245 research outputs found

    A Community-based Boxing Program is Associated with Improved Balance in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 14(3): 876-884, 2021. In alignment with efforts to mitigate the negative health consequences of Parkinson’s Disease (PD), the purpose of this investigation was to examine if participation in a community-based boxing program (CBP) was associated with improvements in balance and fall risk reduction among individuals with PD. In this retrospective cross-sectional study, de-identified data from 12 individuals with PD participating in a CBP was examined. Participants included those with a Hoehn and Yahr stage between 1 and 3, averaging 2.8 ± 0.8 CBP sessions per week for 6.1 ± 0.8 months between testing. Baseline and re-evaluation testing included the Fullerton Advanced Balance (FAB) Scale and Timed Up and Go (TUG) to quantify balance and fall risk. Sessions were 90-minutes in length involving a warm-up, boxing drills, strength and endurance exercises, and cool down. Sessions included multiple bouts of 30-60 second high-intensity exercise intervals (RPE between 15/20 to 17/20). Paired t-tests were used to determine if differences existed between the FAB and TUG from baseline to re-evaluation, with statistical significance accepted at p \u3c 0.05 and \u3e 0.8 interpreted as a large effect using Cohen’s d. Results indicated a statistically significant increase and large effect in FAB performance, with a mean increase in score above previously reported minimal detectable change (MDC). While participation in CBP was associated with a statistically significant improvement and medium effect in the TUG, this did not demonstrate a population specific MDC. This study found that participation in a CBP was associated with improved balance among clients with PD


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    We present observations of three FU Orionis objects (hereafter, FUors) with nonredundant aperture-mask interferometry at 1.59 μm and 2.12 μm that probe for binary companions on the scale of the protoplanetary disk that feeds their accretion outbursts. We do not identify any companions to V1515 Cyg or HBC 722, but we do resolve a close binary companion to V1057 Cyg that is at the diffraction limit (ρ=58.3±1.4\rho =58.3\pm 1.4 mas or 30 ± 5 au) and currently much fainter than the outbursting star (ΔK=3.34±0.10{\rm{\Delta }}K^{\prime} =3.34\pm 0.10 mag). Given the flux excess of the outbursting star, we estimate that the mass of the companion (M0.25MM\sim 0.25{M}_{\odot }) is similar to or slightly below that of the FUor itself, and therefore it resembles a typical T Tauri binary system. Our observations only achieve contrast limits of ΔK4{\rm{\Delta }}K^{\prime} \sim 4 mag, and hence we are only sensitive to companions that were near or above the pre-outburst luminosity of the FUors. It remains plausible that FUor outbursts could be tied to the presence of a close binary companion. However, we argue from the system geometry and mass reservoir considerations that these outbursts are not directly tied to the orbital period (i.e., occurring at periastron passage), but instead must only occur infrequently

    Genetic diversity of Ectocarpus (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae) in Peru and northern Chile, the area of origin of the genome-sequenced strain

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    International audienceThe origin of the Ectocarpus strain used for genome sequencing (the ‘genome strain’) was Peru, where no Ectocarpus had been reported previously. To study the genetic diversity in the region and to increase the number of individuals from this area available for genetic experiments, 119 new Ectocarpus strains were isolated from eight localities along the 3000 km of coastline from central Peru to central Chile.Internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) genotyping revealed nine different genotypes, five of which were endemic to the area studied and three of which were previously unknown.Individuals of the same genotype as the genome strain occurred from Peru to northernmost Chile, representing 61% of the samples in this area, from which five more genotypes were isolated. Further south, down to central Chile, most individuals belonged to Ectocarpus siliculosus, Ectocarpus fasciculatus and Ectocarpus crouaniorum. In sexual crosses, the genome strain and the new isolates of the same genotype were fully compatible.Sequences from four nuclear and cytoplasmic genetic markers (ITS1, ITS2, Rubisco spacer and Cytochrome‐c oxidase subunit 3 (cox3)) separated the genome strain from the known species of Ectocarpus. It may in future be recognized as a separate species

    Promoting Community and Population Health in Public Health and Medicine: A Stepwise Guide to Initiating and Conducting Community-engaged Research

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    Various methods, approaches, and strategies designed to understand and reduce health disparities, increase health equity, and promote community and population health have emerged within public health and medicine. One such approach is community-engaged research. While the literature describing the theory, principles, and rationale underlying community engagement is broad, few models or frameworks exist to guide its implementation. We abstracted, analyzed, and interpreted data from existing project documentation including proposal documents, project-specific logic models, research team and partnership meeting notes, and other materials from 24 funded community-engaged research projects conducted over the past 17 years. We developed a 15-step process designed to guide the community-engaged research process. The process includes steps such as: networking and partnership establishment and expansion; building and maintaining trust; identifying health priorities; conducting background research, prioritizing “what to take on”; building consensus, identifying research goals, and developing research questions; developing a conceptual model; formulating a study design; developing an analysis plan; implementing the study; collecting and analyzing data; reviewing and interpreting results; and disseminating and translating findings broadly through multiple channels. Here, we outline and describe each of these steps

    Electrically Tunable Excitonic Light Emitting Diodes based on Monolayer WSe2 p-n Junctions

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    Light-emitting diodes are of importance for lighting, displays, optical interconnects, logic and sensors. Hence the development of new systems that allow improvements in their efficiency, spectral properties, compactness and integrability could have significant ramifications. Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides have recently emerged as interesting candidates for optoelectronic applications due to their unique optical properties. Electroluminescence has already been observed from monolayer MoS2 devices. However, the electroluminescence efficiency was low and the linewidth broad due both to the poor optical quality of MoS2 and to ineffective contacts. Here, we report electroluminescence from lateral p-n junctions in monolayer WSe2 induced electrostatically using a thin boron nitride support as a dielectric layer with multiple metal gates beneath. This structure allows effective injection of electrons and holes, and combined with the high optical quality of WSe2 it yields bright electroluminescence with 1000 times smaller injection current and 10 times smaller linewidth than in MoS2. Furthermore, by increasing the injection bias we can tune the electroluminescence between regimes of impurity-bound, charged, and neutral excitons. This system has the required ingredients for new kinds of optoelectronic devices such as spin- and valley-polarized light-emitting diodes, on-chip lasers, and two-dimensional electro-optic modulators.Comment: 13 pages main text with 4 figures + 4 pages upplemental material

    Movies of cellular and sub-cellular motion by digital holographic microscopy

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    BACKGROUND: Many biological specimens, such as living cells and their intracellular components, often exhibit very little amplitude contrast, making it difficult for conventional bright field microscopes to distinguish them from their surroundings. To overcome this problem phase contrast techniques such as Zernike, Normarsky and dark-field microscopies have been developed to improve specimen visibility without chemically or physically altering them by the process of staining. These techniques have proven to be invaluable tools for studying living cells and furthering scientific understanding of fundamental cellular processes such as mitosis. However a drawback of these techniques is that direct quantitative phase imaging is not possible. Quantitative phase imaging is important because it enables determination of either the refractive index or optical thickness variations from the measured optical path length with sub-wavelength accuracy. Digital holography is an emergent phase contrast technique that offers an excellent approach in obtaining both qualitative and quantitative phase information from the hologram. A CCD camera is used to record a hologram onto a computer and numerical methods are subsequently applied to reconstruct the hologram to enable direct access to both phase and amplitude information. Another attractive feature of digital holography is the ability to focus on multiple focal planes from a single hologram, emulating the focusing control of a conventional microscope. METHODS: A modified Mach-Zender off-axis setup in transmission is used to record and reconstruct a number of holographic amplitude and phase images of cellular and sub-cellular features. RESULTS: Both cellular and sub-cellular features are imaged with sub-micron, diffraction-limited resolution. Movies of holographic amplitude and phase images of living microbes and cells are created from a series of holograms and reconstructed with numerically adjustable focus, so that the moving object can be accurately tracked with a reconstruction rate of 300ms for each hologram. The holographic movies show paramecium swimming among other microbes as well as displaying some of their intracellular processes. A time lapse movie is also shown for fibroblast cells in the process of migration. CONCLUSION: Digital holography and movies of digital holography are seen to be useful new tools for visualization of dynamic processes in biological microscopy. Phase imaging digital holography is a promising technique in terms of the lack of coherent noise and the precision with which the optical thickness of a sample can be profiled, which can lead to images with an axial resolution of a few nanometres

    Enantiomerically selective vapochromic sensing

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    a b s t r a c t The double salt materials platinum(II)tetrakis-R-␤-methylphenethylisocyanide tetracyanoplatinate(II) (R-1) and platinum(II)tetrakis-S-␤-methylphenethylisocyanide tetracyanoplatinate(II) (S-1) have been synthesized with highly enantiomerically pure isocyanide ligands. The vapochromic behavior of R-1 and S-1 has been studied in the presence of a chiral probe vapor to determine if enantiomerically selective sensing is possible with these materials. The wavelength of maximum emission values ( max ) for solidstate vapoluminescence spectra of R-1 and S-1 in the presence of enriched R-and S-2-butanol vapor differ by approximately 10 nm while the max values for R-1 and S-1 under nitrogen are nearly identical. Principal component analysis has been performed on datasets that consist of a series of vapoluminescence spectra of R-1 and S-1 as a function of the R/S-2-butanol ratio. Plots of principal component one versus R/S-2-butanol ratio show mirror image trends for R-1 relative to S-1. While care must be taken to control water vapor and monitor R-1 and S-1 for possible decomposition, the reported results nevertheless show that R-1 and S-1 are capable of enantiomerically selective vapochromic sensing

    Ioffe Times in DIS from a Dipole Model Fit

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    We present a study of Ioffe times in deep inelastic electron-proton scattering. We deduce 'experimental' Ioffe-time distributions from the small-x HERA data as described by a particular colour-dipole-model fit. We show distributions for three representative gamma*-proton c.m. energies W and various values of the photon virtuality Q^2. These distributions are rather broad for transversely and very narrow for longitudinally polarised virtual photons. The Ioffe times for W=150 GeV, for example, range from around 1000 fm for Q^2=1 GeV^2 to around 10 fm for Q^2=100 GeV^2. Based on our results we discuss consequences for the limitations of applicability of the dipole picture.Comment: 20 page

    Spatial analysis of biomineralization associated gene expression from the mantle organ of the pearl oyster Pinctada maxima

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    Background: Biomineralization is a process encompassing all mineral containing tissues produced within an organism. One of the most dynamic examples of this process is the formation of the mollusk shell, comprising a variety of crystal phases and microstructures. The organic component incorporated within the shell is said to dictate this architecture. However general understanding of how this process is achieved remains ambiguous. The mantle is a conserved organ involved in shell formation throughout molluscs. Specifically the mantle is thought to be responsible for secreting the protein component of the shell. This study employs molecular approaches to determine the spatial expression of genes within the mantle tissue to further the elucidation of the shell biomineralization. Results: A microarray platform was custom generated (PmaxArray 1.0) from the pearl oyster Pinctada maxima. PmaxArray 1.0 consists of 4992 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) originating from mantle tissue. This microarray was used to analyze the spatial expression of ESTs throughout the mantle organ. The mantle was dissected into five discrete regions and analyzed for differential gene expression with PmaxArray 1.0. Over 2000 ESTs were determined to be differentially expressed among the tissue sections, identifying five major expression regions. In situ hybridization validated and further localized the expression for a subset of these ESTs. Comparative sequence similarity analysis of these ESTs revealed a number of the transcripts were novel while others showed significant sequence similarities to previously characterized shell related genes

    High-Precision Radio and Infrared Astrometry of LSPM J1314+1320AB - I : Parallax, Proper Motions, and Limits on Planets

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    Jan Forbrich, et al, 'HIGH-PRECISION RADIO AND INFRARED ASTROMETRY OF LSPM J1314+1320AB. I.PARALLAX, PROPER MOTIONS, AND LIMITS ON PLANETS', The Astrophysical Journal, 827:22 (8pp), August 2016. doi:10.3847/0004-637X/827/1/22. © 2016. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We present multi-epoch astrometric radio observations with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) of the young ultracool-dwarf binary LSPM J1314+1320AB . The radio emission comes from the secondary star. Combining the VLBA data with Keck near-infrared adaptive-optics observations of both components, a full astrometric fit of parallax (πabs=57.975±0.045\pi_{\rm abs}=57.975\pm0.045 mas, corresponding to a distance of d=17.249±0.013d=17.249\pm0.013 pc), proper motion (μαcosδ=247.99±0.10\mu_{\rm \alpha cos \delta}=-247.99\pm0.10 mas yr1^{-1}, μδ=183.58±0.22\mu_{\delta}=-183.58\pm0.22 mas yr1^{-1}), and orbital motion is obtained. Despite the fact that the two components have nearly identical masses to within ±2\pm2%, the secondary's radio emission exceeds that of the primary by a factor of \gtrsim30, suggesting a difference in stellar rotation history, which could result in different magnetic field configurations. Alternatively, the emission could be anisotropic and beamed toward us for the secondary but not for the primary. Using only reflex motion, we exclude planets of mass 0.7 to 10 MjupM_{\rm jup} with orbital periods of 600 to 10 days, respectively. Additionally, we use the full orbital solution of the binary to derive an upper limit for the semi-major axis of 0.23 AU for stable planetary orbits within this system. These limits cover a parameter space that is inaccessible with, and complementary to, near-infrared radial velocity surveys of ultracool dwarfs. Our absolute astrometry will constitute an important test for the astrometric calibration of Gaia.Peer reviewe