1,676 research outputs found

    A Case Report and Overview of Familial Cerebral Cavernous Malformation Pathogenesis in an Adult Patient

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    OBJECTIVE We present a case of a 39 year-old woman who presented with a solitary cavernous malformation hemorrhage without any other lesions, and subsequently presented several months later with a new hemorrhage from a de novo lesion. We discuss mechanisms of paradominant inheritance and haploinsufficiency to describe phenotype expression of familial cavernous malformations. CASE DESCRIPTION The patient presented with unremitting headaches, who had a known history of a solitary cerebral cavernous malformation (CCM) for which she underwent resection several months prior with no evidence of any other CCM lesions seen on post-operative MRI. She has no history of whole brain radiation, family history of cavernous malformations, or prior head trauma. During this hospital visit, she was found to have develop two new lesions in the left fronto-parietal lobe and cerebellum. She was treated with surgical resection of the left frontoparietal lesion, and recovered fully. It is of interest that a patient approaching her fourth decade of life would start to develop formation of multiple de novo cavernous malformations, especially with an absent family history. Paradominant Inheritance and haploinsufficiency are two proposed models of inheritance that can be related to this patient’s disease progression. CONCLUSION The case illustrates an atypical clinical course of a patient with familia

    Achieving Optimal Throughput and Near-Optimal Asymptotic Delay Performance in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks with Low Complexity: A Practical Greedy Scheduling Policy

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    In this paper, we focus on the scheduling problem in multi-channel wireless networks, e.g., the downlink of a single cell in fourth generation (4G) OFDM-based cellular networks. Our goal is to design practical scheduling policies that can achieve provably good performance in terms of both throughput and delay, at a low complexity. While a class of O(n2.5logn)O(n^{2.5} \log n)-complexity hybrid scheduling policies are recently developed to guarantee both rate-function delay optimality (in the many-channel many-user asymptotic regime) and throughput optimality (in the general non-asymptotic setting), their practical complexity is typically high. To address this issue, we develop a simple greedy policy called Delay-based Server-Side-Greedy (D-SSG) with a \lower complexity 2n2+2n2n^2+2n, and rigorously prove that D-SSG not only achieves throughput optimality, but also guarantees near-optimal asymptotic delay performance. Specifically, we show that the rate-function attained by D-SSG for any delay-violation threshold bb, is no smaller than the maximum achievable rate-function by any scheduling policy for threshold b1b-1. Thus, we are able to achieve a reduction in complexity (from O(n2.5logn)O(n^{2.5} \log n) of the hybrid policies to 2n2+2n2n^2 + 2n) with a minimal drop in the delay performance. More importantly, in practice, D-SSG generally has a substantially lower complexity than the hybrid policies that typically have a large constant factor hidden in the O()O(\cdot) notation. Finally, we conduct numerical simulations to validate our theoretical results in various scenarios. The simulation results show that D-SSG not only guarantees a near-optimal rate-function, but also empirically is virtually indistinguishable from delay-optimal policies.Comment: Accepted for publication by the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, February 2014. A preliminary version of this work was presented at IEEE INFOCOM 2013, Turin, Italy, April 201

    A Medical Analysis for Colorectal Lymphomas using 3D MRI Images and Deep Residual Boltzmann CNN Mechanism

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    In this technological world the healthcare is very crucial and difficult to spend time for the wellbeing. The lifestyle disease can transform in to the life threating disease and lead to critical stages. Colorectal lymphomas are the 3rd most malignancy death in the entire world. The estimation of the volume of lymphomas is often used by Magnetic Resonance Imaging during medical diagnosis, particularly in advanced stages. The research study can be classified in multiple stages. In the initial stages, an automated method is used to calculated the volume of the colorectal lymphomas using 3D MRI images. The process begins with feature extraction using Iterative Multilinear Component Analysis and Multiscale Phase level set segmentation based on CNN model. Then, a logical frustum model is utilized for 3D simulation of colon lymphoma for rendering the medical data. The next stages is focused on tackling the matter of segmentation and classification of abnormality and normality of lymph nodes. A semi supervised fuzzy logic algorithm for clustering is used for segmentation, whereas bee herd optimization algorithm with scale down for employed to intensify corresponding classifier rate of detection. Finally, classification is performed using Deep residual Boltzmann CNN. Our proposed methodology gives a better results and diagnosis prediction for lymphomas for an accuracy 97.7%, sensitivity 95.7% and specify as 95.8% which is superior than the traditional approach

    Management of Gridhrasi WSR to Sciatica: Ayurveda

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    Gridhrasi (Sciatica) is one of the severe debilitating syndromes among all the neurological disorders. The main symptoms of Gridhrasi are Ruka (pain), Toda (pricking sensation), Stambha (stiffness) and Muhuspandana (twitching) in the Sphika (Gluteal Region), Kati (Waist), Prishtha (Low Back), Uru (Thigh), Janu (Knee), Jangha (Calf) and Pada (Foot) respectively and Sakthikshepa Nigraha (restricted lifting of the leg). The above mentioned symptoms can be compared with sciatica syndrome which is characterised by severe pain starting from low back region and radiating down towards the foot. This is a common entity encountered in a clinical practice. The review elaborates the general description of disease Gridhrasi w.s.r. to Sciatica. The general principle of treatment and procedures for the management of Gridhrasi/Sciatica according to various Ayurveda classics have been discussed

    Ayurvedic Management Of Gridhrasi W.S.R. Sciatica-A Case Study

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    Gridhrasi is one of the most common disorders of Vata, which closely resembles with sciatica, which is characterized by pain or discomfort associated with sciatic nerve. The prevalence of sciatica varies considerably ranging from 3.8% in the working population to 7.9% in the nonworking population. Contemporary medicine has limitations giving short-term relief in pain or surgical intervention with side effect. Aim and Objectives: The aim of this study was to access the efficacy of Ayurvedic management with shephali patra kwath in Gridhrasi. It is a single case study of a 49‑year‑old woman who was diagnosed with sciatica by an Allopathy doctor who gave her steroids but this had no positive impact on her condition. The condition worsened and she had swelling at her ankle joint. She approached Ayurvedic treatment further where she was given Shephali patra kwath. The treatment was continued for consecutive 30 days.  Symptomatic assessment of patient was carried out after every  8 days and satisfactory outcome was there and overall quality of life of patient was significantly improved

    An open labeled clinical trail on the effect of Vrikshamla in Sthaulya (obesity) w.s.r to hyperlipidaemia

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    Obesity is one of the leading cause for more than 53 diseases and in India around 30 million peoples are suffering with Sthaulya (obesity), individual habits with stressful life, wrong dietary habits and sedentary life is the main cause of disease and no satisfactory treatment is available in conventional system. Hence there is need explore alternative system of Indian medicine like Ayurveda for the benefits of sufferers Ayurveda dealt this disease as Sthaulya (obesity) under Medoroga (Adipose tissue disorder) and many treatment modalities have been explained number of drugs in Brahatrayi (Charaka, Sushruta & Vagbhat) were cited Bhavamishra was the author of Bhavaprakash Nighantu (Lexicon) which is one of the Laghutrayis (Sharanghadara, Madhavanidhana & Bhavaprakash) text is highlighted with Karmaoushadi (action based drug) such as Amradi Phala Varga explained Vrikshamla considered as drug index of Ayurveda, thus present study was designed to screen the drug with properties of Kapha Medohara (ability to reduce Kapha & Fat), Medorogahara (reduces Adipose tissue), Sthaulyanashaka (Anti obesity) and Karshyakara (ability to make lean) from Bhavaprakasha Nighantu in Ayurveda

    The Abundance Of Sea Cucumber Species In The Waters Of The Wet Laboratory Of East Likupang, North Minahasa

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    Sea cucumbers, or Holothuroidea, are a class within the Echinodermata phylum. All organisms within this class possess characteristic spiny or knobbed skin composed of calcite particles. Several species of sea cucumber are internationally traded fishing commodities. The hunting of sea cucumbers is not only limited to the high-value species but also extends to lower-value species that initially garnered little attention. The sampling method used in this study began with a daytime location survey, followed by sample collection at night during the lowest tide, using a flashlight for illumination. All species of sea cucumbers found in the surveyed areas were collected. Following the collection, sorting was conducted where only two individuals of each morphological type, color, and other similar traits were kept, while the rest were returned to the waters. The sorted samples were then photographed for identification purposes, and to analyze the density of the discovered sea cucumber species, the number of individuals per suspected species was noted. The images of the collected samples were then compared with a guide for species identification. The World Register of Marine Species (WORMS) 2023 guide was used for this purpose. Subsequently, the number of individual species found was analyzed to determine the density of individuals and the abundance of sea cucumber species. The results of the identification process revealed 7 species with a total of 53 individuals. Keywords: Teripang, Holothuroidea, Likupang Abstrak Teripang atau Holothuroidea merupakan salah satu dari kelas Echinodermata. Semuah golongan organisme ini memiliki ciri kulit yang berduri atau yang berbintil atau tersusun dari sat-sat kapur. Beberapa jenis teripang merupakan komoditi perikanan yang diperdaganngkan secara Internasional. Perburuan teripang tidak saja pada jenis-jenis yang berharga mahal, tetapi juga pada jenis-jenis yang berharga murah yang pada awalnya tidak memiliki perhatian. Metode pengambilan sampel diawali dengan survei lokasi pada siang hari dan pengambilan sampel pada malam hari saat surut terendah dengan menggunakan senter sebagai alat penerang. Spesies yang diambil adalah semua jenis teripang yang ditemukan di perairan tesebut. Setelah teripang terkumpul dilanjutkan dengan penyortiran dimana hanya di ambil dua individu setiap bentuk morfologi, warna dan ciri lainnya yang sama. Sedangkan sisanya dikembalikan ke perairan. Sampel yang telah disortir, lalu difoto untuk keperluan iderntifikasi, kemudian untuk menganalisis kepadatan jenis teripang yang ditemukan dicatat jumlah individu setiap jenis yang điduga merupakan spesies/jenis yang sama. Sampel yang telah diambil foto/gambarnya dicocokkan dengan gambar panduan untuk identifikasi jenis. Panduan untuk mengidentifikasi digunakan WORMS (2023) Selanjutnya jumlah jenis individu yang ditemukan dianalisi untuk mendapatkan kepadatan individu dan kelimpahan spesies teripang. Hasil identifikasi ditemukan 7 spesies dengan jumlah 53 individu. Katakunci: Teripang, Holothuroidea, Likupang

    Field studies of thermal comfort across multiple climate zones for the subcontinent: India Model for Adaptive Comfort (IMAC)

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    © 2015 The Authors. India is witnessing unprecedented growth trends in building construction, particularly office spaces. Indian offices are designed to operate at 22.5 ± 1 °C all year round to meet the stringent "Class A" specifications outlined by international standards in the absence of an India-specific comfort standard. This paper proposes an India Model for Adaptive Comfort - IMAC - based on the field surveys administered in 16 buildings in three seasons and five cities, representative of five Indian climate zones. A total of 6330 responses were gathered from naturally ventilated, mixed mode and air-conditioned office buildings using instantaneous thermal comfort surveys.Occupants in naturally ventilated Indian offices were found to be more adaptive than the prevailing ASHRAE and EN models would suggest. According to the IMAC model, neutral temperature in naturally ventilated buildings varies from 19.6 to 28.5 °C for 30-day outdoor running mean air temperatures ranging from 12.5 to 31 °C. This is the first instance where a study proposes a single adaptive model for mixed mode buildings asserting its validity for both naturally ventilated and air-conditioned modes of operation in the building, with neutral temperature varying from 21.5 to 28.7 °C for 13-38.5 °C range of outdoor temperatures. For air-conditioned buildings, Fanger's static PMV model was found to consistently over-predict the sensation on the warmer side of the 7-point sensation scale