86 research outputs found

    The nonconforming virtual element method for eigenvalue problems

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    We analyse the nonconforming Virtual Element Method (VEM) for the approximation of elliptic eigenvalue problems. The nonconforming VEM allow to treat in the same formulation the two- and three-dimensional case.We present two possible formulations of the discrete problem, derived respectively by the nonstabilized and stabilized approximation of the L^2-inner product, and we study the convergence properties of the corresponding discrete eigenvalue problem. The proposed schemes provide a correct approximation of the spectrum, in particular we prove optimal-order error estimates for the eigenfunctions and the usual double order of convergence of the eigenvalues. Finally we show a large set of numerical tests supporting the theoretical results, including a comparison with the conforming Virtual Element choice

    Conforming and nonconforming virtual element methods for elliptic problems

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    We present in a unified framework new conforming and nonconforming Virtual Element Methods (VEM) for general second order elliptic problems in two and three dimensions. The differential operator is split into its symmetric and non-symmetric parts and conditions for stability and accuracy on their discrete counterparts are established. These conditions are shown to lead to optimal H1H^1- and L2L^2-error estimates, confirmed by numerical experiments on a set of polygonal meshes. The accuracy of the numerical approximation provided by the two methods is shown to be comparable

    The Discrete Duality Finite Volume Method for Convection Diffusion Problems

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    In this paper we extend the Discrete Duality Finite Volume (DDFV) formulation to the steady convection-diffusion equation. The discrete gradients defined in DDFV are used to define a cell-based gradient for the control volumes of both the primal and dual meshes, in order to achieve a higher-order accurate numerical flux for the convection term. A priori analysis is carried out to how convergence of the approximation and a global first-order convergence rate is derived. The theoretical results are confirmed bysome numerical experiments

    A CeVeFE DDFV scheme for discontinuous anisotropic permeability tensors

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    International audienceIn this work we derive a formulation for discontinuous diffusion tensor for the Discrete Duality Finite Volume (DDFV) framework that is exact for affine solutions. In fact, DDFV methods can naturally handle anisotropic or non-linear problems on general distorded meshes. Nonetheless, a special treatment is required when the diffusion tensor is discontinuous across an internal interfaces shared by two control volumes of the mesh. In such a case, two different gradients are considered in the two subdiamonds centered at that interface and the flux conservation is imposed through an auxiliary variable at the interface

    A decision-making machine learning approach in Hermite spectral approximations of partial differential equations

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    The accuracy and effectiveness of Hermite spectral methods for the numerical discretization of partial differential equations on unbounded domains, are strongly affected by the amplitude of the Gaussian weight function employed to describe the approximation space. This is particularly true if the problem is under-resolved, i.e., there are no enough degrees of freedom. The issue becomes even more crucial when the equation under study is time-dependent, forcing in this way the choice of Hermite functions where the corresponding weight depends on time. In order to adapt dynamically the approximation space, it is here proposed an automatic decision-making process that relies on machine learning techniques, such as deep neural networks and support vector machines. The algorithm is numerically tested with success on a simple 1D problem, but the main goal is its exportability in the context of more serious applications.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    The Tensor-Train Stochastic Finite Volume Method for Uncertainty Quantification

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    The stochastic finite volume method offers an efficient one-pass approach for assessing uncertainty in hyperbolic conservation laws. Still, it struggles with the curse of dimensionality when dealing with multiple stochastic variables. We introduce the stochastic finite volume method within the tensor-train framework to counteract this limitation. This integration, however, comes with its own set of difficulties, mainly due to the propensity for shock formation in hyperbolic systems. To overcome these issues, we have developed a tensor-train-adapted stochastic finite volume method that employs a global WENO reconstruction, making it suitable for such complex systems. This approach represents the first step in designing tensor-train techniques for hyperbolic systems and conservation laws involving shocks