71 research outputs found

    The Emerging Role of HLA-E-Restricted CD8+ T Lymphocytes in the Adaptive Immune Response to Pathogens and Tumors

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    Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-E is a nonclassical major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecule of limited sequence variability that is expressed by most tissues albeit at low levels. HLA-E has been first described as the ligand of CD94/NKG2 receptors expressed mainly by natural killer (NK) cells, thus confining its role to the regulation of NK-cell function. However, recent evidences obtained by our and other groups indicate that HLA-E complexed with peptides can interact with αβ T-cell receptor (TCR) expressed on CD8+ T cells. Although, HLA-E displays a selective preference for nonameric peptides, derived from the leader sequence of various HLA class I alleles, several reports indicate that it can present also “noncanonical” peptides derived from both stress-related and pathogen-associated proteins. Because HLA-E displays binding specificity for innate CD94/NKG2 receptors, as well as all the features of an antigen-presenting molecule, its role in both natural and acquired immune responses has recently been re-evaluated

    3D ultrasound strain imaging of puborectal muscle with and without unilateral avulsion

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    Introduction and hypothesis: The puborectal muscle (PRM), one of the female pelvic floor (PF) muscles, can get damaged during vaginal delivery, leading to disorders such as pelvic organ prolapse. Current diagnosis involves ultrasound (US) imaging of the female PF muscles, but functional information is limited. Previously, we developed a method for strain imaging of the PRM from US images in order to obtain functional information. In this article, we hypothesize that strain in the PRM would differ from intact to the avulsed end. Methods: We calculated strain in PRMs at maximum contraction, along their muscle fiber direction, from US images of two groups of women, which consisted of women with intact (n1 = 8) and avulsed PRMs (unilateral) (n2 = 10). Normalized strain ratios between both ends of the PRM (avulsed or intact) and the mid region were calculated. Subsequently, the difference in ratio between the avulsed and intact PRMs was determined. Results: We observe from the obtained results that the contraction/strain pattern of intact and undamaged PRMs is different from PRMs with unilateral avulsion. Normalized strain ratios between avulsed and intact PRMs were statistically significant (p = 0.04). Conclusion: In this pilot study, we were able to show that US strain imaging of PRMs can show differences between intact PRMs and PRMs with unilateral avulsion.</p

    The emerging role of HLA-E-restricted CD8+ T lymphocytes in the adaptive immune response to pathogens and tumors

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    Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-E is a nonclassical major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecule of limited sequence variability that is expressed by most tissues albeit at low levels. HLA-E has been first described as the ligand of CD94/NKG2 receptors expressed mainly by natural killer (NK) cells, thus confining its role to the regulation of NK-cell function. However, recent evidences obtained by our and other groups indicate that HLA-E complexed with peptides can interact with αβ T-cell receptor (TCR) expressed on CD8 + T cells. Although, HLA-E displays a selective preference for nonameric peptides, derived from the leader sequence of various HLA class I alleles, several reports indicate that it can present also &quot;noncanonical&quot; peptides derived from both stress-related and pathogen-associated proteins. Because HLA-E displays binding specificity for innate CD94/NKG2 receptors, as well as all the features of an antigen-presenting molecule, its role in both natural and acquired immune responses has recently been re-evaluated

    A contribuição da análise de conteúdo nos estudos na área da Educação Especial e sua interface com a prematuridade

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    To present the methodological procedures used to define categories of studies in the area of interface between prematurity and Special Education, supported by the methodology of Bardin’s content analysis. The analysis’ corpus were summaries of thesis and dissertations available in Thesis Database of Capes, involving the issue of prematurity in the period from 1987 to 2009. The sample included 1173 records, in which it is possible to distinguish two categories of targets: Main Theme (TP), studies whose subjects are connected directly to individuals premature; Thematic Secondary (TS): studies on the theme of prematurity appears as fruit or result of research conducted. A content analysis helped to identify the most studied aspects in the area of prematurity in Brazil, from the Capes Thesis Database, allowing to realize that this theme has been crafted in different areas of knowledge and multidisciplinary teams in an attempt to prevent or minimize disabling sequelae through stimulation and early intervention, since preterm birth can be considered a public health problem due to their high occurrence in the world.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1984686X6446 OBJETIVOS: Apresentar os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados para elaboração de categorias em estudos na área de interface entre Educação Especial e prematuridade, apoiados na metodologia da análise de conteúdo de Bardin. MÉTODOS: O corpus de análise foram os resumos das teses e dissertações disponibilizadas no Banco de Teses da Capes, envolvendo a temática da prematuridade, recuperados no período de 1987 a 2009. RESULTADOS: Foram selecionados 1173 registros, sendo possível estabelecer duas categorias de objetivos: Temática Principal (TP): estudos cujos assuntos estão ligados diretamente aos indivíduos prematuros; Temática Secundária (TS): estudos cujo tema da prematuridade aparece como fruto ou resultado da pesquisa realizada. CONCLUSÃO: A análise de conteúdo contribuiu para identificar os aspectos mais estudados na área da prematuridade no Brasil, a partir do Banco de Teses da Capes, permitindo visualizar que essa temática tem sido trabalhada em diferentes áreas do conhecimento e por equipes multiprofissionais na tentativa de prevenir ou minimizar as seqüelas incapacitantes através da estimulação e intervenção precoce, já que o nascimento pré-termo pode ser considerado um problema de saúde coletiva devido a sua alta ocorrência em todo o mundo

    Modelo teórico e lógico para avaliação da capacidade de gestão do componente especializado da assistência farmacêutica

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    O Componente Especializado da Assistência Farmacêutica (CEAF) tem como objetivo a garantia da integralidade do tratamento medicamentoso em nível ambulatorial. Dada sua recente implementação, é necessário analisar se os estados possuem condições de executar as ações, atingir e sustentar os resultados esperados. Com este objetivo, é necessária uma avaliação da capacidade de gestão do CEAF no âmbito estadual. Uma das fases da avaliação é o desenvolvimento de um modelo teórico e um modelo lógico, apresentados neste artigo. Com os modelos apresentados, fica clara a complexidade e os diversos fatores que influenciam a capacidade de gestão do CEAF.&nbsp; Observou-se que há forte dependência do CEAF em relação à outras ações estruturantes na própria política de saúde, nas políticas econômicas, em relação à indústria farmacêutica, entre outros. Somado a isso, os conceitos de gestão e de capacidade de gestão adotados refletem a necessidade de superar a fragmentação e a redução tecnicista imposta à área. Por fim, a construção dos modelos de forma contextualizada auxilia de forma singular no processo de avaliação e auxiliará na análise das condições de estruturação do Componente nos estados, assim como das condições para execução e o alcance dos resultados. Palavras-chaves:&nbsp;Avaliação em Saúde; Gestão em Saúde; Modelos Lógicos; Assistência Farmacêutica; Componente Especializado da Assistência Farmacêutica. &nbsp


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    Toxoplasmosis is a worldwide zoonosis capable of infecting a wide variety of animal species and humans. It is caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii, which causes a silent disease with ophthalmic alterations such as uveitis in dogs, in addition to neuromuscular symptoms and pneumonia. The present study aimed to detect IgM and IgG class antibodies against T. gondii in 75 dogs with ophthalmic signs, treated at the Veterinary Hospital of FMVZ Unesp, Botucatu campus. Serological results for the detection of IgM and IgG class antibodies were evaluated by the Indirect Immunofluorescence Reaction (RIFI) technique associated with data from a questionnaire regarding the risk factors for toxoplasmosis in the canine species administered to the animal's guardian on the day of blood collection. The results were statistically evaluated according to the researched variables, ocular alterations and serological results. Results were 28/75 (37%) for IgG class antibodies and 34/75 (45%) for IgM class

    3D ultrasound strain imaging of puborectal muscle with and without unilateral avulsion

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    INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: The puborectal muscle (PRM), one of the female pelvic floor (PF) muscles, can get damaged during vaginal delivery, leading to disorders such as pelvic organ prolapse. Current diagnosis involves ultrasound (US) imaging of the female PF muscles, but functional information is limited. Previously, we developed a method for strain imaging of the PRM from US images in order to obtain functional information. In this article, we hypothesize that strain in the PRM would differ from intact to the avulsed end. METHODS: We calculated strain in PRMs at maximum contraction, along their muscle fiber direction, from US images of two groups of women, which consisted of women with intact (n 1  = 8) and avulsed PRMs (unilateral) (n 2  = 10). Normalized strain ratios between both ends of the PRM (avulsed or intact) and the mid region were calculated. Subsequently, the difference in ratio between the avulsed and intact PRMs was determined. RESULTS: We observe from the obtained results that the contraction/strain pattern of intact and undamaged PRMs is different from PRMs with unilateral avulsion. Normalized strain ratios between avulsed and intact PRMs were statistically significant (p = 0.04). CONCLUSION: In this pilot study, we were able to show that US strain imaging of PRMs can show differences between intact PRMs and PRMs with unilateral avulsion

    Da construção à aplicação - indicadores para a avaliação da gestão da assistência farmacêutica: a experiência em Santa Catarina

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    Esta publicação apresenta o processo de construção e aplicação de um protocolo de indicadores para a avaliação da capacidade de gestão do Componente Especializado da Assistência Farmacêutica (CEAF)