An open labeled clinical trail on the effect of Vrikshamla in Sthaulya (obesity) w.s.r to hyperlipidaemia


Obesity is one of the leading cause for more than 53 diseases and in India around 30 million peoples are suffering with Sthaulya (obesity), individual habits with stressful life, wrong dietary habits and sedentary life is the main cause of disease and no satisfactory treatment is available in conventional system. Hence there is need explore alternative system of Indian medicine like Ayurveda for the benefits of sufferers Ayurveda dealt this disease as Sthaulya (obesity) under Medoroga (Adipose tissue disorder) and many treatment modalities have been explained number of drugs in Brahatrayi (Charaka, Sushruta & Vagbhat) were cited Bhavamishra was the author of Bhavaprakash Nighantu (Lexicon) which is one of the Laghutrayis (Sharanghadara, Madhavanidhana & Bhavaprakash) text is highlighted with Karmaoushadi (action based drug) such as Amradi Phala Varga explained Vrikshamla considered as drug index of Ayurveda, thus present study was designed to screen the drug with properties of Kapha Medohara (ability to reduce Kapha & Fat), Medorogahara (reduces Adipose tissue), Sthaulyanashaka (Anti obesity) and Karshyakara (ability to make lean) from Bhavaprakasha Nighantu in Ayurveda

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