162 research outputs found


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    Particular climates and the occurrence of endemic flowering plant species potentially leads to particular aerobiological situations through out the world. Most of these circumstances are presumably unknown. After a 6-year study carried out in Murcia (SE España), 89 pollen types have been identified, from which 28 reach atmospheric concentrations high enough to be considered potentially allergenic. While many of the pollen types show distribution patterns and concentrations similar to those reported for other Spanish and European localities, a number of particularities were detected in the «aerobiological behaviour» of diverse airborne pollen types. Some of them exhibit notable differences such as particularly long pollination periods (Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae, Parietaria, Poaceae, Phoenix, Cupressus and Artemisia), or occurrence out beyond the expected periods (Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae, Poaceae, Corylus, Casuarina, Plantago and Artemisia). Rare taxa (Thymelaeaceae, Brassicaceae y Caryophyllaceae) and others absent from nearby localities (Lygeum, Robinia and Zygophyllum) were also recorded. The most outstanding feature is the winter presence of Artemisia pollen grains. In Murcia atmosphere, 12 pollen types which incidence on pollinic diseases is absolutely unknown can be found, while 9 taxa could be systematically ignored in the tests despite their well-known allergenicity. All those circumstances emphasize the interest of local and regional aerobiological studies, in preventing pollinosis in mediterranean areas.Las particularidades climáticas y biológicas de una determinada región pueden provocar situaciones aerobiológicas que supongan una originalidad respecto de las del área circundante. Probablemente muchas de esas realidades son aún ignoradas, como demuestra el caso de Murcia. Después de un estudio sobre el contenido polínico de la atmósfera llevado a cabo durante seis años, se identificaron 89 diferentes tipos polínicos, de los cuales 28 alcanzaron concentraciones suficientes para considerarse potencialmente alergénicos. Muchos de los tipos polínicos encontrados presentan patrones de distribución y concentraciones similares a los descritos para otras localidades, sin embargo, buena parte de ellos muestran interesantes diferencias respecto de lo observado en otros lugares. Algunos taxones presentan períodos de polinización especialmente largos (Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae, Parietaria, Poaceae, Phoenix y Artemisia), o presencia en la atmósfera fuera de los períodos considerados habituales según los estándares europeos (Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae, Poaceae, Corylus, Casuarina, Plantago y Artemisia). También se encuentran pólenes de taxones raramente citados (Thymelaeaceae, Brassicaceaey Caryophyllaceae) o ausentes en otras regiones (Lygeum, Robinia y Zygophyllum). La originalidad aerobiológica más destacable es sin duda la presencia en invierno de pólenes de Artemisia. En la atmósfera de Murcia se encuentran hasta 12 tipos polínicos cuya incidencia no es conocida en la región y hasta nueve que podrían estar siendo sistemáticamente ignorados en las pruebas cutáneas de alergia pese a su reconocida alergenicidad. Todo ello resalta la importancia que los estudios locales y regionales sobre el contenido polínico de la atmósfera tienen a la hora de interpretar y predecir las alergias al polen en áreas mediterráneas

    Advanced Care planning: a bibliographic review from the perspective of Social Work in Health Care

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    This study aims at identifying the role that Social Work in Health Care in the process of Advanced Care Planning (hereinafter ACP). For this purpose, a bibliographic review has been carried out whose population study was composed of scientific articles related to ACP, published between 1 Jan. 2009 and 1 Jan. 2019, related to the Social Work aria Health Care discipline. For the selection of articles, descriptors from Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) have been used. The search terms “Social Work” and “Advanced Care Planning” have been used in natural and controlled language. Boolean operators (“y” “and”, in Spanish and English) have also been used. Regarding search platforms and databases, the following have been used: PubMed, Cochrane Library Plus, IME, CSIC, SCOPUS, OvidSPMEDLINE and Google Scholar. As to the results, 14,248 articles were located, from which 1,295 entered the review process of these, only 20 were selected as the rest did not adapt to the selection criteria. Looking at the year of publication, the scientific production for 2016 represented 27.2% of the total. Regarding the type of research, 45.4% were quantitative studies and 90.9% focused their attention on the attitude of Social Work professionals regarding the ACP. With regard to the categories of the reviewed articles, 45.4% referred to training in Social Work in Health Care on Advanced Care Planning ACP. That same percentage referred to the commitment of these professionals with ACP. The current study shows that Social Workers in Health Care have the aptitude and commitment necessary for Advanced Care Planning ACP. However, these professionals require more training. The paper also raises the issue that the topic of a dignified ‘end of life’ process needs to be present in syllabuses for grade and postgraduate education within the Social Work in Health Care discipline

    Patrones de variación polínica en la atmósfera de Murcia : implicaciones alergológicas : prevención y diagnóstico

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    Aproximadamente un 20% de la población de la Región de Murcia sufre de polinosis. Resulta, por tanto, de gran interés conocer cuáles son los componentes polínicos de la atmósfera regional, así como sus concentraciones y pautas de variación a lo largo del día y del año. Esto proporcionaría un mejor conocimiento de las causas, procesos y tratamientos de las polinosis y, en consecuencia, una mejora de la calidad de vida de los afectados. Por otra parte, finalizado el primer año de registros polínicos en la atmósfera de Murcia (Munuera et al. 1995) pudo realizarse un calendario polínico orientativo y determinar, de forma aproximada, los períodos de polinización principal para los taxones más abundantes. Cruzando estos resultados con los niveles de prevalencia en la Región de Murcia y con los datos censales facilitados por el Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Murcia, pudimos hacer un cálculo del número mínimo teórico de personas afectadas de polinosis para cada mes del año en el área más cercana al punto de muestreo. Extrapolando estos cálculos para el total de la población regional, los valores casi se triplican. La particular situación revelada por estos sencillos cálculos (con una “primavera polínica” continuada durante todo el año) justifica, por sí misma, la realización de un estudio más profundo. Los objetivos generales al iniciar el estudio, cuya memoria se presenta, son los siguientes: • Identificar los tipos esporo-polínicos presentes en la atmósfera de Murcia • Estudiar su variación interanual, estacional e intradiaria • Elaborar un calendario polínico para la ciudad de Murcia y establecer el inicio, severidad y duración del período de polinización principal de los principales tipos polínicos • Estudiar la influencia de los parámetros meteorológicos sobre el comportamiento aerobiológico de algunos pólenes • Conocer las fuentes emisoras del polen para los tipos polínicos más abundantes

    Potencial alergénico de los espacios verdes del barrio de Santa María de Gracia (Murcia, SE España)

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    Urban green zones can negatively affect pollen allergy sufferers. A new formula has been recently proposed to estimate the potential allergenicity of urban green zones. After identify and measure the vegetal elements present in the parks, gardens and streets of Santa María de Gracia neighborhood (Murcia, SE Spain), real and potential allergenicity indexes (IUGZA) were calculated. Obtained allergenicity indexes (IUGZA) range from 0.05 to 0.25, with a mean of 0.15 for the whole neighborhood. Being 0.30 a threshold value enough to cause allergy symptoms in the population can be concluded that the neighbourhood and some of their main parks and streets are safe places for pollinosis sufferers and risk of suffering allergies is low or very lowLos espacios verdes urbanos pueden afectar negativamente a la salud de las personas alérgicas al polen. Recientemente se ha propuesto una fórmula que permite valorar el potencial alergénico de estos espacios. Tras inventariar y medir los elementos vegetales presentes en los parques, jardines y calles del barrio de Santa María de Gracia (Murcia, SE España) se han calculado los índices de alergenicidad (IUGZA) potenciales y reales para el conjunto del barrio y para sus espacios verdes más importantes. El barrio tiene un IUGZA de 0,15, con espacios que llegan a 0,25 y otros que apenas superan el 0,05. Siendo 0,3 el valor umbral suficiente para provocar alergia, puede afirmarse que el barrio es un espacio seguro de bajo riesgo desde el punto de vista de la alergia al pole

    Modern cave pollen in an arid environment and its application to describe palaeorecords

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    This paper presents pollen-analytical results of surface sediments from two caves in southeastern Spain, a region of particular interest because of its relatively arid climate and entomophilous-dominated flora. The positive role of aridity on pollen preservation in cave sediments is confirmed, and is reflected by samples with high pollen concentration and number of taxa, and low percentages of indeterminable palynomorphs. Pollen spectra from cave sediments, while strongly influenced by biotic transport, may represent the surrounding vegetation acceptably well, even better than the external pollen rain in which is biased by very abundant production and dispersal of wind-pollinated taxa.Análisis de polen moderno en cuevas con un clima árido y su aplicación para describir los paleoregistros. Se presentan los resultados del análisis polínico de sedimentos superficiales de dos cavidades del SE ibérico, región caracterizada por un clima relativamente árido y una vegetación principalmente entomófila. Queda confirmado el valor de la aridez para la preservación polínica en los sedimentos de cavidades kársticas, encontrándose valores elevados de concentración polínica y del número de taxones, así como bajos porcentajes de pólenes indeterminables. Los espectros polínicos de sedimentos de cuevas, aún estando fuertemente influenciados por el transporte biótico, pueden constituir un buen indicador de la vegetación que crece en los alrededores de la cavidad, incluso mejor que la propia lluvia polínica externa

    Static range of motion of the first metatarsal in the sagittal and frontal planes

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    The first metatarsal and medial cuneiform form an important functional unit in the foot, called “first ray”. The first ray normal range of motion (ROM) is difficult to quantify due to the number of joints that are involved. Several methods have previously been proposed. Controversy exists related to normal movement of the first ray frontal plane accompanying that in the sagittal plane. The objective of this study was to investigate the ROM of the first ray in the sagittal and frontal planes in normal feet. Anterior-posterior radiographs were done of the feet of 40 healthy participants with the first ray in a neutral position, maximally dorsiflexed and maximally plantarflexed. They were digitalized and the distance between the tibial malleolus and the intersesamoid crest in the three positions mentioned was measured. The rotation of the first ray in these three positions was measured. A polynomic function that fits a curve describing the movement observed in the first ray was obtained using the least squares method. ROM of the first ray in the sagittal plane was 6.47 (SD 2.59) mm of dorsiflexion and 6.12 (SD 2.55) mm of plantarflexion. ROM in the frontal plane was 2.69 (SD 4.03) degrees of inversion during the dorsiflexion and 2.97 (SD 2.72) degrees during the plantarflexion. A second-degree equation was obtained, which represents the movement of the first ray. Passive dorsiflexion and plantarflexion of the first ray were accompanied by movements in the frontal plane: 0.45 degrees of movement were produced in the frontal plane for each millimeter of displacement in the sagittal plane. These findings might be useful for the future design of instruments for clinically quantifying first ray mobility

    Paleoclimas e historia de la vegetación cuaternaria en España a través del análisis polínico. Viejas falacias y nuevos paradigmas.

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    .- En este art culo se revisan los datos pol nicos del Cuaternario ibØrico con particular atenci n al Pleistoceno Superior y Holoceno. Se analizan aspectos relacionados con los interestadios, los refugios glaciales, la colonizaci n tardiglacial y holocena y el posible efecto de la acci n antr pica sobre la vegetaci n del Holoceno reciente. Se comparan las zonas de influencia atlÆntica con las Æreas de clima continental y la vertiente mediterrÆnea. Se discuten algunos aspectos controvertidos como la validez de los registros pol nicos en yacimientos arqueol gicos, las contradicciones entre los datos de la palinolog a y los de la fitosociolog a sigmatista, el equilibrio y su conexi n con los procesos autogØnicos, la inercia de la vegetaci n y las teor as que implican caos en la dinÆmica del ecosistema. Paleoclimates and Quaternary vegetation history in Spain through pollen analysis: Old fallacies and new paradigms..- Quaternary pollen-analytical data from Iberia are revised with particular emphasis in Upper Pleistocene and Holocene sequences. Critical remarks are provided as regards interstadials, glacial refugia, Late-Glacial and Holocene angiosperm developments, and the possible role of man on late Holocene vegetation changes. Pollen sequences from Atlantic, continental and Mediterranean sites are compared. Additional aspects discussed are: the validity of archaeopalynological records, conflicts with the floristic-phytosociological interpretation of plant successions, the equilibrium paradigm and its connection with autogenic processes, home-field advantage, and chaos

    The Validity and Reliability of a New Simple Instrument for the Measurement of First Ray Mobility

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    Several methods have been described to quantify the first ray mobility. They all have certain disadvantages (great size, sophistication, or lack of validation). The objective of this work was to study the validity and reliability of a new instrument for the measurement of first ray mobility. Anterior-posterior radiographs were obtained from 25 normal feet and 24 hallux valgus feet, with the first ray in a neutral position, maximally dorsiflexed and maximally plantarflexed. The first ray mobility was radiographicaly measured in both groups, and was also manually examined with the new device. A cluster analysis determined whether normal and hallux valgus feet were correctly classified, and a graphic analysis of Bland-Altman was performed to compare the radiographic and manual measurement techniques. Based on the radiographs, the first ray mobility only showed significant differences in dorsiflexion between both groups (P = 0.015). First ray dorsiflexion, plantarflexion and total range of motion measured with the new device were different between both groups (P = 0.040, P = 0.011 and P = 0.006, respectively). The silhouette measure of the cohesion and separation coefficients from the cluster analysis was greater than 0.50 for the dorsiflexion, plantarflexion and total range of motion obtained from the radiographs and from the new device. The Bland-Altman graph suggested that 96% of the data presented agreement between both measurement methods. These results suggested that the new instrument was valid and reliable

    Mitochondrial membrane Protein-Associated Neurodegeneration (MPAN): Pathophysiological characterization and pharmacological screening for potential therapies

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    Neurodegeneration with Brain Iron Accumulation (NBIA) is a group of different rare disorders in which iron is accumulated in the brain, especially in the basal ganglia and substantia nigra. Prevalent symptoms are dystonia, spasticity and neuropsychiatric disorders. In the current study, we focused on Mitochondrial-membrane Protein-Associated Neurodegeneration (MPAN) which is a subtype of NBIA caused by  mutations in the C19orf12 gene. This gene encodes a protein located in the external membrane of the mitochondrial of unknown function. However, it is proposed that C19orf12 could be implicated in fatty acid biosynthesis, calcium exchange, coenzyme A biosynthesis or mitophagy. From a genetic point of view, the disease is autosomal-recessive, although cases of autosomal-dominant inheritance have been described. Motivation: Nowadays, there is not an effective treatment for these patients, therefore it is very important to study the pathophysiology of MPAN and search for potential therapies. Methods: We studied the pathophysiological alterations in MPAN using fibroblasts derived from three confirmed patients identified as MPAN1, MPANH and MPANB, the first two with the same mutation (p.Gly69Arg) and MPANB with another one (p.Gly58Arg) but all of them from different countries. In order to achieve this aim, pathophysiological mechanisms will be studied examining protein expression levels of several cellular pathways by Western blotting and iron accumulation by Prussian Blue staining. Results: We found iron accumulation and alteration of several pathways in the cellular models. In addition, we found two pharmacological cocktails that both reduced iron accumulation and corrected all pathological alterations.  Conclusions: Fibroblast cell cultures derived from patients are interesting cellular models for both disease modelling and pharmacological screenings but it is neccesary further studies to confirm the results and to establish the mechanism of action of the two pharmacological cocktails and their use as medical therapies


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    Pollen from several karstic caves of Mediterranean Spain has been studied in order to understand taphonomic processes affecting cave systems. Results confirm the palaeoecological potential of cave sediments, which show pollen spectra that may reflect external vegetation from both local and regional catchment areas. Pollen distribution, deposition, and preservation are not homogeneous throughout the cave surface, but they are greatly influenced by cave morphology, and stochastic processes. The aridity is a positive factor for pollen preservation, thus enhancing the use of cave deposits as sources of palaeoenvironmental information.Se ha realizado un análisis polínico del sedimento superficial de varias cavidades kársticas de la España mediterránea con el fin de conocer los procesos tafonómicos que afectan al polen en este contexto sedimentario. Los resultados confirman el potencial paleoecológico de los depósitos de cuevas. Los espectros polínicos reflejan la vegetación que crece en los alrededores de la cueva, así como, parcialmente, la vegetación regional. La distribución, deposición y preservación polínicas no son homogéneas en el interior de las cuevas, estando influenciadas por la morfología de la cueva y diversos procesos estocásticos. La aridez se confirma como un factor positivo para la preservación polínica y, por tanto, resulta una garantía en estudios de reconstrucción paleoambiental