22,220 research outputs found

    Forced into shape: Mechanical forces in Drosophila development and homeostasis

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    Mechanical forces play a central role in shaping tissues during development and maintaining epithelial integrity in homeostasis. In this review, we discuss the roles of mechanical forces in Drosophila development and homeostasis, starting from the interplay of mechanics with cell growth and division. We then discuss several examples of morphogenetic processes where complex 3D structures are shaped by mechanical forces, followed by a closer look at patterning processes. We also review the role of forces in homeostatic processes, including cell elimination and wound healing. Finally, we look at the interplay of mechanics and developmental robustness and discuss open questions in the field, as well as novel approaches that will help tackle them in the future

    Energy Spectra of Anti-nucleons in Finite Nuclei

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    The quantum vacuum in a many-body system of finite nuclei has been investigated within the relativistic Hartree approach which describes the bound states of nucleons and anti-nucleons consistently. The contributions of the Dirac sea to the source terms of the meson-field equations are taken into account up to the one-nucleon loop and one-meson loop. The tensor couplings for the ω\omega- and ρ\rho-meson are included in the model. The overall nucleon spectra of shell-model states are in agreement with the data. The calculated anti-nucleon spectra in the vacuum differ about 20 -- 30 MeV with and without the tensor-coupling effects.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in the Proceedings of MENU 2004 (Beijing, Aug. 29 -- Sept. 4, 2004

    Imprinted Networks as Chiral Pumps

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    We investigate the interaction between a chirally imprinted network and a solvent of chiral molecules. We find, a liquid crystalline polymer network is preferentially swollen by one component of a racemic solvent. This ability to separate is linked to the chiral order parameter of the network, and can be reversibly controlled via temperature or a mechanical deformation. It is maximal near the point at which the network loses its imprinted structure. One possible practical application of this effect would be a mechanical device for sorting mixed chiral molecules.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Tunnelling spectroscopy of the interface between Sr2RuO4 and a single Ru micro-inclusion in eutectic crystals

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    The understanding of the zero bias conductance peak (ZBCP) in the tunnelling spectra of S/N junctions involving d-wave cuprate superconductors has been important in the determination of the phase structure of the superconducting order parameter. In this context, the involvement of a p-wave superconductor such as Sr2RuO4 in tunnelling studies is indeed of great importance. We have recently succeeded in fabricating devices that enable S/N junctions forming at interfaces between Sr2RuO4 and Ru micro-inclusions in eutectic crystals to be investigated.3 We have observed a ZBCP and have interpreted it as due to the Andreev bound state, commonly seen in unconventional superconductors. Also we have proposed that the onset of the ZBCP may be used to delineate the phase boundary for the onset of a time reversal symmetry broken (TRSB) state within the superconducting state, which does not always coincide with the onset of the superconducting state. However, these measurements always involved two interfaces between Sr2RuO4 and Ru. In the present study, we have extended the previous measurements to obtain a deeper insight into the properties of a single interface between Sr2RuO4 and Ru.Comment: To appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol. 75 No.12 issu

    Lattice dynamics and electron-phonon coupling in Sr2RuO4

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    The lattice dynamics in Sr2_2RuO4_4 has been studied by inelastic neutron scattering combined with shell-model calculations. The in-plane bond-stretching modes in Sr2_2RuO4_4 exhibit a normal dispersion in contrast to all electronically doped perovskites studied so far. Evidence for strong electron phonon coupling is found for c-polarized phonons suggesting a close connection with the anomalous c-axis charge transport in Sr2_2RuO4_4.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures 2 table

    Is the Number of Giant Arcs in LCDM Consistent With Observations?

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    We use high-resolution N-body simulations to study the galaxy-cluster cross-sections and the abundance of giant arcs in the Λ\LambdaCDM model. Clusters are selected from the simulations using the friends-of-friends method, and their cross-sections for forming giant arcs are analyzed. The background sources are assumed to follow a uniform ellipticity distribution from 0 to 0.5 and to have an area identical to a circular source with diameter 1\arcsec. We find that the optical depth scales as the source redshift approximately as \tau_{1''} = 2.25 \times 10^{-6}/[1+(\zs/3.14)^{-3.42}] (0.6<\zs<7). The amplitude is about 50% higher for an effective source diameter of 0.5\arcsec. The optimal lens redshift for giant arcs with the length-to-width ratio (L/WL/W) larger than 10 increases from 0.3 for \zs=1, to 0.5 for \zs=2, and to 0.7-0.8 for \zs>3. The optical depth is sensitive to the source redshift, in qualitative agreement with Wambsganss et al. (2004). However, our overall optical depth appears to be only \sim 10% to 70% of those from previous studies. The differences can be mostly explained by different power spectrum normalizations (σ8\sigma_8) used and different ways of determining the L/WL/W ratio. Finite source size and ellipticity have modest effects on the optical depth. We also found that the number of highly magnified (with magnification μ>10|\mu|>10) and ``undistorted'' images (with L/W<3L/W<3) is comparable to the number of giant arcs with μ>10|\mu|>10 and L/W>10L/W>10. We conclude that our predicted rate of giant arcs may be lower than the observed rate, although the precise `discrepancy' is still unclear due to uncertainties both in theory and observations.Comment: Revised version after the referee's reports (32 pages,13figures). The paper has been significantly revised with many additions. The new version includes more detailed comparisons with previous studies, including the effects of source size and ellipticity. New discussions about the redshift distribution of lensing clusters and the width of giant arcs have been adde

    ∂-opioid receptor activation protects against Parkinson’s disease-related mitochondrial dysfunction by enhancing PINK1/Parkin-dependent mitophagy

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    Our previous studies have shown that the 6-opioid receptor (DOR) is an important neuroprotector via the regulation of PTEN-induced kinase 1 (PINK1), a mitochondria-related molecule, under hypoxic and MPP+ insults. Since mitochondrial dysfunctions are observed in both hypoxia and MPP+ insults, this study further investigated whether DOR is cytoprotective against these insults by targeting mitochondria. Through comparing DOR-induced responses to hypoxia versus MPP+-induced parkinsonian insult in PC12 cells, we found that both hypoxia and MPP+ caused a collapse of mitochondrial membrane potential and severe mitochondrial dysfunction. In sharp contrast to its inappreciable effect on mitochondria in hypoxic conditions, DOR activation with UFP-512, a specific agonist, significantly attenuated the MPP+-induced mitochondrial injury. Mechanistically, DOR activation effectively upregulated PINK1 expression and promoted Parkin’s mitochondrial translocation and modification, thus enhancing the PINK1-Parkin mediated mitophagy. Either PINK1 knockdown or DOR knockdown largely interfered with the DOR-mediated mitoprotection in MPP+ conditions. Moreover, there was a major difference between hypoxia versus MPP+ in terms of the regulation of mitophagy with hypoxia-induced mitophagy being independent from DOR-PINK1 signaling. Taken together, our novel data suggest that DOR activation is neuroprotective against parkinsonian injury by specifically promoting mitophagy in a PINK1-dependent pathway and thus attenuating mitochondrial damage

    Gap Structure of the Spin-Triplet Superconductor Sr2RuO4 Determined from the Field-Orientation Dependence of Specific Heat

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    We report the field-orientation dependent specific heat of the spin-triplet superconductor Sr2RuO4 under the magnetic field aligned parallel to the RuO2 planes with high accuracy. Below about 0.3 K, striking 4-fold oscillations of the density of states reflecting the superconducting gap structure have been resolved for the first time. We also obtained strong evidence of multi-band superconductivity and concluded that the superconducting gap in the active band, responsible for the superconducting instability, is modulated with a minimum along the [100] direction.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Luminous Infrared Galaxies in the Local Universe

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    We study the morphology and star formation properties of 159 local luminous infrared galaxy (LIRG) using multi-color images from Data Release 2 (DR2) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The LIRGs are selected from a cross-correlation analysis between the IRAS survey and SDSS. They are all brighter than 15.9 mag in the r-band and below redshift ~ 0.1, and so can be reliably classified morphologically. We find that the fractions of interacting/merging and spiral galaxies are ~ 48% and ~ 40% respectively. Our results complement and confirm the decline (increase) in the fraction of spiral (interacting/merging) galaxies from z ~1 to z ~ 0.1, as found by Melbourne, Koo & Le Floc'h (2005). About 75% of spiral galaxies in the local LIRGs are barred, indicating that bars may play an important role in triggering star formation rates > 20 M_{sun}/yr in the local universe. Compared with high redshift LIRGs, local LIRGs have lower specific star formation rates, smaller cold gas fractions and a narrower range of stellar masses. Local LIRGs appear to be either merging galaxies forming intermediate mass ellipticals or spiral galaxies undergoing high star formation activities regulated by bars.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, title changed, typos corrected,major revisions following referee's comments,updated reference