121 research outputs found

    The Appropriation of Discourses and Practices: Female Migration from Russia to Greece in the 1990s and 2000s

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    The article examines transformations in identities of women as a result of their migration from Russia to Greece and appropriation of Greekness. The concept of appropriation is advocated as a key idea of analysis and interpretation of migrants’ experiences. The author’s position regarding the relevancy of the concept of appropriation is based upon Paul Ricoeur’s understanding of the process of interpretation and some contemporary anthropological works. The results of the author’s fieldwork in Greece are presented in the article which is concentrated on two life stories. These life stories are juxtaposed so as to compare different techniques of appropriation. The discussion provides evidence of ways in which identities can be manifested and changed during the process of appropriation. The argument is that the appropriation of Greekness may take place (and be used) in contrasting ways, the causes of which are rooted in pre-emigration experience. The author concludes that one case demonstrates how rural Greek identity was successfully appropriated and the other case shows how the process of appropriation and re-appropriation of urban Greekness resulted in construction of global identity

    Reinforcing aluminum alloys with high strength fibers

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    A study is made of the possibility of reinforcing aluminum and aluminum based alloys with fibers made of high strength steel wire. The method of introducing the fibers is described in detail. Additional strengthening by reinforcement of the high alloy system Al - An - Mg was investigated

    Ovarian Development in Mice Requires the GATA4-FOG2 Transcription Complex

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    We have demonstrated previously that mammalian sexual differentiation requires both the GATA4 and FOG2 transcriptional regulators to assemble the functioning testis. Here we have determined that the sexual development of female mice is profoundly affected by the loss of GATA4-FOG2 interaction. We have also identified the Dkk1 gene, which encodes a secreted inhibitor of canonical beta-catenin signaling, as a target of GATA4-FOG2 repression in the developing ovary. The tissue-specific ablation of the beta-catenin gene in the gonads disrupts female development. In Gata4(ki/ki); Dkk1(-/-) or Fog2(-/-); Dkk1(-/-) embryos, the normal ovarian gene expression pattern is partially restored. Control of ovarian development by the GATA4-FOG2 complex presents a novel insight into the cross-talk between transcriptional regulation and extracellular signaling that occurs in ovarian development

    GATA4/FOG2 transcriptional complex regulates Lhx9 gene expression in murine heart development

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>GATA4 and FOG2 proteins are required for normal cardiac development in mice. It has been proposed that GATA4/FOG2 transcription complex exercises its function through gene activation as well as repression; however, targets of GATA4/FOG2 action in the heart remain elusive.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we report identification of the <it>Lhx9 </it>gene as a direct target of the GATA4/FOG2 complex. We demonstrate that the developing mouse heart normally expresses truncated isoforms of <it>Lhx9 </it>– <it>Lhx9α </it>and <it>Lhx9β</it>, and not the <it>Lhx9-HD </it>isoform that encodes a protein with an intact homeodomain. At E9.5 <it>Lhx9α/β </it>expression is prominent in the epicardial primordium, septum transversum while <it>Lhx9-HD </it>is absent from this tissue; in the E11.5 heart LHX9α/β-positive cells are restricted to the epicardial mesothelium. Thereafter in the control hearts <it>Lhx9α/β </it>epicardial expression is promptly down-regulated; in contrast, mouse mutants with <it>Fog2 </it>gene loss fail to repress <it>Lhx9α/β </it>expression. Chromatin immunoprecipitation from the E11.5 hearts demonstrated that <it>Lhx9 </it>is a direct target for GATA4 and FOG2. In transient transfection studies the expression driven by the cis-regulatory regions of <it>Lhx9 </it>was repressed by FOG2 in the presence of intact GATA4, but not the GATA4<sup>ki </sup>mutant that is impaired in its ability to bind FOG2.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In summary, the <it>Lhx9 </it>gene represents the first direct target of the GATA4/FOG2 repressor complex in cardiac development.</p


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    Проаналізовано сутнісні характеристики поняття «аксіогенеза особистості». Визначено особливості розуміння цінностей у контексті культури постмодерну, розвитку інформаційного суспільства, поширення віртуальних спільнот. Розкрито амбівалентний вплив соціальних мереж на становлення ціннісного світу особистості. Обґрунтовано, що у соціальних мережах спостерігається трансформація традиційних цінностей, формування специфічних аксіологем буття

    Cardiac Expression of Tnnt1 Requires the GATA4-FOG2 Transcription Complex

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    Previous work by us and others has shown that the loss of interaction between GATA4 and FOG2 protein partners is embryonic lethal due to heart failure at embryonic day (E) 13.5; however, the role of this important protein duo in various cardiac compartments (e.g., myocardial, endocardial, or epicardial cells) remains to be understood. Although a dual role (both as an activator and a repressor) for the GATA4-FOG2 transcriptional complex has been put forward, the specific genes under GATA4-FOG2 control in the developing heart have remained largely elusive. Since the myocardial-restricted Fog2 re-expression in the Fog2 null embryos is sufficient to extend their life span, identification of GATA4-FOG2 target genes in cardiomyocytes could shed light on the molecular mechanism of GATA4-FOG2 action in these cells. We report here that cardiac expression of slow skeletal troponin T (Tnnt1) strictly depends on the physical interaction between GATA4-FOG2 in the myocardium of both atria and ventricles

    Reducing sensitivity to initial imperfections by changing bifurcation diagrams

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    An approach to the construction of equilibrium state diagrams is presented in order to reduce the sensitivity to initial imperfections for the problem of stability for reinforced plates (transfer of the bifurcation point corresponding to the wave formation of ribs and cladding). New ratios of geometric parameters for two variants of strengthened plates have been obtained, where the first critical load of the general form of stability loss is the first by value, and the next critical load corresponds to the local form of wave formation of ribs or cladding. The finite element complex MSC PATRAN - NASTRAN was used to solve the stated above problems. Flat four-node finite elements were applied for modeling. The calculations were performed with account of geometric nonlinearity. The material was considered to be absolutely elastic. Curves of critical load sensitivity to the amplitudes of the initial imperfections were generated. The results demonstrate that transposition of bifurcation points of wave formation in the plate or ribs enabled to obtain curves with less significant decrease of critical load as compared to the initial ones. Consequently, the presented algorithm for changing the geometric parameters of reinforced plates obtained in accordance with new equilibrium state diagrams implements the possibility of rational design of the specified thin-walled systems

    The usage of a binder system for frozen berries in the manufacture of confectionery

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    The aim of the research was to create binding systems for confectionery using gelling agents. The possibility of using partially hydrolyzed liquid egg white (egg hydrolyzate) in the binding system of gelling agents (egg hydrolyzate - agar (EG-A), egg hydrolyzate - starch (EG-S)) was determined to obtain the required mechanical characteristics when creating coatings, ornaments or fillers in confectionery with whole berries or pieces of fruit. In this regard, a technology has been developed for the hydrolysis of liquid egg white in the presence of an acidic reagent. The best rheological characteristics of the gelling agent from egg white were obtained under the following hydrolysis conditions: egg white : 1% HCl ratio = 1:2, process temperature - 66°C, duration - 40 minutes, the pH of the egg hydrolyzate was 6.53, the amount of dry solids was 11.78%. The newly created systems with agar (E406, Germany), chemically modified food starch (E1442, Germany) and hydrolyzed egg white (egg hydrolyzate) allow to adjust the properties of the coating for quick-frozen berries used in semi-finished confectionaries or cakes. It is established that the coating for quick-frozen berries, which includes a system consisting of 1% E406 and 0.5% egg hydrolyzate, should be carried out in 2 stages. In the first stage, a 10-minute exposure of the coating, which has a tensile strength of 580 g cm-2 , allows to create a strong capsule around the berry, which prevents the processes of destruction from proceeding. The second stage is necessary to obtain a uniform surface coating of the semi-finished mix from the berries. In this case, the tensile strength of the coating should be 480 g cm-2 . The system created from the E1442 and egg hydrolyzate gelling agents was also used in 2 stages when making cakes, which were subsequently baked at 180 °C. The content of the binding system in the coating applied to the test substrate was 6.9–7.7%, the effective viscosity of the coating was 120–180 Pa s. The content of the binding system in the coating of the surface of the berries in the second stage was 5.2–6.3% with effective viscosity values of 50–90 Pa s. Semi-finished berry products and ready-made baked cakes, produced with developed binding systems, can be stored at -8 °C for 10 to 12 days. After refrigerated storage, the separated moisture was not observed in the test samples. The absence of the phenomenon of syneresis with the indicated proportions of the introduction of gelling agents in coating systems has been established

    Subject of Law as Homo Present

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    The purpose of this research is a detailed analysis of the mode of a modern subject being in a number of parallel, consistent realities, consideration of its capabilities and development prospects. Special attention is paid to making an anthropological image of a post-human in the status of the subject of law, to justifying the relevance and effectiveness of his legal abilities in the modern simulation space. The scientific novelty of the results is an introduction to the field of philosophy of culture of the new concept of homo present (homo who is present), as well as its further substantiation as one of the conceptual characteristics of not only the subject of culture in principle, but, in particular, of the subject of law symbolizing the image of post-human as such. Thus, a man of post-non-classical culture manifests himself as a multidimensional co-participative polysubject. At the same time, the main mode of his being in these realities is presence, depriving the post-human of many abilities of a moral subject, but giving certain advantages to an actual subject, realizing in law. Thus, legal personality can be considered the main feature of the homo present, while legal reality can be considered the main reality of his presence and self-realization.Антропологический анализ субъекта права в юридическом пространстве постмодерна даёт основание для идентификации его как Человека присутствующего. Он является субъектом тотального равенства, субъектом свободы и субъектом абсолютных возможностей, наделённым широкими личными правами. Модусы его бытия в мире – прагматичное, интерактивное, автономное, независимое и формальное присутствие. Именно правовая реальность выступает единственной реальностью его адекватного воплощения, самореализации и актуальным способом бытия.Антропологічний аналіз суб'єкта права в юридичному просторі постмодерну дає підставу для ідентифікації його як Людини присутньої. Людина присутня є суб'єктом тотального рівності, суб'єктом свободи і суб'єктом абсолютних можливостей, наділеною широкими особистими правами. Модуси її буття в світі – прагматична, інтерактивна, автономна, незалежна і формальна присутність. Саме правова реальність виступає єдиною реальністю її адекватного втілення, самореалізації та актуальним способом буття