129 research outputs found

    Model-independent resonance parameter extraction using the trace of K and T matrices

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    A model-independent method for the determination of Breit-Wigner resonance parameters is presented. The method is based on eliminating the dependence on the choice of channel basis by analyzing the trace of the K and T matrices in the coupled-channel formalism, rather than individual matrix elements of the multichannel scattering matrix.Comment: 6 pages, 16 figure

    A mass formula for baryon resonances

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    Light-baryon resonances with u,d, and s quarks only can be classified using the non-relativistic quark model. When we assign to baryon resonances with total angular momenta J intrinsic orbital angular momenta L and spin S we make the following observations: plotting the squared masses of the light-baryon resonances against these intrinsic orbital angular momenta L, Delta's with even and odd parity can be described by the same Regge trajectory. For a given L, nucleon resonances with spin S=3/2 are approximately degenerate in mass with Delta resonances of same total orbital momentum L. To which total angular momentum L and S couple has no significant impact on the baryon mass. Nucleons with spin 1/2 are shifted in mass; the shift is - in units of squared masses - proportional to the component in the wave function which is antisymmetric in spin and flavor. Sequential resonances in the same partial wave are separated in mass square by the same spacing as observed in orbital angular momentum excitations. Based on these observations, a new baryon mass formula is proposed which reproduces nearly all known baryon masses.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    In-medium broadening of nucleon resonances

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    We analyze the effects of an in-medium broadening of nucleon resonances on the exclusive photoproduction of mesons on nuclei as well as on the total photoabsorption cross sections in a transport calculation. We show that the resonance widths observed in semi-inclusive photoproduction on nuclei are insensitive to an in-medium broadening of nucleon resonances. This is due to a simple effect: the sizeable width of the nuclear surface and Fermi motion.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, minor changes in the tex

    P-A Measurements in the 48-Ca(p,n)48-Sc Reaction at 135 MeV

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY-931478

    Incoherent Photoproduction of η\eta-mesons from the Deuteron near Threshold

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    Incoherent photoproduction of the η\eta-meson on the deuteron is studied for photon energies from threshold to 800 MeV. The dominant contribution, the γ\gammaN-η\etaN amplitude, is described within an isobar model. The final state interaction derived from the CD-Bonn potential is included and found to be important for the description of the production cross section close to threshold. Possible effects from the ηN\eta N final state interaction are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, revtex, including 6 figure

    Fragmentation of High-spin Stretched States in the (p,n) Reaction on 36-Ar and 40-Ca

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY-931478

    Search for a State at E_x = 2.6MeV in 20-Na via the 20-Ne(p,n)20-Na Reaction and Possible Breakout from the Hot CNO Cycle

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY-931478

    Quasi-Two-Body Decays of Nonstrange Baryons

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    We examine the decays of nonstrange baryons to the final states Δπ\Delta\pi, NρN\rho, NηN\eta, NηN\eta^\prime, NωN\omega, N1/2+(1440)πN1/2^+(1440)\pi, and Δ3/2+(1600)π\Delta3/2^+(1600)\pi, in a relativized pair-creation(3P0^3P_0) model which has been developed in a previous study of the NπN\pi decays of the same baryon states. As it is our goal to provide a guide for the possible discovery of new baryon states at CEBAF and elsewhere, we examine the decays of resonances which have already been seen in the partial-wave analyses, along with those of states which are predicted by the quark model but which remain undiscovered. The level of agreement between our calculation and the available widths from the partial-wave analyses is encouraging.Comment: 41 pages, CEBAF-TH-93-1

    High-Spin Stretched States in Nuclei Excited via (p,n) Reactions

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY 87-1440

    Delta rho pi interaction leading to N* and Delta* resonances

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    We have performed a calculation for the three body Δρπ\Delta \rho \pi system by using the fixed center approximation to Faddeev equations, taking the interaction between Δ\Delta and ρ\rho, Δ\Delta andπ\pi, and ρ\rho and π\pi from the chiral unitary approach. We find several peaks in the modulus squared of the three-body scattering amplitude, indicating the existence of resonances, which can be associated to known I=1/2,3/2I=1/2, 3/2 and JP=1/2+,3/2+J^P=1/2^+, 3/2^+ and 5/2+5/2^+ baryon states.Comment: Presented at the 21st European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Salamanca, Spain, 30 August - 3 September 201