1,025 research outputs found

    Aging and Stabilization of Pyrolitic Bio-Oils and Model Compounds

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    When compared to conventional liquid fuels, bio-oil has several undesired properties such as high viscosity, high acidity, high molecular weight, instability, and phase separation upon aging. Therefore, bio-oil needs further stabilization and upgrading before it can be used as a fuel in engines. Phase separation is considered as one of the major issues because it is detrimental to any fuel application and creates problems in storage, transportation and upgrading of bio-oils. This thesis investigates the phase separation of hardwood derived bio-oil under accelerated aging conditions. Different alcohols are used as stabilizing agents and the minimum required amount of alcohol for preventing phase separation for a given period of time is determined. The evolution in chemical composition of bio-oil during aging is studied using model compounds. Finally, this thesis explores the use of fractional condensation during bio-oil production to obtain a more stable bio-oil

    Management of Sheetapitta through Shodhana and Shamana - A Case Study

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    Now a day’s cosmetic issue especially Urticaria has become a common problem in the society. Urticaria, commonly known as hives, usually occurs due to an allergic reaction. Sheetapitta is a similar condition in Ayurveda, as the symptoms are similar. Sheetapitta is comprised of two words Sheeta and Pitta. The condition occurs due to dominance of cold over Pitta Dosha. Due to exposure to cold wind, Kapha and Vata Doshas get aggravated and combine with Pitta Doshas. These spread all over the body and produce rashes on the surface of the skin. A 26 year old male student, presented with complaints of Reddish lesions over hands and back since 15-20 days associated with burning sensation, pain and itching which aggravated more during evening and night hours and on exposure to cold climate. The diagnosis was done as Sheetapitta with respect to Urticaria Pigmentosa. Its management was done successfully by following the principles of Shodhana and Shamana

    Constraints and strategies of smallholder farmers for successful protected cultivation of capsicum: A critical appraisal

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    The study was framed to assess the challenges/constraints in protected cultivation of capsicum by small holder farmers in Karnataka state, India and provide strategies for sustained profitability. Ex-post-facto research design was followed for conducting study in three districts (Bangalore Rural, Bangalore Urban and Chickballapur) of Karnataka. From each district, 50 smallholders capsicum cultivation farmers under protected cultivation were selected through purposive random sampling, constituting 150 respondents. Garrett’s ranking technique was adopted to analyse the constraints faced by the farmers in the study area. The various constraints experienced by the farmers were broadly grouped in to production constraints, market constraints, financial constraints, technological constraints, institutional constraints, weather-based constraints, health and labour constraints. These finding demonstrated urgent need to intervene towards the constraints experienced by the smallholder capsicum grows under protected cultivation, which not only ensures to get stable income but also sustain their livelihoods

    Constraints and strategies of smallholder farmers for successful protected cultivation of capsicum: A critical appraisal

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    The study was framed to assess the challenges/constraints in protected cultivation of capsicum by small holder farmers in Karnataka state, India and provide strategies for sustained profitability. Ex-post-facto research design was followed for conducting study in three districts (Bangalore Rural, Bangalore Urban and Chickballapur) of Karnataka. From each district, 50 smallholders capsicum cultivation farmers under protected cultivation were selected through purposive random sampling, constituting 150 respondents. Garrett’s ranking technique was adopted to analyse the constraints faced by the farmers in the study area. The various constraints experienced by the farmers were broadly grouped in to production constraints, market constraints, financial constraints, technological constraints, institutional constraints, weather-based constraints, health and labour constraints. These finding demonstrated urgent need to intervene towards the constraints experienced by the smallholder capsicum grows under protected cultivation, which not only ensures to get stable income but also sustain their livelihoods

    Soil testing in Missouri : a guide for conducting soil tests in Missouri (2012)

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    "Revised 1/2012 ."Soil testing is a process or a group of processes used to estimate the ability of a soil to supply plant nutrients or support plant growth. Soil test results enable evaluation of the fertility status of soil represented by a sample. Fertilizer and lime recommendations can then be made based on the soil's fertility status. This allows prudent and economical use of fertilizer and lime while providing crops with sufficient nutrients to reach production goals set for a field. In addition, soil testing can be used to find excesses of certain nutrients. The soil testing process consists of: sampling, sample preparation, nutrient extraction and chemical determination of these nutrients, determination of pH and quantity of soil acidity, and evaluation of the tests resulting in fertilizer and lime recommendations.Introduction -- Sampling -- Sample submission and preparation -- Extraction and measurement -- pH and acidity determination -- Evaluation of soil tests -- Procedures. Organic matter loss on ignition ; Potassium Calcium, Magnesium and Sodium Ammonium acetate extraction ; Phosphorus Bray I and Bray II methods ; Soil pH in water (pHw) ; Soil pH in a dilute salt solution (pHs) ; Neutralizable aciding (NA) New Woodruff buffer method ; Zince, iron, manganses and copper DPTA extraction ; Electrical conductivity ; Sulfate-sulfur monocalcium phosphate extraction ; Nitrate-nitrogen cadmium reduction method ; Ammonium-nitrogen phenolate method ; Boron hot water extraction ; Chloride mercury (II) thiocyanate method ; Particle size analysis hydrometer method ; Greenhouse root media -- Caluclated cation exhchange capacity -- Literature cite

    A guide for conducting soil tests in Missouri

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    "Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 734, An Explanation of Theory and Methods of Soil Testing by E. R. Graham (1) was published in 1959. It served for years as a guide. In 1977 Extension Circular 923, Soil Testing in Missouri, was published to replace Station Bulletin 734. Changes in soil testing methods that occurred since 1977 necessitated the first revision of EC923 in 1983. That revision replaced the procedures used in the county labs. This second revision adds several procedures for nutrient analyses not previously conducted by the laboratory. It also revises a couple of previously used analyses (soil organic matter and extractable zinc)."--Preface

    Evaluation of Antimicrobial Properties of Morus alba Grown on Silkworm Litter

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    Antibiotics provide the main basis for treating infectious diseases. Hence, there is an increase in the investigations on plants as a source of human disease management. Morus alba belonging to family Moraceae has been reported to possess several medicinal properties. In the present study the antimicrobial properties of mulberry plant grown in different conditions have been analysed. The main aim of the study was to compare the differences in the antimicrobial properties of mulberry grown on different organic manures such as farmyard manure and silkworm litter. The antimicrobial properties of aqueous, ethanolic and methanolic leaf extracts were tested against pathogenic bacteria such as E.coli and Pseudomonas and fungi such as Aspergillus niger and Penicillium notatum . Significant zone of inhibition were obtained for both bacterial pathogens when treated with extracts of mulberry grown on silkworm litter. Whereas with respect to fungi, FYM treated plant leaf extracts showed significant antifungal properties
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