100 research outputs found

    Respon Pertumbuhan Bibit Ylang-Ylang (Cananga odorata forma genuine) terhadap Pemberian Pupuk Daun di Persemaian

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    Ylang-ylang (Cananga odorata forma genuina) is a plant with high adaptability but the production of ylang-ylang seedlings is still limited and the seeds produced cannot be stored for long time. One of the fertilization techniques on a large scale to optimize plant growth is by using leaf fertilizer. This study aims to analyze the response of ylang-ylang seedlings to the use of two different types of leaf fertilizer at different doses and spraying times. This study used a factorial design with three factors in a completely randomized design. The results showed that the use of different types of leaf fertilizer at certain doses at two different times did not show significant growth. The treatment of 4 g/L water of commercial leaf fertilizer A and 6 g/L water of commercial leaf fertilizer B result to a better influence on the growth of ylang-ylang seedlings.. Keywords: Cananga odorata, completely randomized design, fertilizing, leaf fertilizer, nurser

    Respon Pertumbuhan Stek Pucuk Kenanga (Cananga odorata) terhadap Pemberian Media Tanam dan Zat Pengatur Tumbuh

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    Essential oil which is contained on most trees is one of the promising Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) that need to be explored and developed further, for the oil is relatively safe and stores major benefits for local people. There are around 9 -12 types of essential oil that is being developed and one of them is cananga oil, which is available through distillation process of the flowers. The research aims to investigate the ability of cananga to be propagated trough shoot cuttings method, to discover the effects of growing media and plant growth regulators toward the shoot cuttings’ growth and to determine the suitable growth media and plant growth regulators for the cuttings’ development. The collected data were survival rate in percentage, root growth in percentage, height growth, numbers of developed leaf, numbers of developed primary and secondary roots, and also the length of primary roots. The addition of plant growth regulators gave a significant effect toward survival rate (in percentage), height growth and the numbers of developed leaf of the species whereas the addition of growing media and the interaction between the treatments did not give significant effect on the observed traits. All type of media options could be used for cananga shoot cuttings method and the best growth regulator identified in live percentage parameters, high growth and number of leaves on cananga shoot cutting is Rotoone-F. However, in case of rooting, the best growth regulator is found in addition of Rapid root. Keywords: Cuttings, Cananga, Media, Plant Gowth RegulatorHasil hutan bukan kayu (HHBK) memiliki prospek yang baik untuk dikembangkan, salah satunya minyak atsiri karena sifatnya yang relatif aman, memiliki banyak manfaat dan dapat diterima secara luas oleh masyarakat. Sekitar 9 – 12 macam atsiri yang sedang berkembang, adalah minyak kenanga (cananga oil) dimana jenis minyak atsiri ini diperoleh dari bunga kenanga melalui proses penyulingan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan kenanga untuk diperbanyak melalui stek pucuk, mengetahui respons pemberian media tanam dan zat pengatur tumbuh terhadap pertumbuhan stek pucuk kenanga dan mengetahui media tanam dan zat pengatur tumbuh yang terbaik terhadap pertumbuhan stek pucuk kenanga. Pengambilan data berupa persentase hidup, persentase berakar, pertumbuhan tinggi, jumlah daun, jumlah akar primer dan sekunder, serta panjang akar primer. Kemampuan kenanga untuk diperbanyak melalui stek pucuk masih tergolong rendah. Perlakuan pemberian ZPT memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap persentase hidup, pertumbuhan tinggi, dan jumlah daun stek kenanga. Sedangkan pemberian media dan interaksi keduanya tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata. Semua pilihan jenis media tanam dapat digunakan untuk stek pucuk kenanga ini dan Zat pengatur tumbuh terbaik dalam parameter persentase hidup, pertumbuhan tinggi dan jumlah daun pada stek pucuk kenanga adalah Rootone-F. Namun untuk perakaran pemberian zat pengatur tumbuh terbaik terdapat pada pemberian Rapid root. Kata Kunci: Kenanga, Media, Stek, ZP

    Ketahanan Bibit Kayu Putih (Melaleuca cajuputi) pada Berbagai Media Tercemar Air Asam Tambang

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    Cajeput (Melaleuca cajuputi) is widely used as a post-mining revegetation plant. The addition of organic matter to post-mining land can improve the physical, chemical, and biological conditions of the soil that lead on to increasing growth and endurance of cajeput in polluted land by acid mine drainage. This study aims to analyze the effect of compost mixture media and roasted husk mixture media to endurance and growth of cajeput seedling and also to analyze the effect of acid mine drainage concentration on the endurances of cajeput seedling on various media. This study used a completely randomized design with two factors consisting of acid mine drainage concentration and type of media. The results of this study indicate that the concentration of acid mine drainage has no significant effect on the growth of height, diameter, and number of leaves, also on total wet weight, total dry weight, moisture content, and root length while the type of media used has a significant effect on growth in height, diameter, and the number of leaves. Keywords: acid mine drainage, compost, Melaleuca cajuputi, roasted huskKayu putih (Melaleuca cajuputi) telah digunakan sebagai tanaman revegetasi lahan pasca tambang. Pemberian bahan organik pada lahan pasca tambang dapat memperbaiki kondisi fisik, kimia, dan biologi tanah. Kondisi tanah yang baik akan meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan ketahanan kayu putih pada kondisi tercemar air asam tambang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh campuran tanah dan kompos serta campuran tanah dan arang sekam terhadap ketahanan dan pertumbuhan bibit kayu putih yang tercemar air asam tambang serta menganalisis pengaruh tingkat konsentrasi cemaran air asam tambang terhadap ketahanan bibit kayu putih pada berbagai media tanam. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial dengan dua faktor yang terdiri dari konsentrasi air asam tambang dan jenis media tanam. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh interaksi antar faktor dan faktor tunggal konsentrasi air asam tambang terhadap persentase hidup, pertumbuhan tinggi, diameter, dan pertambahan jumlah daun, berat basah total, berat kering total, kadar air, dan panjang akar sedangkan media tanam yang digunakan memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap persentase hidup, pertumbuhan tinggi, diameter, dan pertambahan jumlah daun. Kata kunci : air asam tambang, arang sekam, Melaleuca cajuputi, pupuk kompos &nbsp

    Pengaruh Pemberian Kompos Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Ylang-Ylang (Cananga odorata forma genuine)

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    The high economic value of ylang-ylang oil has encouraged some entrepreneurs to develop ylang-ylang plants in Indonesia, especially in terms of increasing productivity. The objectives of this research were to analyze the effect of two types of commercial compost and identify optimal dosage for the growth of ylang-ylang seedlings. The research was carried out through several stages, e.g. the procurement of seeds, weaning, maintenance, collecting and retrieving data, experimental design, hypothesis and data analysis. The research revealed that the use of two types of compost, with four doses used significantly affects the height parameter of the ylang-ylang seedlings. The use of doses of 25 g was able to increase the growth of ylang-ylang seeds better than other doses. Keywords: commercial, compost, ylang-ylangTingginya nilai ekonomi minyak ylang-ylang mendorong beberapa pengusaha untuk mengembangkan tanaman ylang-ylang di Indonesia, terutama dalam hal peningkatan produktivitasnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian dua jenis kompos komersial serta menentukan ukuran dosis optimal terhadap pertumbuhan bibit ylang-ylang. Penelitian dilaksanakan melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu pengadaan bibit, penyapihan, pemeliharaan, pengamatan dan pengambilan data, rancangan percobaan, hipotesis dan analisis data.  Penggunaan dua jenis kompos dengan empat dosis yang digunakan berpengaruh nyata terhadap parameter tinggi bibit ylang-ylang. Hasil skoring dosis kompos menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan dosis sebanyak 25 g mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan bibit ylang-ylang lebih baik dibandingkan dosis lain. Kata kunci: komersial, kompos, ylang-ylan

    Status Dan Keanekaragaman Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula di Lahan Agroforestri

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    Coffee is one of the leading commodities in Indonesia. These plants are usually cultivated with agroforestry systems. The agroforestry system was chosen because it can increase crop productivity. But there are still many factors that can affect productivity such as Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF). This study aims to analyze the relationship between the number of spores, the percentage of colonization, and the diversity of AMF. The result showed that the highest percentage of colonization and the number of spores found in land 3. The agroforestry component affects the presence of AMF. The percentage of colonization and the number of spores from AMF is generally directly proportional. Diversity of AMF spores morphological type, among others Glomus has 9 forms, Acaulospora has 5 forms, Dentiscutata has 5 forms, Entrophospora has 4 forms, and Gigaspora has 1 form. Keywords: Acaulospora, Dentiscutata, Entrophospora, Gigaspora, Glomu

    Abundance and potency of Non-Symbiotic Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria in Padang Sapu-sapu, Pejem Village, Bangka

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    Padang sapu-sapu soil is similar with post-tin mining soil in its white sand texture and poor nutrient. One factor causes the disturbed land in Bangka Belitung islands is tin mining activity. One method to rehabilitate marginal soil is by utilizing the potential nonsymbiotic N2-fixing bacteria, which are able to fertilize the soil and is able to provide macro nutrient. This study aims to measure the abundance and potency of non-symbiotic N2-fixing bacteria in padang sapu-sapu, Pejem Village, Bangka. The site selection is determined by purposive sampling method and interviews and the samples were collected randomly. Isolation used selective media Ashby'`s Monitol Agar and Azospirillum media. Morphological characterization was conducted on isolates and a series selective test was carried out, i.e. hipersentivity test, hemolysis test, IAA phytohormone test and nitrogenase test. The study of the abundance population of non-symbiotic N2-fixing bacteria of two different locations showed that the total bacterial population in padang sapusapu is very small compared to its lowland forest. Isolate Azotobacter sp. TH105(a) from the lowland forests is potential as natural fertilizer


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    In compliance with government regulations, mining companies in Indonesia are obliged to reclaim and return a post-mined area into its pre-mining condition. Revegetation, as part of reclamation activity, performs a significant role in the rehabilitation of degraded post-mined areas to restore their productive land uses. Hence, this study aimed to assess tree growth on the reclamation sites across four mining companies in East Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, South Sumatra, and West Java in Indonesia and to evaluate whether the companies have met the legal requirements set for site revegetation. The success parameters were based on the applicable regulations of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MOEF) P.60/Menhut-II/2009 and tree growth parameters (stem diameter, total height and basal area). The parameters set by MOEF included revegetation realization, survival rate, tree density, tree health, species composition and rotation length. The four mining companies applied the two-phase planting method that included the planting of Enterolobium cyclocarpum for the first phase; and in the second phase, the slow growing native species, such as Intsia palembanica, Sycygium polyanthum, Shorea spp. and Elmerrillia tsiampaca. The tree growth parameters showed different performances over species and reclaimed sites. An extremely high growth of stem basal area of 57.6 m2/ha in 11 years, was recorded in the E. tyclocarpum stand of the Mining Company in South Sulawesi. All four mining companies strived to comply with the regulation with scores of revegetation success ranging from 15 to 25 out of 25 possible points. However, these favorable results may not be representative of all the mining companies, as the ones assessed were only those voluntarily supporting this research. Moreover, each of the four companies made some distinct efforts in implementing post-mining revegetation, such as by establishing plots of Melaleuca cajuputi trees producing cajuput oil and polycultures of native species.  Keywords: mining, reclamation, reforestation, rehabilitation, success parameters    Â

    Growth of Samama (Anthoccephalus macrophyllus (Roxb.) Havil) Seedling Co- planted with Cover Crops

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    Open area due to mining activities could cause erosion and sedimentation. Planting cover crops has been a standard practice to reduce erosion and it is part of mine reclamation steps. Cover crops commonly used, such as Pueraria javanica, Calopogonium muconoides, and Centrosema pubescens could not grow well on acidic soil and they strangle tree seedlings co-planted with crops. Therefore, they need high input, such as liming, compost and fertilizer application, and high cost for maintenance. Alternative cover crop non-strangling species that could survive on acid soil is needed. Arachis pintoi, Desmodium heterophyllum and Paspalum conjugatum species could be alternative species for cover crop, but they do not produce sufficient seeds for a large scale planting. They could only be propagated using cutting of stems of stolone. Co-planting of the plants with tree seedling in the same polybag would be one alternative to transplant the plants to the field without additional cost. However, a study should be conducted to observe the effect of co-planting on the growth of the tree seedlings. The aim of the study was to obtain information on effect of cover crops species on the growth of samama (Anthocephalus macrophyllus), and the growth rates of different cover crop species that was co-planted with the samama seedlings. The results showed that all cover crops species did not significantly reduce the growth of samama seedlings. All cover crop species has a potential for cover crops, but Desmodium heterophyllum has the highest survival, growth, and branch production compared to other species.Keywords: Anthocephalus, Arachis pintoi, cover crops, Desmodium heterophyllum, Paspalum conjugatu

    The Growth of Lemongrass (Cymbopogon nardus (L.) RENDLE) in Agroforestry and Monoculture System on Post-Coal Mining Revegetation Land

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    Lemongrass (Cymbopogon nardus) as cover crop was suitable planted with agroforestry and monoculture system on post-coal mining revegetation land. The study investigated the influence of planting system, varieties, and plant spacing against the lemongrass growth on post-coal mining land under the agroforestry and monoculture system. Two lemongrass varieties were planted under on both planting systems. The growth variables of lemongrass measured were the tillers number per clump, leaf length, and canopy width. The results showed that the planting system and lemongrass varieties were able to increase the growth of lemongrass. Plant spacing treatment was able to increase the tillers number per clump. The agroforestry system was able to increase leaf length and canopy width of lemongrass. However, monoculture system was able to increase the tillers number per clump. The G2 variety had better growth on all measured variables either in agroforestry and monoculture system compared to Sitrona 2 Agribun variety. The plant spacing of 0.5 m × 0.5 m had greater tillers number per clump of lemongrass compared to plant spacing of 1 m × 1 m

    Growth of Samama, Jabon and Sengon Buto at Former Coal Mine Land PT. Tunas Inti Abadi, South Kalimantan.

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    Mined land reclamation is important in restoring environmental conditions back to conditions prior to mining activites. The purpose of this research is to observe the effect manure on samama (Anthocepalus macrophyllus), jabon (Anthocepalus cadamba) and sengon buto (Enterelobium cylocarpum) seedling growth on coal ex-mine site.. The research was conducted on mined site of PT. Tunas Inti Abadi, South Kalimantan. Experimental design used in this research was factorial in completely randomized design (CRD), with factors are spesies and dose of manure. Growth parameters measured were height and diameter growth of the seedlings. The results showed that the dose of manure significantly affected diameter growth, but did not significantly affect height growth of seedlings. Highest diameter growth was made by sengon buto. Spesies did not significantly affect diameter, but they showed significant differences on height growth rate. Sengon buto is the fastest growing species in term of height. Interaction between the dose of manure and species of plant affect only on diameter. The best species among the three spesies tested was sengon buto given 3 kg of manure per seedling.Keywords: Anthocepalus cadamba, Anthocepalus macrophyllus, Enterelobium cyclocarpum, mining, reclamatio
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