14 research outputs found

    In Vitro Modeling of Tumor-Immune System Interaction.

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    Immunotherapy has emerged during the past two decades as an innovative and successful form of cancer treatment. However, frequently, mechanisms of actions are still unclear, predictive markers are insufficiently characterized, and preclinical assays for innovative treatments are poorly reliable. In this context, the analysis of tumor/immune system interaction plays key roles, but may be unreliably mirrored by in vivo experimental models and standard bidimensional culture systems. Tridimensional cultures of tumor cells have been developed to bridge the gap between in vitro and in vivo systems. Interestingly, defined aspects of the interaction of cells from adaptive and innate immune systems and tumor cells may also be mirrored by 3D cultures. Here we review in vitro models of cancer/immune cell interaction and we propose that updated technologies might help develop innovative treatments, identify biologicals of potential clinical relevance, and select patients eligible for immunotherapy treatments

    VEGF dose regulates vascular stabilization through Semaphorin3A and the Neuropilin-1+ monocyte/TGF-β1 paracrine axis

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    VEGF is widely investigated for therapeutic angiogenesis, but while short-term delivery is desirable for safety, it is insufficient for new vessel persistence, jeopardizing efficacy. Here, we investigated whether and how VEGF dose regulates nascent vessel stabilization, to identify novel therapeutic targets. Monoclonal populations of transduced myoblasts were used to homogeneously express specific VEGF doses in SCID mouse muscles. VEGF was abrogated after 10 and 17 days by Aflibercept treatment. Vascular stabilization was fastest with low VEGF, but delayed or prevented by higher doses, without affecting pericyte coverage. Rather, VEGF dose-dependently inhibited endothelial Semaphorin3A expression, thereby impairing recruitment of Neuropilin-1-expressing monocytes (NEM), TGF-β1 production and endothelial SMAD2/3 activation. TGF-β1 further initiated a feedback loop stimulating endothelial Semaphorin3A expression, thereby amplifying the stabilizing signals. Blocking experiments showed that NEM recruitment required endogenous Semaphorin3A and that TGF-β1 was necessary to start the Semaphorin3A/NEM axis. Conversely, Semaphorin3A treatment promoted NEM recruitment and vessel stabilization despite high VEGF doses or transient adenoviral delivery. Therefore, VEGF inhibits the endothelial Semaphorin3A/NEM/TGF-β1 paracrine axis and Semaphorin3A treatment accelerates stabilization of VEGF-induced angiogenesis

    Identification of TPM2 and CNN1 as Novel Prognostic Markers in Functionally Characterized Human Colon Cancer-Associated Stromal Cells

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    Stromal infiltration is associated with poor prognosis in human colon cancers. However, the high heterogeneity of human tumor-associated stromal cells (TASCs) hampers a clear identification of specific markers of prognostic relevance. To address these issues, we established short-term cultures of TASCs and matched healthy mucosa-associated stromal cells (MASCs) from human primary colon cancers and, upon characterization of their phenotypic and functional profiles in vitro and in vivo, we identified differentially expressed markers by proteomic analysis and evaluated their prognostic significance. TASCs were characterized by higher proliferation and differentiation potential, and enhanced expression of mesenchymal stem cell markers, as compared to MASCs. TASC triggered epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in tumor cells in vitro and promoted their metastatic spread in vivo, as assessed in an orthotopic mouse model. Proteomic analysis of matched TASCs and MASCs identified a panel of markers preferentially expressed in TASCs. The expression of genes encoding two of them, calponin 1 (CNN1) and tropomyosin beta chain isoform 2 (TPM2), was significantly associated with poor outcome in independent databases and outperformed the prognostic significance of currently proposed TASC markers. The newly identified markers may improve prognostication of primary colon cancers and identification of patients at risk

    "In vitro" 3D models of tumor-immune system interaction

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    Interaction between cancer cells and immune system critically affects development, progression and treatment of human malignancies. Experimental animal models and conventional "in vitro" studies have provided a wealth of information on this interaction, currently used to develop immune-mediated therapies. Studies utilizing three-dimensional culture technologies have emphasized that tumor architecture dramatically influences cancer cell-immune system interaction by steering cytokine production and regulating differentiation patterns of myeloid cells, and decreasing the sensitivity of tumor cells to lymphocyte effector functions. Hypoxia and increased production of lactic acid by tumor cells cultured in 3D architectures appear to be mechanistically involved. 3D culture systems could be further developed to (i) include additional cell partners potentially influencing cancer cell-immune system interaction, (ii) enable improved control of hypoxia, and (iii) allow the use of freshly derived clinical cancer specimens. Such advanced models will represent new tools for cancer immunobiology studies and for pre-clinical assessment of innovative treatments

    Perfusion-Based Bioreactor Culture and Isothermal Microcalorimetry for Preclinical Drug Testing with the Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor SLC-0111 in Patient-Derived Neuroblastoma

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    Neuroblastoma is a rare disease. Rare are also the possibilities to test new therapeutic options for neuroblastoma in clinical trials. Despite the constant need to improve therapy and outcomes for patients with advanced neuroblastoma, clinical trials currently only allow for testing few substances in even fewer patients. This increases the need to improve and advance preclinical models for neuroblastoma to preselect favorable candidates for novel therapeutics. Here we propose the use of a new patient-derived 3D slice-culture perfusion-based 3D model in combination with rapid treatment evaluation using isothermal microcalorimetry exemplified with treatment with the novel carbonic anhydrase IX and XII (CAIX/CAXII) inhibitor SLC-0111. Patient samples showed a CAIX expression of 18% and a CAXII expression of 30%. Corresponding with their respective CAIX expression patterns, the viability of SH-EP cells was significantly reduced upon treatment with SLC-0111, while LAN1 cells were not affected. The inhibitory effect on SH-SY5Y cells was dependent on the induction of CAIX expression under hypoxia. These findings corresponded to thermogenesis of the cells. Patient-derived organotypic slice cultures were treated with SLC-0111, which was highly effective despite heterogeneity of CAIX/CAXII expression. Thermogenesis, in congruence with the findings of the histological observations, was significantly reduced in SLC-0111-treated samples. In order to extend the evaluation time, we established a perfusion-based approach for neuroblastoma tissue in a 3D perfusion-based bioreactor system. Using this system, excellent tissue quality with intact tumor cells and stromal structure in neuroblastoma tumors can be maintained for 7 days. The system was successfully used for consecutive drug response monitoring with isothermal microcalorimetry. The described approach for drug testing, relying on an advanced 3D culture system combined with a rapid and highly sensitive metabolic assessment, can facilitate development of personalized treatment strategies for neuroblastoma

    Hemidesmus indicus induces immunogenic death in human colorectal cancer cells

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    The ability of anticancer treatments to promote the activation of tumor-reactive adaptive immune responses is emerging as a critical requirement underlying their clinical effectiveness. We investigated the ability of Hemidesmus indicus, a promising anticancer botanical drug, to stimulate immunogenic cell death in a human colorectal cancer cell line (DLD1). Here we show that Hemidesmus treatment induces tumor cell cytotoxicity characterized by surface expression of calreticulin, increased HSP70 expression and release of ATP and HMGB1. Remarkably, the exposure to released ICD-inducer factors from Hemidesmus-treated DLD1 cells caused a modest induction of CD14-derived dendritic cells maturation, as demonstrated by the increased expression of CD83. Moreover, at sub-toxic concentrations, H.i. treatment of monocytes and dendritic cells induced their mild activation, suggesting its additional direct immunostimulatory activity. These data indicate that Hemidesmus indicus induces immunogenic cell death in human tumor cells and suggest its potential relevance in innovative cancer immunotherapy protocols

    Induction of hypoxia and necrosis in multicellular tumor spheroids is associated with resistance to chemotherapy treatment

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    Culture of cancerous cells in standard monolayer conditions poorly mirrors growth in three-dimensional architectures typically observed in a wide majority of cancers of different histological origin. Multicellular tumor spheroid (MCTS) culture models were developed to mimic these features. However, in vivo tumor growth is also characterized by the presence of ischemic and necrotic areas generated by oxygenation gradients and differential access to nutrients. Hypoxia and necrosis play key roles in tumor progression and resistance to treatment. To provide in vitro models recapitulating these events in highly controlled and standardized conditions, we have generated colorectal cancer (CRC) cell spheroids of different sizes and analyzed their gene expression profiles and sensitivity to treatment with 5FU, currently used in therapeutic protocols. Here we identify three MCTS stages, corresponding to defined spheroid sizes, characterized by normoxia, hypoxia, and hypoxia plus necrosis, respectively. Importantly, we show that MCTS including both hypoxic and necrotic areas most closely mimic gene expression profiles of in vivo-developing tumors and display the highest resistance to 5FU. Taken together, our data indicate that MCTS may mimic in vitro generation of ischemic and necrotic areas in highly standardized and controlled conditions, thereby qualifying as relevant models for drug screening purposes

    mTORC1/autophagy-regulated MerTK in mutant BRAFV600 melanoma with acquired resistance to BRAF inhibition

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    BRAF inhibitors (BRAFi) and the combination therapy of BRAF and MEK inhibitors (MEKi) were recently approved for therapy of metastatic melanomas harbouring the oncogenic BRAFV600 mutation. Although these therapies have shown pronounced therapeutic efficacy, the limited durability of the response indicates an acquired drug resistance that still remains mechanistically poorly understood at the molecular level. We conducted transcriptome gene profiling in BRAFi-treated melanoma cells and identified that Mer tyrosine kinase (MerTK) is specifically upregulated. MerTK overexpression was demonstrated not only in melanomas resistant to BRAFi monotherapy (5 out of 10 samples from melanoma patients) but also in melanoma resistant to BRAFi+MEKi (1 out of 3), although MEKi alone does not affect MerTK. Mechanistically, BRAFi-induced activation of Zeb2 stimulates MerTK in BRAFV600 melanoma through mTORC1-triggered activation of autophagy. Co-targeting MerTK and BRAFV600 significantly reduced tumour burden in xenografted mice, which was pheno-copied by co-inhibition of autophagy and mutant BRAFV600

    Identification of TPM2 and CNN1 as Novel Prognostic Markers in Functionally Characterized Human Colon Cancer-Associated Stromal Cells

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    Stromal infiltration is associated with poor prognosis in human colon cancers. However, the high heterogeneity of human tumor-associated stromal cells (TASCs) hampers a clear identification of specific markers of prognostic relevance. To address these issues, we established short-term cultures of TASCs and matched healthy mucosa-associated stromal cells (MASCs) from human primary colon cancers and, upon characterization of their phenotypic and functional profiles in vitro and in vivo, we identified differentially expressed markers by proteomic analysis and evaluated their prognostic significance. TASCs were characterized by higher proliferation and differentiation potential, and enhanced expression of mesenchymal stem cell markers, as compared to MASCs. TASC triggered epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) in tumor cells in vitro and promoted their metastatic spread in vivo, as assessed in an orthotopic mouse model. Proteomic analysis of matched TASCs and MASCs identified a panel of markers preferentially expressed in TASCs. The expression of genes encoding two of them, calponin 1 (CNN1) and tropomyosin beta chain isoform 2 (TPM2), was significantly associated with poor outcome in independent databases and outperformed the prognostic significance of currently proposed TASC markers. The newly identified markers may improve prognostication of primary colon cancers and identification of patients at risk