391 research outputs found


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    Grapsus albolineatus (Lamarck) is one of the species of blackish-green crab found above or below the coastal rocks. At has long legs and no swimming legs and has a small claw. Purple capitals, is characteristic of this type of crab., the G. albolineatus crab has an attractive color on the carapace organ that indicates the presence of pigment content. This study was aimed to determined the content and it’s pigment type of the organs of the carapace, epidermal layer, hepatopancreas, blood and gonads in the female G. albolineatus (Lamarck) crab. The method of this research in order to separated and determinated of pigment content by using thin layer chromatography (TLC) method. The results obtained in this study were the total pigment content of G. albolineatus crab showed the highest value in gonad organ with value 34,41 μg, followed by epidermal layer organ 12,19 μg, hepatopancreas 9,61 μg, blood 1,06 μg and carapace 0.42 μg. the pigment content of the gonads organ has the highest value compared with other organs, it is presumed that the female G. albolineatus crab is at the mature stage of the gonad, so that the carotenoid pigment is still accumulated on the gonad organ used for the gonadal maturation process. The types of pigment identified in the extract of the carapace organ, epidermal layer, hepatopancreas, gonads and blood from female G. albolineatus crabs with semipolar solution of Petroleum Eter and Acetone are: β-carotene, echinone, kantaksantin, adonirubin type, astaxanthine and astacene .Keywords: Grapsus albolineatus, TLC, pigmentGrapsus albolineatus (Lamarck) merupakan salah satu spesies kepiting yang berwarna hitam kehijauan yang ditemukan di atas atau di bawah batu pantai. Memiliki kaki jalan yang panjang dan tidak memiliki kaki renang serta memiliki capit yang berukuran kecil. Capit berwarna ungu, merupakan ciri khas kepiting jenis ini. Kepiting G. albolineatus memiliki warna yang menarik pada organ karapas yang mengindikasikan adanya kandungan pigmen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kandungan dan jenis pigmen pada organ karapas, lapisan epidermis, hepatopankreas, darah dan gonad pada kepiting G. albolineatus (Lamarck) betina. Pemisahan yang umum digunakan dalam penentuan jenis pigmen karotenoid adalah menggunakan metode Kromatografi Lapis Tipis. Pemisahan ini dikenal karena proses pemisahannya mudah, sederhana dan membutuhkan waktu yang relatif singkat serta dapat menghasilkan data yang akurat. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah kandungan pigmen total dari kepiting G. albolineatus menunjukkan nilai tertinggi pada organ gonad dengan nilai 34,41 g, diikuti organ lapisan epidermis 12,19 g, hepatopankreas 9,61 g, darah 1,06 g dan karapas 0,42 g. kandungan pigmen pada organ gonad memiliki nilai tertinggi dibandingkan dengan organ lainnya, diduga kepiting G. albolineatus betina ini berada pada tahap matang gonad, sehingga pigmen karotenoid masih tertumpuk pada organ gonad yang digunakan untuk proses pematangan gonad. Jenis-jenis pigmen yang teridentifikasi pada ekstrak organ karapas, lapisan epidermis, hepatopankreas, gonad dan darah dari kepiting G. albolineatus betina dengan larutan pengembang PE dan Aseton (80:20) yang bersifat semipolar yaitu: β-karoten, ekinenon, kantaksantin, tipe adonirubin, astaksantin dan astasen.Kata kunci : Grapsus albolineatus, KLT, pigme

    Capacity estimation and verification of quantum channels with arbitrarily correlated errors

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    © 2017 The Author(s). The central figure of merit for quantum memories and quantum communication devices is their capacity to store and transmit quantum information. Here, we present a protocol that estimates a lower bound on a channel's quantum capacity, even when there are arbitrarily correlated errors. One application of these protocols is to test the performance of quantum repeaters for transmitting quantum information. Our protocol is easy to implement and comes in two versions. The first estimates the one-shot quantum capacity by preparing and measuring in two different bases, where all involved qubits are used as test qubits. The second verifies on-the-fly that a channel's one-shot quantum capacity exceeds a minimal tolerated value while storing or communicating data. We discuss the performance using simple examples, such as the dephasing channel for which our method is asymptotically optimal. Finally, we apply our method to a superconducting qubit in experiment

    Comparative flower transcriptome network analysis reveals DEGs involved in chickpea reproductive success during salinity

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    Salinity is increasingly becoming a significant problem for the most important yet intrinsically salt-sensitive grain legume chickpea. Chickpea is extremely sensitive to salinity during the reproductive phase. Therefore, it is essential to understand the molecular mechanisms by comparing the transcriptomic dynamics between the two contrasting genotypes in response to salt stress. Chickpea exhibits considerable genetic variation amongst improved cultivars, which show better yields in saline conditions but still need to be enhanced for sustainable crop production. Based on previous extensive multi-location physiological screening, two identified genotypes, JG11 (salt-tolerant) and ICCV2 (salt-sensitive), were subjected to salt stress to evaluate their phenological and transcriptional responses. RNA-Sequencing is a revolutionary tool that allows for comprehensive transcriptome profiling to identify genes and alleles associated with stress tolerance and sensitivity. After the first flowering, the whole flower from stress-tolerant and sensitive genotypes was collected. A total of ~300 million RNA-Seq reads were sequenced, resulting in 2022 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in response to salt stress. Genes involved in flowering time such as FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) and pollen development such as ABORTED MICROSPORES (AMS), rho-GTPase, and pollen-receptor kinase were significantly differentially regulated, suggesting their role in salt tolerance. In addition to this, we identify a suite of essential genes such as MYB proteins, MADS-box, and chloride ion channel genes, which are crucial regulators of transcriptional responses to salinity tolerance. The gene set enrichment analysis and functional annotation of these genes in flower development suggest that they can be potential candidates for chickpea crop improvement for salt tolerance

    Differential regulation of genes involved in root morphogenesis and cell wall modification is associated with salinity tolerance in chickpea

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    Salinity is a major constraint for intrinsically salt sensitive grain legume chickpea. Chickpea exhibits large genetic variation amongst cultivars, which show better yields in saline conditions but still need to be improved further for sustainable crop production. Based on previous multi-location physiological screening, JG 11 (salt tolerant) and ICCV 2 (salt sensitive) were subjected to salt stress to evaluate their physiological and transcriptional responses. A total of ~480 million RNA-Seq reads were sequenced from root tissues which resulted in identification of 3,053 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in response to salt stress. Reproductive stage shows high number of DEGs suggesting major transcriptional reorganization in response to salt to enable tolerance. Importantly, cationic peroxidase, Aspartic ase, NRT1/PTR, phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinase, DREB1E and ERF genes were significantly up-regulated in tolerant genotype. In addition, we identified a suite of important genes involved in cell wall modification and root morphogenesis such as dirigent proteins, expansin and casparian strip membrane proteins that could potentially confer salt tolerance. Further, phytohormonal cross-talk between ERF and PIN-FORMED genes which modulate the root growth was observed. The gene set enrichment analysis and functional annotation of these genes suggests they may be utilised as potential candidates for improving chickpea salt tolerance

    Comparative Root Transcriptomics Provide Insights into Drought Adaptation Strategies in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)

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    Drought adversely affects crop production across the globe. The root system immensely contributes to water management and the adaptability of plants to drought stress. In this study, drought-inducedphenotypic andtranscriptomic responses of two contrasting chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes were compared at the vegetative, reproductive transition, and reproductive stages. At the vegetative stage, drought-tolerant genotype maintained higher root biomass, length, and surface area under drought stress as compared to sensitive genotype. However, at the reproductive stage, root length and surface area of tolerant genotype was lower but displayed higher root diameter than sensitive genotype. The shoot biomass of tolerant genotype was overall higher than the sensitive genotype under drought stress. RNA-seq analysis identified genotype- and developmental-stage specific differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in response to drought stress. At the vegetative stage, a total of 2161 and 1873 DEGs, and at reproductive stage 4109 and 3772 DEGs, were identified in the tolerant and sensitive genotypes, respectively. Gene ontology (GO) analysis revealed enrichment of biological categories related to cellular process, metabolic process, response to stimulus, response to abiotic stress, and response to hormones. Interestingly, the expression of stress-responsive transcription factors, kinases, ROS signaling and scavenging, transporters, root nodulation, and oxylipin biosynthesis genes were robustly upregulated in the tolerant genotype, possibly contributing to drought adaptation. Furthermore, activation/repression of hormone signaling and biosynthesis genes was observed. Overall, this study sheds new insights on drought tolerance mechanisms operating in roots with broader implications for chickpea improvement

    Innovative Approach to Detect Mental Disorder Using Multimodal Technique

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    The human can display their emotions through facial expressions. To achieve more effective human- computer interaction, the emotion recognize from human face could prove to be an invaluable tool. In this work the automatic facial recognition system is described with the help of video. The main aim is to focus on detecting the human face from the video and classify the emotions on the basis of facial features .There have been extensive studies of human facial expressions. These facial expressions are representing happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise and disgust. It including preliterate ones, and found much commonality in the expression and recognition of emotions on the face. Emotion detection from speech has many important applications. In human-computer based systems, emotion recognition systems provide users with improved services as per their emotions criteria. It is quite limited on body of work on detecting emotion in speech. The developers are still debating what features effect the emotion identification in speech. There is no particularity for the best algorithm for classifying emotion, and which emotions to class together

    Composable security of delegated quantum computation

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    Delegating difficult computations to remote large computation facilities, with appropriate security guarantees, is a possible solution for the ever-growing needs of personal computing power. For delegated computation protocols to be usable in a larger context---or simply to securely run two protocols in parallel---the security definitions need to be composable. Here, we define composable security for delegated quantum computation. We distinguish between protocols which provide only blindness---the computation is hidden from the server---and those that are also verifiable---the client can check that it has received the correct result. We show that the composable security definition capturing both these notions can be reduced to a combination of several distinct "trace-distance-type" criteria---which are, individually, non-composable security definitions. Additionally, we study the security of some known delegated quantum computation protocols, including Broadbent, Fitzsimons and Kashefi's Universal Blind Quantum Computation protocol. Even though these protocols were originally proposed with insufficient security criteria, they turn out to still be secure given the stronger composable definitions.Comment: 37+9 pages, 13 figures. v3: minor changes, new references. v2: extended the reduction between composable and local security to include entangled inputs, substantially rewritten the introduction to the Abstract Cryptography (AC) framewor

    Transcriptome analyses reveal genotype- and developmental stage-specific molecular responses to drought and salinity stresses in chickpea

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    Drought and salinity are the major factors that limit chickpea production worldwide. We performed whole transcriptome analyses of chickpea genotypes to investigate the molecular basis of drought and salinity stress response/adaptation. Phenotypic analyses confirmed the contrasting responses of the chickpea genotypes to drought or salinity stress. RNA-seq of the roots of drought and salinity related genotypes was carried out under control and stress conditions at vegetative and/or reproductive stages. Comparative analysis of the transcriptomes revealed divergent gene expression in the chickpea genotypes at different developmental stages. We identified a total of 4954 and 5545 genes exclusively regulated in drought-tolerant and salinity-tolerant genotypes, respectively. A significant fraction (~47%) of the transcription factor encoding genes showed differential expression under stress. The key enzymes involved in metabolic pathways, such as carbohydrate metabolism, photosynthesis, lipid metabolism, generation of precursor metabolites/energy, protein modification, redox homeostasis and cell wall component biogenesis, were affected by drought and/or salinity stresses. Interestingly, transcript isoforms showed expression specificity across the chickpea genotypes and/or developmental stages as illustrated by the AP2-EREBP family members. Our findings provide insights into the transcriptome dynamics and components of regulatory network associated with drought and salinity stress responses in chickpea

    Plant-pathogen interactions: toward development of next-generation disease-resistant plants

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    Briskly evolving phytopathogens are dire threats to our food supplies and threaten global food security. From the recent advances made toward high-throughput sequencing technologies, understanding of pathogenesis and effector biology, and plant innate immunity, translation of these means into new control tools is being introduced to develop durable disease resistance. Effectoromics as a powerful genetic tool for uncovering effector-target genes, both susceptibility genes and executor resistance genes in effector-assisted breeding, open up new avenues to improve resistance. TALENs (Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nucleases), engineered nucleases and CRISPR (Clustered Regulatory Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats)/Cas9 systems are breakthrough and powerful techniques for genome editing, providing efficient mechanisms for targeted crop protection strategies in disease resistance programs. In this review, major advances in plant disease management to confer durable disease resistance and novel strategies for boosting plant innate immunity are highlighted