32 research outputs found

    Generation and characterization of two immortalized human osteoblastic cell lines useful for epigenetic studies

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    Different model systems using osteoblastic cell lines have been developed to help understand the process of bone formation. Here, we report the establishment of two human osteoblastic cell lines obtained from primary cultures upon transduction of immortalizing genes. The resulting cell lines had no major differences to their parental lines in their gene expression profiles. Similar to primary osteoblastic cells, osteocalcin transcription increased following 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 treatment and the immortalized cells formed a mineralized matrix, as detected by Alizarin Red staining. Moreover, these human cell lines responded by upregulating ALPL gene expression after treatment with the demethylating agent 5-aza-2 Ĺ’-deoxycytidine (AzadC), as shown before for primary osteoblasts. We further demonstrate that these cell lines can differentiate in vivo, using a hydroxyapatite/tricalcium phosphate composite as a scaffold, to produce bone matrix. More importantly, we show that these cells respond to demethylating treatment, as shown by the increase in SOST mRNA levels, the gene encoding sclerostin, upon treatment of the recipient mice with AzadC. This also confirms, in vivo, the role of DNA methylation in the regulation of SOST expression previously shown in vitro. Altogether our results show that these immortalized cell lines constitute a particularly useful model system to obtain further insight into bone homeostasis, and particularly into the epigenetic mechanisms regulating sclerostin production

    Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Labeling of Bone Marrow Stromal (Mesenchymal) Cells Does Not Affect Their “Stemness”

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    Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION) are increasingly used to label human bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs, also called “mesenchymal stem cells”) to monitor their fate by in vivo MRI, and by histology after Prussian blue (PB) staining. SPION-labeling appears to be safe as assessed by in vitro differentiation of BMSCs, however, we chose to resolve the question of the effect of labeling on maintaining the “stemness” of cells within the BMSC population in vivo. Assays performed include colony forming efficiency, CD146 expression, gene expression profiling, and the “gold standard” of evaluating bone and myelosupportive stroma formation in vivo in immuncompromised recipients. SPION-labeling did not alter these assays. Comparable abundant bone with adjoining host hematopoietic cells were seen in cohorts of mice that were implanted with SPION-labeled or unlabeled BMSCs. PB+ adipocytes were noted, demonstrating their donor origin, as well as PB+ pericytes, indicative of self-renewal of the stem cell in the BMSC population. This study confirms that SPION labeling does not alter the differentiation potential of the subset of stem cells within BMSCs

    In Vivo Ectopic Implantation Model to Assess Human Mesenchymal Progenitor Cell Potential

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    Clinical interest on human mesenchymal progenitor cells (hMPC) relies on their potential applicability in cell-based therapies. An in vitro characterization is usually performed in order to define MPC potency. However, in vitro predictions not always correlate with in vivo results and thus there is no consensus in how to really assess cell potency. Our goal was to provide an in vivo testing method to define cell behavior before therapeutic usage, especially for bone tissue engineering applications. In this context, we wondered whether bone marrow stromal cells (hBMSC) would proceed in an osteogenic microenvironment. Based on previous approaches, we developed a fibrin/ceramic/BMP-2/hBMSCs compound. We implanted the compound during only 2 weeks in NOD-SCID mice, either orthotopically to assess its osteoinductive property or subcutaneously to analyze its adequacy as a cell potency testing method. Using fluorescent cell labeling and immunohistochemistry techniques, we could ascertain cell differentiation to bone, bone marrow, cartilage, adipocyte and fibrous tissue. We observed differences in cell potential among different batches of hBMSCs, which did not strictly correlate with in vitro analyses. Our data indicate that the method we have developed is reliable, rapid and reproducible to define cell potency, and may be useful for testing cells destined to bone tissue engineering purposes. Additionally, results obtained with hMPCs from other sources indicate that our method is suitable for testing any potentially implantable mesenchymal cell. Finally, we propose that this model could successfully be employed for bone marrow niche and bone tumor studies. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12015-013-9464-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Enumeration of the colony-forming units-fibroblast from mouse and human bone marrow in normal and pathological conditions

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    Bone marrow stromal cell populations, containing a subset of multipotential skeletal stem cells, are increasingly contemplated for use in tissue engineering and stem cell therapy, whereas their involvement in the pathogenetic mechanisms of skeletal disorders is far less recognized. We compared the concentrations of stromal clonogenic cells, colony forming units-fibroblast (CFU-Fs), in norm and pathology. Initially, culture conditions were optimized by demonstrating that fetal bovine serum heat inactivation could significantly repress colony formation. Using non-heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum, the concentration of CFU-Fs (colony-forming efficiency, CFE) ranged from 3.5 +/- 1.0 to 11.5 +/- 4.0 per 1 x 10(5) nucleated cells in five inbred mouse strains. In four transgenic lines with profound bone involvement, CFE was either significantly reduced or increased compared to wild-type littermates. In normal human donors, CFE decreased slightly with age and averaged 52.2 +/- 4.1 for children and 32.3 +/- 3.0 for adults. CFE was significantly altered in patients with several skeletal, metabolic, and hematological disorders: reduced in congenital generalized lipodystrophy, achondroplasia (SADDAN), pseudoachondroplasia, and Paget disease of bone and elevated in alcaptonuria and sickle cell anemia. Our findings indicate that under appropriate culture conditions, CFE values may provide useful insights into bone/bone marrow pathophysiology

    Mutations of the GNAS 1 gene, stromal cell dysfunction and osteomalacic changes in non-McCune-Albright fibrous dysplasia of bone

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    Activating missense mutations of the GNAS1 gene, encoding the alpha subunit of the stimulatory G protein (Gs), have been identified in patients with the McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS; characterized by polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, café au lait skin pigmentation, and endocrine disorders). Because fibrous dysplasia (FD) of bone also commonly occurs outside of the context of typical MAS, we asked whether the same mutations could be identified routinely in non-MAS FD lesions. We analyzed a series of 8 randomly obtained, consecutive cases of non-MAS FD and identified R201 mutations in the GNAS1 gene in all of them by sequencing cDNA generated by amplification of genomic DNA using a standard primer set and by using a novel, highly sensitive method that uses a protein nucleic acid (PNA) primer to block amplification of the normal allele. Histologic findings were not distinguishable from those observed in MAS-related FD and included subtle changes in cell shape and collagen texture putatively ascribed to excess endogenous cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Osteomalacic changes (unmineralized osteoid) were prominent in lesional FD bone. In an in vivo transplantation assay, stromal cells isolated from FD failed to recapitulate a normal ossicle; instead, they generated a miniature replica of fibrous dysplasia. These data provide evidence that occurrence of GNAS1 mutations, previously noted in individual cases of FD, is a common and perhaps constant finding in non-MAS FD. These findings support the view that FD, MAS, and nonskeletal isolated endocrine lesions associated with GNAS1 mutations represent a spectrum of phenotypic expressions (likely reflecting different patterns of somatic mosaicism) of the same basic disorder. We conclude that mechanisms underlying the development of the FD lesions, and hopefully mechanism-targeted therapeutic approaches to be developed, must also be the same in MAS and non-MAS FD

    Hemangioma verrucoso Verrucous hemangioma

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    O hemangioma verrucoso é malformação vascular, incomum, caracterizada por dilatação e proliferação vascular na derme e no subcutâneo com alterações reativas da epiderme. Os autores relatam um caso de hemangioma verrucoso fazendo breve revisão de seus aspectos clínicos, histopatológicos e terapêuticos.<br>Verrucous Hemangioma is an uncommon vascular malformation, characterized by vascular proliferation and dilation from dermis to subcutaneous tissue, and proliferative reaction of the epidermis. The authors report a case of verrucous hemangioma, making a brief review of its clinical, histopathological and therapeutic aspects