386 research outputs found

    Geografi budaya daerah Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Dalam rangka penelitian dan penulisan geografi budaya daerah Nusa Tenggara Timur, maka daerah yang menjadi sasaran pengamatan adalah seluruh Wilayah Nusa Tenggara Timur. Dalam usahai pelaksanaan pengumpulan data maka ditetapkan daerah-daerah pengamatan dalam 12 daerah. Di pulau Timur: daerah Kupang, Timor Tengah Selatan, Timor Tengah Utara, dan Belu. Di Pulau Sumba yakni Sumba Barat dan Sumba Timur. Di Pulau Flores yakni Manggarai, Ngada, Ende, Sikka, Flores Timur. Alor meliputi Pulau Alor dan Pulau Pantar. Penentuan daerah ini didasarkan atas kesatuan administratif

    Profil penduduk Indonesia menjelang era tinggal landas

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    Abstract The most important factor of population development during the Second Long-Term Development (PJP II) is the development of human resources, which is, in turn, one of the most essential element of development next to natural resources and technology. Before the development of human resources is carried out, the conditions of the human resources themselves should be first detected and indentified. Taking notes of the 1990 population data, it has been concluded that the profile of the population of Indonesia has improved substantially. The population structure of the younger age group has been gradually left behind in accordance with the decline of the population growth rate. Both birth and mortality rates have dropped as the result of the significant improvement of the family planning and community health programs. Spontaneous migration among regions of Indonesia has also increased in accordance with the development progress, the transport infrastructure, and the population mobility from rural to urban areas. The value of human quality, even though has experienced some increase, is still considered low so far. The characteristics of population demography need serioues considerations to be able to improve the efforts to promote the human wuality of the country

    Ultrasonic Spot Welding of Dissimilar Metal Sheets: An Experimental, Numerical and Metallurgical Investigation

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    Ultrasonic metal welding (USMW) is a new and emerging concept used in the industries over the past twenty years and serving to the manufacturing sectors like aviation, medical, microelectronics, automotive and much more due to various hurdles faced by conventional fusion welding process. USMW is a clean and reliable technique in which the welding takes place with a high energy, no flux or filler metal needed, longer tool life and it takes very short time (less than one second) to weld materials in a perfect controllable environment with greater efficiency.To acquire high vibration amplitude in USMW, there is a necessity to design a welding system that consists of components like a booster and horn. The principal purpose of these parts is to amplify the input amplitude of vibration so that the energy transferred to the welding spot should be sufficient for creating a joint. In the present study, new type of booster and horn are proposed and modelled with adequate precision not only to produce high-quality welds but also to solve a lot of issues faced while designing these types of ultrasonic tools. The modal analysis module of finite element method (FEM) is used to analyze the effects of different step lengths and fillet radius on its natural frequency of 20 kHz, ensuring that these components will be in a resonating condition with other parts of the system. It is found that there were 1.11 % and 2.52 % errors in the length calculation of both parts. Similarly, 0.61 % error is obtained for both while calculating the magnification ratio. However, such low levels of errors may be considered to be insignificant. The dynamic analysis has also been performed to find out the stress distribution in both parts under cyclic loading conditions. Due to these cyclic loading conditions, the nodal regions (hot areas) are under highly stressed, and the relevant temperature field is consequently determined. The results obtained from the simulation, and experimental results were found to be close to each other and an error of 2% was noticed. Other welding components are also fabricated such as anvil, specimen-holder and backing plate for producing a satisfactory weld. Meanwhile, the complex mechanism behind the USMW has been addressed and modelled analytically. This model can predict the forces as well as temperatures those occur during the welding process and also explains the effects of various material properties and surface conditions on the weld behaviour. The experiments have been performed on the aluminium, copper, brass and stainless steel metal sheets with a number of different configurations, anvil designs, and surface conditions. The fundamental aspect of this study is to control the process parameters like vibration amplitude, weld pressure and weld time so that, an appreciable weld strength can be obtained. Thus, tensile shear and T-peel failure load studies suggest that increase in vibration amplitude means the increase of scrubbing action between the faying surfaces, resulting a better bonding strength. Similarly, increase in weld pressure also increases these weld failure loads and reach a peak value at a particular pressure. But, subsequently, these failure loads decrease due to suppression of relative motion between sheets and initiation of cracks. Excessive weld time also causes cracks around the weld spot. Likewise, if the thickness of the sheets increased, weld strengths are also increased due to absorption of more amount of ultrasonic energy. Moreover, the highest weld interface temperatures and weld areas are observed at the end of weld time because of the larger plastic deformation at the mating surfaces. For all the experiments, first anvil design shows maximum failure loads due to its non-cutting width and angle of knurls. Likewise, on the increase of surface roughness, the tensile shear, and T-peel failure loads decrease. It is found that, in lubricating condition, the highest failure loads are obtained. Furthermore, the polynomial regression, artificial neural network (ANN) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) methods are developed and compared for each performance measure so that the whole welding process can be accurately described by a best predictive model. A welding mechanics based numerical model has been developed which can predict the temperatures during USMW process for various surface conditions. For all the experimental investigations, the predictive results show good agreement with the experimental values. In addition to it, acoustic softening during ultrasonic welding is found to very significant for the reduction in yield strength of the weld material up to 95 %. It is seen that the quality of welding depends on the material properties, process parameters, and thickness of the workpiece. The present investigation also explains in details the effect of process parameters on the responses through metallurgical analysis. A quality lobe of welding like “under weld”, “good weld” and “over weld” is proposed after observing the fractured samples in optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Meantime, energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X- ray diffraction (XRD) analyses are also used to reveal the thickness of interatomic diffusion and IMCs along the weld interface

    Population distribution and population growth in Yogyakarta special region

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    ABSTRACT The Sultanate of Yogyakarta which, during the struggle for independence and subsequently has been known as the Special Region of Yogyakarta, is located in the southern part of Central Java. It constitutes much of the heartland of Javanese culture, for Yogyakarta was the center of the pre-colonial Kingdom of Mataram. Within Yogyakarta Special Region, there is a marked contrast in the population density between Bantu! and Sleman regencies on one hand, and Gunung Kidul and Kulon Progo on the other hand. The basic reason for this difference is the fact that the soil of Bantul and Sleman regencies is primarily young and vulcanic, while there is also a good water supply and intensive irrigation network. The annual rate of population growth in Yogyakarta Special Region is much lower compared with other provinces in Java. During 1961 and 1971 the rate of population growth was 1.1 percent, for the period 1971â 1980 became 1.09 percent. This region experienced a net loss of population through migration, and that the losses were greater in the poor areas of Gunung Kidul and Kulon Progo Key word: vulcani

    The Implementation of Plus Minus Strategy in Improving Speaking Skill of the Fourth Semester Students of Fkip Unmas

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara mahasiswa semester keempat FKIP Unmas Denpasar melalui pelaksanaan strategi Plus Minus. Subyek penelitian ini terdiri dari 30 mahasiswa secara keseluruhan. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah mahasiswa dalam menguasai keterampilan berbicara. Ada dua siklus yang terdiri dari dua sesi. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dimulai dengan pemberian refleksi awal dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara subyek penelitian. Refleksi awal dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui penguasaan keterampilan berbicara yang sudah dimiliki oleh subyek penelitian sebelum pelaksanaan siklus pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada Perubahan perilaku belajar sebagai hasil dari tanggapan positif mengenai strategi yang dilaksanakan dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara subyek penelitian. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini menunjukan bahwa strategi Plus Minus dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara mahasiswa semester keempat FKIP Unmas Denpasar

    Perkembangan Dan Permasalahan Teorisasi Hubungan Internasional Pasca Perdebatan

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    There are two contradictory narratives those enframe the contemporary development of International Relations (IR) theory. As the absence and discontinuity of the so-called “inter-paradigm debates”, the first narrative enframes the contemporary development of IR theory is moving toward its end. On the contrary, the other narrative celebrates the plurality of theoretical development in contemporary IR, and letting “a thousand theoretical flowers bloom”. This article seeks to reveal that both of these narratives are problematic. The main problem of the first narrative lies in the “debatism” approach as the basis of its historiography. This article shows how the “debatism” approach misrepresents the history of IR theorization. Meanwhile, the second narrative is problematic as well, since the celebration of theoretical plurality tends to neglect the philosophical foundations and concentrate on the technical side of theorization. Drawing on Fred Chernoff\u27s steps of IR theorization, this article proposes a new frame of IR theorization in order to leave behind the problematic “debatism” approach, while proliferate “a thousand of theoretical flowers bloom” without neglecting the importance of philosophical foundations in IR theorization


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    The fact that in a literary work, including novels contains a lot of values, especially ethical values which are reflected through the attitudes, behavior, and actions of these characters, it is this that attracts the writer's interest in conducting an analysis of literary works in the form of novels, namely the novel Phosphorus, The Man Who Finding the Most Beautiful Place by Retno Mawarni. The problem of this research is how are the ethical values of the characters in the novel Phosphorus, The Man Who Sees the Most Beautiful Place by Retno Mawarni. The purpose of this study is to find out and describe the analysis of the ethical values of the characters in the novel Phosphorus, Men Who Seek the Most Beautiful Places by Retno Mawarni. The benefits of research are for teaching Indonesian language and literature, readers of literary works, and other researchers.The research method uses a descriptive method. The data source used is the novel Phosphorus, The Man Who Finds the Most Beautiful Place by Retno Mawarni, which totals 370 pages, published by Sabil, Yogyakarta in July 2012. Data collection techniques used documentation techniques. The approach uses a moral approach, while data analysis techniques use content analysis techniques.Based on the results of the research and discussion, it is known that the novel Phosphorus, The Man Who Finds the Most Beautiful Place by Retno Mawarni is a novel that tells about a young man's efforts to forget his dark past and the efforts he makes to find his identity. As for Faya Nevu or Nevu as the main character, she has good ethical values, namely being liked (al-aliefah), good-natured (anie satun), kindness (al-khairu), and diligent (al-khusyu') as well as bad ethics , namely egoistic and liar nature. Meanwhile, supporting characters, namely Abah Syarif, have good ethics, namely the nature of being liked (al-aliefah) and the nature of kindness (al-khairu). Nitya has good ethics, namely the nature of kindness or al-khairu. Iqbal has good ethics, namely liking (al-aliefah), sweetness (anie satun), and kindness (al-khairu). Gareng has good ethics, namely the nature of being liked or al-aliefah and bad or reprehensible ethics, namely the nature of persecution and the nature of arrogance or arrogance. Doctors Akmal, Bagas, Rieya, and Anton Perdana both have good ethical values, namely being liked or al-aliefah. Rusdi Iskandar has good ethics, namely the nature of goodness (al-khairu). Finally, Satria as a supporting character has good ethical values, namely being liked (al-aliefah). The suggestions that the author can put forward are: (1) for readers and connoisseurs of literature, (2) for teaching Indonesian Language and Literature, and (3) for other researchers

    Strategi Adaptasi Migran Banjar Di Kota Palangka Raya (Pasca Konflik Dayak-Madura Kalimantan Tengah) = Adaptation Strategy of Banjarese Migrant in Palangka Raya (Post-Conflict between the Dayakese and Maduranese in Centr

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    The conflict between the Dayakese and Maduranese in Central Kalimantan brought a deep impact to the existence of migrants in destination area. The Banjarese is one of the biggest ethnics in Palangka Raya that experience this conflict. Thus, it is important to do a research toward the Banjarese migrants on their efforts to reconstructs adaptation strategy in co lict areas to be able to survive. The aim of this research is to know the social condition of the Banjarese migrants, their adaptation strategy, and elements which influence it during the post-conflict phase in Palangka Raya. The research uses survey and individual analysis unit in Panarung and Pahandut villages. Data were collected based on purposive sampling with the sum of 40 people. The analysis technique were used statistic test. The data were completed by qualitative analysis through interpretation toward interview and field observation. The result shows: (1) The post-conflict phase has grown the Banjarese awareness to reconstruct adaptation strategy toward natives by social interaction reinforcement, involvement in social action and making use of voluntary association as an inter-ethnic social relationship net. The adaptation strategy is done based on the economic interest. (2) There is difference between the Banjarese migrants in Panarung and Pahandut in their adaptation strategy caused by age, kind of jobs, education level, duration of staying and location. The adaptation strategy in Panarung is better than in Pahandut, but adaptation strategy by making use of voluntary association in Pahandut is better than in Panarung (3) The level of crimes, the Banjarese involvements in politics and Islamic activities have raised new problems in inter-ethnic relationship. Transparency and tolerance are needed in seeing the existence of each ethnic group. Government needs to encourage social activities in order to support togetherness among ethnics in Palangka Raya. Key word: Banjarese migrant, Adaptation Strateg