192 research outputs found

    Perspective on saffron spice separation based on controlled fluid dynamic system and computer vision

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    To correctly develop, validate and mass-produce a saffron spice separation machine it is mandatory to particularly know physical and aerodynamics characteristics of the flower. To achieve this goal a wind tunnel is developed by the authors. The data obtained with the wind tunnel are used to get a rough calibration of a fluid dynamic separation device based on the differences of the terminal velocities of the parts that must be separated. To fine-tuning of the machine, a computer-vision system and a controller are developed to automatically adapt the machine parameter following the variability of the saffron spice

    Wear tests on PTFE+pb linings for linear pneumatic actuator guide bushings

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    Guide bushings for linear actuators are subject to intense mechanical stress and wear, especially when external radial forces are applied. Carrying out simplified wear tests on the materials used in these bushings is important in making it possible to estimate how many cycles the actuator can perform before the bushing must be replaced. This paper presents the results of tribological pin-on-disk testing on an anti-friction lining consisting of a porous bronze sinter impregnated and coated with PTFE+Pb. Test specimens were worn with a steel ball, and wear and friction coefficients were determined experimentally with increasing loads and speeds

    Designing a Low-Cost Mechatronic Device for Semi-Automatic Saffron Harvesting

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    This paper addresses the design of a novel mechatronic device for saffron harvesting. The main proposed challenge consists of proposing a new paradigm for semi-automatic harvesting of saffron flowers. The proposed novel solution is designed for being easily portable with user-friendly and cost-oriented features and with a fully electric battery-powered actuation. A preliminary concept design has been proposed as based on a specific novel cam mechanism in combination with an elastic spring for fulfilling the detachment of the flowers from their stems. Numerical calculations and simulations have been carried out to complete the full design of a proof-of-concept prototype. Preliminary experimental tests have been carried out to demonstrate the engineering feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed design solutions, whose concept has been submitted for patenting

    Design and preliminary testing of a novel semi-automatic saffron harvesting device

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    This paper addresses the procedure for designing a novel mechatronic device for a semi-automatic saffron harvesting. The design process includes the kinematic analysis and synthesis of the proposed mechanism to fulfill a grasping and harvesting of saffron flower with a specific two-finger gripper design. Then, a cam mechanism and elastic spring elements are designed to provide a shaking movement that achieves the splitting of the flower from its steam and a consequent flower harvesting. This is followed by a suction system for collecting and storing the harvested flowers. A 3D printed prototype is reported and preliminarily tested for validating the engineering feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed design solution

    A Saffron Spice Separation System with Computer Vision

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    A separation device is described to obtain saffron spice after harvesting. To set the separation device, a vertical wind tunnel is developed which measures the terminal velocities of parts of saffron flower, with variations for different regions and years of production. The separation device is equipped with a vision system, which evaluates the separation and the percentage of purity of the saffron spice obtained after separation. In this paper, the design and the realization of the wind tunnel and of the separation device are described and the separation of the flower is performed and discussed, evaluating the separation efficiency

    High gear ratio mechanical transmissions for actuators: Simplified models for efficiency under opposing and aiding loads

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    Planetary gear drives are widely employed in electrical and hydraulic actuation systems, to adapt a high speed, low torque motor to a low speed, high torque user, within strict weight and volume constraints. During the early design phases of these devices, accurate yet simple simulation models are required to evaluate the performance of a given configuration of the device. Similar models are also useful within diagnostic and health monitoring analyses of existing machines, as a discrepancy between the actual behaviour of the physical system and that predicted by its digital twin may be the effect of a damage. This work compares different models available in literature for the efficiency of high gear ratio mechanical transmissions; the models are applied to multiple arrangements common for planetary drives, and the results in form of an efficiency map for the transmissions are compared and discussed. The simulations provide different levels of detail, and require different levels of knowledge about the specific architecture of the system. All of them are able to deal with dry friction; additionally, the different behaviour of the transmission under the effect loads aligned in the same direction of speed or in the opposite one is accounted for

    Mechatronic face mask anti covid-19 to remotely record cardiorespiratory variables in farm’s workers engaged in jobs at high risk of infection

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    The most frequent prodromes of COVID-19 infection are fever, signs of respiratory diseases, cough and shortness of breath. Nevertheless, it is not infrequent that patients with COVID-19 also show cardiac symptoms. So, it is of importance to detect the prodromal symptoms of the COVID-19 infection in order to be able to make a diagnosis as quickly as possible to provide the immediate insertion of the infected people in isolation/therapy protocols. Here is presented a prototype of a smart face mask, named AG47-SmartMask that, in addition to the function of both an active and passive anti COVID-19 filter by an electro-heated filter brought to a minimum temperature of 38°C, it also allows the continuous monitoring of numerous cardio-pulmonary variables. Several specific sensors are incorporated into the mask to assess the inside mask temperature from which synchronous waving with the breathing was acquired the breath frequency, relative humidity, air pressure together and end tidal carbon dioxide percentage, and an auricular assessment of the body temperature, the heart rate and the percentage of oxygen saturation of haemoglobin. Sensors are embedded within an advanced ICT platform. To validate the AG47-SmartMask tool, were engaged twenty seven Farm’s workers of a vegetable packaging chain and they dressed the face mask device to simulate, while working, both tachypnea and cough, and the AG47-SmartMask faithfully quantified the simulated dyspnoic events

    Contact pressure distribution in guide bearings for pneumatic actuators

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    This paper deals with the analysis of the contact pressure distribution at the rod/guide bearing interface of a linear pneumatic actuator. The investigation was carried out both experimentally, using pressure-sensitive film, and numerically by means of finite element analysis. By using the numerical model, it was possible to identify design changes to the cylinder front head whereby contact pressure at the bearing/rod interface can be redistributed. Operating conditions that are more advantageous in terms of wear and durability can thus be achieved

    Assessing simulated arm lymphoedema by a prototype of bioimpedance spectroscopy device. Possible implication of its use in the follow up of patients who underwent extensive breast cancer surgery

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    The aim of this research was to enable women after breast cancer surgery, in which arms lymphoedema often occurs, to self-monitor this disease using in-home an easy-to-use-device which assesses the arm’s resistance ratio, considered an indirect, non-invasive index of increased extracellular water volume in those limbs. An homemade equipment based on the bioimpedance spectroscopy technique, was tested on 20 healthy volunteers which, by means of two ECG disposable electrodes, connected to the device both their dominant and auxiliary upper arms and changes in electrical resistance were assessed while an alternate current of low intensity and sweeping frequency from 15 to 75 kHz had be injected. In the same volunteers, an arm lymphoedema with about 100 ml excess of extracellular water was simulated by subtracting 0.8% from measured resistance values in each arm. The arms’ resistance ratio against the increasing frequency gave rise to a parabolic branch visible on a mobile phone screen and, when the arm lymphoedema was simulated, the corresponding curve appeared positioned below that of the one without oedema. The patient’s self-awareness, due to the device’s self-management, could allow these subjects to actively approach the disease while sharing their results remotely with clinical specialists by an internet connection
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