12 research outputs found

    Power spectral estimation algorithms

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    Algorithms to estimate the power spectrum using Maximum Entropy Methods were developed. These algorithms were coded in FORTRAN 77 and were implemented on the VAX 780. The important considerations in this analysis are: (1) resolution, i.e., how close in frequency two spectral components can be spaced and still be identified; (2) dynamic range, i.e., how small a spectral peak can be, relative to the largest, and still be observed in the spectra; and (3) variance, i.e., how accurate the estimate of the spectra is to the actual spectra. The application of the algorithms based on Maximum Entropy Methods to a variety of data shows that these criteria are met quite well. Additional work in this direction would help confirm the findings. All of the software developed was turned over to the technical monitor. A copy of a typical program is included. Some of the actual data and graphs used on this data are also included

    Evaluation of preventable causes and risk factors of maternal mortality

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    Background: The primary objective was to evaluate preventable causes of maternal deaths at tertiary, second and primary care in Patiala district, Punjab. Secondary objective was to determine impact of socio-demographic characteristics, anemia and three delays on maternal death.Methods: This is a retrospective observational study carried out between 1. 7. 2013 till 30. 6. 2014, for period of one year in department of a tertiary care hospital and district health authorities catering to secondary and primary care deaths for evaluation of preventable causes and risk factors for maternal deaths at tertiary, secondary and primary level.Results: A total of 54 maternal deaths with MMR of 170.42/100000 live births, occurred in stipulated period, 87.03% at tertiary care, one at second care, 7.41% at home and 3.7% on the way to tertiary care. Majority of maternal deaths (92.6%) were unbooked, between 21-30 years (64.82%) of age, primi or second gravida (35.18%), para 1 or 2 (37.03%), illiterate (40.74%), low income group (57.41%) with rural background (59.26%). Majority of maternal deaths (77.7%) occurred in postpartum period. Most of maternal deaths (75.93%) were due to direct causes, pre-eclampsia 25.93% followed by sepsis (22.2%) and haemorrhage (20.3%). Anemia was contributory factor in 79.63% maternal deaths. 7.4% maternal deaths occurred at home with delay in seeking care while 29.62% died due to delay in reaching care. In 40.42% maternal deaths, it took more than two hours to reach tertiary care hospital.Conclusions: Skilled antenatal, intranatal and postnatal care, women empowerment, counseling, early diagnosis and referral of pre-eclampsia and other high-risk cases with curbing anemia at grass root level is need of millennium. Preventing delay in seeking care or reaching care-a step towards sustainable development goals (SDG) to reduce MMR

    Para vaginal dermoid cyst: a rare occurrence

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    Dermoid cyst (cystic teratoma) showing well differentiated derivatives of all three germs cell layers, is a benign germ cell tumour. Ovaries remain the commonest site. Paravaginal dermoid cyst is a rare occurrence. Pre-operative diagnosis is usually difficult in majority of cases. They constitute less than 4% of all extragonadal teratomas. A 28-year old, P2L2 female presented with paravaginal cyst, 10×10cms, non-tender, soft swelling, cystic in consistency occupying posterior and left part of rectovaginal septum. Trans vaginal excision of cyst under regional anaesthesia done. Cyst was ruptured while excision showing putty material with tuft of hairs. A retrospective diagnosis of mature teratoma/paravaginal dermoid cyst was made on histopathological examination. Paravaginal dermoid cyst, a benign cystic teratoma is a very rare occurrence. Transvaginal excision of dermoid cyst under anaesthesia remains treatment of choice. Retrospective diagnosis on histopathological examination remains confirmatory as it may be missed on sonography if teeth are not present in dermoid cyst

    Aggressive angiomyxoma of vagina: a rare entity

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    Aggressive angiomyxoma a soft tissue tumor arising in the pelvis and perineal regions of women in reproductive age group is a rare entity. It is slow growing locally aggressive myxoid mesenchymal tumor, with a marked tendency to local recurrence. Preoperative clinical diagnosis is usually difficult due to absence of diagnostic features as well as rarity of the disease. We describe a case of aggressive angiomyxoma of vagina in a 47-year-old para 4 woman with multiple fibromyoma (upto 22-week size of pregnant uterus) with 10*10 cms posterior vaginal cyst. Total abdominal hystrectomy with surgical excision of vaginal wall cyst done. A retrospective diagnosis-Aggressive Angiomyxoma of the vagina was made after histological confirmation. Surgical excision with wide margins and long term follow up remains treatment of choice

    Elementary Quantum Mechanics in a Space-time Lattice

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    Studies of quantum fields and gravity suggest the existence of a minimal length, such as Planck length \cite{Floratos,Kempf}. It is natural to ask how the existence of a minimal length may modify the results in elementary quantum mechanics (QM) problems familiar to us \cite{Gasiorowicz}. In this paper we address a simple problem from elementary non-relativistic quantum mechanics, called "particle in a box", where the usual continuum (1+1)-space-time is supplanted by a space-time lattice. Our lattice consists of a grid of λ0×τ0\lambda_0 \times \tau_0 rectangles, where λ0\lambda_0, the lattice parameter, is a fundamental length (say Planck length) and, we take τ0\tau_0 to be equal to λ0/c\lambda_0/c. The corresponding Schrodinger equation becomes a difference equation, the solution of which yields the qq-eigenfunctions and qq-eigenvalues of the energy operator as a function of λ0\lambda_0 . The qq-eigenfunctions form an orthonormal set and both qq-eigenfunctions and qq-eigenvalues reduce to continuum solutions as λ00. \lambda_0 \rightarrow 0 . The corrections to eigenvalues because of the assumed lattice is shown to be O(λ02).O(\lambda_0^2). We then compute the uncertainties in position and momentum, Δx,Δp\Delta x, \Delta p for the box problem and study the consequent modification of Heisenberg uncertainty relation due to the assumption of space-time lattice, in contrast to modifications suggested by other investigations such as \cite{Floratos}

    Randomised Controlled Trial of Ankle Block Versus Metatarsal Block for First Ray Surgery

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    Category: Bunion Introduction/Purpose: First ray arthrodesis or osteotomy is a day surgery procedure performed commonly under general anaesthetic. One of the aims with such procedures is to ensure our patients are discharged on the day of surgery and are relatively pain free on discharge. This is often achieved by the use of local anaesthetic blockades, either as an ankle block or as a metatarsal block. There are studies published on the effectiveness of ankle block for first ray surgery but there is a dearth of studies on metatarsal block. Therefore the aim of this study is to compare the effectiveness of ankle block versus metatarsal block in conjunction to general anaesthetic for first ray surgery. Methods: Both local trust board approval and National Research Ethics Committee approval were granted for the study. Statistical analysis to ensure an adequately powered study was performed. Fifty patients undergoing arthrodesis or osteotomy of the first ray were recruited into this study and randomly allocated to the cohort to receive either a metatarsal block or an ankle block. All patients had general anaesthesia. Those patients randomized to ankle block had this performed after induction of general anaesthesia using ultrasonography. Those patients randomized to metatarsal block had this performed at the end of the operative procedure. Patients scored their pain level using a visual analogue scale (0-10) at 2, 6 and 24 hours. A physiotherapist, who was blinded to their treatment arm, assessed patients at hourly intervals from two hours. Patients were contacted by telephone by a research nurse, who was also blinded to their treatment arm, over 24 hours from discharge. Results: Forty-eight patients completed the study: 25 in the ankle block treatment arm and 23 in the metatarsal block arm. The majority of the patients were female (44 patients) with an average age of 53 years (range 31-76 years). Analysis of pain scores showed that there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups at any of the measured time periods. Analysis of their analgesic requirement in the first 24 hours after surgery again revealed no striking difference between the two cohorts. Similarly analysis of the time taken to safely mobilise revealed that there was no difference between the two groups. However analysis of the time taken to perform the anaesthesia highlighted a mean addition of eleven minutes when an ultrasound guided ankle block was performed. Conclusion: This prospective randomised blinded study demonstrates that metatarsal blocks are just as effective in giving post- operative analgesia as ultrasound guided ankle blocks in patients undergoing first ray surgery under general anaesthetic