1,223 research outputs found

    La neutralitĂ  politica come principio deontologico

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    In this paper, I explore some implications of political neutrality both historically and theoretically. While the background of neutrality has to be found in Grotius’s and Locke’s theories, it is only in contemporary political philosophy that it becomes a coherent deontological principle


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    openThe UN Agenda2030 has marked the beginning of a new era characterized by the idea of “sustainability”. In this context, the organization of Mega Sport Events such as the Olympic Games has become one of the many fields where it’s required to respect some sustainability standards. The scope of this research is to underline how the relation between Olympics and sustainability works by analyzing the official documents released by the IOC. Through a comparative analysis on the different Olympics, the research will show the difference on what has been proclamated de jure in the official documents and what has been done de facto

    Developmental origins of polycystic ovary syndrome : role of early adverse life events on adult health

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    The research focus of this thesis is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the most common endocrine disorder among women of reproductive age, associated with reproductive, cardio-metabolic, and mental health complications. Despite the high prevalence, little is known about the etiology of the syndrome. The scope of the current thesis was to investigate aspects of the developmental origins of the syndrome, with focus on the impact of adverse environmental factors during pregnancy on PCOS-associated features in the offspring. To reach these aims we employed three mouse model of PCOS and data from a Swedish national register-based cohort study. The thesis is divided into two parts. Part 1 investigates the effects of maternal androgen excess and maternal obesity on the mental health of adult male and female offspring. Study I demonstrated that maternal androgen exposure increases anxiety-like behavior in the first generation of female mouse offspring, but not male offspring, while maternal obesity affects male offspring behavior, but not female offspring. This sexually dimorphic response to the two prominent environmental stimuli was further supported by sex-specific changes in gene expression within the amygdala and hypothalamus. Study II provided evidence that daughters of women with PCOS are at increased risk to be diagnosed with anxiety disorders, but not the sons, using a Swedish national register-based cohort study. It further showed that maternal androgen exposure can lead to transgenerational transmission of anxiety-like behavior in the third generation of female mice, but not the male offspring, without major impact of maternal obesity. Finally, the male germline (first generation of male offspring with no change in behavior) did also transgenerationally transmit an anxiety-like behavior to the third generation of male offspring. Part 2 investigates the effects of an adverse maternal and/or postnatal environment on the cardiovascular and metabolic health of females, using mouse models of PCOS. Study III revealed that maternal androgen excess leads to cardiac hypertrophy in adult female offspring, accompanied by gene expression changes in the left ventricle, without the presence of metabolic dysfunction. It was further shown that this adverse cardiac phenotype is the result of an early cardiac reprogramming. In addition, cardiovascular assessment of a mouse model of PCOS with continuous exposure to androgens from prepuberty to adulthood, demonstrated cardiac hypertrophy and increased vasocontractile responses, while simultaneous administration of the antiandrogen flutamide could only partially prevent the observed phenotype. Finally, in study IV, developmental, reproductive and metabolic complications were revealed in a transgenic mouse model of PCOS that overexpresses ovarian nerve growth factor. Ovarian excess of nerve growth factor led to developmental defects in the female fetus, including growth restriction, reduction of germ cell number and delayed primary oocyte maturation. In addition, the adult transgenic female mice displayed disrupted estrous cyclicity and ovarian expression changes of steroidogenic genes and epigenetic markers. Lastly, these mice developed metabolic complications, as shown by impaired glucose metabolism, aberrant adipose tissue function, and liver steatosis

    ETHICS (Pre-clinical Experimental and THeoretical studies to Improve treatment and protection by Charged particleS),

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    Medical applications of charged particles, such as hadrotherapy and radionuclide therapy, involve the exposure of normal cells composing the tissues and organs proximal to the tumour from either external or internal sources. Clinical implementation of biologically-optimised treatment plans and a safer use of cancer cell-targeting radionuclides are hampered by the uncertainties inherent to the radiobiology of healthy tissue response to densely ionising radiations, which may lead to increased risks of secondary cancers, hence needing to be urgently addressed. A better understanding of the effects on normal cells following the exposure to charged particles, on the other hand, may also benefit the general public because of the contribution to the collective dose from natural sources, such as indoor radon. The main objective of this research project is, therefore, to study the basic mechanisms underlying the biological effects brought about by charged particles that are of relevance for the integrity and normal functions of healthy tissues/organs. To achieve such a goal, both in vitro and in vivo experiments are planned at INFN as well as external facilities, involving a vast network of national and international collaborations and in conjunction with theoretical studies and medical physics-based approaches. The action of a number of ions will be investigated employing a wide array of assays and state-of-the art techniques. The ultimate aim is to help develop strategies that may limit high-LET radiation detrimental consequences for human health while improving their therapeutic benefits


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    This research base on the researcher who interest to application drill method by Lpk putra maju lembang pre candidate to japan in training of study. In the study that has aims to encourage the Japanese competence and discipline. The aims that wants to be reach in this research is to get describe about planning, implementation and the result from application drill method in encourage the Japanese competence and discipline in the training pre recruitment candidate to japan by lpk putra maju lembang. The theory from this research is refer to the training concept in pendidikan luar sekolah, planning concept, study concept, drill method concept , languange competence concept, Japanese concept and discipline concept. The method in this research is descriptive method with qualitative approach and technique collecting data trough interview, documentation and questionnaire. Subject of the research are one organizer, one trainer and two students with fifteen questionnaire respondent students training candidate to japan. Base on the result from this the research are : 1. planning implementation drill method appropriate with concept and management Pendidikan Luar Sekolah that before do study activity that connect with to choose the background, arranging the aims, method activity to Japanese and discipline competence, arranging the objects including the students and the trainer , that will be arranged to whole activity in during process study by student training. 2) Application drill method in study process can be seen in to encourage Japanese competence ( vocabulary, basic of Kanji, Katakana and Hiragana ) and discipline ( mental discipline, attitude discipline, discipline do the tasks ) 3. The result from application drill method in to encourage the Japanese competence with great result that is high value of discipline averages is viewing competence of discipline who is belong the student with high from aspect or discipline competence ( mental discipline, physical discipline and discipline do the tasks


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan mendapatkan bukti secara empiris mengenai penerapan sistem informasi akuntansi berpengaruh pada kualitas laporan keuangan. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini ialah, terdapat pengaruh antara penerapan sistem informasi akuntansi terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan. Pengujian hipotesis pada penelitian ini menggunakan korelasi Spearman Rank. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode asosiatif. Data yang digunakan merupakan data primer yaitu berupa kuesioner yang didistribusikan kepada responden. Data yang dikumpulkan berjumlah 13 kuesioner dari kepala bagian keuangan yang ada pada Lembaga Dana Pensiun yang terdapat di Jawa Barat. Dalam penelitian ini penerapan sistem informasi akuntansi pada lembaga dana pensiun yang terdapat di Jawa Barat termasuk dalam kategori baik/efektif dengan menghasilkan skor 83,41% dengan didukung jawaban responden dalam kuesioner pada rentang nilai “sebagian besar dilaksanakan”. Sedangkan kualitas laporan keuangan pada lembaga dana pensiun yang terdapat di Jawa Barat termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik/sangat efektif dengan menghasilkan skor 89,05% dengan didukung jawaban kuesioner dalam kuesioner pada rentang nilai “sepenunya dilaksanakan”. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penerapan sistem informasi akuntansi berpengaruh sebesar 31,81% terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan dan sisanya, 68,19% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Kata Kunci : Sistem Informasi Akuntansi, Kualitas Laporan Keuangan. This research is to examine about influence of accounting information system to quality of financial statement at Pension Fund in West Java. The hypothesis in this research its is application accounting information system influence the quality of financial statement. The hypothesis in this research were tested using Spearman rank correlation. Research methodology that is used in this research is aassociativemethods. The data in this research is the primary data obtained from questionnaires distributed to the respondent. Data collected from 13 respondentswho deputy secretary of financial management at Pension Fund in West Java. In this study the application of accounting information systems in pension funds located in West Java are included in the category of good / effective to produce a score of 83.41% with a questionnaire respondents supported on the range of values "largely implemented". While the quality of financial reporting on pension funds located in West Java are included in the category of excellent / very effective to produce a score of 89.05% supported the questionnaire answers in the questionnaire on a range of values " fully implemented". These results indicate that the application of the accounting information system by 31.81% effect on the quality of financial reporting and the remaining 68.19% influenced by other factors. Keywords: Accounting information system, Quality of financial statemen

    Un BIM per l’identità dei paesaggi urbani storici. Applicazioni integrate di rilievo per il patrimonio architettonico della Certosa di Bologna

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    La ricerca propone un avanzamento metodologico delle tecniche di modellazione 3D in relazione ad un processo integrato di rilievo. La proposta di BIM sviluppa modelli di rappresentazione e fruizione dei luoghi e dei loro significati materiali ed immateriali per la valorizzazione del patrimonio diffuso. Presso il complesso monumentale della Certosa di Bologna, originaria sede del convento certosino edificato a partire dal 1334 e soppresso nel 1796 da Napoleone, è in corso di sviluppo una applicazione BIM per i beni architettonici e artistici. Le metodologie di rilevamento integrato sono dedicate alla modellazione delle componenti architettoniche a partire da data sets provenienti da sensori attivi. Il progetto ha l’obiettivo, da un lato, di far conoscere un patrimonio storico- artistico pressoché sconosciuto, attraverso visualizzazioni multimediali, e dall’altro di impostare uno strumento informativo per il restauro, la manutenzione e la valorizzazione.The research proposes a methodological advancement of 3D modeling techniques in relation to an integrated process of architectural survey and representation. The BIM proposal develops representation models and augmented fruition of the site and their tangible and intangible meanings for the valorization of diffuse heritage. At the monumental complex of the Certosa di Bologna, the original headquarters of the Carthusian monastery built in 1334 and suppressed in 1796 by Napoleon, the study is developing a BIM application for the architectural and artistic heritage. The integrated survey methodologies are dedicated to the modeling of architectural components from active sensors data sets. The project aims, on the one hand, to introduce an almost unknown historical and artistic heritage, through multimedia visualization, and on the other, to set up an information tool for the restoration, maintenance and valorization
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