6,974 research outputs found

    A generic framework for the analysis and specialization of logic programs

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    The relationship between abstract interpretation and partial deduction has received considerable attention and (partial) integrations have been proposed starting from both the partial deduction and abstract interpretation perspectives. In this work we present what we argüe is the first fully described generic algorithm for efñcient and precise integration of abstract interpretation and partial deduction. Taking as starting point state-of-the-art algorithms for context-sensitive, polyvariant abstract interpretation and (abstract) partial deduction, we present an algorithm which combines the best of both worlds. Key ingredients include the accurate success propagation inherent to abstract interpretation and the powerful program transformations achievable by partial deduction. In our algorithm, the calis which appear in the analysis graph are not analyzed w.r.t. the original definition of the procedure but w.r.t. specialized definitions of these procedures. Such specialized definitions are obtained by applying both unfolding and abstract executability. Our framework is parametric w.r.t. different control strategies and abstract domains. Different combinations of such parameters correspond to existing algorithms for program analysis and specialization. Simultaneously, our approach opens the door to the efñcient computation of strictly more precise results than those achievable by each of the individual techniques. The algorithm is now one of the key components of the CiaoPP analysis and specialization system

    El nomenament de Defensor judicial: competència i especificitats del dret civil català

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    [cat] Aquest treball té com a objecte l'estudi de l'expedient de nomenament de defensor judicial d'acord amb les previsions del Codi Civil de Catalunya, així com dels articles de la Llei estatal 15/2015, de Jurisdicció Voluntària. Prima facie es constata que la normativa pròpia presenta, de forma sobrevinguda i com a conseqüència de la desjudicialització de bona part dels expedients de jurisdicció voluntària, certes discordances respecte de la llei estatal, essencialment pel que fa a l'autoritat competent per fer-ne el nomenament. En aquest sentit, la llei catalana atorga la competència a l'autoritat judicial mentre que l'estatal estableix que coneixerà i decidirà el lletrat de l'administració de justícia. La finalitat d'aquest estudi és, a banda de fer un examen de l'expedient de nomenament de defensor judicial, proposar solucions de cara a garantir la compatibilitat normativa entre ambdues regulacions. En última instància, s'exposen aquells elements que permeten defensar la prevalença de la norma pròpia davant les previsions de la llei estatal.[eng] The paper studies the appointment of the judicial defender regulated by the Catalonian Civil Law and also the rules of the Spanish Law 15/2015, of Voluntary Jurisdiction. Suddenly the Catalonian law has some differences with the Spanish law because from now many procedure of voluntary jurisdiction are not solved by the judge. In fact, the Catalonian Civil Law says that only the judge is responsible and the competent authority for the appointment of the judicial defender but the Spanish Law gives the responsibility to the Court clerk. The review of the appointment of the judicial defender procedure rules is complemented by proposal of solutions in order to guarantee compatibility between the Catalonian Civil Law and the Spanish Law. Eventually, the author proposes some criteria that allow defending the prevalence of the Catalonian rules to the provisions of the Spanish law

    La Conciliación tras la entrada en vigor de la ley 15/2015, de 2 de julio, de jurisdicción voluntaria

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    El presente trabajo analiza la regulación de la conciliación establecida en la Ley 5/2015, de 2 de julio, de Jurisdicción Voluntaria. En este sentido, son objeto de estudio los supuestos en los que cabe acudir a la conciliación ju-dicial, así como la competencia para conocer de este expediente, con espe-cial atención a las normas de tramitación. Por otro lado, se efectúan refe-rencias a la conciliación notarial y a la posibilidad de recurrir al Registra-dor para intentar conciliar. El examen de los preceptos se complementa con el análisis de aspectos conceptuales y generales relativos a la conciliación y de la jurisdicción voluntaria. Igualmente, se sugieren algunas pautas de interpretación que permitan mejorar la actual regulación

    Abstract Interpretation-based verification/certification in the ciaoPP system

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    CiaoPP is the abstract interpretation-based preprocessor of the Ciao multi-paradigm (Constraint) Logic Programming system. It uses modular, incremental abstract interpretation as a fundamental tool to obtain information about programs. In CiaoPP, the semantic approximations thus produced have been applied to perform high- and low-level optimizations during program compilation, including transformations such as múltiple abstract specialization, parallelization, partial evaluation, resource usage control, and program verification. More recently, novel and promising applications of such semantic approximations are being applied in the more general context of program development such as program verification. In this work, we describe our extensión of the system to incorpórate Abstraction-Carrying Code (ACC), a novel approach to mobile code safety. ACC follows the standard strategy of associating safety certificates to programs, originally proposed in Proof Carrying- Code. A distinguishing feature of ACC is that we use an abstraction (or abstract model) of the program computed by standard static analyzers as a certifícate. The validity of the abstraction on the consumer side is checked in a single-pass by a very efficient and specialized abstractinterpreter. We have implemented and benchmarked ACC within CiaoPP. The experimental results show that the checking phase is indeed faster than the proof generation phase, and that the sizes of certificates are reasonable. Moreover, the preprocessor is based on compile-time (and run-time) tools for the certification of CLP programs with resource consumption assurances

    Instrucción y enjuiciamiento de los delitos leves: comentarios a la da 2ª de la lo 1/2015, de reforma del código penal

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    [spa] El presente comentario estudia el contenido de la DA 2ª de la LO 1/2015, por la que se reforma el Código Penal. Entre otras cuestiones, la LO 1/2015 ha suprimido las faltas, llevando algunas a la administración sancionadora y transformando otras a delitos leves. Asimismo prevé que la instrucción y el enjuiciamiento de los delitos leves deberán realizarse por el procedimiento establecido para los juicios de faltas. Sin embargo, el juicio de faltas -ahora juicio de delitos leves- no prevé fase de instrucción. Por otro lado, la reforma introduce la posibilidad de que el Juez archive la causa si considera que el hecho no tiene trascendencia penal. Ello lleva a plantear si el legislador pretende dotar al juicio de delitos leves de una fase de instrucción de la que carecía el juicio de faltas. Para dar respuesta, se analizan los problemas teóricos que puede plantear la existencia de actividad instructora en los delitos leves, y la existencia en la práctica de actuaciones previas al juicio para prepararlo o decidir su archivo prematuro.[eng] The paper studies the contents of the 2nd AD LO 1/2015, that reforms the Spanish Criminal Law. In other things, LO 1/2015 removes the faults. Some faults are now decided by administrative authority and another are transformed to minor crimes. Also to investigate and decide the minor crimes, trial of faults must be used. However neither trial of faults nor trial of minor crimes have investigation period. In the other hand, reform introduces the possibility that the Judge closed the case if it considers that the fact has not criminal repercussions. It’s conceivable that Spanish legislator aims to provide minor crimes trial of an investigation period, lacked in the trial of faults. To find reply, are studied the problems that are found in legal and practice about the existence of an investigation period in the trial of minor crimes and the existence of preliminaries acts to prepare or close the trial

    Scientific transformations: a philosophical and historical analysis of cosmology from Copernicus to Newton

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    The purpose of this thesis is to show a transformation around the scientific revolution from the sixteenth to seventeenth centuries against a Whig approach in which it still lingers in the history of science. I find the transformations of modern science through the cosmological models of Nicholas Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton. Since of the enormous content, I shall only pay particular attention to Copernicus and Newton in which the emerging sciences transformed the cosmos on what Alexandre Koyré calls from a closed world to infinite universe . As an interdisciplinary approach, I used the methods and inquiries from philosophy and history to explain the cosmological transformation in the sciences. The first part deals on the philosophic content of Michel Foucault and Thomas Kuhn which help to provide insight though their systematic thoughts are incompatible. The second part deals in the historic contents from Copernicus\u27 doctrine, De revolutionibus, to Newton\u27s mechanics, Principia. My ultimate outcome is to demonstrate the multi-perspective dimension of knowledge in which interdisciplinary studies shows transformation of the sciences and its effects on history
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