998 research outputs found

    Renormalized charge in a two-dimensional model of colloidal suspension from hypernetted chain approach

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    The renormalized charge of a simple two-dimensional model of colloidal suspension was determined by solving the hypernetted chain approximation and Ornstein-Zernike equations. At the infinite dilution limit, the asymptotic behavior of the correlations functions is used to define the effective interactions between the components of the system and these effective interactions were compared to those derived from the Poisson-Boltzmann theory. The results we obtained show that, in contrast to the mean-field theory, the renormalized charge does not saturate, but exhibits a maximum value and then decays monotonically as the bare charge increases. The results also suggest that beyond the counterion layer near to the macroion surface, the ionic cloud is not a diffuse layer which can be handled by means of the linearized theory, as the two-state model claims, but a more complex structure is settled by the correlations between microions

    Evolución y análisis comparativo de la normativa interna de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Administración Pública de la UANL, Periodo 2011-2015

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    Las Universidades Públicas, sus Facultades y dependencias, continuamente están adecuando la normativa interna que las rige, para llevar a efecto un mejor desempeño en lo referente a sus funciones sustantivas: La académica, la investigación y de extensión.En el caso específico del presente estudio el planteamiento, dictaminacion y aprobación de cada uno de los reglamentos internos de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Administración Pública, contienen todo un proceso de participación de los diferentes actores institucionales (profesores, investigadores, directivos y representantes estudiantiles) para lograr normar los constantes avances de la dependencia en su actuación diaria. Institucionalmente conforme al Reglamento de la Facultad, el proceso legislativo interno comprende las etapas siguientes: La iniciativa que generalmente es planteada por el Director, el análisis, deliberación y dictaminación de la propuesta, por parte de la Comisión Legislativa de la Junta Directiva de la Facultad,(la cual se encuentra integrada por Profesores y Representantes Estudiantiles integrantes a su vez de la Junta Directiva de la Facultad) la consiguiente presentación del Dictamen ante el pleno de la Junta Directiva, en alguna de sus sesiones Ordinarias o Extraordinarias, para la consecuente promulgación y difusión de la nueva normativa interna. Para este análisis se consideraron también las reflexiones acerca del contexto actual la educación superior en la entidad, el País y el mundo, así como la labor de las universidades de clase mundial dentro de las áreas comunes de las Ciencias Políticas, las Relaciones Internacionales y la Administración Pública, lo cual fue de gran utilidad para identificar los retos que tiene la Facultad, a fin de continuar cumpliendo con niveles crecientes de calidad. En el presente estudio se realiza un seguimiento reflexivo al proceso normativo institucional interno, tomando en consideración las apremiantes necesidades producto de la creciente presencia de la Facultad en el campo formativo y profesionalizante en la entidad y el noreste del País, lo cual nos pueda servir como memoria de la trayectoria institucional en algunos de los aspectos esenciales de su permanente avance, para a la vez visualizar acerca de los cambios que se irán presentando en el transcurso del devenir institucional

    Glassy phases of the Gaussian Core Model

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    We present results from molecular dynamics simulations exploring the supercooled dynamics of the Gaussian Core Model in the low- and intermediate-density regimes. In particular, we discuss the transition from the low-density hard-sphere-like glassy dynamics to the high-density one. The dynamics at low densities is well described by the caging mechanism, giving rise to intermittent dynamics. At high densities, the particles undergo a more continuous motion in which the concept of cage loses its meaning. We elaborate on the idea that these different supercooled dynamics are in fact the precursors of two different glass states

    Subcompetencias más influyentes para determinar el perfil docente del profesor de educación superior en ciencias políticas y administración pública en México

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    La calidad educativa va más allá de formar cada día mejores estudiantes. El trasfondo es el perfil de los profesores, sus competencias y habilidades para lograr transmitir el conocimiento y lograr el aprendizaje en los estudiantes. Es evidente que para tener una educación de calidad, es necesario innovar en los modelos educativos, tener en cuenta las habilidades metodológicas e investigativas e implementar el uso de modelos disciplinares que contribuyan al trabajo de los docentes, pero para llegar a la meta a través de dichas habilidades es necesario tener en cuenta que la enseñanza es una actividad complicada y que sin la precisa capacitación en base a un perfil docente especifico es imposible llegar a ella. Esto debido a que los estudiantes tienen carencias y deseos de conocimiento distintos en base a la disciplina en la que buscan profesionalizarse, que deben ser suplidas con ayuda de los profesores. El propósito de la investigación es identificar cuáles son las principales subcompetencias más influyentes, consideradas entre las competencias: Habilidades Metodológicas e Investigativas y el Uso de Modelos de las Ciencias Políticas y de la Administración Pública con la finalidad de determinar el perfil docente del profesor de educación superior en Ciencias Políticas y Administración Pública

    Validity of Stokes-Einstein Relation in Soft Colloids up to the Glass Transition

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    We investigate the dynamics of kinetically frozen block copolymer micelles of different softness across a wide range of particle concentrations, from the fluid to the onset of glassy behavior, through a combination of rheology, dynamic light scattering and pulsed field gradient NMR spectroscopy. We additionally perform Brownian dynamics simulations based on an ultrasoft coarse-grained potential, which are found to be in quantitative agreement with experiments, capturing even the very details of dynamic structure factors S(Q, t) on approaching the glass transition. We provide evidence that for these systems the Stokes-Einstein relation holds up to the glass transition; given that it is violated for dense suspensions of hard colloids, our findings suggest that its validity is an intriguing signature of ultrasoft interactions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Supplementary Information, Accepted to Physical Review Letters (PRL) (2015

    Discovering Business Process Simulation Models in the Presence of Multitasking

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    Business process simulation is a versatile technique for analyzing business processes from a quantitative perspective. A well-known limitation of process simulation is that the accuracy of the simulation results is limited by the faithfulness of the process model and simulation parameters given as input to the simulator. To tackle this limitation, several authors have proposed to discover simulation models from process execution logs so that the resulting simulation models more closely match reality. Existing techniques in this field assume that each resource in the process performs one task at a time. In reality, however, resources may engage in multitasking behavior. Traditional simulation approaches do not handle multitasking. Instead, they rely on a resource allocation approach wherein a task instance is only assigned to a resource when the resource is free. This inability to handle multitasking leads to an overestimation of execution times. This paper proposes an approach to discover multitasking in business process execution logs and to generate a simulation model that takes into account the discovered multitasking behavior. The key idea is to adjust the processing times of tasks in such a way that executing the multitasked tasks sequentially with the adjusted times is equivalent to executing them concurrently with the original processing times. The proposed approach is evaluated using a real-life dataset and synthetic datasets with different levels of multitasking. The results show that, in the presence of multitasking, the approach improves the accuracy of simulation models discovered from execution logs.European Research Council PIX 834141Junta de Andalucía P12--TIC--1867Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades OPHELIA RTI2018-101204-B-C2

    Discovering Business Process Simulation Models in the Presence of Multitasking

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    Business process simulation is a versatile technique for analyzing business processes from a quantitative perspective. A well-known limitation of process simulation is that the accuracy of the simulation results is limited by the faithfulness of the process model and simulation parameters given as input to the simulator. To tackle this limitation, several authors have proposed to discover simulation models from process execution logs so that the resulting simulation models more closely match reality. Existing techniques in this field assume that each resource in the process performs one task at a time. In reality, however, resources may engage in multitasking behavior. Traditional simulation approaches do not handle multitasking. Instead, they rely on a resource allocation approach wherein a task instance is only assigned to a resource when the resource is free. This inability to handle multitasking leads to an overestimation of execution times. This paper proposes an approach to discover multitasking in business process execution logs and to generate a simulation model that takes into account the discovered multitasking behavior. The key idea is to adjust the processing times of tasks in such a way that executing the multitasked tasks sequentially with the adjusted times is equivalent to executing them concurrently with the original processing times. The proposed approach is evaluated using a real-life dataset and synthetic datasets with different levels of multitasking. The results show that, in the presence of multitasking, the approach improves the accuracy of simulation models discovered from execution logs.Comment: Accepted at The 14th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2020). 17 pages, 4 figure