44 research outputs found

    Feedback on Innovative Pedagogy for teaching Systems Modeling

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    International audienceThis paper presents a feedback on a new core course on "Systems modeling-Model representations and analysis" of the new curriculum of CentraleSupélec. Dedicated to all the first year students, this course stands as the main prerequisite for an important part of the curriculum. Thus its fruition is essential. Multiple challenges have been overcome: (i) propose a high level academic program for more than 800 engineering students with initial heterogeneous levels in systems modeling; (ii) make the course easy-understandable and attractive for students, while allowing interactions students-to-students and students-to-professors; (iii) guarantee the consistency with the entire curriculum; (iv) manage the time constraints imposed by the course schedule

    Structurally Tractable Uncertain Data

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    Many data management applications must deal with data which is uncertain, incomplete, or noisy. However, on existing uncertain data representations, we cannot tractably perform the important query evaluation tasks of determining query possibility, certainty, or probability: these problems are hard on arbitrary uncertain input instances. We thus ask whether we could restrict the structure of uncertain data so as to guarantee the tractability of exact query evaluation. We present our tractability results for tree and tree-like uncertain data, and a vision for probabilistic rule reasoning. We also study uncertainty about order, proposing a suitable representation, and study uncertain data conditioned by additional observations.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. To appear in SIGMOD/PODS PhD Symposium 201

    Making a Christian Private University Appealing to Prospective Students: The Case of Covenant University

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    Worldwide, universities are established to train highly skilled manpower that are expected to contribute to the development of their societies. Nigerian universities are expected to contribute to the achievement of the national goals using education as a tool. Before 1993, the provision of university education in Nigeria was a government monopoly. Many people could not be offered admissions into public universities because the existing facilities could not accommodate the deluge of requests. However, private universities have entered into the higher education service provision market. With many of them competing for prospective student enrolment, it is not surprising that some of them have deployed marketing strategies to attract students and make them stand out from the cluttered market. This paper examines how Covenant University, a Christian faith-based university and the acclaimed leader in the private university industry in the country has marketed itself. It found that it uses its product, people, work processes and serene physical location to attract new students. Importantly, it uses its relatively high tuition fees to position itself as the school for the children of the elites

    A Study on New Trends in Systems Modeling based on 850 Students' Interest

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    International audienceThis paper focuses on the impact of everyday questions on engineering research, starting with systems modeling in the perspective of control, optimization, prediction and diagnosis of dynamical systems. An analysis of the 850 students' interest participating to the Model Representations and Analysis module is proposed. The 283 subjects proposed as projects, as well as the methodologies applied during the projects development are studied

    Formes sévères d'hypersensibilité médicamenteuse retardée [Severe delayed drug hypersensitivity reactions].

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    Although most delayed drug hypersensitivity reactions are mild and show rapid improvement after drug discontinuation, there are severe systemic and/or cutaneous drug reactions which may be life-threatening. These entities are discussed here, namely DRESS syndrome (Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms), acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP), Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). Early detection of warning signs and symptoms may help to take appropriate measures precociously

    Allergie ou intolérance alimentaire [Food allergy or food intolerance?].

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    Adverse food reactions can be classified into two main categories depending on wether an immune mechanism is involved or not. The first category includes immune mediated reactions like IgE mediated food allergy, eosinophilic oesophagitis, food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome and celiac disease. The second category implies non-immune mediated adverse food reactions, also called food intolerances. Intoxications, pharmacologic reactions, metabolic reactions, physiologic, psychologic or reactions with an unknown mechanism belong to this category. We present a classification of adverse food reactions based on the pathophysiologic mechanism that can be useful for both diagnostic approach and management

    Particular Features of Neonatal Seizures Populational Study

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    The characteristic features of the neonatal seizures is determined by the anatomical and physiological peculiarities of the human brain in the perinatal period. Current data point towards an excessive depolarization as the underlying mechanism of neonatal seizures. We conducted a retrospective population-based study whose objective was to identify the etiologic factors, predisposing and prognostic predictors of neonatal seizures, by recording epidemiological data, data regarding antenatal or perinatal pathology, clinical aspects of neonatal seizures, neurological syndrome severity, and complications during the follow-up. 206 children were enrolled in the study, all with neonatal seizures in their medical records and born in thenbsp Sibiu, Medias and Cisn#259die Maternity Hospitals between January 1995 and December 2005. The incidence of neonatal seizures was double in males. The postmature male newborns showed a significantly higher birth weight than the female newborns. Although the boys presented an early onset seizure, the average seizure duration was lower. The hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, intracerebral hemorrhage, and symptomatic infections are the primary etiological factors for girls and the metabolic context, for boys. The female gender was associated with increased rates of mortality and morbidity compared to male gender. In the case of late complications, the mental retardation predominates in female gender and the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in male gender . nbs