3,498 research outputs found

    Motivos para reducir el consumo de carne en estudiantes universitarios mexicanos

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    Introducción: La producción y consumo de carne son la principal fuente de impactos ambientales derivados de la alimentación. Las dietas bajas en proteína animal y vegetarianas se han propuesto como una posible alternativa para ayudar en la solución de esta problemática. Objetivo: Identificar los motivos asociados con la disminución del consumo de carne. Método: Se aplicó un cuestionario construido ex profeso a 60 estudiantes universitarios: 47 mujeres y 13 hombres con edades entre 18 y 27 años, que reportaron ser semi vegetarianos, vegetarianos o veganos. Resultados: Los resultados indican que los principales motivos para limitar el consumo de carne incluyen la ética, el bienestar animal, la preocupación por el medio ambiente, la salud y la nutrición. Conclusión: Se identificaron las principales razones que llevan a los estudiantes a disminuir su consumo de carne. Comprender los motivos para reducir el consumo de proteína animal podría ayudar a diseñar estrategias que contribuyan a la transición hacia dietas con menor consumo de carne y alcanzar la sustentabilidad alimentaria

    A study of top polarization in single-top production at the LHC

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    This paper complements the study of single top production at the LHC aiming to estimate the sensitivity of different observables to the magnitude of the effective couplings. In a previous paper the dominant WW-gluon fusion mechanism was considered, while here we extend the analysis to the subdominant (10% with our set of experimental cuts) s-channel process. In order to distinguish left from right effective couplings it is required to consider polarized cross-sections and/or include mbm_b effects. The spin of the top is accessible only indirectly by measuring the angular distribution of its decay products. We show that the presence of effective right-handed couplings implies necessarily that the top is not in a pure spin state. We discuss to what extent quantum interference terms can be neglected in the measurement and therefore simply multiply production and decay probabilities clasically. The coarsening involved in the measurement process makes this possible. We determine for each process the optimal spin basis where theoretical errors are minimized and, finally, discuss the sensitivity in the s-channel to the effective right-handed coupling. The results presented here are all analytical and include mbm_b corrections. They are derived within the narrow width approximation for the top.Comment: 30 pages, 14 figure

    Parabolic stable surfaces with constant mean curvature

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    We prove that if u is a bounded smooth function in the kernel of a nonnegative Schrodinger operator L=(Δ+q)-L=-(\Delta +q) on a parabolic Riemannian manifold M, then u is either identically zero or it has no zeros on M, and the linear space of such functions is 1-dimensional. We obtain consequences for orientable, complete stable surfaces with constant mean curvature HRH\in\mathbb{R} in homogeneous spaces E(κ,τ)\mathbb{E}(\kappa,\tau) with four dimensional isometry group. For instance, if M is an orientable, parabolic, complete immersed surface with constant mean curvature H in H2×R\mathbb{H}^2\times\mathbb{R}, then H1/2|H|\leq 1/2 and if equality holds, then M is either an entire graph or a vertical horocylinder.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure. Minor changes have been incorporated (exchange finite capacity by parabolicity, and simplify the proof of Theorem 1)

    Measuring effective electroweak couplings in single top production at the LHC

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    We study the mechanism of single top production at the LHC in the framework of an effective electroweak Lagrangian, analyzing the sensitivity of different observables to the magnitude of the effective couplings that parametrize new physics beyond the Standard Model. The observables relevant to the distinction between left and right effective couplings involve in practice the measurement of the spin of the top and this can be achieved only indirectly by measuring the angular distribution of its decay products. We show that the presence of effective right-handed couplings implies that the top is not in a pure spin state. A unique spin basis is singled out which allows one to connect top decay products angular distribution with the polarized top differential cross section. We present a complete analytical expression of the differential polarized cross section of the relevant perturbative subprocess including general effective couplings. The mass of the bottom quark, which actually turns out to be more relevant than naively expected, is retained. Finally we analyze different aspects the total cross section relevant to the measurement of new physics through the effective couplings. The above analysis also applies to anti-top production in a straightforward way.Comment: 38 pages, 17 figure

    Multifocus HDR VIS/NIR hyperspectral imaging and its application to works of art

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    The authors would like to thank Mr. Francisco Fernández Fábregas, owner of the Transfiguration of Christ for allowing us the privilege of studying this painting. We also acknowledge the collaboration of Angela Tate.This paper presents a complete framework for capturing and processing hyperspectral reflectance images of artworks in situ, using a hyperspectral line scanner. These capturing systems are commonly used in laboratory conditions synchronized with scanning stages specifically designed for planar surfaces. However, when the intended application domain does not allow for image capture in these controlled conditions, achieving useful spectral reflectance image data can be a very challenging task (due to uncontrolled illumination, high-dynamic range (HDR) conditions in the scene, and the influence of chromatic aberration on the image quality, among other factors). We show, for the first time, all the necessary steps in the image capturing and post-processing in order to obtain high-quality HDR-based reflectance in the visible and near infrared, directly from the data captured by using a hyperspectral line scanner coupled to a rotating tripod. Our results show that the proposed method outperforms the normal capturing process in terms of dynamic range, color and spectral accuracy. To demonstrate the potential interest of this processing strategy for on-site analysis of artworks, we applied it to the study of a vintage copy of the famous painting “Transfiguration” by Raphael, as well as a facsimile of “The Golden Haggadah” from the British Library of London. The second piece has been studied for the identification of highly reflective gold-foil covered areas.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, DPI2015-64571-R, ECQM2018-004952-

    Scabies Mite Peritrophins Are Potential Targets of Human Host Innate Immunity

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    The gut of most invertebrates is lined by a protective layer of chitin and glycoproteins, often designated as a peritrophic matrix. Previous research suggests that it forms a barrier that may protect the midgut epithelium from abrasive food particles and pathogens. Parasitic invertebrates ingesting vertebrate plasma have evolved additional strategies to protect themselves from hazardous host molecules consumed during feeding. An important part of the immediate defense in vertebrate plasma is complement-mediated killing. The Complement system is a complex network of more than 35 proteins present in human plasma that results in killing of foreign cells including the gut epithelial cells of a feeding parasite. Recently we found that scabies mites, who feed on skin containing plasma, produce several proteins that inhibit human complement within the mite gut. The mites excrete these molecules into the upper epidermis where they presumably also inhibit complement activity. Mite gut antigens that initially trigger the complement cascade have not been identified previously. Obvious possible targets of complement attack within the mite gut could be peritrophins. Our study describes the first peritrophin identified in scabies mites and indicates a possible role in complement activation

    Origin and Distribution of Thiophenes and Furans in Gas Discharges from Active Volcanoes and Geothermal Systems

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    The composition of non-methane organic volatile compounds (VOCs) determined in 139 thermal gas discharges from 18 different geothermal and volcanic systems in Italy and Latin America, consists of C2–C20 species pertaining to the alkanes, alkenes, aromatics and O-, S- and N-bearing classes of compounds. Thiophenes and mono-aromatics, especially the methylated species, are strongly enriched in fluids emissions related to hydrothermal systems. Addition of hydrogen sulphide to dienes and electrophilic methylation involving halogenated radicals may be invoked for the formation of these species. On the contrary, the formation of furans, with the only exception of C4H8O, seems to be favoured at oxidizing conditions and relatively high temperatures, although mechanisms similar to those hypothesized for the production of thiophenes can be suggested. Such thermodynamic features are typical of fluid reservoirs feeding high-temperature thermal discharges of volcanoes characterised by strong degassing activity, which are likely affected by conspicuous contribution from a magmatic source. The composition of heteroaromatics in fluids naturally discharged from active volcanoes and geothermal areas can then be considered largely dependent on the interplay between hydrothermal vs. magmatic contributions. This implies that they can be used as useful geochemical tools to be successfully applied in both volcanic monitoring and geothermal prospection

    Constraints on the χ_(c1) versus χ_(c2) polarizations in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV

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    The polarizations of promptly produced χ_(c1) and χ_(c2) mesons are studied using data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC, in proton-proton collisions at √s=8  TeV. The χ_c states are reconstructed via their radiative decays χ_c → J/ψγ, with the photons being measured through conversions to e⁺e⁻, which allows the two states to be well resolved. The polarizations are measured in the helicity frame, through the analysis of the χ_(c2) to χ_(c1) yield ratio as a function of the polar or azimuthal angle of the positive muon emitted in the J/ψ → μ⁺μ⁻ decay, in three bins of J/ψ transverse momentum. While no differences are seen between the two states in terms of azimuthal decay angle distributions, they are observed to have significantly different polar anisotropies. The measurement favors a scenario where at least one of the two states is strongly polarized along the helicity quantization axis, in agreement with nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics predictions. This is the first measurement of significantly polarized quarkonia produced at high transverse momentum