261 research outputs found

    Bibliometric analysis of studies on family firms

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    Several authors have highlighted the importance of family firms in the worldwide generation of wealth, wellbeing, and employment. Recently, the importance of family firms has resulted in the proliferation of many academic works in prestigious journals. Hence, studying their development and evolution is deemed necessary. This study conducts a bibliometric analysis of the literature on family firms to show the research trends and guide researchers in their work; it is conducted using a detailed and systematic study of the scientific production of papers on family firms published in the Web of Science (WoS) between 1975 and May 2020. Its contributions are as follows. First, it consolidates family firms as an area of research, which reflects on several papers focusing on this topic (1990 papers published in the WoS database, 55982 total citations). Second, it finds that family firm research has mainly developed in the last few years. Third, it discovers that Kellermanns and Chrisman are the most relevant authors in this field. Fourth, it suggests that the most influential journal is Family Business Review. Fifth, it finds that that the Mississippi State University is the most renowned family firm research institution. Sixth, it discovers that the United States has the highest production in the field. Finally, the bibliometric map identifies four clusters, the most relevant being the family firm theory and its evolution

    Ischemic Preconditioning in Cardiac and Skeletal Muscle Induced by Exercise

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    Since it was discovered, ischemic preconditioning (IPC) has motivated research groups around the world to develop preconditioning protocols capable of protecting tissues against prolonged insults. In 31 years of study, promising results have been obtained on the beneficial role of the CPI and the mechanisms involved in its regulation. Also, different preconditioning protocols that have obtained results similar to the classic CPI have been developed, among which is the exercise-induced preconditioning (EP), that has been proven to protect the heart against an insult, mitigate the atrophy of the heart muscle and increase physical performance in athletes and/or athletes

    Saharan Air Layer (SAL) over Tenerife: summertime statistic analysis from lidar measurements

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    Comunicación presentada en: 2012 European Aerosol Conference (EAC-2012), B-WG01S2P30, celebrada del 2 al 7 de septiembre de 2012 en Granada.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry for Research and Innovation (MICINN) under grant CGL2011-24891 (project AMISOC)

    Number needed to treat and associated cost analysis of cenobamate versus third-generation anti-seizure medications for the treatment of focal-onset seizures in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy in Spain

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    Medicamentos anticonvulsivos; Cenobamato; EficienciaMedicaments anticonvulsius; Cenobamat; EficiènciaAnti-seizure medications; Cenobamate; EfficiencyIntroduction Epilepsy is a serious neurological disease, ranking high in the top causes of disability. The main goal of its treatment is to achieve seizure freedom without intolerable adverse effects. However, approximately 40% of patients suffer from Drug-Resistant Epilepsy (DRE) despite the availability of the latest options called third-generation Anti-Seizure Medications(ASMs). Cenobamate is the first ASM approved in Spain for the adjunctive treatment of Focal-Onset Seizures (FOS) in adult patients with DRE. The introduction of a new drug increases the number of therapeutic options available, making it important to compare it with existing alternatives in terms of clinical benefit and efficiency. Purpose This study aimed to compare the clinical benefit, in terms of the Number Needed to Treat (NNT), and the efficiency, in terms of Cost per NNT (CNT), associated with cenobamate versus third-generation ASMs used in Spain for the adjunctive treatment of FOS in patients with DRE. Methods The Number Needed to Treat data was calculated based on the ≥50% responder rate and seizure freedom endpoints (defined as the percentage of patients achieving 50% and 100% reduction in seizure frequency, respectively), obtained from pivotal clinical trials performed with cenobamate, brivaracetam, perampanel, lacosamide, and eslicarbazepine acetate. The NNT was established as the inverse of the treatment responder rate minus the placebo responder rate and was calculated based on the minimum, mid-range Daily Defined Dose (DDD), and maximum doses studied in the pivotal clinical trials of each ASM. CNT was calculated by multiplying the annual treatment cost by NNT values for each treatment option. Results In terms of NNT, cenobamate was the ASM associated with the lowest values at all doses for both ≥50% responder rate and seizure freedom compared with the alternatives. In terms of CNT, for ≥50% responder rate, cenobamate was the ASM associated with the lowest CNT values at DDD and lacosamide and eslicarbazepine acetate at the minimum and maximum dose, respectively. For seizure freedom, cenobamate was associated with the lowest CNT value at DDD and the maximum dose and lacosamide at the minimum dose. Conclusions Cenobamate could represent the most effective ASM in all doses studied compared to the third-generation ASMs and the most efficient option at DDD for both ≥50% responder rate and seizure freedom. This study could represent an important contribution towards informed decision-making regarding the selection of the most appropriate therapy for FOS in adult patients with DRE from a clinical and economical perspective in Spain.This study was sponsored by Angelini Pharma España, S.L.U

    Determination of the economically justifiable price of cenobamate in the treatment of focal-onset seizures in adult patients with drug-resistant epilepsy in Spain

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    Anti-seizure medications; Cenobamate; Economically justifiable priceMedicamentos anticonvulsivos; Cenobamato; Precio económicamente justificableMedicaments anticonvulsius; Cenobamat; Preu econòmicament justificableObjective To determine the economically justifiable price (EJP) of cenobamate to become a cost-effective alternative compared with third-generation anti-seizure medications in the treatment of focal-onset seizures (FOS) in adult patients with drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE) in Spain. Methods Cost-effectiveness analysis compared cenobamate with brivaracetam, perampanel, eslicarbazepine acetate, and lacosamide. Markov model simulation of treatment pathway over a 60-year time horizon is presented. We determined the effectiveness and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) of health status and disutilities associated with treatment-related adverse events. Acquisition costs and use of medical resources were obtained from published literature and expert opinion. Base-case of cenobamate’s EJP calculated applying a willingness-to-pay (WTP) threshold of €21,000/QALY. Analyses were performed at different thresholds, including dominant price scenario. Result robustness was assessed through sensitivity analyses. Results Base-case shows that cenobamate’s daily EJP of €7.30 is cost-effective for a threshold of €21,000/QALY. At a daily price of €5.45, cenobamate becomes dominant over all treatment alternatives producing cost-savings for the national health system (NHS). Sensitivity analyses supported the robustness of base-case findings. Conclusions Treatment with cenobamate produces incremental clinical benefit over third-generation ASMs, and at the base-case, EJP could represent a cost-effective option for the adjunctive treatment of FOS in adult patients with DRE in Spain

    Modelo prolab: De un plan alternativo para el tratamiento paliativo en pacientes con patologías neoplásicas y otras enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles

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    En los últimos años, el mercado de productos derivados de cannábicos se ha incrementado considerablemente. Perú no escapa de este fenómeno, ya que, a finales del 2017, el Congreso de la República del Perú aprobó el Proyecto de Ley N° 30681, que regula el uso medicinal y terapéutico del cannabis y sus derivados. Entonces, se identifica un problema relevante desde el punto de vista social, pues, la forma en que ha sido abordada la comercialización de estos productos, deja virtualmente excluidos a quienes residen fuera de Lima y, especialmente a quienes no disponen de recursos económicos para sufragar los costos del tratamiento, además los asociados a traslados y manutención en Lima para recibir la medicación y aliviar así las dolencias y colaterales que se derivan del padecimiento de patologías neoplásica y otras enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. Por ello, se realizó una investigación para proponer una solución que resultara viable desde el punto de vista económico y social y favorecer así a quienes resultan excluidos, atentando contra el principio de salud universal. La solución propuesta, contempla la creación de un Centro Integral de Salud, basado en el uso de la terapia de cannabis medicinal, virtualmente. Se trata de crear una comunidad donde los pacientes no solo adquieran el medicamento, sino que se beneficien de una serie de actividades complementarias y colaterales que contribuyan a mejorar su calidad de vida, más allá del alivio de sus dolencias. El modelo de negocio es factible y viable bajo los indicadores de un VAN de S/ 4,612,939.53 frente a S/3,697,635.87 de la inversión inicial y una TIR de 53% frente al 15% de tasa de interés que fijaron los accionistas, convirtiéndolo en un proyecto de negocio que además de cumplir con los ODS de la agenda 2030 de las Naciones Unidas es sostenible en el tiempo.In recent years, the market for products based on cannabis derivatives has increased considerably. Peru does not escape this phenomenon, since, at the end of 2017, the Congress of the Republic of Peru approved Bill No. 30681, a Law that regulates the medicinal and therapeutic use of cannabis and its derivatives. Then, a relevant problem from the social point of view is identified, since the way in which the commercialization of these products has been approached, leaves those who reside outside of Lima virtually excluded and, especially, those who do not have economic resources to cover the costs of the treatment, in addition to those associated with transfers and maintenance in Lima to receive the medication and thus alleviate the ailments and collaterals that derive from the suffering of neoplastic pathologies and other chronic non-communicable diseases. For this reason, an investigation was carried out to propose a solution that would be viable from the economic and social point of view and thus favor those who are excluded, violating the principle of universal health. The proposed solution contemplates the creation of a Comprehensive Health Center, based on the use of medicinal cannabis therapy, but in a virtual way. It is about creating a community where patients not only acquire the medicine, but also benefit from a series of complementary and collateral activities that contribute to improving their quality of life beyond alleviating their ailments. The business model is feasible and viable under the indicators of a NPV of S/ 4,612,939.53 compared to S/ 3,697,635.87 of the initial investment and an IRR of 53% compared to the 15% interest rate set by the shareholders, making it a project of business that, in addition to complying with the SDGs of the United Nations 2030 agenda, is sustainable over time

    Effects of land-use change on Nitisols properties in a tropical climate

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    Land use change, especially conversion of native forests to cultivated land, exerts an impact on the physical, chemical and hydrophysical soils properties. To quantify and better understand responses, this study was aimed at evaluating the influence of different tropical soil management systems reflected in some physic, chemical and hydro-physical properties. Nine Nitisol profiles were evaluated and grouped in three categories: (I) native forest (Benchmark 30 years); (II) soils formerly cultivated then turned to pasture (Conservation 10 years); and (III) soils under continuous cultivation (Agrogenic 50 years). The analyzed variables were organic matter, bulk density, soil particle density, porosity, field capacity, texture and structural index. Results determine that the action of traditional farming techniques in tropical environments produces excessive soil degradation. Organic matter content and the structural index showed a linear relationship with high degree of dependence (R2=0.99). Bulk density average for (I) and (II) profile were lower (P0.05) than the bulk density values for (III). In the regression analyses the bulk density increased, the field capacity decreased, and the tendency for profile (I) and (II) were of a linear type. While the profile for (III) was of a polynomial type with (R2=0.83), being able to be influenced by the higher values of bulk density, greater soil compaction, lower structural index, organic matter and porosity in correspondence with the other profiles.El cambio en el uso de la tierra, especialmente la conversión de bosques nativos en tierras cultivadas ejerce un impacto sobre las propiedades físicas, químicas e hidrofísicas de los suelos. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la influencia de diferentes sistemas de manejo de un suelo tropical reflejado en algunas de sus propiedades físicas, químicas e hidrofísicas. Se evaluaron nueve perfiles de un suelo Nitisol agrupado en tres categorías: (I) bosque nativo (Referencia 30 años); (II) suelos anteriormente cultivados y luego convertidos en pastizales (Conservados 10 años); y (III) suelos bajo cultivo continuado (Agrogénicos 50 años). Las variables analizadas fueron materia orgánica, densidad aparente, densidad real, porosidad, capacidad de campo, textura e índice estructural. Los resultados determinaron que la acción de las técnicas agrícolas tradicionales en ambientes tropicales produce una excesiva degradación de las propiedades del suelo. El contenido de materia orgánica e índice estructural muestran una relación lineal con un alto grado de dependencia (R2=0,99). La densidad aparente promedio para los perfiles (I) y (II) fue menor (P0,05) que los valores de densidad aparente del perfil (III). En los análisis de regresión a medida que aumenta la densidad aparente disminuye la capacidad de campo y la tendencia observada para (I) y (II) es lineal, mientras que para (III) es polinómica con (R2=0,83), pudiendo estar influenciado por los valores más altos de la densidad aparente, mayor compactación, menor índice estructural, materia orgánica y porosidad en correspondencia con los otros perfiles

    Elaboración de recursos docentes para la enseñanza presencial y semipresencial en el área de la Ingeniería Química empleando Jupyter Notebook

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    El objetivo principal de este proyecto es la elaboración de recursos docentes, para estudiantes y profesores, dentro del área de la Ingeniería Química, utilizando el software libre Jupyter Notebook, empleado bajo el lenguaje de programación Python

    Acute coronary syndrome clinical and epidemiological approach, an experience

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    Introducción: el síndrome coronario agudo incluye un grupo de síntomas y signos atribuibles a una isquemia aguda del miocardio que repercute biológica, social y económicamente en quien lo sufre, por lo que la estratificación del riesgo coronario es de vital importancia. Objetivo: identificar las características epidemiológicas y los factores de riesgo coronario y su relación con las complicaciones más frecuentes en pacientes con síndrome coronario agudo. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal en pacientes que requirieron ingreso en el Hospital “Celestino Hernández Robau” con diagnóstico de síndrome coronario agudo durante el período de septiembre de 2015 a diciembre de 2016. De la población de estudio fueron seleccionados 168 pacientes de forma no probabilística. Se estudiaron las variables edad, sexo, peso, talla, factores de riesgos y antecedentes patológicos personales. Se utilizaron distribuciones de frecuencias absolutas y relativas, razón, media, desviación típica y técnicas de la estadística inferencial. Resultados: predominó el sexo masculino (59,52%); los factores de riesgo frecuentes fueron la hipertensión arterial (68,45%), la cardiopatía isquémica (44,64%), el tabaquismo (35,71%), la diabetes mellitus (26,79%) y la obesidad (10,12%) y las complicaciones se presentaron según los factores de riesgo presentes: la obesidad (82,35%), la cardiopatía isquémica (58,67%) y la diabetes mellitus (53,33%). Conclusiones: la aparición del síndrome coronario agudo aumenta hacia la quinta década de la vida, con predominio masculino. Prevalecieron los factores de riesgo como la hipertensión arterial, la cardiopatía isquémica, el tabaquismo, la diabetes mellitus y la obesidad, que estuvo relacionada con las complicaciones más frecuentes.Introduction: Acute coronary syndrome includes a group of signs and symptoms attributable to an acute ischemia of the myocardium which has a biological, social and economic repercussion on the sufferer; therefore, coronary risk stratification is of vital importance. Objective: To identify the epidemiological characteristics and coronary risk factors and their relationship with the most frequent complications in patients with acute coronary syndrome. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted in patients who were admitted to the Celestino Hernández Robau Hospital with a diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome from September 2015 to December 2016. A total of 168 patients were selected, in a non-probabilistic form, from the study population. Variables such as age, sex, weight, height, risk factors and personal pathological background were studied. Absolute and relative frequency distributions, ratio, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics techniques were used. Results: males predominated (59.52%); the most frequent risk factors were hypertension (68.45%), ischemic heart disease (44.64%), smoking (35.71%), diabetes mellitus (26.79%) and obesity (10.12%), and complications appeared according to the risk factors present: obesity (82.35%), ischemic heart disease (58.67%) and diabetes mellitus (53.33%). Conclusions: The appearance of acute coronary syndrome increases towards the fifth decade of life, with male predominance. Risk factors such as high blood pressure, ischemic heart disease, smoking, diabetes mellitus and obesity prevailed, which were related to the most frequent complications