693 research outputs found

    Where is the match?

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    WhereIsTheMatch is a very ambitious project that consists of developing my own social network mobile app for Android. This app is focused on easily finding people and places to play sports. The main idea of this project is create a first step to a final product and my own developing style. I knew from the beginning that this would be a very hard and a very demanding task because of the several areas that are involved in the development of a mobile app, such as database implementation, interface design or back-end software programming.WhereIsTheMatch es una proyecto muy ambicioso que consiste en el desarrollo de mi propia aplicación para Android, una red social. Ésta tiene como función facilitar el contacto entre personas que buscan lugares y otros compañeros para practicar deporte. La idea principal de este proyecto es conseguir una primera aproximación a la que sería la aplicación final y la búsqueda de mi propio estilo como desarrollador. Era consciente desde el principio que sería un trabajo muy complicado debido a las diferentes áreas que incorporaba, así como el conocimiento de bases de datos, diseño de interfaces o programación del software para controlar la aplicación.WhereIsTheMatch és un projecte molt ambiciós que consisteix en el desenvolupament de la meva pròpia xarxa social en una aplicació per a Android. Aquesta aplicació té com a objectiu fer més fàcils la tasca de trobar persones i llocs on practicar esports. L'idea principal d'aquest projecte és crear una primera aproximació a la que seria l'aplicació final i la cerca del meu propi estil com a desenvolupador. Era conscient des del primer moment que seria un treball molt complicat degut a les diferents branques que incorporava, així com coneixement de bases de dades, disseny d'interfícies o programació de software per controlar el comportament de l'aplicació

    Where is the match?

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    WhereIsTheMatch is a very ambitious project that consists of developing my own social network mobile app for Android. This app is focused on easily finding people and places to play sports. The main idea of this project is create a first step to a final product and my own developing style. I knew from the beginning that this would be a very hard and a very demanding task because of the several areas that are involved in the development of a mobile app, such as database implementation, interface design or back-end software programming.WhereIsTheMatch es una proyecto muy ambicioso que consiste en el desarrollo de mi propia aplicación para Android, una red social. Ésta tiene como función facilitar el contacto entre personas que buscan lugares y otros compañeros para practicar deporte. La idea principal de este proyecto es conseguir una primera aproximación a la que sería la aplicación final y la búsqueda de mi propio estilo como desarrollador. Era consciente desde el principio que sería un trabajo muy complicado debido a las diferentes áreas que incorporaba, así como el conocimiento de bases de datos, diseño de interfaces o programación del software para controlar la aplicación.WhereIsTheMatch és un projecte molt ambiciós que consisteix en el desenvolupament de la meva pròpia xarxa social en una aplicació per a Android. Aquesta aplicació té com a objectiu fer més fàcils la tasca de trobar persones i llocs on practicar esports. L'idea principal d'aquest projecte és crear una primera aproximació a la que seria l'aplicació final i la cerca del meu propi estil com a desenvolupador. Era conscient des del primer moment que seria un treball molt complicat degut a les diferents branques que incorporava, així com coneixement de bases de dades, disseny d'interfícies o programació de software per controlar el comportament de l'aplicació

    Relación entre el sistema electoral y el sistema de gobierno en el contexto del actual debate social y constitucional

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    En la actualidad existe un debate institucional inmediato, relativo a las modificaciones al sistema electoral, y uno mediato, propio de un eventual reemplazo de la Carta Fundamental. Lo anterior, se da en un entorno de altas expectativas políticas, desapego a las instituciones y debilidad de las asociaciones. En esta situación, creemos que no considerar los efectos de estos cambios en el sistema de gobierno –sobre lo que no hay mayor debate–, podría poner en riesgo la gobernabilidad y, finalmente, la democracia representativa

    Supernova Feedback in Molecular Clouds: Global Evolution and Dynamics

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    We use magnetohydrodynamical simulations of converging warm neutral medium flows to analyse the formation and global evolution of magnetised and turbulent molecular clouds subject to supernova feedback from massive stars. We show that supernova feedback alone fails to disrupt entire, gravitationally bound, molecular clouds, but is able to disperse small--sized (~10 pc) regions on timescales of less than 1 Myr. Efficient radiative cooling of the supernova remnant as well as strong compression of the surrounding gas result in non-persistent energy and momentum input from the supernovae. However, if the time between subsequent supernovae is short and they are clustered, large hot bubbles form that disperse larger regions of the parental cloud. On longer timescales, supernova feedback increases the amount of gas with moderate temperatures (T~300-3000 K). Despite its inability to disrupt molecular clouds, supernova feedback leaves a strong imprint on the star formation process. We find an overall reduction of the star formation efficiency by a factor of 2 and of the star formation rate by roughly factors of 2-4.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures (2 in appendix), revised version, submitted to MNRA

    Genetic Diversity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi in Southern Spain

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    The diversity of races and prevalence of pathogenic populations of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi (Fod) were surveyed in an area in southern Spain. From 54 farms, 132 isolates were collected from wilted carnation plants. Isolates were characterized by RAPD-PCR, DNA sequence analysis of the TEF1-α gene, and race-specific molecular markers. Selected isolates from RAPD groups were phenotypically evaluated by pathogenicity tests. Data analysis showed that Fod race 2 was the most frequent and prevalent race in the study area, followed by race 1/8. Moreover, phylogenetic analyses showed similar results, which were different to those of the race-specific PCR assays. It was concluded that (i) seven isolates were not classified in groups where Fod testers were clustered; even they showed different results when race-specific markers were used, (ii) ten isolates with retarded race 1 or race 8 specific band were characterized as F. proliferatum by TEF1-α gene sequencing and clustered into an outgroup, and (iii) six isolates failed to generate an amplification signal using race-specific markers. Furthermore, three of them were grouped close to race 2 tester according to the phylogenetic analyses, showing the same differential pathogenicity as race 2. This may indicate a Fod race 2 subgroup in this region.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia AGL2005-08137-C03-02Junta de Andalucía P06-AGR-02313Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación AGL2008-05414-C03-0

    Banach spaces of universal disposition

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    In this paper we present a method to obtain Banach spaces of universal and almost-universal disposition with respect to a given class M\mathfrak M of normed spaces. The method produces, among other, the Gurari\u{\i} space G\mathcal G (the only separable Banach space of almost-universal disposition with respect to the class F\mathfrak F of finite dimensional spaces), or the Kubis space K\mathcal K (under {\sf CH}, the only Banach space with the density character the continuum which is of universal disposition with respect to the class S\mathfrak S of separable spaces). We moreover show that K\mathcal K is not isomorphic to a subspace of any C(K)C(K)-space -- which provides a partial answer to the injective space problem-- and that --under {\sf CH}-- it is isomorphic to an ultrapower of the Gurari\u{\i} space. We study further properties of spaces of universal disposition: separable injectivity, partially automorphic character and uniqueness properties