63 research outputs found

    Report on the First Detection of Pectenotoxin-2, Spirolide-A and Their Derivatives in French Shellfish

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    In the context of the French Phytoplankton and Phycotoxins Monitoring Network (REPHY) programme, shellfish samples were harvested from different locations where harmful algae blooms were known to have occurred. For all shellfish samples found positive by the mouse bioassay for diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) toxins, liquid chromatography (LC) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) was used to search for the following lipophilic toxins: okadaic acid (OA), dinophysistoxins (DTXs), pectenotoxins (PTXs), azaspiracids (AZAs), yessotoxins (YTXs), spirolides (SPXs) and gymnodimines (GYMs). In order to investigate the presence of acyl-OAs and/or acyl-DTX-1,-2 (DTX-3), alkaline hydrolysis was performed on all samples, and LC/MS analyses were carried out on the samples before and after hydrolysis. The results revealed different lipophilic toxin profiles as a function of the shellfish sampling location. The primary finding was that all of the samples contained OA and acyl-OA. In addition, other lipophilic toxins were found in shellfish samples: DTX-2, acyl-DTX-2 and SPXs (SPX-A, SPX-desMeC) on the Atlantic coast (Southern Brittany, Arcachon), and pectenotoxins (PTX-2, PTX-2-seco-acid and 7-epi-PTX-2-seco-acid) on the Mediterranean coast (Thau lagoon, the island of Corsica). This paper reports on the first detection of PTX-2, SPX-A and their derivatives in French shellfish

    NILC_USP: an improved hybrid system for sentiment analysis in Twitter messages.

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    This paper describes the NILC USP system that participated in SemEval-2014 Task 9: Sentiment Analysis in Twitter, a re-run of the SemEval 2013 task under the same name. Our system is an improved version of the system that participated in the 2013 task. This system adopts a hybrid classification process that uses three classification approaches: rule-based, lexiconbased and machine learning. We suggest a pipeline architecture that extracts the best characteristics from each classifier. In this work, we want to verify how\ud this hybrid approach would improve with better classifiers. The improved system achieved an F-score of 65.39% in the Twitter message-level subtask for 2013 dataset (+ 9.08% of improvement) and 63.94% for 2014 dataset.FAPESPSAMSUN

    Ovatoxin-a and Palytoxin Accumulation in Seafood in Relation to Ostreopsis cf. ovata Blooms on the French Mediterranean Coast

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    Dinoflagellates of the genus Ostreopsis are known to cause (often fatal) food poisoning in tropical coastal areas following the accumulation of palytoxin (PLTX) and/or its analogues (PLTX group) in crabs, sea urchins or fish. Ostreopsis spp. occurrence is presently increasing in the northern to north western Mediterranean Sea (Italy, Spain, Greece and France), probably in response to climate change. In France, Ostreopsis. cf. ovata has been associated with toxic events during summer 2006, at Morgiret, off the coast of Marseille, and a specific monitoring has been designed and implemented since 2007. Results from 2008 and 2009 showed that there is a real danger of human poisoning, as these demonstrated bioaccumulation of the PLTX group (PLTX and ovatoxin-a) in both filter-feeding bivalve molluscs (mussels) and herbivorous echinoderms (sea urchins). The total content accumulated in urchins reached 450 µg PLTX eq/kg total flesh (summer 2008). In mussels, the maximum was 230 µg eq PLTX/kg (summer 2009) compared with a maximum of 360 µg found in sea urchins during the same period at the same site. This publication brings together scientific knowledge obtained about the summer development of Ostreopsis spp. in France during 2007, 2008 and 2009

    First Evidence of Palytoxin and 42-Hydroxy-palytoxin in the Marine Cyanobacterium Trichodesmium

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    Marine pelagic diazotrophic cyanobacteria of the genus Trichodesmium (Oscillatoriales) are widespread throughout the tropics and subtropics, and are particularly common in the waters of New Caledonia. Blooms of Trichodesmium are suspected to be a potential source of toxins in the ciguatera food chain and were previously reported to contain several types of paralyzing toxins. The toxicity of water-soluble extracts of Trichodesmium spp. were analyzed by mouse bioassay and Neuroblastoma assay and their toxic compounds characterized using liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry techniques. Here, we report the first identification of palytoxin and one of its derivatives, 42-hydroxy-palytoxin, in field samples of Trichodesmium collected in the New Caledonian lagoon. The possible role played by Trichodesmium blooms in the development of clupeotoxism, this human intoxication following the ingestion of plankton-eating fish and classically associated with Ostreopsis blooms, is also discussed

    First identification of a C9-diol-ester of okadaic acid in Dinophysis acuta from Galician Rías Baixas (NW Spain)

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    Dinoflagellates of the genus Dinophysis produce okadaic acid (OA) and analogues. Cultures of a strain of Dinophysis acuta isolated from the Galician Rías contained high levels of pectenotoxins but little OA. Isomeric forms of the latter were suspected as the concentration of OA increased after alkaline hydrolysis. High resolution mass spectra of candidate compounds suggest the presence of an OA-C9-diol ester, reported for the first time in Dinophysis acuta

    Effects of pH and Nutrients (Nitrogen) on Growth and Toxin Profile of the Ciguatera-Causing Dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus polynesiensis (Dinophyceae)

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    Ciguatera poisoning is a foodborne disease caused by the consumption of seafood contaminated with ciguatoxins (CTXs) produced by dinoflagellates in the genera Gambierdiscus and Fukuyoa. Ciguatera outbreaks are expected to increase worldwide with global change, in particular as a function of its main drivers, including changes in sea surface temperature, acidification, and coastal eutrophication. In French Polynesia, G. polynesiensis is regarded as the dominant source of CTXs entering the food web. The effects of pH (8.4, 8.2, and 7.9), Nitrogen:Phosphorus ratios (24N:1P vs. 48N:1P), and nitrogen source (nitrates vs. urea) on growth rate, biomass, CTX levels, and profiles were examined in four clones of G. polynesiensis at different culture age (D10, D21, and D30). Results highlight a decrease in growth rate and cellular biomass at low pH when urea is used as a N source. No significant effect of pH, N:P ratio, and N source on the overall CTX content was observed. Up to ten distinct analogs of Pacific ciguatoxins (P-CTXs) could be detected by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) in clone NHA4 grown in urea, at D21. Amounts of more oxidized P-CTX analogs also increased under the lowest pH condition. These data provide interesting leads for the custom production of CTX standards

    Relative Molar Response of lipophilic marine algal toxins in liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrometry

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    Rationale Accurate quantitative analysis of lipophilic toxins by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) requires calibration solution reference materials (RMs) for individual toxin analogs. Untargeted analysis is aimed at identifying a vast number of compounds and thus validation of fully quantitative untargeted methods is not feasible. However, a semi-quantitative approach allowing for profiling is still required and will be strengthened by knowledge of the relative molar response (RMR) of analogs in liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) with electrospray ionization (ESI). Methods RMR factors were evaluated for toxins from the okadaic acid (OA/DTXs), yessotoxin (YTX), pectenotoxin (PTX), azaspiracid (AZA) and cyclic imine (CI) toxin groups, in both solvent standards and environmental sample extracts. Since compound ionization and fragmentation influences the MS response of toxins, RMRs were assessed under different chromatographic conditions (gradient, isocratic) and MS acquisition modes (SIM, SRM, All-ion, target MS/MS) on low and high resolution mass spectrometers. Results In general, RMRs were not significantly impacted by chromatographic conditions (isocratic vs gradient), with the exception of DTX1. MS acquisition modes had a more significant impact, with PnTX-G and SPX differing notably. For a given toxin group, response factors were generally in the range of 0.5 to 2. The cyclic imines were an exception. Conclusions Differences in RMRs between toxins of a same chemical base structure were not significant enough to indicate major issues for non-targeted semi-quantitative analysis, where there is limited or no availability of standards for many compounds, and where high degrees of accuracy are not required. Differences in RMRs should be considered when developing methods that use a standard of a single analogue to quantitate other toxins from the same group

    Seasonal Single-Site Sampling Reveals Large Diversity of Marine Algal Toxins in Coastal Waters and Shellfish of New Caledonia (Southwestern Pacific)

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    Algal toxins pose a serious threat to human and coastal ecosystem health, even if their potential impacts are poorly documented in New Caledonia (NC). In this survey, bivalves and seawater (concentrated through passive samplers) from bays surrounding Noumea, NC, collected during the warm and cold seasons were analyzed for algal toxins using a multi-toxin screening approach. Several groups of marine microalgal toxins were detected for the first time in NC. Okadaic acid (OA), azaspiracid-2 (AZA2), pectenotoxin-2 (PTX2), pinnatoxin-G (PnTX-G), and homo-yessotoxin (homo-YTX) were detected in seawater at higher levels during the summer. A more diversified toxin profile was found in shellfish with brevetoxin-3 (BTX3), gymnodimine-A (GYM-A), and 13-desmethyl spirolide-C (SPX1), being confirmed in addition to the five toxin groups also found in seawater. Diarrhetic and neurotoxic toxins did not exceed regulatory limits, but PnTX-G was present at up to the limit of the threshold recommended by the French Food Safety Authority (ANSES, 23 μg kg−1). In the present study, internationally regulated toxins of the AZA-, BTX-, and OA-groups by the Codex Alimentarius were detected in addition to five emerging toxin groups, indicating that algal toxins pose a potential risk for the consumers in NC or shellfish export

    Intraspecific Variability in the Toxin Production and Toxin Profiles of In Vitro Cultures of Gambierdiscus polynesiensis (Dinophyceae) from French Polynesia

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    Ciguatera poisoning (CP) is a foodborne disease caused by the consumption of seafood contaminated with ciguatoxins (CTXs) produced by dinoflagellates in the genera Gambierdiscus and Fukuyoa. The toxin production and toxin profiles were explored in four clones of G. polynesiensis originating from different islands in French Polynesia with contrasted CP risk: RIK7 (Mangareva, Gambier), NHA4 (Nuku Hiva, Marquesas), RAI-1 (Raivavae, Australes), and RG92 (Rangiroa, Tuamotu). Productions of CTXs, maitotoxins (MTXs), and gambierone group analogs were examined at exponential and stationary growth phases using the neuroblastoma cell-based assay and liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. While none of the strains was found to produce known MTX compounds, all strains showed high overall P-CTX production ranging from 1.1 ± 0.1 to 4.6 ± 0.7 pg cell−1. In total, nine P-CTX analogs were detected, depending on strain and growth phase. The production of gambierone, as well as 44-methylgamberione, was also confirmed in G. polynesiensis. This study highlighted: (i) intraspecific variations in toxin production and profiles between clones from distinct geographic origins and (ii) the noticeable increase in toxin production of both CTXs, in particular CTX4A/B, and gambierone group analogs from the exponential to the stationary phas
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