977 research outputs found

    Meningkatan Mutu Pendidikan Melalui Penerapan Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah

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    Administration has a wider meaning than management, for management is the core of administration. Educational management is a systematic and comprehensive process of cooperation to reach the goals of national education. Through educational management, everything related to the management process of education is done to achieve the goal of organization either for short, mid, or long term goals. School based management has several characteristics to empower many things, such as: small group formation, transfer of responsibility, leader made of participant, teacher as a facilitator, a democratic process and flexible relationship. Everything in school- based management is decided based on mutual understanding among the equal participant through a democratic way. Through school-based management it is hoped that headmasters, teachers, administrative staffs and also society can implement the education based on the era development and characteristic of the environment as well as the demand of global education

    Pencapaian Hasil Belajar Ditinjau dari Sikap Belajar Mahasiswa

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    Learning is a change in the ability and disposition of someone who can be maintained within a certain time and not caused by the growth process, and the kind of growth that is referred to in the study are include changes in behavior after someone got a wide range of experience in a variety of learning situations, and based on those experiences will lead the process of change that occurs in a person. Then learn also as a process of a person in acquiring the skills, skills and attitudes. The learning result is a whole skill and the results achieved through the learning process in schools defined by the numbers measured by tests of learning success. In the case to know the extent to which learners have been successful in learning, it is necessary first terbelih measurement, as a function of the measurement is to apply the measuring instrument to a particular object. The magnitude of the figures obtained, then gained significance when compared between the measurement results to a specific benchmark. Each implementation of learning programs conducted teaching staff, the students will give a good assessment of the ability of the lecturers in the use of instructional media on learning activities, because they increasingly high student assessment of the ability of the lecturers in the higher learning learning results. Conversely the lower assessment of the ability of faculty to student learning, the lower the student results in learning

    Bertrand Russell’s Theory of Definite Descriptions: an Examination

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    Despite its enormous popularity, Russell’s theory of definite descriptions has received various criticisms. Two of the most important objections against this theory are those arising from the Argument from Incompleteness and the Argument from Donnellan’s Distinction. According to the former although a speaker may say something true by assertively uttering a sentence containing an incomplete description , on the Russellian analysis such a sentence expresses a false proposition; so, Russell’s theory cannot adequately deal with such sentences. According to the latter objection a descriptive sentence is actually ambiguous—it expresses a general proposition when the description contained in it is used attributively, and a singular proposition when the description in question is used referentially; Russell’s theory is inadequate as it fails to capture this ambiguity and offers an analysis according to which a descriptive sentence expresses only a general proposition. These objections are examined in the present dissertation. It is shown here that these objections arise from: (i) ignoring the distinction between the meaning of a sentence and the assertions made by using it, (ii) the failure to distinguish between the semantic meaning of a sentence and the pragmatic meaning with which it is used on a particular occasion. To make the distinction mentioned in (i), a significant part of Scott Soames’ theory concerning meaning and assertions has been adopted in this dissertation; and, to make the distinction mentioned in (ii), a test, namely the cancellability test, and two Distinguishing Criteria, namely DC-1 and DC-2, have been developed here. It has been argued here that if we properly make the relevant distinctions, then we will find that: (a) the phenomenon cited by the Argument from Incompleteness can be well explained keeping the Russellian analysis of descriptive sentences intact, (b) the phenomenon arising from the Argument from Donnellan’s Distinction raises an issue of pragmatics and is irrelevant to Russell’s semantic analysis of descriptive sentences. So, none of the above criticisms poses a genuine threat to Russell’s theory of definite descriptions; his theory actually provides, to a large extent, a correct semantic analysis of descriptive sentences

    Minat Siswa SMA Negeri 2 Kota Banda Aceh Terhadap Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani

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    Minat adalah kesediaan jiwa yang sifatnya aktif untuk menerima sesuatu dari luar. Dengan mengetahui minat siswa terhadap pendidikan jasmani di sekolah maka guru pendidikan jasmani bisa memodifikasi alat dalam satu cabang olahraga, agar siswa tidak jenuh dalam melakukan satu cabang olahraga di sekolah. Oleh karna itu minat sangat berpegaruh terhadap prestasi olahraga di setiap sekolah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui minat siswa SMA Negeri 2 Banda Aceh terhadap Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini tergolong dalam penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan angket. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Banda Aceh yang berjumlah 66 siswa. Mengingat jumlah populasi yang relatif sedikit, maka semua anggota populasi dijadikan sampel penelitian (total sampling). Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan angket. Teknik analisis data menggunakan skala jenjang dan dilanjutkan dengan persentase. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa minat siswa SMA Negeri 2 Banda Aceh dengan rata-rata 65,07 berada pada kategori tinggi, dengan rincian (1) sebanyak 53 responden (80%) berada pada kategori tinggi, (2) sebanyak 9 responden (13%) berada pada kategori sedang, dan (3) sebanyak 4 responden (6%) berada pada kategori rendah

    A piloted simulation of helicopter air combat to investigate effects of variations in selected performance and control response characteristics

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    A piloted simulation study investigating handling qualities and flight characteristics required for helicopter air to air combat is presented. The Helicopter Air Combat system was used to investigate this role for Army rotorcraft. Experimental variables were the maneuver envelope size (load factor and sideslip), directional axis handling qualities, and pitch and roll control-response type. Over 450 simulated, low altitude, one-on-one engagements were conducted. Results from the experiment indicate that a well damped directional response, low sideforce caused by sideslip, and some effective dihedral are all desirable for weapon system performance, good handling qualities, and low pilot workload. An angular rate command system was favored over the attitude type pitch and roll response for most applications, and an enhanced maneuver envelope size over that of current generation aircraft was found to be advantageous. Pilot technique, background, and experience are additional factors which had a significant effect on performance in the air combat tasks investigated. The implication of these results on design requirements for future helicopters is presented

    A Comparative Study for Different Sizing of Solar PV System under Net Energy Metering Scheme at University Buildings

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    Malaysia has moved forward by promoting the use of renewable energy such as solar PV to the public to reduce dependency on fossil fuel-based energy resources. Due to the concern on high electricity bill, Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) is keen to install solar PV system as an initiative for energy saving program to its buildings. The objective of this paper is to technically and economically evaluate the different sizing of solar PV system for university buildings under the Net Energy Metering (NEM) scheme. The study involves gathering of solar energy resource information, daily load profile of the buildings, sizing PV array together with grid-connected inverters and the simulation of the designed system using PVsyst software. Based on the results obtained, the amount of solar energy generated and used by the load per year is between 5.10% and 20.20% from the total annual load demand. Almost all solar energy generated from the system will be self-consumed by the loads. In terms of profit gained, the university could reduce its electricity bill approximately between a quarter to one million ringgit per annum depending on the sizing capacity. Beneficially, the university could contribute to the environmental conservation by avoiding up to 2,000 tons of CO2 emission per year
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