1,066 research outputs found

    Radioactive Contamination, Superfund Remediation, and Green Gentrification in San Francisco’s Hunters Point

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    Bayview-Hunters Point, a neighborhood in southeastern San Francisco, has long been one of the most impoverished and polluted areas in the city. In an example of environmental racism, much of the African American community in San Francisco was segregated to Bayview-Hunters Point by racist housing policies and practices. This neighborhood was home to the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard (HPNS), which was widely polluted with hazardous wastes from shipyard operation as well as radioactive contamination from the Navy Radiological Defense Laboratory established on this property. The former HPNS was made a federal Superfund site in 1989 and has been in remediation by the Navy since, with the goal of eventual transfer of the land to the city of San Francisco for redevelopment into residential and commercial areas. Throughout the history of the HPNS, government agencies have obscured both radioactive contamination and the nearby disadvantaged community in pursuit of military and economic power. As a result, the forces of redevelopment have outpaced remediation in Hunters Point. In this thesis, I argue that in continuing the environmental racism marginalizes the community in Bayview-Hunters Point and working to hide the contamination at the nearby Superfund site government agencies, primarily the Navy and city government, have fostered the conditions for green gentrification to occur, which could have ill effects on both the longstanding community and new residents

    El cuerpo y sus lenguajes : Una mirada al interior de la escuela

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    Este trabajo expresa una mirada respecto al tratamiento del cuerpo al interior de la escuela. Pretende, a modo de relato, develar algunos rasgos que aparecen como una constante respecto al abordaje de las prácticas corporales, los saberes que se evidencian con una fuerte presencia y aquellos que, no están contemplados en las propuestas de Educación Física escolar, o se manifiestan en mínimas expresiones. El lenguaje del cuerpo y sus posibilidades expresivas y comunicativas, son materia pendiente en lo que hace a la formación corporal, es poco habitual observar el tratamiento de estos contenidos en las clases de Educación Física, en cualquiera de sus niveles, tal vez reflejado con más intensidad en la escuela media. Si historizamos esta asignatura escolar, encontramos algunas respuestas que nos permiten comprender lo que hoy ocurre. Aquellas premisas que configuraron cuerpos objetivos, medibles, regulados, dóciles, en los que se inscribieron sentidos y significados, tienen su correlato hoy en tecnicimos, estereotipos corporales y una concepción estrictamente biologista del cuerpo, en el cual los componentes expresivos y comunicativos no tienen cabida. Este trabajo procura instalar la pregunta, que posibilite pensar y analizar estas recurrencias, a modo de presencias y ausencias al interior de la escuela, con el objeto de encausar nuevos códigos de interlocución, nuevos sentidos y significados que trasciendan a las marcas de origen de esta asignatura escola


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    Biomechanical studies have moved into more flexible film analysis techniques with the onset of computer technology. A number of these techniques have allowed for the analysis of sport movements in three dimensions instead of the more restricted two-dimensional setting (Anderson, 1970; Bergemann. 1974; Martin & Pongratz, 1974; Miller & Petak, 1973; and VanGheluwe, 1974). Methods have been developed that use three-dimensional film analysis but require special metric cameras (Ayoub, Ayoub, & Bamsey, 1970; Bullock, 1974; Bullock & Harley, 1972; Lippert, Hussain, & Veress. 1974). A technique that utilizes nonmetric cameras was developed by Abdel-Aziz and Karara (1971) for still cameras, and later adapted for use with high speed cameras. This method is referred to as direct linear transfornation (DLT). The DLT process allows for data collected from two different cameras to be merged into three-dimensional output (Shapiro, 1980). A computer program written by Marzan and Karara (1975) performs the complicated mathematical equations associated with DLT. Verification of this program was necessary because of program changes made when adapting it from one computer system to another

    Development of Radiographic Contrast Agents for Diagnostic Imaging

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    Imaging contrast agents, administered intravenously, are diverse, can be used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, and have specific regulatory requirements and development considerations. Collaborative relationships between industry and academia may provide the best approach for the development of these agents. Additional opportunities for development and commercialization include software specific for the analysis of contrast-enhanced examinations. There are special considerations for each class of imaging contrast agents with regards to market growth and potential avenues for future development

    HCI and Sustainability: A Tale of Two Motivations

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