123 research outputs found

    Modalidades del matrimonio tardoantiguo y altomedieval en Bizancio y el Occidente Cristiano

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    This paper presents a comparison between some issues related to marriage in Christian Mediterranean, in both the West and the Byzantine area. It is proposed a parallel between modes of marriage; in particular through the interplay of two variables: a written and unwritten marriage, and marriage with or without transfer of goods.En este trabajo se presenta una comparación de algunas cuestiones referidas al matrimonio en el Mediterráneo cristiano occidental y Bizantino. Se propone un paralelo entre las modalidades de matrimonio; en particular a través del juego de las variables que supone un matrimonio escrito y no escrito, con transferencia de bienes o sin transferencia de bienes

    Το Ιουστινιάνειο δίκαιο ως πλαίσιο τις ευρωπαϊκής ταυτότητας

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    II Jornada de Cultura Jurídica

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    El passat 18 de març de 2016 es va celebrar a la seu institucional de la UOC (avinguda del Tibidabo, núm. 39-43 de Barcelona) la II Jornada de Cultura Jurídica, organitzada pels Estudis de Dret i Ciència Política de la UOC i la Càtedra de Cultura Jurídica de la Universitat de Girona (UdG).On 18 March 2018, the Second Working Day on Legal Culture was held at the headquarters of the UOC (Av. Tibibado, 39-43, Barcelona), organised by the Studies of Law and Politics of the UOC in collaboration with the Chair of Legal Culture of the University of Girona (UdG).El pasado 18 de marzo de 2016 se celebró en la sede institucional de la UOC (Av. del Tibidabo, 39-43 de Barcelona) la II Jornada del Cultura Jurídica, organizada por los Estudios de Derecho y Ciencia Política de la UOC y  la Cátedra de Cultura Jurídica de la Universitat de Girona (UdG)

    Pagar la culpa: matrimonio, divorcio y responsabilidad en la tradición jurídica occidental

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    This article is framed in the discussion on whether the General Regime of tort law is applicable to family law, especially to divorce cases. Taking a historical perspective, my purpose is to show that until the codification of Civil Law there was a special liability regime in case of divorce. This special regime was subsequently abolished, leaving a gap in this matter that gives rise to the current debate.Este trabajo se enmarca en la discusión sobre la aplicación del régimen general de responsabilidad por daños en materia de familia, específicamente en la cuestión del divorcio. Por medio de un recorrido histórico se intenta mostrar como, hasta el momento de la codificación, existe un régimen especial de responsabilidad para el caso de divorcio. Dicho régimen será posteriormente abolido, dejando con ello un vacío que, en buena medida, da origen al debate actual

    Atriplex nummularia (Lindl.) establecida en el secano del centro-sur de Chile

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    Atriplex nummularia (Lindl.) is a shrub used as a strategic forage resource in arid and semi-arid livestock systems in summer. In 2019, two monitoring modules were created for this species in southern Chile; in the localities of Los Sauces (drylands, 37° south latitude) and Carillanca (dry central valley, 38° south latitude). Growth during 3 years (2019-2021) and forage quality of the material consumable by livestock were evaluated. Forage quality in summer was different between localities and was attributable to soil and climatic conditions. It is concluded that in Carillanca, a locality with higher rainfall and better soil quality, the highest growth in volume was recorded even when the cold period is extensive; in Los Sauces, however, despite average temperatures being better for the species (>10 °C), growth was lower, this being attributable to the soil conditions where the plantation was carried out (soil quality-site), together with the extent and severity of the dry period (summer and autumn).Atriplex nummularia (Lindl.) es un arbusto utilizado como recurso forrajero estratégico en sistemas ganaderos de zonas áridas y semiáridas en época estival. El 2019 se crearon dos módulos de seguimiento de esta especie en el sur de Chile; en las localidades de Los Sauces (secano interior, 37° latitud sur) y Carillanca (valle central seco, 38° latitud sur). Se evaluó el crecimiento durante 3 años (2019-2021) y calidad forrajera del material consumible por el ganado. La calidad forrajera en verano fue distinta entre localidades, siendo atribuible a condiciones edafoclimáticas. Se concluye que en Carillanca, localidad que presenta mayor pluviometría y suelo de mejor calidad, se registró el mayor crecimiento en volumen, aun cuando el periodo frío es extenso; en Los Sauces, en cambio, a pesar de temperaturas medias son mejores para la especie (>10 °C), el crecimiento fue menor, siendo esto atribuible a las condiciones de suelo donde se realizó la plantación (calidad del sitio), junto con la extensión y severidad del periodo seco (verano y otoño)

    Marine ecosystems observation by a cooperative AUV in the PLOME project

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    To improve our understanding of how marine ecosystems function, it is crucial to quantify their processes using proper spatio-temporal multiparametric monitoring techniques. Science and innovative technologies must play a central role in developing the Blue Growth in a sustainable manner, where advances in enabling technologies such as remote sensing, modelling, AI and autonomous systems, will enhance our capacity to monitor and predict, assess and manage ecosystems. The PLOME project proposes a spatially adaptive, non-invasive, modular platform of independent and wirelessly connected benthic stations and AUVs to intelligently observe, monitor and map marine ecosystems, during long-lasting periods with real-time supervision. The monitoring solution has a simple deployment and is easy-to-move from an experimental site to another, without any cable installation, for coastal and deep water environments. Stations provide continuous and intensive temporal observation, while AUVs can provide such intensive measurement at spatial level, when they undock for a mission from a station in which they previously recharged batteries and transmitted information. The PLOME project will demonstrate the proposed concept in two scenarios. The first one, involves testing independent capabilities in a real deep-sea scenario, while the second one entails a oneweek demonstration in shallow water, where an AUV will be operated from a docking station. This paper describes the Girona 1000 AUV from the Universitat de Girona that will be used for the deep tests , conducted at depths ranging from 200 to 400 meters. The AUV will be used in cooperation with two fixed stations developed by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Acoustic communications and ranges between the AUV and the stations will be used to coordinate the AUV’s work and to improve its navigation. Optical communications will be used to transmit data to the stations gathered from the AUV observations. The AUV will integrate a multimodal sensor payload, including an optical camera and LED lighting system, a laser for microbathymetry and a forward-looking sonar for acoustic mapping. The AUV will also be able to process some of the data to transmit relevant information to the stations. Deep learning techniques will be used in real-time to detect species on the optical camera images, 3D point-clouds will be generated to describe the seabed’s profile, and onboard acoustic mosaicking will generate an acoustic map of the seabed.Peer Reviewe

    Apuesta por la acreditación institucional de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales tanto nacional (AUDIT) como internacional (AACSB)

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    El objetivo del presente proyecto es dar continuidad al compromiso de la Facultad con la mejora continua de la calidad mediante la solicitud de la acreditación del diseño del SIGC por AUDIT y de la acreditación internacional AACSB