262 research outputs found

    Local search for stable marriage problems with ties and incomplete lists

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    The stable marriage problem has a wide variety of practical applications, ranging from matching resident doctors to hospitals, to matching students to schools, or more generally to any two-sided market. We consider a useful variation of the stable marriage problem, where the men and women express their preferences using a preference list with ties over a subset of the members of the other sex. Matchings are permitted only with people who appear in these preference lists. In this setting, we study the problem of finding a stable matching that marries as many people as possible. Stability is an envy-free notion: no man and woman who are not married to each other would both prefer each other to their partners or to being single. This problem is NP-hard. We tackle this problem using local search, exploiting properties of the problem to reduce the size of the neighborhood and to make local moves efficiently. Experimental results show that this approach is able to solve large problems, quickly returning stable matchings of large and often optimal size.Comment: 12 pages, Proc. PRICAI 2010 (11th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence), Byoung-Tak Zhang and Mehmet A. Orgun eds., Springer LNA

    The Stable Roommates problem with short lists

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    We consider two variants of the classical Stable Roommates problem with Incomplete (but strictly ordered) preference lists SRI that are degree constrained, i.e., preference lists are of bounded length. The first variant, EGAL d-SRI, involves finding an egalitarian stable matching in solvable instances of SRI with preference lists of length at most d. We show that this problem is NP-hard even if d=3. On the positive side we give a (2d+3)/7-approximation algorithm for d={3,4,5} which improves on the known bound of 2 for the unbounded preference list case. In the second variant of SRI, called d-SRTI, preference lists can include ties and are of length at most d. We show that the problem of deciding whether an instance of d-SRTI admits a stable matching is NP-complete even if d=3. We also consider the "most stable" version of this problem and prove a strong inapproximability bound for the d=3 case. However for d=2 we show that the latter problem can be solved in polynomial time.Comment: short version appeared at SAGT 201

    Stable marriage with general preferences

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    We propose a generalization of the classical stable marriage problem. In our model, the preferences on one side of the partition are given in terms of arbitrary binary relations, which need not be transitive nor acyclic. This generalization is practically well-motivated, and as we show, encompasses the well studied hard variant of stable marriage where preferences are allowed to have ties and to be incomplete. As a result, we prove that deciding the existence of a stable matching in our model is NP-complete. Complementing this negative result we present a polynomial-time algorithm for the above decision problem in a significant class of instances where the preferences are asymmetric. We also present a linear programming formulation whose feasibility fully characterizes the existence of stable matchings in this special case. Finally, we use our model to study a long standing open problem regarding the existence of cyclic 3D stable matchings. In particular, we prove that the problem of deciding whether a fixed 2D perfect matching can be extended to a 3D stable matching is NP-complete, showing this way that a natural attempt to resolve the existence (or not) of 3D stable matchings is bound to fail.Comment: This is an extended version of a paper to appear at the The 7th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT 2014

    Popular matchings in the marriage and roommates problems

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    Popular matchings have recently been a subject of study in the context of the so-called House Allocation Problem, where the objective is to match applicants to houses over which the applicants have preferences. A matching M is called popular if there is no other matching Mâ€Č with the property that more applicants prefer their allocation in Mâ€Č to their allocation in M. In this paper we study popular matchings in the context of the Roommates Problem, including its special (bipartite) case, the Marriage Problem. We investigate the relationship between popularity and stability, and describe efficient algorithms to test a matching for popularity in these settings. We also show that, when ties are permitted in the preferences, it is NP-hard to determine whether a popular matching exists in both the Roommates and Marriage cases

    Popular matchings with two-sided preferences and one-sided ties

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    We are given a bipartite graph G=(AâˆȘB,E)G = (A \cup B, E) where each vertex has a preference list ranking its neighbors: in particular, every a∈Aa \in A ranks its neighbors in a strict order of preference, whereas the preference lists of b∈Bb \in B may contain ties. A matching MM is popular if there is no matching Mâ€ČM' such that the number of vertices that prefer Mâ€ČM' to MM exceeds the number of vertices that prefer MM to~Mâ€ČM'. We show that the problem of deciding whether GG admits a popular matching or not is NP-hard. This is the case even when every b∈Bb \in B either has a strict preference list or puts all its neighbors into a single tie. In contrast, we show that the problem becomes polynomially solvable in the case when each b∈Bb \in B puts all its neighbors into a single tie. That is, all neighbors of bb are tied in bb's list and bb desires to be matched to any of them. Our main result is an O(n2)O(n^2) algorithm (where n=∣AâˆȘB∣n = |A \cup B|) for the popular matching problem in this model. Note that this model is quite different from the model where vertices in BB have no preferences and do not care whether they are matched or not.Comment: A shortened version of this paper has appeared at ICALP 201

    The Hospitals/Residents Problem with Couples: complexity and integer programming models

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    The Hospitals / Residents problem with Couples (hrc) is a generalisation of the classical Hospitals / Residents problem (hr) that is important in practical applications because it models the case where couples submit joint preference lists over pairs of (typically geographically close) hospitals. In this paper we give a new NP-completeness result for the problem of deciding whether a stable matching exists, in highly restricted instances of hrc, and also an inapproximability bound for finding a matching with the minimum number of blocking pairs in equally restricted instances of hrc. Further, we present a full description of the first Integer Programming model for finding a maximum cardinality stable matching in an instance of hrc and we describe empirical results when this model applied to randomly generated instances of hrc

    Contact Networks and Mortality Patterns Suggest Pneumonia-Causing Pathogens may Persist in Wild Bighorn Sheep

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    Efficacy of disease control efforts is often contingent on whether the disease persists locally in the host population or is repeatedly introduced from an alternative host species. Local persistence is partially determined by the interaction between host contact structure and disease transmission rates: relatively isolated host groups facilitate pathogen persistence by slowing the rate at which highly transmissible pathogens access new susceptibles; alternatively, isolated host groups impede persistence for pathogens with low transmission rates by limiting the number of available hosts and forcing premature fade-out. Here, we use long-term data from the Hells Canyon region to investigate whether variable host contact patterns are associated with survival outcomes for 46 cohorts of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) lambs subject to recurrent pneumonia outbreaks. We build social contact networks for each lamb cohort, and quantify variation in lamb mortality attributable to populations, years, and groups. We then refine estimates of chronic carriage rates in ewes, and disease-induced mortality rates in lambs, by finding parameters for the disease process that produce lamb morality rates similar to those observed when simulated on the observed host contact networks. Our results suggest that summer lamb hazards are spatially structured at the subpopulation level: 92.5 percent of the variation in lamb hazards during pneumonia outbreak years was attributable to sub-population-level groups, whereas 1.7 percent and 5.6 percent were attributable to year and population, respectively.  Additionally, the posterior distribution generated by our disease transmission model suggests that pneumonia-causing pathogens may persist locally in bighorn sheep populations, even during apparently healthy years

    The hospitals/residents problem

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    Disease Introduction Is Associated With a Phase Transition in Bighorn Sheep Demographics

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    Ecological theory suggests that pathogens are capable of regulating or limiting host population dynamics, and this relationship has been empirically established in several settings. However, although studies of childhood diseases were integral to the development of disease ecology, few studies show population limitation by a disease affecting juveniles. Here, we present empirical evidence that disease in lambs constrains population growth in bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) based on 45 years of population‐level and 18 years of individual‐level monitoring across 12 populations. While populations generally increased (λ = 1.11) prior to disease introduction, most of these same populations experienced an abrupt change in trajectory at the time of disease invasion, usually followed by stagnant‐to‐declining growth rates (λ = 0.98) over the next 20 years. Disease‐induced juvenile mortality imposed strong constraints on population growth that were not observed prior to disease introduction, even as adult survival returned to pre‐invasion levels. Simulations suggested that models including persistent disease‐induced mortality in juveniles qualitatively matched observed population trajectories, whereas models that only incorporated all‐age disease events did not. We use these results to argue that pathogen persistence may pose a lasting, but under‐recognized, threat to host populations, particularly in cases where clinical disease manifests primarily in juveniles

    Pareto Optimal Matchings in Many-to-Many Markets with Ties

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    We consider Pareto-optimal matchings (POMs) in a many-to-many market of applicants and courses where applicants have preferences, which may include ties, over individual courses and lexicographic preferences over sets of courses. Since this is the most general setting examined so far in the literature, our work unifies and generalizes several known results. Specifically, we characterize POMs and introduce the \emph{Generalized Serial Dictatorship Mechanism with Ties (GSDT)} that effectively handles ties via properties of network flows. We show that GSDT can generate all POMs using different priority orderings over the applicants, but it satisfies truthfulness only for certain such orderings. This shortcoming is not specific to our mechanism; we show that any mechanism generating all POMs in our setting is prone to strategic manipulation. This is in contrast to the one-to-one case (with or without ties), for which truthful mechanisms generating all POMs do exist
