3,115 research outputs found

    Moments of generalized parton distribution functions and the nucleon spin contents

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    It is shown that, based only on two empirically known facts besides two reasonable theoretical postulates, we are inevitably led to a conclusion that the quark orbital angular momentum carries nearly half of the total nucleon spin. We also perform a model analysis to find that the quark spin fraction ΔΣ\Delta \Sigma is extremely sensitive to the pion mass, which may resolve the discrepancy between the observation and the prediction of the recent lattice QCD simulation carried out in the heavy pion region.Comment: LaTeX, 8 pages, 1 figur

    Detection of edges using local geometry

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    Researchers described a new representation, the local geometry, for early visual processing which is motivated by results from biological vision. This representation is richer than is often used in image processing. It extracts more of the local structure available at each pixel in the image by using receptive fields that can be continuously rotated and that go to third order spatial variation. Early visual processing algorithms such as edge detectors and ridge detectors can be written in terms of various local geometries and are computationally tractable. For example, Canny's edge detector has been implemented in terms of a local geometry of order two, and a ridge detector in terms of a local geometry of order three. The edge detector in local geometry was applied to synthetic and real images and it was shown using simple interpolation schemes that sufficient information is available to locate edges with sub-pixel accuracy (to a resolution increase of at least a factor of five). This is reasonable even for noisy images because the local geometry fits a smooth surface - the Taylor series - to the discrete image data. Only local processing was used in the implementation so it can readily be implemented on parallel mesh machines such as the MPP. Researchers expect that other early visual algorithms, such as region growing, inflection point detection, and segmentation can also be implemented in terms of the local geometry and will provide sufficiently rich and robust representations for subsequent visual processing

    QCD Flux Tubes as Sigma Model Relics

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    We describe flux tubes and their interactions in a low energy sigma model induced by SU(\NF) \goto SO(\NF) flavor symmetry breaking in SO(Nc)SO(N_c) QCD. Gauge confinement manifests itself in the low energy theory through flux tube interactions with unscreened sources. The flux tubes which mediate confinement also illustrate an interesting ambiguity in defining global Alice strings.Comment: 12 pages (REVTEX) plus one figur

    Factorization Structure of Gauge Theory Amplitudes and Application to Hard Scattering Processes at the LHC

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    Previous work on electroweak radiative corrections to high energy scattering using soft-collinear effective theory (SCET) has been extended to include external transverse and longitudinal gauge bosons and Higgs bosons. This allows one to compute radiative corrections to all parton-level hard scattering amplitudes in the standard model to NLL order, including QCD and electroweak radiative corrections, mass effects, and Higgs exchange corrections, if the high-scale matching, which is suppressed by two orders in the log counting, and contains no large logs, is known. The factorization structure of the effective theory places strong constraints on the form of gauge theory amplitudes at high energy for massless and massive gauge theories, which are discussed in detail in the paper. The radiative corrections can be written as the sum of process-independent one-particle collinear functions, and a universal soft function. We give plots for the radiative corrections to q qbar -> W_T W_T, Z_T Z_T, W_L W_L, and Z_L H, and gg -> W_T W_T to illustrate our results. The purely electroweak corrections are large, ranging from 12% at 500 GeV to 37% at 2 TeV for transverse W pair production, and increasing rapidly with energy. The estimated theoretical uncertainty to the partonic (hard) cross-section in most cases is below one percent, smaller than uncertainties in the parton distribution functions (PDFs). We discuss the relation between SCET and other factorization methods, and derive the Magnea-Sterman equations for the Sudakov form factor using SCET, for massless and massive gauge theories, and for light and heavy external particles.Comment: 44 pages, 30 figures. Refs added, typos fixed. ZL ZL plots removed because of a possible subtlet

    Unsupervised Learning of Edges

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    Data-driven approaches for edge detection have proven effective and achieve top results on modern benchmarks. However, all current data-driven edge detectors require manual supervision for training in the form of hand-labeled region segments or object boundaries. Specifically, human annotators mark semantically meaningful edges which are subsequently used for training. Is this form of strong, high-level supervision actually necessary to learn to accurately detect edges? In this work we present a simple yet effective approach for training edge detectors without human supervision. To this end we utilize motion, and more specifically, the only input to our method is noisy semi-dense matches between frames. We begin with only a rudimentary knowledge of edges (in the form of image gradients), and alternate between improving motion estimation and edge detection in turn. Using a large corpus of video data, we show that edge detectors trained using our unsupervised scheme approach the performance of the same methods trained with full supervision (within 3-5%). Finally, we show that when using a deep network for the edge detector, our approach provides a novel pre-training scheme for object detection.Comment: Camera ready version for CVPR 201

    Power Counting and Perturbative One Pion Exchange in Heavy Meson Molecules

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    We discuss the possible power counting schemes that can be applied in the effective field theory description of heavy meson molecules, such as the X(3872) or the recently discovered Zb(10610) and Zb(10650) states. We argue that the effect of coupled channels is suppressed by at least two orders in the effective field theory expansion, meaning that they can be safely ignored at lowest order. The role of the one pion exchange potential between the heavy mesons, and in particular the tensor force, is also analyzed. By using techniques developed in atomic physics for handling power-law singular potentials, which have been also successfully employed in nuclear physics, we determine the range of center-of-mass momenta for which the tensor piece of the one pion exchange potential is perturbative. In this momentum range, the one pion exchange potential can be considered a subleading order correction, leaving at lowest order a very simple effective field theory consisting only on contact-range interactions.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur

    Chiral Perturbation Theory Analysis of the Baryon Magnetic Moments

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    Nonanalytic mq1/2m_q^{1/2} and mqlnmqm_q\ln m_q chiral corrections to the baryon magnetic moments are computed. The calculation includes contributions from both intermediate octet and decuplet baryon states. Unlike the one-loop contributions to the baryon axial currents and masses, the contribution from decuplet intermediate states does not partially cancel that from octet intermediate states. The fit to the observed magnetic moments including mq1/2m_q^{1/2} corrections is found to be much worse than the tree level SU(3) fit if values for the baryon-pion axial coupling constants obtained from a tree level extraction are used. Using the axial coupling constant values extracted at one loop results in a better fit to the magnetic moments than the tree level SU(3) fit. There are three linear relations amongst the magnetic moments when mq1/2m_q^{1/2} corrections are included, and one relation including mq1/2m_q^{1/2}, mqlnmqm_q\ln m_q and mqm_q corrections. These relations are independent of the axial coupling constants of the baryons and agree well with experiment.Comment: (16 pages, 2 figures; uses harvmac and uufiles), CERN-TH.6735/92, UCSD/PTH 92-3

    Motion detection in astronomical and ice floe images

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    Two approaches are presented for establishing correspondence between small areas in pairs of successive images for motion detection. The first one, based on local correlation, is used on a pair of successive Voyager images of the Jupiter which differ mainly in locally variable translations. This algorithm is implemented on a sequential machine (VAX 780) as well as the Massively Parallel Processor (MPP). In the case of the sequential algorithm, the pixel correspondence or match is computed on a sparse grid of points using nonoverlapping windows (typically 11 x 11) by local correlations over a predetermined search area. The displacement of the corresponding pixels in the two images is called the disparities to cubic surfaces. The disparities at points where the error between the computed values and the surface values exceeds a particular threshold are replaced by the surface values. A bilinear interpolation is then used to estimate disparities at all other pixels between the grid points. When this algorithm was applied at the red spot in the Jupiter image, the rotating velocity field of the storm was determined. The second method of motion detection is applicable to pairs of images in which corresponding areas can experience considerable translation as well as rotation

    Parallel algorithm for determining motion vectors in ice floe images by matching edge features

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    A parallel algorithm is described to determine motion vectors of ice floes using time sequences of images of the Arctic ocean obtained from the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) instrument flown on-board the SEASAT spacecraft. Researchers describe a parallel algorithm which is implemented on the MPP for locating corresponding objects based on their translationally and rotationally invariant features. The algorithm first approximates the edges in the images by polygons or sets of connected straight-line segments. Each such edge structure is then reduced to a seed point. Associated with each seed point are the descriptions (lengths, orientations and sequence numbers) of the lines constituting the corresponding edge structure. A parallel matching algorithm is used to match packed arrays of such descriptions to identify corresponding seed points in the two images. The matching algorithm is designed such that fragmentation and merging of ice floes are taken into account by accepting partial matches. The technique has been demonstrated to work on synthetic test patterns and real image pairs from SEASAT in times ranging from .5 to 0.7 seconds for 128 x 128 images

    Compression through decomposition into browse and residual images

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    Economical archival and retrieval of image data is becoming increasingly important considering the unprecedented data volumes expected from the Earth Observing System (EOS) instruments. For cost effective browsing the image data (possibly from remote site), and retrieving the original image data from the data archive, we suggest an integrated image browse and data archive system employing incremental transmission. We produce our browse image data with the JPEG/DCT lossy compression approach. Image residual data is then obtained by taking the pixel by pixel differences between the original data and the browse image data. We then code the residual data with a form of variable length coding called diagonal coding. In our experiments, the JPEG/DCT is used at different quality factors (Q) to generate the browse and residual data. The algorithm has been tested on band 4 of two Thematic mapper (TM) data sets. The best overall compression ratios (of about 1.7) were obtained when a quality factor of Q=50 was used to produce browse data at a compression ratio of 10 to 11. At this quality factor the browse image data has virtually no visible distortions for the images tested