed no evolution during the competitive period and no differences between groups were observed (all p ≥ 0.05). Handball players increased the VDR expression, enhanced body composition, Ca and Mg levels at 16-weeks follow-up (all p < 0.05). VDR gene expression was positively related with body mass and body mass index at follow-up in athletes (all p ≤ 0.038; r ≥ 0.579) and with Ca at baseline in controls (p = 0.026; r = 0.648). Finally, 25(OH)D2 form was directly associated with P in athletes at 16 weeks of study (p = 0.034; r = 0.588). Conclusion: Players of indoor team sports such as handball would be a population at risk of vitamin D deficiency. The 16-weeks competition improved VDR gene expression, body composition, Ca and Mg levels. The associations observed between VDR gene expression and the variables of the study evidenced the importance of this receptor as a marker involved in health status in handball athletes despite vitamin D − although in a deficient status −, Ca, Mg and P showed no remarkable changes during the competition period.Spanish Ministry of Education (grant number AP2009-3701)FIS Project PI10/1993 from the Carlos III Health Institute (Spain)FPU fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Professional Formation with grant reference FPU18/03655 and FPU18/03702Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBU

    Association between Body Fatness and Vitamin D3 Status in a Postmenopausal Population

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    We especially thank all the postmenopausal women who participated in our study and Bienza translators who provided English editing.Vitamin D is a micronutrient that plays a key role in phosphocalcic metabolism. The postmenopausal population presents a risk of deficiency in this vitamin due to hormonal alterations which, in the case of obesity, would be exacerbated. The objective was to assess the status of vitamin D in a postmenopausal population and determine the relationship of 25-hydroxivitamin D [25(OH)D] and its metabolites with anthropometric parameters. The study included 78 healthy postmenopausal women aged from 44 to 76. The nutrient intake assessment was carried out using the 24 h reminder (R24h). 25(OH)D was analyzed using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC). A total of 80% and 68% of the women studied did not reach sufficient values of 25(OH)D and 25-hydroxivitamin D3 [25(OH)D3], respectively, which was inversely correlated with Body Mass Index (BMI) (r = −0.25, p = 0.04), hip perimeter (r = −0.26 and r = −0.24, all p < 0.05), arm circumference (r = −0.29, p = 0.01) and fat mass (r = −0.28 and r = −0.26, all p < 0.05). 25(OH)D3 is the metabolite that contributed most to this association. In conclusion, 25(OH)D3 levels are related to anthropometric parameters in the postmenopausal women in this study, confirming insufficient status in the majority of the population. Approach strategies are necessary to correct and avoid this risk in order to ensure future quality of life.This research was funded by FIS Carlos III (REF. PI10/1993)

    El ácido fólico y la vitamina B12 como biomarcadores de morbilidad y mortalidad en pacientes con shock séptico

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    Funding: financial support for the study was provided by Project FIS PI10/1993 from the Spanish Carlos III Health Institute and by the European Regional Development Fund. Lourdes Herrera-Quintana and Héctor Vázquez-Lorente are under a FPU fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education.Introduction and objective: a study was made of the folic acid (Fol) and vitamin B12 (B12) serum concentrations in critical patients with septic shock upon admission and after three days of stay in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), with an analysis of their association to inflammatory parameters and patient morbidity-mortality. Methods: a prospective analytical study was made of 30 critically ill patients with septic shock. Demographic data, comorbidities, clinical information and severity scores were recorded. Data collected included serum Fol and B12 levels using the DxI® Autoanalyzer (Beckman Coulter) based on a competitive electrochemoluminescence immunoassay. Results: mean serum Fol was within the reference range stipulated by the laboratory on the first day. Nevertheless, a total of 21.4 % of the patients had high Fol levels, with 14.2 % being Fol deficient. An association was observed between Fol (p < 0.012) status and 28-day mortality, and the number of days of mechanical ventilation, fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2 ) and fibrinogen increased in patients with higher Fol levels (p < 0.05). In addition, 85.7 % of cases had B12 levels above the reference values, with a correlation being observed between B12 and Fol. Conclusions: this study proposes Fol as a novel morbidity-mortality biomarker in critical septic patients, and reinforces the usefulness of B12 as a morbidity biomarker. It is thus suggested that the measurement of Fol upon admission and over the first 72 hours of hospital stay could provide prognostic information about the clinical course and outcome of septic shock patients.Introducción y objetivo: se realizó un estudio de las concentraciones séricas de ácido fólico (Fol) y vitamina B12 (B12) en pacientes críticos con shock séptico al ingreso y después de tres días de estancia en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI), con un análisis de su asociación con los parámetros inflamatorios y la morbimortalidad de los pacientes. Método: se realizó un estudio analítico prospectivo de 30 pacientes críticos con shock séptico. Se registraron datos demográficos, comorbilidades, información clínica y puntuaciones de gravedad. Los datos recopilados incluyeron los niveles séricos de Fol y B12 utilizando el autoanalizador DxI® (Beckman Coulter) basado en un inmunoensayo de electroquimioluminiscencia competitivo. Resultados: la media de Fol sérico estuvo dentro del rango de referencia estipulado por el laboratorio el primer día. Sin embargo, el 21,4 % de los pacientes presentaban niveles altos de Fol y el 14,2 % presentaban deficiencia de Fol. Se observó una asociación entre el estado de Fol (p < 0,012) con la mortalidad a los 28 días, con el número de días de ventilación mecánica, con la fracción de oxígeno inspirado (FiO2 ) y con el fibrinógeno, que aumentaron en los pacientes con niveles de Fol más altos (p < 0,05). Además, el 85,7 % de los casos tenían niveles de B12 por encima de los valores de referencia, observándose una correlación entre B12 y Fol. Conclusiones: este estudio propone al Fol como nuevo biomarcador de morbimortalidad en los pacientes críticos con sepsis y refuerza la utilidad de la B12 como biomarcador de morbilidad. Por tanto, se sugiere que la medición de Fol al ingreso y durante las primeras 72 horas de estancia hospitalaria podría proporcionar información pronóstica sobre el curso clínico y el resultado de los pacientes con shock séptico.Spanish Carlos III Health InstituteMinisterio de Educación, Cultura y DeporteEuropean Regional Development Fun

    Programa de gestión de prevención de riesgos, enfermedades ocupacionales y accidentes laborales para la Empresa de Servicios Arrendamientos Salvadoreños S.A. de C.V.

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    La implementación de un Programa de Gestión de Prevención de Riesgos, Enfermedades Ocupacionales y Accidentes Laborales para la empresa de Servicios Arrendamientos Salvadoreños S.A. de C.V., surge a partir de la necesidad manifestada por parte de los empleados, ya que no poseen las medidas de prevención contra accidentes que han surgido dentro de las instalaciones al momento de desempeñar sus labores, y que no han sido atendidos correctamente por falta de insumos y conocimientos de primeros auxilios, así como un incorrecto registro de los mismos. Por esta razón, se sugiere la puesta en marcha del programa, con el fin de disminuir y en lo posible eliminar los riesgos, accidentes y enfermedades ocupacionales que se presenten en el lugar de trabajo, fomentar el cuido y bienestar de los empleados y personas que la visiten; para esto es necesario investigar los sucesos que conllevan a generar accidentes laborales para crear medidas preventivas que se pueden poner en práctica. El Objetivo del trabajo de investigación es proporcionar un Programa de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional, que permita disminuir los accidentes y enfermedades que se pueden originar en la realización de las actividades encomendadas en los diferentes puestos de trabajo y mejorar el bienestar físico y mental de los empleados. Previo a realizar el programa de prevención, se ejecutó una investigación preliminar, en la que se utilizó el método científico con el fin de evaluar las medidas correctivas en relación a seguridad y salud ocupacional que se están implementando en la empresa, con ayuda de técnicas para la recolección de datos como entrevista, encuesta y observación directa; gracias a estas, se determinó lo siguiente: 1. La empresa no cuenta con un Programa de Seguridad e Higiene Ocupacional. 2. La falta de mantenimiento en las instalaciones, ha influido al aumento de los lugares que representan un riesgo de accidentes. 3. La bodega no se encuentra debidamente organizada y limpia. 4. No se efectúa ningún simulacro de emergencia. 5. No se registran los accidentes y enfermedades, estos se consideran irrelevantes. ii 6. No existe salida de emergencia especificada, esto puede causar accidentes al momento de presentarse una situación de riesgo. 7. El protocolo de contingencia brindado por el Ministerio de Trabajo y Previsión Social junto al Ministerio de Salud, no se cumple en su totalidad. 8. La empresa no cuenta con las señalizaciones necesarias como las de advertencia, obligación y prohibición. Por lo que se recomienda: 1. Implementar un Programa de Gestión de Prevención de Riesgos, Enfermedades Ocupacionales y Accidentes Laborales. 2. Remodelar las instalaciones de la empresa. 3. Organizar las áreas de taller y bodega para evitar riesgos de salud y contaminación. 4. Llevar a cabo simulacros contra terremotos e incendios. 5. Llevar registro individual de accidentes y enfermedades ocupacionales. 6. Identificar una salida que pueda ocuparse en caso de emergencia. 7. Evaluar y dar seguimiento al protocolo COVID-19 establecido por las autoridades competentes, para implementarlo en la empresa. 8. Renovación de las señalizaciones existentes e incorporación de nuevas que sean necesarias visualizar en las instalaciones

    Novel swirl flow-focusing microfluidic device for the production of monodisperse microbubbles

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    A novel swirl flow-focusing microfluidic axisymmetric device for the generation of monodisperse microbubbles at high production rates to be used as in-line contrast agents for medical applications is presented. The swirl effect is induced upstream of the discharge orifice by a circular array of microblades which form a given angle with the radial direction. The induced vortical component on the focusing liquid stabilizes the gas meniscus by the vorticity amplification due to vortex stretching as the liquid is forced through the discharge orifice. The stabilized meniscus tapers into a steady gas ligament that breaks into monodisperse microbubbles. A reduction up to 57% in the microbubble diameter is accomplished when compared to conventional axisymmetric flow-focusing microdevices. An exhaustive experimental study is performed for various blade angles and numerous gas to liquid flow rate ratios, validating previous VoF numerical simulations. The microbubbles issued from the stabilized menisci verify prior scaling law of flow-focusing

    Pyroglutamic acidosis by glutathione regeneration blockage in critical patients with septic shock

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate oxidative stress from glutathione depletion in critically ill patients with a septic shock through the abnormal presence of pyroglutamic acid (PyroGlu) in the urine (indirectly) and through its serum level (directly). Methods: This was a prospective analytical study of 28 critically ill patients with a septic shock who were monitored from admission (initial) to 3 days of stay (final) in the intensive care unit (ICU). Data collected included PyroGlu and glutamic acid (Glu) using liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry, and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activity with a colorimetric assay. The differences in Glu, PyroGlu, and GPX activity between the septic shock group and healthy control group serving as reference values were evaluated using the Mann–Whitney test. The correlations between Glu, PyroGlu, and GPX activity and clinical outcomes were determined using Spearman’s correlation coefficient. Results: In patients with septic shock, serum and urine PyroGlu levels were higher, erythrocyte GPX activity/gr Hb was lower, and urine Glu levels were lower compared to healthy control reference values, for both initial and final values. Initial serum Glu levels were also lower. Serum PyroGlu levels had a correlation with both initial and final serum Glu levels; levels also correlated in the urine. Initial serum Glu correlated with the days of mechanical ventilation (P = 0.016) and the days of ICU stay (P = 0.05). Urine Glu/mg creatinine correlated with APACHE II (P = 0. 030). This positive correlation observed for serum Glu was not observed for PyroGlu. Conclusions: The current study found that septic patients have higher levels of PyroGlu, lower levels of Glu, and lower erythrocyte GPX activity, suggesting that these biomarkers could be used as an indicator of glutathione depletion. In addition, Glu is related to severity parameters. This study can guide future studies on the importance of monitoring the levels of pyroglutamic acidosis in critical patients with septic shock in order to preserve the oxidative status and its evolution during the stay in the ICU.Financial support for the study was provided by Project FIS PI10/1993 from the Spanish Carlos III Health Institute and FEDER European Funds

    Phytophthora nicotianae causando podridão de raiz e caule em Dieffenbachia picta em Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Dieffenbachia picta is a worldwide appreciated crop due to its ornamental value. In Argentina it is cultivated in warm provinces and in the outskirts of Buenos Aires city, where in spring 2007 a great amount of plants were lost in commercial greenhouses. Symptoms such as wilting and soaked lesions in the basal leaves began in four- to six-month-old plants causing plants to wilt due to basal stem and root rot processes. A Peronosporomycete was consistently isolated from diseased tissues. The pathogen was identified as Phytophthora nicotianae based on cultural characteristics, morphology of vegetative and reproductive structures, and on the analysis of the sequence of the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. Pathogenicity tests were carried out and Koch's postulates were fulfilled. In complementary studies, the dieffenbachia varieties Alex, Compact, Camilla and Marianne were susceptible to the infection caused by P. nicotianae, whereas Tropic snow (D. amonea) was resistant. This is the first report of P. nicotianae causing stem and root rot of D. picta in Argentina and in the Americas.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Magnetic instabilities along the superconducting phase boundary of Nb/Ni multilayers

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    We report vibrating reed and superconducting quantum interference device magnetometer data that exhibit prominent dips or oscillations of the superconducting (SC) onset temperature, Delta T(C)(H)approximate to 0.01-0.7 K, for a [Nb(23 nm)/Ni(5 nm)](5) multilayer (ML) in dc magnetic fields applied nearly parallel to the ML plane. The vibrating reed data exhibit reproducible structures below T(C) that may reflect multiple SC transitions, but they are sensitive to ac field amplitude and dc field orientation. This striking behavior poses challenges for theoretical and experimental investigations of interfaces between SC and ferromagnetic layers that involve magnetic pair breaking effects, "pi phase shifts" of the SC order parameter, and exotic ("LOFF") pairing states. Alternatively, the anomalies may mark dynamical instabilities within a confined, strongly anisotropic Abrikosov vortex lattice

    Age-Related Loss in Bone Mineral Density of Rats Fed Lifelong on a Fish Oil-Based Diet Is Avoided by Coenzyme Q10 Addition

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    During aging, bone mass declines increasing osteoporosis and fracture risks. Oxidative stress has been related to this bone loss, making dietary compounds with antioxidant properties a promising weapon. Male Wistar rats were maintained for 6 or 24 months on diets with fish oil as unique fat source, supplemented or not with coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), to evaluate the potential of adding this molecule to the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (n-3 PUFA)-based diet for bone mineral density (BMD) preservation. BMD was evaluated in the femur. Serum osteocalcin, osteopontin, receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB ligand, ostroprotegerin, parathyroid hormone, urinary F2-isoprostanes, and lymphocytes DNA strand breaks were also measured. BMD was lower in aged rats fed a diet without CoQ10 respect than their younger counterparts, whereas older animals receiving CoQ10 showed the highest BMD. F2-isoprostanes and DNA strand breaks showed that oxidative stress was higher during aging. Supplementation with CoQ10 prevented oxidative damage to lipid and DNA, in young and old animals, respectively. Reduced oxidative stress associated to CoQ10 supplementation of this n-3 PUFA-rich diet might explain the higher BMD found in aged rats in this group of animals.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (AGL2008-01057) and the Autonomous Government of Andalusia (AGR832). A.V.-L. is recipient of a grant for doctors from University of Granada’s own plan

    Estilos de vida, sobrepeso y obesidad en adolescentes de enseñanza media de La Habana

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    Introduction: The high prevalence of overweight and obesity is a health problem in Cuba, and there is a lack of information on adolescents. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between excessive weight and adiposity with physical activity, hours of television (TV), and eating habits in adolescents.Material and methods: A total of 604 adolescents (12 years) from Havana were studied. The variables analysed included, body mass index, body composition, history of obesity in infancy, physical activity, hours watching television, eating habits and dietary preferences. A descriptive and correlation analysis was performed. In the logistic regression analysis, excess weight and adiposity were used as dependent variables.Results: Excess body weight was more common in boys. There was high prevalence of excess adiposity, 49.8% in girls and 37.8% in boys. The boys (61.7%) were more active than the girls (33.6%). Just under half (46.7%) of the boys, and 55.9% of the girls spent more than 2 hours/day watching television, which increased to more than 75% for both sexes on Saturdays and Sunday. Making less than 5-6 meals/day doubled the risk of being overweight. Body overweight in infancy was also a risk factor. Not having breakfast increased the risk of adiposity by almost double.Conclusions: Excess weight, and particularly excess adiposity, may be considered a health problem in the adolescents studied. A very high consumption of sugar, an excessive time watching TV, and insufficient physical activity was observed.Introducción: La elevada prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad constituye un problema de salud en Cuba y no hay suficiente información sobre adolescentes. El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar la relación entre el exceso de peso y adiposidad con la actividad física, las horas de televisión y los hábitos alimentarios en adolescentes.Material y métodos: Se estudió a 604 adolescentes (edad, 12 años) de La Habana. Se analizaron: índice de masa corporal, composición corporal, antecedentes de obesidad en la niñez, actividad física, horas viendo televisión, consumo, hábitos y preferencias alimentarias. Se realizó estadística descriptiva y de asociación. Para el análisis de regresión logística se utilizó el exceso de peso y de adiposidad como variables dependientes.Resultados: El exceso de peso corporal fue más frecuente en los varones. Se encontró una alta prevalencia de exceso de adiposidad, el 49,8% en mujeres y el 37,8% en varones. Los varones (61,7%) fueron más activos que las mujeres (33,6%). De lunes a viernes, el 46,7% de los varones y el 55,9% de las mujeres dedicaron más de 2 h/día a ver televisión, que aumentó a más del 75% en ambos sexos los sábados y domingos. Realizar menos de 5-6 comidas/día duplicó el riesgo de tener exceso de peso; el sobrepeso corporal en la niñez también fue un factor de riesgo. No desayunar incrementó el riesgo de adiposidad casi al doble.Conclusiones: El exceso de peso, y especialmente el de adiposidad, puede ser considerado un problema de salud en los adolescentes estudiados. Se observó un consumo demasiado alto de azúcar, un tiempo excesivo viendo la televisión e insuficiente actividad física