88 research outputs found

    Antisite Defects and Chemical Expansion in Low-damping, High-magnetization Yttrium Iron Garnet Films

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    Yttrium iron garnet is widely investigated for its suitability in applications ranging from magneto-optical and microwave devices to magnonics. However, in the few-nanometer thickness range, epitaxial films exhibit a strong variability in magnetic behavior that hinders their implementation in technological devices. Here, direct visualization and spectroscopy of the atomic structure of a nominally stoichiometric thin film, exhibiting a small damping factor of 3.0 ⋅ 10, reveals the occurrence of Y-excess octahedral antisite defects. The two-magnon strength is very small, Γ≈10 Oe, indicating a very low occurrence of scattering centers. Notably, the saturation magnetization, 4πM=2.10 (±0.01) kOe, is higher than the bulk value, in consistency with the suppression of magnetic moment in the minority octahedral sublattice by the observed antisite defects. Analysis of elemental concentration profiles across the substrate-film interface suggests that the Y-excess is originated from unbalanced cationic interdiffusion during the early growth stages

    Graphene-based synthetic antiferromagnets and ferrimagnets

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    Graphene-spaced magnetic systems with antiferromagnetic exchange-coupling offer exciting opportunities for emerging technologies. Unfortunately, the in-plane graphene-mediated exchange-coupling found so far is not appropriate for realistic exploitation, due to being weak, being of complex nature, or requiring low temperatures. Here we establish that ultra-thin Fe/graphene/Co films grown on Ir(111) exhibit robust perpendicular antiferromagnetic exchange-coupling, and gather a collection of magnetic properties well-suited for applications. Remarkably, the observed exchange coupling is thermally stable above room temperature, strong but field controllable, and occurs in perpendicular orientation with opposite remanent layer magnetizations. Atomistic first-principles simulations provide further ground for the feasibility of graphene-spaced antiferromagnetic coupled structures, confirming graphene's direct role in sustaining antiferromagnetic superexchange-coupling between the magnetic films. These results provide a path for the realization of graphene-based perpendicular synthetic antiferromagnetic systems, which seem exciting for fundamental nanoscience or potential use in spintronic devices

    Fieldlike and antidamping spin-orbit torques in as-grown and annealed Ta/CoFeB/MgO layers

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    We present a comprehensive study of the current-induced spin-orbit torques in perpendicularly magnetized Ta/CoFeB/MgO layers. The samples were annealed in steps up to 300 degrees C and characterized using x-ray absorption spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, resistivity, and Hall effect measurements. By performing adiabatic harmonic Hall voltage measurements, we show that the transverse (field-like) and longitudinal (antidamping-like) spin-orbit torques are composed of constant and magnetization-dependent contributions, both of which vary strongly with annealing. Such variations correlate with changes of the saturation magnetization and magnetic anisotropy and are assigned to chemical and structural modifications of the layers. The relative variation of the constant and anisotropic torque terms as a function of annealing temperature is opposite for the field-like and antidamping torques. Measurements of the switching probability using sub-{\mu}s current pulses show that the critical current increases with the magnetic anisotropy of the layers, whereas the switching efficiency, measured as the ratio of magnetic anisotropy energy and pulse energy, decreases. The optimal annealing temperature to achieve maximum magnetic anisotropy, saturation magnetization, and switching efficiency is determined to be between 240 degrees and 270 degrees C

    Large-area van der Waals epitaxy and magnetic characterization of Fe3GeTe2films on graphene

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    Scalable fabrication of magnetic 2D materials and heterostructures constitutes a crucial step for scaling down current spintronic devices and the development of novel spintronic applications. Here, we report on van der Waals (vdW) epitaxy of the layered magnetic metal Fe3GeTe2 (FGT) - a 2D crystal with highly tunable properties and a high prospect for room temperature ferromagnetism (FM) - directly on graphene by employing molecular beam epitaxy. Morphological and structural characterization confirmed the realization of large-area, continuous FGT/graphene heterostructure films with stable interfaces and good crystalline quality. Furthermore, magneto-transport and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism investigations confirmed a robust out-of-plane FM in the layers, comparable to state-of-the-art exfoliated flakes from bulk crystals. These results are highly relevant for further research on wafer-scale growth of vdW heterostructures combining FGT with other layered crystals such as transition metal dichalcogenides for the realization of multifunctional, atomically thin devices.They also acknowledge the provision of beamtime under the project HC-4068 at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), located in Grenoble (France). ICN2 researchers acknowledge support from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 881603 (Graphene Flagship)

    Independent Tuning of Optical Transparency Window and Electrical Properties of Epitaxial SrVO3 Thin Films by Substrate Mismatch

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    Transparent metallic oxides are pivotal materials in information technology, photovoltaics, or even in architecture. They display the rare combination of metallicity and transparency in the visible range because of weak interband photon absorption and weak screening of free carriers to impinging light. However, the workhorse of current technology, indium tin oxide (ITO), is facing severe limitations and alternative approaches are needed. AMO perovskites, M being a nd transition metal, and A an alkaline earth, have a genuine metallic character and, in contrast to conventional metals, the electron-electron correlations within the nd band enhance the carriers effective mass (m*) and bring the transparency window limit (marked by the plasma frequency, ω*) down to the infrared. Here, it is shown that epitaxial strain and carrier concentration allow fine tuning of optical properties (ω*) of SrVO films by modulating m* due to strain-induced selective symmetry breaking of 3d-t(xy, yz, xz) orbitals. Interestingly, the DC electrical properties can be varied by a large extent depending on growth conditions whereas the optical transparency window in the visible is basically preserved. These observations suggest that the harsh conditions required to grow optimal SrVO films may not be a bottleneck for their future application

    A Metal-Organic Framework Incorporating Eight Different Size Rare-Earth Metal Elements: Toward Multifunctionality À La Carte

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    Multi‐metallic multivariate (MTV) rare earth (RE) metal−organic frameworks (MOFs) are of interest for the development of multifunctional materials, however examples with more than three RE cations are rare and obstructed by compositional segregation during synthesis. Herein, this work demonstrates the synthesis of a multi‐metallic MTV RE MOF incorporating two, four, six, or eight different RE ions with different sizes and in nearly equimolar amounts and no compositional segregation. The MOFs are formed by a combination of RE cations (La, Ce, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Y, and Yb) and a 1,7‐di(4‐carboxyphenyl)‐1,7‐dicarba‐closo‐dodecaborane (mCB‐L) linker. The steric bulkiness and acidity of mCB‐L is crucial for the incorporation of different size RE ions into the MOF structure. Demonstration of the incorporation of all RE cations is performed via compositional and structural characterization. The more complex MTV MOF, including all eight RE ions (mCB‐8RE), are also characterized using optical, thermal, and magnetic techniques. Element‐selective X‐ray absorption spectroscopy and X‐ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism measurements allow us to characterize spectroscopically each of the eight RE ions and determine their magnetic moments. This work paves the way for the investigation of MTV MOFs with the possibility to combine RE ions à la carte for diverse applications