44 research outputs found

    Monoclonal antibodies against metalloporphyrins. Specificity of interaction with structurally different metalloporphyrins

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    AbstractMonoclonal antibodies against Pd-coproporphyrin I have been obtained. The antibody specificity for free as well as for conjugated Pd-coproporphyrin I is characterized. Affinity constants are estimated for 3 monoclonal antibodies effectively interacting with free Pd-coproporphyrin I. A comparative study on the binding of monoclonal antibodies with analogues and derivatives of Pd-coproporphyrin I has revealed that the antigen is mainly located inside the antibody paratope. The protein adjoins complementary to the metalloporphyrin in such a manner that antibodies obtained discern only isomer I, and to some degree, isomer III of coproporphyrin

    Multi-spectral image processing for the measurement of a spatial temperature distribution on the surface of a laser-heated microscopic object

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    In this paper, we demonstrate that combining a laser heating (LH) system with a tandem acousto-optical tunable filter (TAOTF) allows us to measure the temperature distribution (TD) across a laser-heated microscopic specimen. Spectral image processing is based on one-dimensional (1D) non-linear least squares fitting of the Planck radiation function. It is applied for determining the temperature T at each point (x, y) of the specimen surface. It is shown that spectral image processing using the 1D non-linear least squares fitting allows measurement of the TD of the laser-heated microscopic specimen with higher precision and stability than those of the conventional linear least-squares fitting of the Wien approximation of Planck’s law.The Russian Science Foundation (project #17-12-01535) financially supported the work

    CF2 Represses Actin 88F Gene Expression and Maintains Filament Balance during Indirect Flight Muscle Development in Drosophila

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    The zinc finger protein CF2 is a characterized activator of muscle structural genes in the body wall muscles of the Drosophila larva. To investigate the function of CF2 in the indirect flight muscle (IFM), we examined the phenotypes of flies bearing five homozygous viable mutations. The gross structure of the IFM was not affected, but the stronger hypomorphic alleles caused an increase of up to 1.5X in the diameter of the myofibrils. This size increase did not cause any disruption of the hexameric arrangement of thick and thin filaments. RT-PCR analysis revealed an increase in the transcription of several structural genes. Ectopic overexpression of CF2 in the developing IFM disrupts muscle formation. While our results indicate a role for CF2 as a direct negative regulator of the thin filament protein gene Actin 88F (Act88F), effects on levels of transcripts of myosin heavy chain (mhc) appear to be indirect. This role is in direct contrast to that described in the larval muscles, where CF2 activates structural gene expression. The variation in myofibril phenotypes of CF2 mutants suggest the CF2 may have separate functions in fine-tuning expression of structural genes to insure proper filament stoichiometry, and monitoring and/or controlling the final myofibril size

    Efficient Genetic Method for Establishing Drosophila Cell Lines Unlocks the Potential to Create Lines of Specific Genotypes

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    Analysis of cells in culture has made substantial contributions to biological research. The versatility and scale of in vitro manipulation and new applications such as high-throughput gene silencing screens ensure the continued importance of cell-culture studies. In comparison to mammalian systems, Drosophila cell culture is underdeveloped, primarily because there is no general genetic method for deriving new cell lines. Here we found expression of the conserved oncogene RasV12 (a constitutively activated form of Ras) profoundly influences the development of primary cultures derived from embryos. The cultures become confluent in about three weeks and can be passaged with great success. The lines have undergone more than 90 population doublings and therefore constitute continuous cell lines. Most lines are composed of spindle-shaped cells of mesodermal type. We tested the use of the method for deriving Drosophila cell lines of a specific genotype by establishing cultures from embryos in which the warts (wts) tumor suppressor gene was targeted. We successfully created several cell lines and found that these differ from controls because they are primarily polyploid. This phenotype likely reflects the known role for the mammalian wts counterparts in the tetraploidy checkpoint. We conclude that expression of RasV12 is a powerful genetic mechanism to promote proliferation in Drosophila primary culture cells and serves as an efficient means to generate continuous cell lines of a given genotype

    Molecular mechanisms of EGF signaling-dependent regulation of pipe, a gene crucial for dorsoventral axis formation in Drosophila

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    During Drosophila oogenesis the expression of the sulfotransferase Pipe in ventral follicle cells is crucial for dorsoventral axis formation. Pipe modifies proteins that are incorporated in the ventral eggshell and activate Toll signaling which in turn initiates embryonic dorsoventral patterning. Ventral pipe expression is the result of an oocyte-derived EGF signal which down-regulates pipe in dorsal follicle cells. The analysis of mutant follicle cell clones reveals that none of the transcription factors known to act downstream of EGF signaling in Drosophila is required or sufficient for pipe regulation. However, the pipe cis-regulatory region harbors a 31-bp element which is essential for pipe repression, and ovarian extracts contain a protein that binds this element. Thus, EGF signaling does not act by down-regulating an activator of pipe as previously suggested but rather by activating a repressor. Surprisingly, this repressor acts independent of the common co-repressors Groucho or CtBP


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    Perceived Parental Monitoring and Internet Addiction Adult Aged 14 -18 in Functional and Disfunctional Families

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    Pētījuma mērķis ir noskaidrot, vai pastāv atšķirība vecāku pārraudzības uztveršanā jauniešiem pilnās un nepilnās ģimenēs un vai pastāv atšķirība interneta atkarībai jauniešiem no pilnām un nepilnām ģimenēm. Bakalaura darba pētījuma jautājums ir: 1. Vai pastāv statistiski nozīmīga atšķirība starp vecāku pārraudzības uztveršanu jauniešiem no pilnām un nepilnām ģimenēm ? 2. Vai pastāv statistiski nozīmīga atšķirība interneta atkarībai jauniešiem no pilnām un nepilnām ģimenēm? Datu ievākšanai tika izmantota Zviedrijas pētnieku M. Kerras un H.Stattin izveidotā „Vecāku uzraudzības skala” (PMS), kas ir izstrādāta 2000. gadā. PMS ļauj novērtēt, cik augsts ir jaunieša vecāku pārraudzības līmenis. Datu ievākšanai tika izmantota arī Nikols un Niki izveidotā „Interneta atkarības skala”, kura izstrādāta 2004. gadā. Šī skala ļauj novērtēt cilvēka interneta lietošanas biežumu. Pētījumā piedalījās jaunieši vecumā no 14 līdz 25 gadiem. Kopumā pētījumā piedalījās 60 jaunieši (25 viena apakšgrupā un 35 otrajā apakšgrupā), 25 jaunieši un pilnām ģimenēm un 35 jaunieši no nepilnām ģimenēm. Bakalaura darbs pamatots uz pētījumiem un teorētiskām atziņām, kas aplūko jauniešu personību, attīstību, uzvedību, iesaistīšanos sociālajā vidē un interneta lietošanas biežumu, uzaugot pilnās un nepilnās ģimenēs (Jacobvitz & Bush, 1996; Bojuwoye & Akpan, 2009; Davalos, Chavez & Guardiola, 2005; Day and Laura M. Padilla-Walker, 2009; Mallers, Charles, Neupert & Almeida, 2010; Lefkowitz, Sigman, & Au, 2000; Gfroerer, Nelsen & Kern,2014; Kļaviņa, 2008; Vincent, 2017; Essau, 2008; Barnes et al., 2000; Telzer, Hoorn, Rogers & Do, 2018; Parkes, Henderson, Schwartz, 2018; Wolchik Schenck CE, Sandler, 2009; Arkes, 2013; Amato, Keith,1991; Kleinsorge, Covitz, 2012; Hetherington, Stanley-Hagan, 1999; Pedro-Carroll, 2010; Arnett, 1999; Steinerte, 2013; lvportals.lv, 2017; Ciscko, 2012; Putniņa, Pokšāns, Brants, 2019; Wu, Wong &Yu, Fok, Yeung,Lam & Liu, 2016; Zarnaghash, Tajalli, 2017 u.t.t. ). Pēc pētījuma rezultātiem var secināt, ka uztverta vecāku pārraudzība jauniešiem no pilnām ģimenēm un jauniešiem no nepilnām ģimenēm neatšķiras un arī interneta atkarība neatšķiras jauniešiem no pilnām un nepilnām ģimenēm.The aim of the study is to find out if there is a difference in the perception of parental monitoring among young people in functional and disfunctional families and if there is a difference on internet addiction by young people in functional and disfunctional families. Bachelor’s question : 1. Is the persistent statistically significant difference Perceived parental monitoring between youth in functional and disfunctional families? 2. Is the persistent statistically significant difference on frequency of internet addiction in functional and disfunctional families? The data were collected using the „Parental moitoring scale” (PMS) developed bu Swedish researcgers M. Kerr and H. Stattin and developed in 2000. PMS allows you to measure the level of parental oversight of a young person. Also the data were collected using the „Internet addiction scale” developed by Nicholas and Nicki in 2004. This scale allows to measure how often a person uses the internet. Participated in the study of 60 young people aged 14 to 25 (30 in each subgroup), 30 young people from functional and 30 people from dysfunctional families. Bachelor’s thesis is based on research and theoretical insights into young people’s personality, development, behavior, involvement in the social environment, and the frequency of internet use growing up in fuctional and dysfunctional families (Jacobvitz & Bush, 1996; Bojuwoye & Akpan, 2009; Davalos, Chavez & Guardiola, 2005; Day and Laura M. Padilla-Walker, 2009; Mallers, Charles, Neupert & Almeida, 2010; Lefkowitz, Sigman, & Au, 2000; Gfroerer, Nelsen & Kern,2014; Kļaviņa, 2008; Vincent, 2017; Essau, 2008; Barnes et al., 2000; Telzer, Hoorn, Rogers & Do, 2018; Parkes, Henderson, Schwartz, 2018; Wolchik Schenck CE, Sandler, 2009; Arkes, 2013; Amato, Keith,1991; Kleinsorge, Covitz, 2012; Hetherington, Stanley-Hagan, 1999; Pedro-Carroll, 2010; Arnett, 1999; Steinerte, 2013; lvportals.lv, 2017; Ciscko, 2012; Putniņa, Pokšāns, Brants, 2019; Wu, Wong &Yu, Fok, Yeung,Lam & Liu, 2016; Zarnaghash, Tajalli, 2017 a.s.w. ). The results of the study show that perceived parental monitoring does not show difference between youth in functional and disfunctional families and internet addiction does not show difference between youth from functional and disfunctional families