163 research outputs found

    Anticipation în the Context of Altered States of Consciousness

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    Starting from the paradigm of the material continuum we discuss the possibility to transcend the space-time reality (Here-and-Now) in the aim of investigating the energetic and informational reality, support of the continuous present. The altered states of consciousness, obtained by means of "psyche"-type techniques, allow the transformation of a future temporal nexus in an element of the present time. Through this "psyche anticipation" process, a sliding of the time reference takes place, since the future becomes present and the present an element of the past. In this way the initial anticipatory potential is enhanced and allows one more energetic and informational step. By such a step-by-step progression segments of the future could be investigated, thus building an anticipatory model. The "psyche anticipation" techniques can be successfully used in the healing process of some diseases

    Communication Bridges between Religion And Science: Route Saint Augustine - Blaise Pascal

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    This study examines the flow of ideas that led to the final separation of religion and science. The research found that route, which occurred this segregation has the obligatory points of passage in Saint Augustine and Blaise Pascal. Decisively, the two contribute to the gradual release of pressing close personal ego exercised by universal self. Science and religion separation begins with the right human desire to be free, with the idea of freedom. The Pascalian "I" is actually a human presence in the center of discourse. Saint Augustine, nor Pascal does not apply "generally to man". They know that always the faith comes to a person in his singularity and his historical context


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    This research is a meta-analytic enterprise departing from three premises:a) playing and training should be consistent with the constant deepening of knowing,b) for this purpose, it is necessary to improve instructional design methodologies,c) above all, it requires critical attention to the most effective components of instructional design, teaching strategies.The study is based on a systemic vision oriented to ensure an active and creative learning of knowledge and to rationalize the training process.At the heart of our approach is to clarify the characteristics of teaching strategies and defining operational steps of conceiving, designing and developing teaching strategie


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    In the future there will be no wars similar to those of the past, but a new kind of war, the Hybrid Warfare, which is different from the others, since its internal elements are based on principles much changed than previous ones. These are extensive wars, encompassing virtually all fields: political, economic, social, cultural, military and mental. Under the terms of the current geopolitical and military situation, soldiers are subjected to intense stress, emotional type engrammic conditioning and dysfunctions with consequences on psychicological balance, on the health status, psychological features that can be influenced by both classical, conventional and by Mind Control type methods. Currently, in different armies, influencing the human psyche has become a true “weapon”3 and we show that concepts such as PSYOPS (Psychological Operations), the MindWar (Psychological Warfare) with their extensions Strategic MindWar and Transcendent Warafre are manifestations of the Psycho-Informational Distal Influence (PsiDI)

    Awareness, values and attitudes of user generated content website users and non-users towards privacy in Europe : a qualitative study

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    The analyses and results in this document are based on a set of semi-structured in-depth interviews regarding the values and attitudes of user generated content (UGC) website users towards privacy. This study was undertaken as part of the CONSENT project. This document synthesises the findings from all participating countries. Separate country-specific reports are available for Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, and the United Kingdom.CONSENT Consumer Sentiment regarding privacy on user generated content (UGC) services in the digital economy (G.A. 244643). The project was co-financed by the European Union within the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013).peer-reviewe

    Awareness, values and attitudes of user generated content website users and non-users towards privacy in Europe : a qualitative study

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    The analyses and results in this document are based on a set of semi-structured in-depth interviews regarding the values and attitudes of user generated content (UGC) website users towards privacy. This study was undertaken as part of the CONSENT project. This document synthesises the findings from all participating countries. Separate country-specific reports are available for Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, and the United Kingdom.CONSENT Consumer Sentiment regarding privacy on user generated content (UGC) services in the digital economy (G.A. 244643). The project was co-financed by the European Union within the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013).peer-reviewe

    The subliminal influence of the form's quantum effect on youngsters’ perception and choice of geometrical forms

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    AbstractThe current study highlights the influence of figures and body language signs in human mental representation and choice. The participants were 483 undergraduate students, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences. Materials: a set of 21 triangles of various sizes and colors, full shaped or just the outline was made just outline and glued in mandatory places of building access. The posted triangles and the simulation of hands gesture as if drawing triangles had a statistically significance influence in geometrical features designed on paper. Using techniques related to the emotional language had a statistically significant effect in influencing the participants

    Awareness, values and attitudes of user generated content website users and non-users towards privacy in Denmark : a qualitative study

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    This document presents the Danish results of a qualitative study undertaken as part of the CONSENT project (work package 8). The analyses and results are based on a set of ten semi-structured in-depth interviews regarding the awareness, values and attitudes of user generated content (UGC) website users towards privacy. The respective interview guideline consisted of 27 questions and sub-questions. The selection of interviewees was aiming at a 8:2 split between UGC users and non-users (including two UGC (non-SNS) users), an even gender distribution, and a further split by location (urban/sub-urban/rural) and age group to ensure as wide a representation as possible. However, the data did not reveal any links between the respondents’ attitudes and their different gender, age or location, confirming the result from a quantitative study (CONSENT work package 7).CONSENT Consumer Sentiment regarding privacy on user generated content (UGC) services in the digital economy (G.A. 244643). The project was co-financed by the European Union within the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013).peer-reviewe

    Awareness, values and attitudes of user generated content website users and non-users towards privacy in Romania : a qualitative study

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    This document presents the Romania results of a qualitative study undertaken as part of the CONSENT project (work package 8). The analyses and results are based on a set of ten semi-structured in-depth interviews regarding the awareness, values and attitudes of user generated content (UGC) website users towards privacy. The respective interview guideline consisted of 27 questions and sub-questions. The selection of interviewees was aiming at a 8:2 split between UGC users and non-users, an even gender distribution, and a further split by age group to ensure as wide a representation as possible. However, the data did not reveal any strong links between the interviewees’ attitudes and their different gender or age, confirming the result from the previous quantitative study (CONSENT work package 7).CONSENT Consumer Sentiment regarding privacy on user generated content (UGC) services in the digital economy (G.A. 244643). The project was co-financed by the European Union within the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013).peer-reviewe

    Awareness, values and attitudes of user generated content website users and non-users towards privacy in the UK : a qualitative study

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    This document presents the UK results of a qualitative study undertaken as part of the CONSENT project (work package 8). The analyses and results are based on a set of ten semi-structured in-depth interviews regarding the awareness, values and attitudes of user generated content (UGC) website users towards privacy. The interview guideline consisted of 27 questions and sub-questions. The selection of interviewees was aiming at a 8:2 split between UGC users and non-users, an even gender distribution, and a further split by age group to ensure as wide a representation as possible. However, the data did not reveal any strong links between the respondents’ attitudes and their different gender or age, confirming the result from the previous quantitative study (CONSENT work package 7).CONSENT Consumer Sentiment regarding privacy on user generated content (UGC) services in the digital economy (G.A. 244643). The project was co-financed by the European Union within the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013).peer-reviewe
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