444 research outputs found

    High concordance between trained nurses and gastroenterologists in evaluating recordings of small bowel video capsule endoscopy (VCE)

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    Background & Aims: The video capsule endoscopy (VCE) is an accurate and validated tool to investigate the entire small bowel mucosa, but VCE recordings interpretation by the gastroenterologist is time-consuming. A pre-reading of VCE recordings by an expert nurse could be accurate and cost saving. We assessed the concordance between nurses and gastroenterologists in detecting lesions on VCE examinations. Methods: This was a prospective study enrolling consecutive patients who had undergone VCE in clinical practice. Two trained nurses and two expert gastroenterologists participated in the study. At VCE pre-reading the nurses selected any abnormalities, saved them as “thumbnails” and classified the detected lesions as a vascular abnormality, ulcerative lesion, polyp, tumor mass, and unclassified lesion. Then, the gastroenterologist evaluated and interpreted the selected lesions and, successively, reviewed the entire video for potential missed lesions. The time for VCE evaluation was recorded. Results: A total of 95 VCE procedures performed on consecutive patients (M/F: 47/48; mean age: 63 ± 12 years, range: 27−86 years) were evaluated. Overall, the nurses detected at least one lesion in 54 (56.8%) patients. There was total agreement between nurses and gastroenterologists, no missing lesions being discovered at a second look of the entire VCE recording by the physician. The pre-reading procedure by nurse allowed a time reduction of medical evaluation from 49 (33-69) to 10 (8-16) minutes (difference:-79.6%). Conclusions: Our data suggest that trained nurses can accurately identify and select relevant lesions in thumbnails that subsequently were faster reviewed by the gastroenterologist for a final diagnosis. This could significantly reduce the cost of VCE procedure

    Synthesis and photochemical study of a new norbornadiene-derivative with potential as a molecular system for the storage of solar-thermal energy

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    Norbornadiene derivatives (NBD) have recently emerged as a promising alternative in the development of molecular systems for the storage of solar-thermal energy (MOST). In these systems, the energy is stored in the form of chemical bonds by photoisomerization reactions, and the stored energy can be released on demand in the form of heat. In this contribution, we present results regarding the photochemical behavior of a new NBD, i.e., 2-cyano-3-((4 (diethylamino)phenyl)ethinyl)norbornadiene (NBD1). This compound contains an electron-withdrawing group (CN), and an electron-donor group (ethinyl-derivative) in one of the double bonds of the bicycle-ring. As a consequence, a conjugated push-pull system was obtained, with led to an absorption band peaked at the visible region. The irradiation of NBD1 in toluene solution promotes the formation of the quadricyclane isomer, for which a maximum at about 310 nm was detected. Photoconversion seems to proceed almost quantitatively after ca. 30 minutes of irradiation.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovació

    Undergraduate nursing students’ attitude towards mental illness: a cross sectional study

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    Background: People suffering from mental illness commonly face stigma, bias, and discrimination by general public. Health care professionals are not immune to social biases and share the public's attitude meted out to people with mental illness. Nursing students are future health manpower. There are only few studies conducted on medical students’ attitude towards people with mental illnesses in India. We have planned this study to examine the undergraduate nursing students’ attitude towards people suffering from mental illnesses.Methods: It was a cross-sectional study. A total of 220 undergraduate nursing students were selected randomly with their consent to complete the Attitude Scale for Mental Illness (ASMI).Results: The nursing students were found to have a significant positive attitude towards mental illness in five of the six attitudes factors: Restrictiveness (8.42), benevolence (28.6) and stigmatization (7.3), separatism (15.6) and stereotype (9.4) However, these students had negative attitude in pessimistic predictions (12.5) domain as they rated this domain slightly on the higher side.Conclusions: Academic education in this field must be conceptualized and planned in order to favor the change of the attitudes that includes greater utilization of those teaching strategies that challenge beliefs and assumptions and promote a commitment to provide holistic care to people with mental illness


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    En este artículo se presenta el análisis de funcionamiento del SNORT, herramienta de software libre para la detección de intrusiones en red, así como una detallada explicación de la creación de reglas y algunas pruebas realizadas, obteniendo capturas de los paquetes de red por medio del software con una regla existente y otra creada. Lo anterior siguiendo un desarrollo en el cual se trata una breve introducción a los tipos conocidos de ataques informáticos e intrusiones, así como una descripción de la clasificación de los tipos de sistemas detectores de intrusos (IDS), centrándonos en el tipo orientado a red

    Hexafurcated coeliac trunks, trifurcated common hepatic artery, and a new variant of the arc of Bühler

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    Background: The coeliac trunk (CT) is well-known as trifurcated into the left gastric (LGA), common hepatic (CHA) and splenic (SA) arteries.Materials and methods: Scarce reports indicate that the CT could appear quadri-, penta-, hexa-, or even heptafurcated. Reports of CTs with six branches (hexafurcated CT) are few, less than ten. The hexafurcated CT variant was documented by a retrospective study of 93 computed tomography angiograms.Results: Two hexafurcated CTs were found. In one case an arc of Bühler was added to the inferior phrenic arteries, LGA, CHA and SA. In the second case the dorsal pancreatic artery was added to the other five branches. That arc of Bühler descended in front of the aorta to connect with the origin of the third jejunal artery. The CHA in that second case was trifurcated into the left and right hepatic arteries, and the gastroduodenal artery; the proper hepatic artery was absent.Conclusions: Although the hexafurcated CT, as well as the trifurcated CHA, are rarely occurring and reported anatomic variants, this doesn’t mean they could not be encountered during surgical or interventional procedures, which they would complicate if not recognised. Moreover, the arc of Bühler, the embryonic remnant, was not reported previously to insert into the CT as an additional branch of it

    Least square support vector machine classifier vs a logistic regression classifier on the recognition of numeric digits

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    En este artículo se compara el desempeño de una máquina de vectores de soporte de mínimos cuadrados multi-clase (multi-class Least Square Support Vector Machine mc-LSSVM) frente a un clasificador por regresión logística multi-clase, ante el problema del reconocimiento de dígitos numéricos (0-9) escritos a mano. Para desarrollar la comparación se usó un set de datos compuesto por 5000 imágenes de dígitos numéricos escritos a mano (500 imágenes por cada número del 0-9), cada imagen de 20 x 20 pixeles. La entrada a cada uno de los sistemas evaluados fueron vectores de dimensión 400, correspondientes a cada imagen (no se realizó extracción de características). Ambos clasificadores utilizan la estrategia Uno contra todos (OneVsAll) para habilitar la multi-clasificación y una función de validación cruzada aleatoria para el proceso de minimización de la función de costo. Las métricas de comparación fueron la precisión y el tiempo de entrenamiento bajo las mismas condiciones computacionales. Ambas técnicas evaluadas presentaron una precisión superior al 95 %, siendo LS-SVM ligeramente más precisa. Sin embargo, en el costo computacional sí se encontró una diferencia notoria: LS-SVM requiere un tiempo de entrenamiento 16,42 % inferior al requerido por el modelo basado en regresión logística bajos las mismas condiciones computacionales.In this paper is compared the performance of a multi-class least squares support vector machine (LSSVM mc) versus a multi-class logistic regression classifier to problem of recognizing the numeric digits (0-9) handwritten. To develop the comparison was used a data set consisting of 5000 images of handwritten numeric digits (500 images for each number from 0-9), each image of 20 x 20 pixels. The inputs to each of the systems were vectors of 400 dimensions corresponding to each image (not done feature extraction). Both classifiers used OneVsAll strategy to enable multi-classification and a random cross-validation function for the process of minimizing the cost function. The metrics of comparison were precision and training time under the same computational conditions. Both techniques evaluated showed a precision above 95 %, with LS-SVM slightly more accurate. However the computational cost if we found a marked difference: LS-SVM training requires time 16.42 % less than that required by the logistic regression model based on the same low computational conditions.


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    Uno de los aspectos más importantes dentro de las networking se relaciona con la protección de la información. Este trabajo permite identificar los aspectos más importantes a considerar en la definición de un modelo de seguridad para la red de investigación de tecnología avanzada de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas RITA-UD basado en la aplicación de las normas ISO27001 y NTC-ISO/IEC17799.El diseño final obtenido es una propuesta para la implementación de un Firewall Cisco ASA5520

    Late snowfall and blizzards in Moldavia. April 2017 summary case of study

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    While these are normal phenomena for Romania’s geographical position, heavy snows and intense blizzards can have severely negative effects, especially when they occur unseasonably, before or after the typical period. The blizzard recorded on 19-20 April 2017 was particularly violent and one of the latest blizzard events in the history of meteorological observations. In comparison, the last significant late winter event, albeit lower in intensity, was recorded on 15-16 April 1996. However, the blizzard formation mechanism in the month of April in eastern regions is relatively similar. The presence of a high-pressure zone in the central-western European region led, in both cases, to fast large-scale penetrations of arctic air from high latitudes towards areas with high cyclogenetic potential in the Mediterranean Sea basin. Thus, the depressions of Mediterranean origin, which formed in the Genova Gulf area, advanced towards the Black Sea basin via trans-Balkan trajectories, where they regenerated and resulted in strong windintensification and abundant precipitation in the Moldavian region. With regard to the event this study analyses, the high thermobaric contrast and the presence of a sufficiently cold air mass favored, during the night between the 19th and the 20th of April, the occurrence of a strong blizzard event in Moldavia, following abundant wet snowfall during the day. At several meteorological stations across Moldavia and Transylvania, as well as in mountainous areas, the maximum winter snow layer thickness was exceeded on the 20th and 21st of April

    Hepatomesenteric trunk, gastrosplenic trunk, coiled splenic and hepatic arteries, and a variant of Bühler's arc

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    The celiac trunk is normally divided into the left gastric artery (LGA), splenic artery (SA), and common hepatic artery (CHA). The combination between these arteries and the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) generates various combinations. We report here such a rare anatomic variant, namely the hepatomesenteric trunk (HMT), combined with a gastrosplenic trunk (GST). The variant was identified using computed tomography angiograms of a 62-years-old woman. The GST emerged from the aorta within the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm, a previously unknown possibility. Further, an accessory left hepatic artery originated from the LGA. The phrenic arteries had independent aortic origins. The HMT divided into the CHA and the SMA posterior to the origin of the hepatic portal vein (PV), above the pancreas. The CHA initially had a right course, towards the superior border of the PV, then it descended with a transpancreatic course posterior to the PV, reached its inferior/right border, and divided antero-inferiorly to the PV into the proper hepatic (PHA) and gastroduodenal arteries. The PHA continued on the anterior side of the PV, sending off the left and right hepatic arteries. The HMT and the GST were connected by a rudimentary variant of the arc of Bühler, unreported previously. Arterial variations in the celiac region are accurately distinguished on computed tomography angiograms. They should be evaluated by surgeons when different surgical procedures are evaluated