485 research outputs found

    Seroprevalence of Measles-, Mumps-, and Rubella-specific antibodies in the German adult population – cross-sectional analysis of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1)

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    Background: The WHO European Region targets the elimination of measles, rubella, and the congenital rubella syndrome and welcomes mumps elimination via the joint MMR vaccine. In a push towards this elimination goal, Germany introduced a recommendation on MMR vaccination for adults in 2010 to prevent increasing numbers of measles cases among adults and to strengthen herd immunity. Methods: The prevalence of anti-measles, -mumps, and -rubella IgG antibodies was analysed in 7,115 participants between the ages of 18 and 79 years in the German Health Interview and Examination Survey. Risk factors of seronegativity of adults born 1970 or later were determined. Findings: The seroprevalence of anti-measles IgG antibodies was more than 97% in adults born before 1965 and less than 90% in adults born afterwards. Prevalence and GMTs declined with later years of birth. Seronegativity was associated with two-sided migration background and region of residence in East Germany. For anti-mumps IgG antibodies, the seroprevalence was less than 90% in almost all age groups. Prevalence and GMTs declined with later years of birth. Seronegativity was not associated with any socio-demographic factor. Anti-rubella IgG seropositivity was found in more than 90% of adults born before 1985. GMTs declined in younger age groups. Seronegativity was associated with birth between 1980 and 1993 and male gender. High socio-economic status lowered the odds of being seronegative. Interpretation: These data reinforce the implementation of the vaccination recommendation for adults and provide the basis for further evaluation of this measure. Funding: The Federal Ministry of Health, Germany.Peer Reviewe

    Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) vaccines in the context of current molecular epidemiology

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    Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is an economically important swine pathogen and, although small, it has the highest evolution rate among DNA viruses. Since the discovery of PCV2 in the late 1990s, this minimalistic virus with a 1.7 kb single-stranded DNA genome and two indispensable genes has become one of the most important porcine pathogens, and presently is subjected to the highest volume of prophylactic intervention in the form of vaccines in global swine production. PCV2 can currently be divided into five different genotypes, PCV2a through PCV2e. It is well documented that PCV2 continues to evolve, which is reflected by changes in the prevalence of genotypes. During 2006, commercial vaccines for PCV2 were introduced on a large scale in a pig population mainly infected with PCV2b. Since 2012, the PCV2d genotype has essentially replaced the previously predominant PCV2b genotype in North America and similar trends are also documented in other geographic regions such as China and South Korea. This is the second major PCV2 genotype shift since the discovery of the virus. The potential increase in virulence of the emergent PCV2 genotype and the efficacy of the current vaccines derived from PCV2a genotype against the PCV2d genotype viruses has received considerable attention. This review attempts to synthesize the understanding of PCV2 biology, experimental studies on the antigenic variability, and molecular epidemiological analysis of the evolution of PCV2 genotypes

    Aktuelles zu Masern in Deutschland und weltweit (Datenstand: 01.08.2022)

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    Nachdem es in den Jahren 2017 bis 2019 zu einem globalen Wiederanstieg der Maserninzidenz gekommen war, sind die Masernfallzahlen in Deutschland seit Beginn der COVID-19-Pandemie stĂ€rker als die Fallzahlen anderer impfprĂ€ventabler Erkrankungen zurĂŒckgegangen. Dieser drastische RĂŒckgang fĂŒhrt möglicherweiÂŹse hierzulande zu einer sinkenden Aufmerksamkeit hinsichtlich des Auftretens der Masern und dazu, die Gefahr neuerlicher MasernausbrĂŒche zu unterschĂ€tzen. Der Beitrag stellt die aktuellen epidemiologischen Daten sowie neue Erkenntnisse zu Masern, ihrer Surveillance und zu den fĂŒr die Masernelimination notwenigen Impfungen zusammen.Peer Reviewe

    Exposure to environmental stressors result in increased viral load and further reduction of production parameters in pigs experimentally infected with PCV2b

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    Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) has been identified as the essential, but not sole, underlying infectious component for PCV-associated diseases (PCVAD). Several co-factors have been suggested to convert an infection with PCV2 into the clinical signs of PCVAD, including co-infection with a secondary pathogen and the genetic background of the pig. In the present study, we investigated the role of environmental stressors in the form of changes in environmental temperature and increased stocking-density on viral load in serum and tissue, average daily weight gain (ADG) and food conversion rate (FCR) of pigs experimentally infected with a defined PCV2b strain over an eight week period. These stressors were identified recently as risk factors leading to the occurrence of severe PCVAD on a farm level. In the current study, PCV2-free pigs were housed in separate, environmentally controlled rooms, and the experiment was performed in a 2 × 2 factorial design. In general, PCV2b infection reduced ADG and increased FCR, and these were further impacted on by the environmental stressors. Furthermore, all stressors led to an increased viral load in serum and tissue as assessed by qPCR, although levels did not reach statistical significance. Our data suggest that there is no need for an additional pathogen to develop PCVAD in conventional status pigs, and growth retardation and clinical signs can be induced in PCV2 infected pigs that are exposed to environmental stressors alone

    Nationales Referenzzentrum fĂŒr Masern, Mumps, Röteln - TĂ€tigkeitsbericht fĂŒr das Jahr 2022

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    Im NRZ MMR werden Proben von Masern-, Mumps- und RötelnverdachtsfĂ€llen mit dem Ziel der molekularen Charakterisierung der aktuell zirkulierenden Viren untersucht. FĂŒr Masern und Röteln werden auf Basis der Ergebnisse der molekularen Surveillance EinschĂ€tzungen zum Stand des Eliminationsprogramms der WHO erarbeitet. Im Jahr 2022 sank aufgrund der Maßnahmen zur BekĂ€mpfung der SARS-CoV2-Pandemie die Anzahl der gemeldeten FĂ€lle sowie der Einsendungen an das NRZ und der positiven Nachweise merklich. International wird inzwischen ein Wiederaufflammen der MasernaktivitĂ€t beobachtet

    Molecular characterization of porcine circovirus 2 isolated from diseased pigs co-infected with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus

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    In this study, we isolated a porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2) strain from piglets co-infected with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV). The complete genome of this strain was sequenced, phylogenetic and polymorphic analyses were carried out. BLAST searches revealed the highest sequence identity (99.5% nt and 99.3% aa) to Guangxi strain EF675230. The phylogenetic tree showed that clustering of the isolates didn't strongly correlate to geographical distribution. Polymorphic analyses demonstrated that the amino acids at most of the polymorphic sites in Open Reading Frame 1(ORF1) and 2 (ORF2)belong to the same amino acid group according to chemical or structural properties, and revealed that highly polymorphic regions overlapped with the known immunoreactive epitopes of ORF2
